Kytice (2000)
2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the movie a couple of days ago and found it absolutely amazing. It was at the same time beautiful and dark, laden with symbols, especially when it comes to colours. It actually felt quite primal, with the scenes of burials and weddings, it really reminded me of my own country's customs and legends. Even though it's a different religion, it just gave away a Slavic feeling, and I recommend it to anyone who'd like to get to know the central/eastern European culture. I think the acting was maybe a bit forced, but I also think it couldn't have been done any other way, this isn't a movie to be seen as a story with a plot, action and a glorious happy-end, this just speaks to something a lot deeper inside you. Not to mention the fact that it is all rhymed, which always makes it more difficult for the actors to make it feel completely natural. Besides, there are scenes where there are practically no lines at all, where the acting was amazing (the Noon witch is my favourite example). I'd like for someone to post me on the last story, though. I haven't read the book (I doubt I'll find it here)and I'd like to see if I understood it correctly: the old lady is actually one of the girls (the red-headed), and what she saw in the lake many years ago was her own death at the church...?
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