Mes plus belles années (2002–2005)
Brittany Snow is a very bland actress who does not hold your attention.
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The awful writing and historical butchery the writing staff did for this wonderful show was absolutely criminal. The deficiencies showed in Meg Pryor, played by Brittany Snow, who somehow goes from a sweet demure girl to a radical running away with a lowlife. I believe the writers attempted to put too much Social Justice into the script and interpreted Meg via the lens of today's world and not of 1963. Girls of her time would not have spent their time on coke bottle glasses types like Luke or drug addicted types like Milo Ventimiglia's character Chris Pierce, they wanted Football Heroes and guys like The Fonz. The real Meg Pryor would have been dating some Italian guy like Tommy DeFelice and riding on his bike or in his custom car. She would NOT have been hanging out with wacky student radicals or nerds who played Jazz piano in a AA church. The suspension of belief is just too much. Sad part is the poor writing RUINED the fantastic acting of Gail O Grady and Tom Verica as the parents, Will Estes as JJ and countless others who were fantastic. Whether the show was a reflection on Miss Snow's ability or just horrible writing, at the end of the day, you actually wished she would just disappear so the focus could be on the other characters. Even Vanessa Lengies as Roxanne outshone her and Roxanne's character wasn't written much better, but Vanessa had the charisma that Brit Snow does not. Still show should have gotten more than 3 seasons, when you realize that Friends got 10 years, it shows that NBC is more invested in ideology than in quality programming
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