Review of Akeelah

Akeelah (2006)
Good script, good acting and good directing = a good film.
31 October 2006
We've all seen movies about underdogs and their struggles to beat the odds. When AKEELAH AND THE BEE first hit the theaters I made the mistake of thinking that this movie was just another run of the mill "underdog" movie, I was wrong. Just recently, after several positive reviews from family & friends, I finally saw the film on DVD. I was greatly surprised at how much I began to care for the characters in this film. In my opinion, the main characters quest to become the national spelling bee champion takes second place to the way her character, and the characters of those around her, evolve. The problems she faces are common to most people, both children and adult. I think the film correctly shows that overcoming obstacles and hardships can rarely be done alone. Acknowledging the need for support and accepting the help of a support network benefits not only the individual but those that make up the support network. I think the film correctly shows that the quest of an underdog can provided a rewarding experience, regardless of the final result of the quest. I loved the poem by Marianne Williamson, "Our Deepest Fear". This poem is beautiful, it not only describes the character of Akeelah perfectly but correctly points out the people in general should approach their own personal fears.

Lions Gate is a film company that grasps, in my opinion, what many major film studios seem to have trouble doing. Lions Gate may pump out action films but also recognizes that all films need not have fancy effects, explosions and hundreds of millions of dollars on actors, sets and FX. Sometimes all people want is a simple story that is well written, well acted and well directed. This film was made for 6 million dollars and still had well known performers in it. I applaud Laurence Fishburne & Angela Bassett, two well established performers that are probably capable of jointly receiving movie salaries greater than the entire production cost of this film, for taking an obvious pay cut to lend their services to a film like this. All the child performers were excellent. I have to acknowledge KeKe Palme, she really shined in the title role.

I realize no movie will appeal to all viewers but this one will appeal to most.
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