I rated season 3 an 8 Season 4 is not even making a rating of 0!
17 September 2022
I did not find this show until Season 3. But I found the judges and host to be entertaining! However season 4 is a total flop! The new woman judge is just bad! In episode 1she seemed to think she was a 1940's French Flasher right to black plastic mac raincoat! On a later episode she dressed like a biker chick and was showing off her tattoo arms! The male judge is about as exciting to watch and listed to dishwater! Then there is new male host who beyond awful to watch and listen to! If people found the previous hosts cringe worthy this current set are beyond creepie! Episode 4 has aired and there are 5 more episodes to go, and I am not sure I will make it to the end as the show is that bad and just dull this season! Even the set of bakers in this season are lack luster. It looks like talent was not a qualification this year as why they were picked. But only because they ticked off some diversity box the show producers wanted fill! As I stated 5 episode to go and they were to show episode 5 and send all but two bakers home you would not even notice and think it was normal!
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