I wish this was a revenge movie instead of a redemption movie.
4 October 2021
It's not that it's not good, it's that with a title like The Card Counter, I expected some Vegas-y, take down the casino, type of shi.. fantasy.

It starts off kind of moody and slow, setting the scene for our loner 'hero'... Which is fine by me, I love a loner character, then it dips into Oscar Issac's background as an interrogator - Well that must mean these card scenes I'm about to see are gonna be great!! With some sort of psychological aspect to 'em, right??! Like Rounders meets Lie to Me. I'm ready! I'm waiting.. waiting... Ok, cut to Tye Sheridan's character, and more of the interrogation/torture storyline - ok, ok, I'm with it, he's a card counter, but this is really a revenge story! Right?

And then there's a baffling ride along portion of the movie, Tiffany Haddish cracks some stiff jokes, and the thing happens to Tye's character, but it happens so close to the end, that I know I'm not getting either story, no Vegas, no revenge, just off screen violence about people I don't care about. (I do feel like if they showed it, I could've cared.) and then, a very, looooonnnngg, drawn out, emotionless, final scene, and credits and that's about it.

I didn't hate it, per se... It's just that when it was over, I was left this reaction, "Oh."
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