Review of Carrie

Carrie (2002 TV Movie)
Ugh. What WERE they thinking?
11 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Original Carrie with Sissy Spacek was incredible. This dribble is pure and utter crap. I try to remain professional when writing a review, but this movie has ruined my senses. In comparison to the original Carrie, this movie is dull, boring and completely off base. Carrie actually survives her mother in the end. The ending just completely threw me off base.

On it's own, this movie is dull, boring and completely off base. The acting is terrible, completely unbelievable, and listless. There were times I just felt like screaming at them (the actors) in hopes I could straighten them out.

What is worse, I found that this was done only in hopes of creating a TV series! Wow. The network must've been grasping at straws to accept that proposal.

All in all, when Stephen King dies (pray in a hundred years: he will always be my favorite writer) he will turn forever in his grave for having his name associated with this garbage.
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