Review of Retour

Retour (1978)
Marines with long hair?
5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very touching drama about the way war affects people. The acting is superb and the story is right on. I just don't understand why the active duty marines in this picture have long hair and mustaches. That totally ruins any authenticity the movie may have had. Haircuts are not difficult special effects. This may seem like a minor point to some, but when you are making a film, you want the audience to feel that the characters are real. A United States Marine Corps captain with long hair and a mustache is not believable. It is insulting to the corps and the audience's intelligence. I'm not talking about the veterans;I'm talking about the uniformed military personnel. This may seem like a minor point to you, but it ruins the film for me. Also, the ending left me hanging. What happened? Did the guy die or what?
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