The story revolves around a group of friends in a high school, where Lobo and Skid are classmates who see each other as brothers for life, often playing in a band and skateboarding with their classmates, including Soda, who is surrounded by girlfriends but loves Suki the most. Their friend group also includes a dangerous couple, Mo and Ken, who often fight. Ken pursues other girls, causing Mo to attempt suicide. Another friend, Fion, is lost in the world of her phone, searching for her illusory true love. One day, Fion argues with her boyfriend on the street and is seen by an innocent girl named Ah Pak, with whom she instantly connects. Fion brings Ah Pak into her world and introduces her to Skid and Lobo. Although Skid likes Ah Pak, Lobo also has feelings for her, and everyone in the friend group becomes entangled in a web of love and confusion.