The story is decent, if you can watch a movie blind.
3 November 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The reboot series was finished. But they couldn't let it rest so after seven years they've released an unasked-for sequel.

Female apes have emo hair so you can tell they are female. Should've added a Ms. Pac-Man bow. Human females wear bras because it's a usa movie. And they wear them specifically, not unisex easier-to-make baggy rags.

The vault got more water than the sea level, somehow, so noah saved monkeys from the flood inside an ark.

Where this was filmed they don't need eyes to see.

The film has so much disgustingly terrible DoF. Some scenes literally dissociate into layers. And that's at 19.4 Mb/s from a local file, imagine trying to see this film while streaming.
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