Wow. What a shame. Who has seen the original here?
28 June 2007
The reason I haven't seen this remake earlier is because I heard how bad it was. Now I know why. The first thing that got to me was the acting of all of the children. Unbelievably...bad! Come on guys this is Narnia, what I grew up with, I want to feel your emotions! But I got none.

The second is how all this CGI looks nice but in the end actually makes the original 1988 Narnia so much better. Firstly the acting was actually good, and secondly, there is something about seeing a physical, beautiful lion or seeing those two cheeky beavers (even though they were two actors in suits)..again physically being there instead of some CGI garbage, that added to "real-ness" of this fantasy land. Aslan had this presence that was shattered with pretty Computer Animation.

Also, with the characters, (because they actually acted in the '88 version), their relationships between themselves were so much more real, unlike here the attempted emotion about finding Edmund again..I don't feel it. I don't really believe they cared about finding Edmund again, yet, in the '88 version...I believed it all! I am rambling here and have made massive comparisons to something I originally watched on ABC , only because given current advances in movie making they could have made this so much more. What they have given us is something children will no doubt like, but more mature movie goers like myself have to shake my head in shame to imagine if the rest of the series will be filled in this empty-shell style.

The only reason this gets a 6 out of 10 is because it was a good trip back to the original Narnia, and I have not seen it in a while. I will probably watch it again tomorrow to remind myself of how good it is. Everyone else- get the original
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