L'inconnu de Las Vegas (1960) Poster

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Ultimate Rat Pack Outing
BB-1527 November 1999
Ocean's 11 never tries to be brilliant and is only sometimes good. The thin plot is a set up for the "boys" to look sharp (and they sometimes do), sing songs (which they do well) and to show off 1960 Las Vegas (which by today's standards looks pretty shabby).

This is a second rate heist story with a few gangsters thrown in. But after all, we have Sinatra and company. You can see that the excellent film, The Rat Pack, was very right on. Sinatra is his arrogant self. Martin is relaxed, Lawford is suave and the singing by Sammy Davis Jr. is great.

Ocean's 11 is a snap shot of what was "cool" in the ultimate era of coolness. It's all here, the clubs, the Marilyn Monroe look a likes, the flashy clothes and lots of money. It's better than imitations such as Swingers since Ocean's 11 is the source. Of course it includes the legendary bad treatment of women and African Americans. The actresses are either add-ons or pathetic martyrs (Angie Dickinson). As for Sammy, he puts up with the garbage man part, a racial slur (all in good fun of course!) and the self centeredness of these guys. I just admire him because he had to do it, so he could perform.

Back to the "fun". The boys get to be clever, then there's a surprise ending and finally we see them shuffle hung over in front of a casino. Every few years I check out Ocean's 11 not just to watch this silly movie but also to see the rats (or brats?) and chuckle (and wince) at an amazing time in the USA, baby.
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The Heist of All Time
bkoganbing18 January 2006
I remember back in the day when the commercials were out for Ocean's Eleven it was described as the heist of all time. It wasn't exactly that, but there is a spirit of camaraderie that is present through out the film.

Frank Sinatra had signed a picture deal with Warner Brothers and was beginning a long term commitment to the Sands in Las Vegas. What better way than to combine everything at once. A film on location in Las Vegas.

So Frank got his pallies together and they filmed Ocean's Eleven in between shows at the Sands. They also managed to get into another film, several of the principal players in Ocean's Eleven did guest shots in Pepe while at the Sands.

Ocean's Eleven has a lighthearted insouciance about it, a group of former Airborne Rangers get together in Las Vegas for a heist of the big casinos carried on with military precision. Why waste all that good airborne training now that they're civilians.

Sinatra doesn't sing in this, I can't imagine why he didn't give himself a song here, but Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. did sing two numbers suited to their talents.

Ocean's Eleven marked the first time that Richard Conte worked in a Sinatra film. He became a Sinatra retainer in his later years, appearing in several Sinatra films. They parted when Conte appeared in The Godfather against Frank's wishes.

After Ocean's Eleven came Sergeants Three with the main cast members appearing again. After that the Rat Pack broke up with these guys going their own way, though many of them did have joint projects together over the years. The quality of the films went down hill, except for Robin and the Seven Hoods. That was a musical and not something to be done in your spare time.

The remake of Ocean's Eleven that George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and several other name players of today did was a far more serious film. Good in its own way, but just not the same.
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The Rat Pack in a pretty amusing heist romp movie
ma-cortes12 October 2005
The picture talks about the biggest robbery of all . Spyros Acebos (Akim Tamiroff) pulls off a scheme introducing the plans for a new business venture : simultaneously burgle five casinos in Las Vegas as Sahara , Flamingo , Golden Nugget , Riveira and Desert Inn . He agrees with Danny Ocean (Frank Sinatra) backed by a motley and eclectic gang to execute it , formed by 11 pals ( Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, Richard Conte , Norman Fell, Richard Benedict..). The crew back in action , now veterans , after fighting in Second World War at 82nd Airbone division as paratroopers . We wouldn't call it a special group just Danny Ocean and his buddies , the night they blew up all the light , shutting off the electricity in Las Vegas . Millions dollars are taken from the casinos . But the elaborated plan itself goes wrong . They encounter complications when an investigator (Cesar Romero) discovers the tracks . This adaptation achieves one of the greatest entertainments of the history of motion pictures . We never met a band like Ocean's eleven .

From the beginning until the end the comedy and giggles along with moderated action are continuous . Besides , it has got an intelligent script and an extraordinary final surprise . Significant portions of the movie interactions between major characters were ad-libbed . The actors playing the leading roles all knew each other well and improvised dialogue as well as or better than the script . For comic relief in charge of the various relationships among several characters and their numerous jokes . Splendid songs by Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr and sensitive ending song by Frank Sinatra . Appears uncredited Shirley McLayne in an agreeable comic performance , Red Skelton and George Raft as invited actors . Superb and stunning musical score by Nelson Riddle (author of Batman TV music). Enjoyable and glossy cinematography by William H. Daniels (Greta Garbo's usual photographer). Director Lewis Milestone's masterpiece of the amusement and entertainment . The movie was remade by a funny and stylish remake with George Clooney and director Steven Soderbergh and several sequels . Rating : Good and nice . Worthwhile watching.
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fun snapshot of the Rat Pack
didi-518 June 2004
This version of 'Ocean's 11' hardly needed a plot, did it? Just an extended ad for the Rat Pack's Vegas shows and the enormous ego of Frank Sinatra, here strutting his stuff as Danny Ocean, leading his war chums in a plan to rob numerous casinos in one night.

So we get Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop (did they play characters in this? can anybody remember who?) and a fun romp to the pay off - still getting referenced in films being made today. George Clooney's remake was nowhere near as much fun. There's music in this movie, of course (with that cast you'd be disappointed if not), plus appearances from Angie Dickinson, Shirley MacLaine (uncredited but noticeable), Cesar Romero, and Errol Flynn's widow Patrice Wymore.

This really is a lightweight lark if you're in the mood. Is it a good film? Probably not. Is it good entertainment? Absolutely.
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1960 Ending / 2000 Ending
caspian197818 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The original Ocean's 11 will always remain a classic because of the Rat Pack. It is unfair to compare both Ocean 11's movie because of the different cast, different stories, and completely different endings. Still, looking at both films, you can make a case for both why each is better than the other. Frankie, Dean, Sammy, Peter and Tony are all gone now, making the cast of the original legendary. The remake is more realistic as it answers many if not all the questions that the original failed to answer. Even for a Rat Pack movie, the original turns out to be more campy that the remake. The ending alone is worth discussion. In 1960, how wrong is it to have the criminals get away clean? For 2000, it is not only welcomed but rewarded if the "little guy" can out do or cheat the big system. For 1960, the ending of Ocean's 11 advertises that crime does not pay.
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Not the best, But if your a devoted Rat Packer.........
furs4u8 February 2006
Not the best, But if your a devoted Rat Packer.........It's a fun time and great to see them all in the Vegas of past.. when Vegas WAS VEGAS!! It was still great to see the likes of Donald O'Connor and Red Skelton as the headliners and see the elegant lounges where thery would all perform,up close and personal not for 100-300 feet away. You could walk up to them after a performance and actually chat with them as they left the stage. Everyone was dressed in suits,tuxedos, and formal dresses, wearing furs and everyone smoking. If you remember the the days of no cell phones, using the operator to make long distance calls, no computers, walkmans, cassette and 8 tracks tapes, then this is one movie you should love.
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An enjoyable '60s heist movie
Tweekums28 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Fifteen years after the end of the Second World War Danny Ocean is getting his old squad back together again; not to reminisce about old times but to go on another mission… this time for themselves. Their target will be the city of Las Vegas where, if all goes according to plan, they will rob millions from five casinos on New Year's Eve. Once they have the money their problems are far from over; law enforcement officers have virtually shut the city so getting the money out without being caught will not be easy.

This will is rather fun even if we don't learn what the group is planning until almost half way through the film… perhaps a good thing if you watch knowing nothing about it as one might wonder what on earth this group of old war buddies are planning. Frank Sinatra and his fellow Rat Pack friends do a good job as Danny Ocean and his buddies… if you didn't know it isn't obvious that they are better known for singing than acting… although Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr do get to sing a song or two. There are plenty of laughs to be had throughout the film even if a few of the gags have dates somewhat. The heist itself doesn't take very long which and while it is going on there is little sense of real danger which was a bit of a pity; I guess the makers wanted to keep the tone light or possibly I'm unfairly comparing it to the remake that concentrates far more on the actual heist. Overall this was fun but I still preferred the remake.
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Danny's Boys
Lejink25 December 2021
I'm happy to credit film historian and broadcaster Karina Longworth's most recent podcast series on the lives and careers of Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. For pointing me at this and other Rat Pack-era movies starring some or all of the members of that particular clan.

This was the first feature to highlight in one film the three most prominent leaders of the Pack, so to speak, of Sinatra, Martin and Davis, as well as the more peripheral figures Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop and even Shirley MacLaine in a brief cameo. Unsurprisingly, considering the affinity most if not all of them had for the place, the action here centres on Las Vegas where Sinatra as Danny Ocean acts as the leader of his old ex-army company brought together by heist fixer and financier Akim Tamiroff to carry out, in one night, the major heist of five famous Vegas casinos, netting them all a cool million dollars in the process.

For many, the Rat Pack was that era's epitome of male cool but look closer today and like me, you might instead now see in the movie a bunch of middle-aged men mistreating their wives, patronising lower-level black employees and casually slapping the behind of a young woman who's just given a private massage to another of the Pack. The worst moment is when Davis himself is made the butt of a quite literally off-colour remark by his so-called buddies. Sure they all look smart in their natty suits and skinny ties as they man-bond and deliver a stream of acerbic one-liners but boorish behaviour, even by superstars, is still boorish behaviour and there's no way to condone such actions even when perpetrated with an accompanying song or smirk by Frankie and Dino.

Parking that, with some reservations, to one side, the film has a great premise, the simultaneous, meticulously-planned takedown of the casinos but unfortunately it takes an age to get going, with over an hour wasted for the sake of only the mildest of plot exposition or character development. Martin and Davis each get to sing a song or two along the way, although oddly enough not Sinatra, but I found myself just hurrying the movie along to the sting itself.

I loved the shots of old-time Vegas and the cool closing shot of the eleven walking out of picture as the famous real-life billboard of the Rat Pack comes into view behind them, but watching it, I felt the movie could have been sharper and snappier. I doubt it was an easy gig for veteran Lewis Milestone to keep his starry cast concentrating on their jobs and felt that sense of underlying indolence, which is counter to the precision required in the operation, worked against the movie's effectiveness.

I've heard somewhere that one definition of cool is to not seem as if you're trying but here it's taken too literally with the overall effect that the movie just lacked a spark to really jump-start it into life.

And ain't that a kick in the head...
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"Ocean's Eleven" could never be made again...
Nazi_Fighter_David19 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The only real pleasure in "Ocean's Eleven" is being let into the Rat Pack circle for a couple of hours... The film stops all too frequently for guest spots and in-jokes, with a slow first hour... Compared to Jules Dassin's 'Rififi,' or to Phil Karlson's 'Five Against the House,' it pales considerably...

'Ocean's Eleven' is a weak heist film with the emphasis firmly on light humor, and few diverting escapades, but nobody cares because the cast includes the biggest stars of the day (Frankie, Dino, Sammy etc...), burning the motion picture into the collective memory of the public as the first to showcase Hollywood's notorious Rat Pack...

'Ocean's Eleven' is a buddy movie made with real buddies, and it's fun... It in't supposed to be very good... It is supposed to be cool... A playground for legendary entertainers, these guys knew how to get the job done, to pause only to knock back innumerable Whisky sodas, wear their tuxedo, hang out in bars, talk the talk, belt out a couple of classy little numbers, and have a great sense of fun together on screen... And this fun filtered off the silver screen and into the audience like a tasty appetizer before the main course...

Old Blue Eyes is the mastermind of the heist... He is carrying out a plan originated by racketeer Spyros Acebos where five gambling casinos (Sahara, Riviera, Desert Inn, The Sand and The Flamingo) will be robbed simultaneously at midnight on New Year's celebration...

During the week before Christmas, the 'special combat team' (all experts in one thing and another) arrive in Las Vegas, for the job-of-a-lifetime... The scheme of the robbery is ingenious, requiring military precision and perfect timing... An electrical tower will be blown up to black out the whole town... The swag will be deposited in garbage cans outside the casinos, and the cans will be collected by a disposal truck...

On New Year's Eve, the hold-up goes off beautifully, exactly as planned... Only one of the men has a heart attack on the street and collapses... The gang cannot get the multi-million loot out of Las Vegas but they manage to hide it in some place, unknown to them, however, that 'someone' was preparing for them all a nice wry outcome...

Dean Martin, the eternal essence of cool, is the entertainer who sings "Ain't That a Kick in the Head,' and Sammy Davis Jr. is the perennial icon of cool who sings "EEO-Eleven.'

Peter Lawford is the playboy with one objective and one mission: To hit Las Vegas, Nevada!

Angie Dickinson is the understanding wife, discreet, feminine and chic... Unfortunately the camera does not especially flatter her looks...

Richard Conte is the master electrician dying of cancer, who needs to leave some cash for his kid's college...

Cesar Romero is coldly menacing and very amusing: 'They shouldn't have done it while I was in town. It's embarrassing!'

George Raft is the mob with the best deal to get the money back...

Akim Tamiroff is hilariously neurotic as the master planner...

Buddy Lester wants to get his wife out of stripping...

Shirley MacLaine is the drunk gal in urge for a little kiss in a critical moment...

Red Skelton is the unlucky player, arguing with the casino cashier how to raise his gambling limit...

"Ocean's Eleven" could never be made again... The new 'Ocean's Eleven,' 2001 is considerably different in the details.. After all, there was only 'one' Rat Pack, and if the Ocean's Eleven of 1960 is anything, it is certainly a Rat Pack movie... So if you still have a strange fascination with this gang of friends, and like to watch essentially a these guys playing around on screen, and to watch Las Vegas as it looked in 1960, well... check out this nostalgic trip back... You'll never see its like again...
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A classic best left in the 60s
wondernat15 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I know it's unfair to judge a historical piece from a modern perspective, but I can't help but throw in some of my own personal bias against this Dino quote: "(If I were elected in public office) I'd repeal the 14th and the 20th; take the vote away from women and make them slaves." That quote was enough to ruin my illusions of the movie. It was hard to believe that even in the 60s it was OK for men to say stuff like this in the mainstream. *Sigh*

Another thing that sucked was the end -- how is it that after all they went through, they didn't get to keep their loot? Once again, I suspect they had to appeal to the (unfortunate) white and self-righteous general public that would've just been up in arms about the thieves getting away with their crimes at the end. It just wasn't satisfying to watch all of these cool cats walk away from Vegas empty-handed. Again, I suppose at the time this film was made, such ending would never have been accepted. (But still!)

However, it's a fun movie and nothing takes away the fact that this is was the "IT" movie - super cool, suave and Rat-Packed! Dino and Sammy Davis, Jr. make this film so smooth with their numbers. It was truly awesome to watch them perform. I wouldn't call it a musical, however, because their numbers were brief and scattered, rather than often and organized. I think that's what made it fun: you never know when they're going to belt it out for the audience.

This is what makes me think that this movie was made primarily to get the Rat Pack together in a film. It was fun to watch all of these debonair gents strut down the Vegas Strip on New Year's Eve, but if watched for anything other than this angle, you may be slightly disappointed. Good thing I'm something of a Dino fan.
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Exception of the Rule
kosmasp9 May 2007
The exception of what rule? The Rule that says (at least as listed in most books) that the original (movie) is better than the remake. Well here comes this movie, to show you, that that isn't the case. A shame then, because the stellar cast (after all you get to see the Rat Pack at work here!) promises so much more, than you actually will get out of it!

Although it seems to be more the fault of the script than the cast, I can assure you that I did watch this movie before I watched the remake (which is crucial, to not be afflicted by the impact of the movie) and it just doesn't sustain the comparison with the remake! That's how I felt!
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Good old fashioned well humoured heist flick
discogoth9 December 2001
I haven't seen the new remake of this movie yet, but they have some pretty big shoes to fill. Technically Ocean's Eleven may not be a great film, but whatever minor plot shortcomings that exist are made up for in spades by immeasurable style.

I'm not going to explain the plot, as I'm sure that 50 other people already have. It's been a while since I've watched an older movie, so I found the loose-yet-confident chemistry and acting of the brat pack members to be very refreshing. They seemed so natural around each other, which is no surprise considering that they were buddies in real life. Sammy Davis Jr. was his usual charismatic self (why didn't he take off with the money??), Dean Martin seemed to be playing himself, a bit tipsy and sweaty with a drink in one hand and a smoke in the other, as he does in most of his films, and Frank Sinatra was also good as the understated womanizing organizer. However, I thought that Cesar Romero (known for his manic portayal of the Joker in the 60's Batman tv series) really stole the show right out from under the overly confident brat pack...I found his performance to be very commanding and impressive. A nice surprise to see comedian Red Skelton and Norm Fell (Three's Company's Mr. Roper!) in there as well!

A few things hilariously go unexplained, like how they all managed to get casino jobs virtually overnnight, but it hardly seemed to matter. You know this movie is basically just a vehicle for the brat pack, and it's pure entertainment to just watch all these legends hamming it up, especially during the couple of musical interludes where you get to hear Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. croon a few really catchy songs, like E-O Eleven!

At the same time it's also a window into another era, a time of larger than life Hollywood stars. Another thing that really jumped out at me was how unabashedly politically incorrect this movie is, showcasing a dramatically different mentality than what we see in movies today. Ocean's Eleven is a pure guy flick, where all the women are no more than window dressing and are treated as such by the male characters. As dated as the macho attitude of the film may seem nowadays (and even already by late 60's standards), I found it to be a fascinating glimpse into the past when guys were guys and women were umm, dames! As ironic as it is, I found seeing this old movie without the typical modern day contrived politically correct preaching to be very refreshing, and somehow strangely rebellious!
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Rat pack's triumph
MrKearns-22 November 1999
Ocean's 11 is a surprisingly fun film. It takes its time in developing the plot, but once it's there, it is extremely watchable and interesting, not to mention inspiring (it's hard not to consider knocking off a few casinos after watching Ocean's 11).

Sinatra and Martin don't do anything spectacular to re-invent acting, but that's just fine, because they really don't have to. The storyline is peculiar enough and the script is witty enough to keep a viewer interested.

If nothing else, this film is worth watching just to see Cesar Romero as something besides the Joker. Not that this makes him any less evil, mind you.

If I have one problem with the film, it's buying the fact that these 11 men all managed to be paratroopers. There's not a pound of muscle on anyone besides Dean Martin.

So if you can overlook that, it's well worth your time.
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Big Yawn
m.p.9 December 2001
Like others, I decided to see this because of the hoopla for the 2001 remake. What a waste of time, but fortunately, I cut my losses after the first hour and started switching back and forth between the movie and war coverage on the news channels. I didn't miss anything. The pace was about as fast as frozen fudge dripping off an ice cream sundae: slug-like, in other words. Maybe 40 years ago, a story about a bunch of ne'er-do-well World War II vets was still relevant, but now the characters just seem like a bunch of boring losers. Presumably, whatever appeal this movie ever had was because of the novelty of the Ratpack celeb cast. Nowadays Ocean's 11 might serve as a curiosity piece showcasing the things Hollywood used to be able to say and portray in movies without a second thought: Chinese and blacks portrayed as stereotypical servants and servers (even Sammy does a Stepin Fetchit turn), women portrayed as occasionally necessary but mostly resented accessories (did the Taliban get their ideas on how to treat women from this movie????). And how annoying was Akim Tamiroff in his role? Skip this piece of dreck - spend the time cleaning out your refrigerator or something - at least the fridge will live up to its "cool" reputation.
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Could this film be any dumber???
Conagher-710 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bad movie. A bad premise, a bad plot, bad actors, bad script, bad camera work, I bet even the catering was bad. I'm too young to know of the Rat Pack in their "glory" days, but this movie would make a terrible legacy.

Set in the tinny, gilded era of Las Vegas, the members of the Rat Pack conspire and (somehow) rob five of the casinoes on The Strip. With a see-through thin plan, they manage to rob these casinoes of millions. Were it so easy! Obviously the casinoes didn't have the security today's casinoes have, but it stretches my suspension of disbelief much too far to believe that the security was so lax. One of the eleven runs around playing with the wires in all of these casinoes without anyone so much as seeing him, all in broad daylight! If the casinoes were this easy to rob, people would be robbing them by accident!

Another problem with the movie was the motivation of each of the characters to rob these places. The only guy who had any motivation at all was Anthony Bergdorf (Richard Conte), the one who had terminal cancer (who happened to "suddenly" die from it moments after the heist). The rest seemed to be doing fairly well financially, judging by their expensive clothing and their posh digs. I suppose Josh Howard (Sammy Davis, Jr.) had a motivation as well, being a poor black trashman (who owns a pretty expensive suit that he wore to the organizational meetings). But this was at the end of the Fifties, and Howard was barely allowed to hang out with the rest of them, and probably would have gotten screwed out of the money in the end anyway.

The funniest problem was the dialogue. That script used more similies and metaphors than a dog has fleas. At some points in the movie I was never quite sure what the characters were saying because of the archaic euphamisms being used.

All in all, this film was one big throbbing pile of cheese. It's a caricature of the Fifties, the Rat Pack, and of itself. I've heard that these people were playing themselves in this movie. If so, the Rat Pack seems to be a group of self-absorbed, arrogant, greedy, base, immature little boys, riding around in the lap of luxury and bemoaning problems of their own making. If you're still wearing your bobby socks and poodle skirts and are disgustingly in love with this group, I suppose you could suffer through it, otherwise keep your conception of the Fifties and the Rat Pack pure and avoid this horrid movie.
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Viva Las Vegas, the old one, that is...
jotix10019 December 2001
This was never meant to be a good film, much less, serious filmmaking. To get Lewis Milestone to direct the Rat Pack was a hopeless task. We don't believe for a moment these characters are none other than Frank, Dean, Sammy, Peter, Joey doing their shtick. Having watched the other night this original version on TMC, I can state that it was more fun to see the Las Vegas of yore than the "bore" of the new remake with all the high tech and highly paid "so-called-stars". The new version uses actors that pale in comparison with their older predecessors.

The DVD that was shown on TV had very vivid colors and it looked more vibrant than Steven Soderbergh's own treatment. The new hotels might be more spectacular than the old ones shown here, but there was a certain glamour attached to them and a certain innocence, even though they all dealt in the same business they do nowadays. Perhaps because those hotels were for adults only, the old Las Vegas was much more fun than the present mess with theme hotels that perhaps were created for children who are allowed to bring their parents to gamble. The whole plot of the 1960 Oceans Eleven is absurd, but viewed right after the new remake, it made more sense, especially the end, which holds an ironic twist. Mr. Soderbergh's film implies a different outcome than Milestone's surprising end. Well, perhaps he knows better, or is he trying to tell us that crime, indeed does pay?
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Vega$ and the Rat Pack, 1960
BoomerDT11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love time capsule movies. Something that takes you back to an actual place and time, that is shot on location, not a studio…so you actual feel your you are experiencing a certain time and place, with authentic clothing, hair styles and hearing the colloquialisms used at the time. "Oceans 11" does 2 things well. It takes you back in time to Las Vegas, 1960, that has little resemblance to today's Vegas of monumental skyscraper resorts, owned by multi-national corporations. 1960 Vegas was only about a decade after Bugsy Siegel had his vision of turning the Flamingo Hotel and consequently the LV strip into a vacation mecca for adults to drink, dine, catch top entertainment and above all legally gamble, in comparatively plush surroundings.

O-11 also lets you in for a look at the dichotomy of Frank Sinatra's Rat Pack in 1960, when Sinatra was the king of cool and entertainment and the Pack, the Clan, whatever you want to call them, were at their pinnacle and Vegas was their playground, courtesy of the mob, who knew Frank, Dino and Sammy would bring in the high rollers. Less than a decade earlier Sinatra looked like he was washed up. He was having trouble with his voice, MGM dropped him and he had abandoned his wife and 3 kids for Ava Gardner. Sinatra's voice came back and he made some critically acclaimed albums, plus a number of excellent movie roles, displaying his versatility in musicals, comedy and drama. Dean Martin had gotten tired of being Jerry Lewis' straight man and had made a successful transition to a solo act, as had Sammy Davis who had left the Will Mastin Trio earlier in the decade. Peter Lawford had been a contract player at MGM, usually getting a lead in their college musicals. He was dumped by MGM in the early 50's and probably headed to career oblivion until he married into the Kennedy family in 1954. He was no pal of Sinatra's, having been one of Ava Gardner's many lovers. But "brother-in-Lawford" would allow Frank an access to hang out with JFK, who was about to go out on the biggest stage of all in 1960. Which in turn made Lawford a member in highest standing at the time and he may actually have the largest part in O-11.

Sinatra is Danny Ocean, who was a Sergeant in the 82nd Airborne. As for the rest of his background, we know he likes to gamble and he likes danger, as we are reminded by Angie Dickinson, playing his estranged wife Bea, "There's only one thing you love, Danny: that's danger. Cliffhanging. You could never love a woman like you love danger." O-11 is loaded with plenty of terrible dialogue, similar to this. Lawford is playing a spoiled rich kid, who was an officer in their unit, although he is clearly subservient to Sinatra's Ocean. Dino is a Vegas lounge singer (he knocks out a great version of "Ain't That Kick In the Head") and Sammy is the world's most talented garbage man. As for the rest of the 11, with the exception of Richard Conte, playing an ex-con who just found out he's terminal with lung cancer ("look Doc, give it to me straight-is it the big casino?") their roles aren't really too important. Although Buddy Lester, playing Vince who is now an MC at a strip club does have an entertaining bit. After we see a rather fleshy stripper named Lolita dancing with a boa constrictor, Vince introduces his wife, another dancer named Honeyface. After Frank and Lawford let Vince in on their plan for the heist, he expresses some concern about the feasibility of it. "Think of me dead." To which Sinatra actually replies -"Oh stop talking like a kid." Indeed, even when Dino expresses concern about how sensible it would be to rob casinos run by the mob (in an era when pit bosses would routinely have card counters hands broken) this is ridiculed by Lawford, "some guys grow old without turning chicken."

Of course, eventually everyone is all in on the heist. They pull it off without anyone getting hurt, except for Conte who falls over dead on the strip from a heart attack. And after Frank and Lawford witness this, Frank gives some orders to Lawford, telling him to do this, etc. Peter turns to Dino and says in another bit of unintended bad dialogue "He's taking it very hard."

O-11 also has a good bit by Cesar Romero, as Duke Santos, a reformed mobster who is squiring Lawford's rich divorced mother. Duke gets hired by the casinos to recover their stolen loot. There are also cameos by George Raft (who was a close friend of Siegel) Red Skelton (playing a himself] and Shirley McClaine has a cute bit with Dino as a drunk on the town on NY Eve. As for the Rat Pack, who were also doing their act at night while filming in the daytime, they have one thoroughly unfunny scene standing around a pool table that sounds like a routine from their act. Made a famous photo though. In any case, if you can tolerate the silly dialogue, it is fun to revisit the Rat Pack at their peak an era when tobacco was considered a vegetable and a cocktail went with anything at any time.
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"The Lord Giveth & The Lord Taketh Away"
seymourblack-117 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
By the end of the 1950s, the group of entertainers known as "The Rat Pack" were at the top of their game and universally recognised for their considerable talents, charisma and ability to attract large audiences. The obvious next step for them was to make a movie and the wisdom of that decision was proven when "Ocean's 11" not only became the first of a series of "Rat Pack" movies but also proved to be the most commercially successful film they ever made together. Its story about a former army sergeant who reunites a group of old wartime buddies to carry out an ambitious heist must have seemed the ideal choice to give Frank Sinatra and his real-life buddies every opportunity to strut their stuff on the silver screen and that's exactly what they proceeded to do.

Danny Ocean (Frank Sinatra), who'd been the leader of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War 11, is a man with an addiction to danger and readily takes responsibility for the detailed planning and execution of a robbery that had been masterminded by Beverly Hills "ideas man" Spyros Acebos (Akim Tamiroff). Acebos offers to finance the project but cannot take any direct part in it because he's so well known that his involvement would seriously damage the gang's chances of success.

During the Christmas holiday, Danny assembles the men from his old Division in Las Vegas to discuss their plan to rob five of the city's casinos simultaneously, immediately after midnight on New Year's Eve. With some of the gang taking jobs in the casinos, they make various preparations for the big night and gang-member Josh Howard (Sammy Davis Jr.) is a garbage collector whose responsibility is to collect the loot that will be deposited in the trash cans outside each of the casinos on the night of the heist. Even more vital to the plan however, is the involvement of electrical expert Tony Bergdorf (Richard Conte) who has just been released from San Quentin where he served time for his involvement in an insurance fraud. Initially, he has no appetite for being involved in any caper that could possibly put him back in prison but changes his mind when he discovers that he has a serious medical condition and not long to live. This information makes him see the robbery as an opportunity to leave his share of the proceeds to his estranged wife and son.

The robbery goes ahead without a hitch and despite roadblocks being set up all around the city immediately after, Josh is simply waved through as he makes his way to the local dumpsite. A problem does arise a little while later, however, when Jimmy Foster's (Peter Lawford) stepfather-to-be figures out who might be responsible and embarks on a corrupt scheme to make himself rich by, amongst other things, blackmailing the gang. What follows doesn't play out in a way that anyone planned and eventually provides the story with its nicely twisted conclusion which is accompanied by the words "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away".

"Ocean's 11" has a routine plot that's made more interesting by the complications that follow the crime but overall, it's main purpose is to provide its stars with a platform from which they can deliver the kind of entertainment for which they were best known. As "The Rat Pack", they were known for their sharp suits, their music and indulgences such as smoking, drinking and partying which all played into their image as a group of easygoing playboys who were also ultra-cool. By acting throughout as themselves they certainly achieved what they were trying to do but this also left the movie devoid of any tension especially during the complicated heist which is depicted as nothing more than a walk in the park. Similarly, their consistent coolness is incompatible with the kind of pace, intensity and sense of danger that's so fundamental to heist movies and so "Ocean's 11" only really works as a vehicle for "The Rat Pack" to amuse and entertain their fans.

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr. and Joey Bishop all deliver exactly what their audience would have wanted; Richard Conte provides the best acting performance and the presence of George Raft, Angie Dickinson and Shirley MacLaine in cameo roles all adds to the fun in this movie which because it only works on one level, can't really be regarded as anything more than a qualified success.
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Kind of slow but never boring.
Boba_Fett11387 June 2012
Well, I admit that this wasn't the fun movie, I expected it to be but it still was a good watch and you of course also need to put it in perspective.

Back in 1960 this movie was really something new. You have to give the movie credit for breaking some of early film-making patterns. This movie definitely feels more modern than the usual 1960 production and must also be part of the reason why this movie has become sort of a classic.

But really, the movie is not as slick or fast paced as you perhaps would expect. I was actually surprised how long the movie took to set things up. 30 minutes into the movie, it is still busy setting up its characters and the heist hasn't really come into play yet. Not that the movie ever becomes boring, after all there is always something going on but it does let the movie drag at parts and also takes away some of the fun.

And it's not like the actual heist is being all that spectacular to watch either. It's fun to see how it plays out but it actually is more fun to see what happens afterward. This was when the movie really started to take off and became a truly good and interesting little crime-comedy.

It's all still good to watch. I mean, it's an harmless, enjoyable movie, made for simple entertainment purposes only, that besides got well made and acted out.

Frank Sinatra never had been the most impressive actor but he plays simply a good role in this movie! Other well known actors such as Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Angie Dickinson, George Raft and Cesar Romero also show up, as well as Red Skelton in a small and pointless cameo appearance.

It's not a smooth, fast paced movie but it still offers plenty of entertainment and therefore also remains perfectly watchable today.


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The Kings of Old Vegas
misslv8027 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Ocean's Eleven is the definitive Rat Pack film. I have not seen the remake, but it's hard to imagine a new crew who could pull off a Las Vegas heist like old Frank, Sammy, Dean, and all the rest. Ocean's 11 represents a period of time when the Rat Pack were at the top of their game. I really liked the simplicity of the film, that snappy and campy Rat Pack humor. The film has a great score by Nelson Riddle and the intro/opening credits of the movie were very imaginative for its day. Watching this movie, I was almost rooting for the guys to pull off the heist and get away with it. The movie also features Angie Dickinson, who plays Sinatra's long-suffering wife, Cesar Romero as a shady character who is engaged to Peter Lawford's mother, and Norman Fell (who went on to play Mr. Roper in Three's Company) as one of the Eleven. Shirley Maclaine also has an uncredited cameo. It's definitely a must for any Rat Pack fan!
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I prefer the 2001 remake
cricketbat23 November 2018
Maybe it's because I grew up in a different era, but I prefer the 2001 remake of Ocean's 11. The original version really drags. Hardly anything happens for the first hour. They hadn't mastered the art of the montage in 1960, so the set-up for the heist is drawn out too long. The ending is entertaining, and it's fun to see the Rat Pack together, but this is one of the few instances when the original isn't the better film.
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Ain't that a kick in the head? Ironically those words sum up my exact feelings on this film
jimbo-53-18651123 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Running with the general consensus that the original is better than the remake, I decided to sit down and watch the 1960 'Rat Pack' original version of Oceans 11 and words honestly can't express how disappointed I felt after watching it.

The film starts OK and has a light comedic approach and starts to build its foundations pretty well. I'm prepared to accept that Oceans 11 needs some build up in order to establish the players involved in the heist; whilst it starts out fun, it quickly becomes arduous and generally very tedious to sit through the over-long introduction. Was the soap opera aspect with Danny Ocean and his wife really necessary? Oceans 11 redeems itself slightly in the second half when we finally get to the heist which I'll admit was quite clever and imaginative. Despite this though, the original version of Oceans 11 just seemed to be missing something; it lacked any sort of spark, it lacked fun and any real excitement. It's been a long time since I've seen the remake so I'm not really in a position to give a 'blow by blow' analysis of the two films, but I do remember enjoying the remake much more than I enjoyed this film.

The film throws in a plot twist later involving heads of the 5 Casinos and Duke Santos (who figures out that Oceans gang have stolen the money). The Casino bosses offer Santos 30% of the total money that's stolen if he's successfully able to recover the full amount. This twist perked my interest, but it never went anywhere and seemed pointless when we then learn what direction the film took at the end (I'll admit it was surprising, but not in a good way - I actually found the ending a bit dumb and anti-climactic if I'm being totally honest).

I had high hopes for this film and figured that because I enjoyed the remake that I must surely enjoy the original. However, despite a strong start, the odd bit of light humour and a relatively clever middle section, the film is counter-balanced by an over-long set-up, unnecessary soap opera and for the most part it just lacked fun and excitement. Mediocre and not worth bothering with.
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What's your drink?
bobc-519 July 1999
While other movies try to induce the willing suspension of disbelief, this movie goes the entire opposite direction and never lets us forget that these are entertainers putting on a performance. In case you weren't entirely sure, the closing shot leaves no doubt. As one reviewer perfectly describes it, "The blurred boundaries between showbiz and private life seem to have vanished for good." That's quite an accomplishment!

The stars aren't acting, they're partying down in an elaborate role-playing game and inviting you the viewer to play along with them. Join the party and for 2 hours you too can be a swinging, sophisticated member of the rat pack who can simultaneously handle a martini and cigarette in one hand and doesn't have to pause for even a second when somebody asks "what's your drink?". "Ocean's Eleven" is the "Pulp Fiction" of the Kennedy era - a movie that makes you feel hip just to watch it.
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Cool vs uncool.
Celluloid_Vince26 August 2005
Cool was The Rat Pack and the era this movie was made, when both men and women dressed up to do the town.

Uncool is Julia Roberts.

Cool is Las Vegas during it's heyday in the original.

Uncool is what this city is turning into (kid friendly).

Cool is George Clooney's aunt Rosemary. Uncool is her nephew, George Clooney.

Cool would have been to leave this movie alone.

Uncool was the above warning not heeded.

Cool is not making a sequel to the original. Uncool, again, is not heeding the above warning, by making a sequel of a remake.

Cool was Hollywood during this same era. Uncool is Hollywood now, not even bothering to make anything original.

Cool was the studio system, flawed but still successful. Uncool is the so-called Independent film groups who realize they still need to make movies with the same money the studios needed.

Cool were actors who realized their success was in acting.

Uncool are actors who do not realize opening their mouths about anything other than acting and trying to sound intellectual are only displaying their vapid lack of intellect.

Cool will forever be the Rat Pack. Uncool will always be today's pretty boy actors.
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probably more compelling off-screen
SnoopyStyle4 May 2015
Danny Ocean (Frank Sinatra) and Jimmy Foster (Peter Lawford) have gathered war buddies to pull off a new commando raid. They plan to rob five Las Vegas casinos on New Year's Eve. Beatrice (Angie Dickinson) is Ocean's ex. Sinatra's playmates Dean Martin, Joey Bishop and Sammy Davis join him to have some fun.

This was a great excuse for Sinatra to gather his Rat Pack and party in Vegas. The script is surprisingly pedestrian. The setup meanders in an endless series of boring scenes. The cinematic style is stiff. The performances are nothing to write home about either. It may be that the best performances happened off screen as the buddies drank the nights away. The saddest thing is that this is a waste of good talent.
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