71 of 177 found this mild
A husband and wife kiss passionately and then the husband lies on top of the wife while moving up the stairs. She removes her top as they kiss and her bra is visible. Sex is implied.
It is mentioned that a man has a wife and a mistress, and a mistress for his mistress.
Completely topless women seen on a boat at a party, but no male nudity
A full screen closeup of a woman's breast while on a boat.
Some topless women scene at a boat party.
51 of 77 found this severe
The extended cut includes more gory shots of the ambush.
A man smacks his wife.
A photograph in a newspaper depicts a gory corpse of a mob boss.
Several men use a knives and saws to dismember dead bodies.
Level of violence: 8.7\10. While the beating scene and the ambush scene are graphic, that's pretty much it.
R violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
Strong graphic violence.
A man beats another man before stuffing a dollar bill into the latter's mouth.
There are several short fight scenes, for example in one a man punches another man and knocks him over.
There are several scenes of robbery where the victims are beaten, tied up, or have tape put over thier mouths. In one it is implied that a man shoots a truck driver offscreen.
61 of 76 found this severe
Exactly 172 uses of "fuck."
"Goddamn" is said four times.
"Shit" is said 22 times.
"Bastard" is said.
"Cock" is said about 8 times. "Cocksucker" is said about 20 times. "Dick" is said 2 times.
"Ass" is said four times.
"Bitch" is said three times.
"Hell" is said three times.
"Faggot" is said once.
"Balls" is said twice in a vulgar context.
29 of 53 found this moderate
Characters smoke frequently throughout the course of the film.
There are several scenes in bars where characters are shown drinking.
A character discusses having to drink continuously in order to calm down.
There are several brief discussions of narcotics mentioning "a nickle bag a day habit" and other terms.
References are made to cocaine and heroin.
A drug buy is made in one scene, showing several small bags of drugs.
A ruthless gangster begins to sob uncontrollably because his son is in the hospital after suffering a drug overdose.
A man smokes a cigarette while eating breakfast and talking to men in a bar.
A man smoking a cigarette while riding in a car. Another man rolls down the window and smoke billows out but the smoker makes him roll it back up.
Three agents smoke and drink beer while working in a hotel room.
33 of 59 found this moderate
Several tense scenes where people believe they will be killed.
The movie has a very dark and violent tone throughout.
The main character is living a dual life, is threatened at all times, and can be killed by the people he operates with and those he works for. Thus there are many scenes where we think he may be caught.
The many scenes of violence and other activities described above which some viewers may find frightening or intense.