Review of Copycat

Copycat (1995)
Stylish at times, but overall a predictable and dull thriller
26 January 2011
This is a suspense thriller that is more dull and boring than actually entertaining and thrilling. Maybe it's because it's a bit outdated or something, but nothing about it really stood out or got me into scared mode or anything like that. While watching it, I was expecting at least some cool surprises or twist but nothing of that happened. Instead I was left with a cliché thriller about a copycat killer that copies the methods of other past serial killers. None of the characters are even remotely interesting, even the serial killer in this. During the whole time I was checking the time to see when this movie is going to end, cause it seemed a lot longer than it's running time. It did have it's moments though and some aspects of it was crafted pretty well. Besides that it's a predictable thriller with nothing spectacular.

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