This Pocket Listing is No Sale
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Pocket Listing" was ostensibly a satire about crooked realtors and developers. But it fell flat due to the flimsy plot and the cardboard characters.

Jack Woodman is the hustler who is exposed by his employer for double dealing. In a heartbeat, he goes from being a superstar salesman to a slum landlord.

Much of the narrative had no grounding in reality. For example, why would the owner of the multi-million-dollar home on the hill need a personal broker? He wanted a cash deal, so why didn't he sell the home himself?

The sale of the luxurious home was supposed to be a secret. But nearly everyone in the L. A. phone directory knew about it. The relationship between Jack and the femme fatale was not credible. The only moving connection in the film was between Jack and young Billy in the slum complex.

A major shortcoming of the film was that it wasn't funny. It was intended as a satire. But the over-the-top style was annoying more than it was humorous.
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