Petit mensonge et grand mariage (2013) Poster

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Surprisingly funny
CassC082115 September 2016
This movie was actually really cute! I love the whole premise of them being childhood friends. It was a little corny but surprisingly really funny and sweet! Definitely a feel good movie, the leads and supporting cast were so much like everyday normal people, I liked that it felt real. I'm very happy that I watched it, although the story line was like something I feel has been done, the way that they made everything play out kept it interesting. The lead male was really funny, I liked his comic timing. The lead female was quirky and funny as well! I finished it with a smile on my face! I would definitely recommend this movie, it's a cute chick flick, fun for a girls night in.
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One Small Hitch Hooked Me
pampowell526 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This lighthearted "chick flick" was wonderful escapism entertainment. The story has probably been done before in different ways, but this one, due to its humor and cast, kept my attention and pulled me into the story. Josh's best friend was Molly's older brother during high school. Molly was always "the little sister." How each of them viewed the other drastically changed, even against their will, as the two "pretended" to be engaged to make Josh's dying father happy. The relationship evolved with humor utilizing miscommunication and even tackled the families' two opposite religions trying to meld together: staunch Irish Catholic and Jewish. Molly (Aubrey Dollar) was sweet, cute, and adorable...the all-American girl next door. Josh (Shane McRae) was the typical hot player, never wanting more than a bit of fun with women. The chemistry between the Dollar and McRae was believable and the families were stereotypical to the point of comical.

Although "One Small Hitch" was predictable, it was an absolute pleasure to watch. It was endearing, lighthearted, sweet, and just plain fun. This was a perfect film to see with girlfriends.
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Sweet small hitch
kosmasp26 November 2014
Maybe the hitch is not sweet, but the movie itself is. You could argue about the characters a bit I reckon. But I really do like the movie, even though it has clichés (which feed into the sweet notion of it of course) and is predictable as it gets. Still the actors can pull off the obvious and work with it.

Since this is a romantic comedy and even the poster/cover art is pretty much revealing, we do know where this is heading, but the ride to get there has to be fun. And if you let yourself into it, than this ride can be a lot of fun. While not the best movie you've seen or will see, this is pretty decent indeed
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A lovely little romance
zoeavril19 July 2015
There is no denying the plot is a straight forward love movie, but isn't that why we watch these kinds of movies. There was nothing really surprising about the storyline, but I thought the lead characters did a great job throughout. I loved watching their chemistry both as friends and then as their love grew for each other and this drove me to watch it a few times in one week without getting bored. I liked some of the comedy moments in the film and felt that the lead characters had got this right. Even though you can see Josh is a ladies man it is nice to see him develop into what every woman wants, a 'knight', and the prop guys did a good job of turning Molly from being a scruffy student type character into an attractive young woman If you want a feel good movie that ticks the romcom box adequately then this could float your boat.
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I like it
rwl-9543022 August 2017
This is the type of movie with a weird start that I stop watching after the first few minutes. However, I couldn't find anything I wanted to watch so I stuck with it. It was similar to a Hallmark movie. You know how it is going to end, its the journey it takes you through that is kind of enjoyable and funny.
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Cute movie
lisajecks19 August 2018
If you like Hallmark movies you'll like this. Stay tuned during credits because there is more footage.
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Super cute, humorous and touching
ScoobySnacks6625 August 2019
This was way better than I was expecting. I loved the focus on family, fun situations and a few good laughs and good chemistry between the two stars. 👍🏻
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Good fluffy fun
itmeansflower9 September 2022
I like this flick. Yes, it's predictable. But the actors gave it all they had, & it works well enough. Not everything has to be an Oscar winner, you know? Sometimes you just want something light and fun to relax with and take your mind off of life. This is one of those kinds of movies.

The only thing I didn't like was a very obvious time filler in the middle. The scene in the shop where the girls are trying on clothes. Been there, done that. "Pretty woman" sound familiar?

I would rather have had some more scenes with their families or even just the couple themselves getting to know each other rather than yet another scene in a clothing store. It doesn't take away from the movie, it's just boring. At least it doesn't last too long. Other than that, it was fun.
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Very silly, thoroughly enjoyable.
readwin2 July 2014
This is not a dreadfully original story, it is not worthy of an Oscar, it is rather stereotypical, and yet leaves you with a smile on your face wondering why they couldn't have made it half an hour longer.

I wish I could tell you why, but I can't. I loved all the performances, and the script was funny, but kept itself on the believable side of silly.

I doubt many critics are going to rave about it, and the movie snobs will hate it. It will not make many top lists and very few people will buy the DVD, so that they can watch it 15 times, but if you are looking to finish off an evening with a movie that sends you to bed smiling, this is an excellent pick.
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Well worth watching
jewelch18 May 2021
Delightful pairing and excellent supporting cast make for an enjoyable evening in. I'm surprised we haven't had more movies from director, John Burgess.

Tried and true story of a fake engagement to make a parent happy, with the fake fiancées eventually realizing that perhaps they really do love each other. Nothing groundbreaking here, but the journey is so much fun. The two main actors Shane McRae and Aubrey Dollar are terrific and have great chemistry. The supporting cast is also extremely well cast, especially the actresses playing Molly's mother and sister-in-law.

The movie besides being well cast, is also well-directed and edited. It also has a very good score, with well-chosen songs to illustrate the characters' journeys. For those interested in that sort of thing, there is no nudity in the movie. There is a lot of sexual talk and innuendo, but there are no sex scenes in the movie. Probably not really suitable for someone under 14.

My main quibbles with the movie are 1) Don't Josh and Molly have jobs? How can they afford to just decide to stay in Chicago for a month? 2) In spite of his friends with benefits relationship, Josh doesn't really seem to be quite the lothario that he is made out to be. However, even with these slightly annoying things, this is a cute movie with charm to spare.

I hope you'll take a chance and watch this little gem. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 5/17/2021.
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Your average yawner
pinkcloudsday13 February 2023
Have you ever owned a piano and one of your relatives comes over with their toddler who proceeds to go to it and start pounding and pounding on it ? If so you know how the opening song of this movie made me feel. In fact all of the songs in this movie were quite irritating. They couldn't get any licensing to play some normal music? Then we have the 67-year-old stewardess that's apparently still menstruating and handing out drugs to passengers sure. Uh-huh . This movie is a big pass it is so uninteresting and the acting is subpar do yourself a favor and choose something else to watch so you don't waste your time.
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Fun and entertaining
tiffanyschatz18 June 2015
I really liked this movie--I had to watch it twice. I originally intended to only watch the first 20 minutes and then save the rest for later, but it got started right away with lots of silly moments, had to go ahead at watch the whole thing. The story was super cute and funny, and poked a lot of fun at real relationships--both with lovers, as well as with friends and parents. Obviously with a rom-com you're expecting to go in a certain direction, but that is part of the deal!! I thought the cast was fantastic, and I'd love to see Aubrey Dollar in more movies. The only drawbacks had to do with suspending your disbelief about time and commitments... and would grown up people really do that?? I feel like in real life the risk would just be too obvious, but that's why we like stories--we can 'experience' things that are a little unrealistic in the name of imagination and fun.
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Could have been a 10
catlady-508-93610226 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The actors did a great job and this is an adorable, if formulaic, movie. I just couldn't get past the idea that the girl dropped her whole life to spend a month pretending to be engaged to the guy and he pays her back for this huge favor by screwing around indiscriminately. And this is after she just got cheated on by her ex. Then he gets to decide he really loved her all along. I just can't with this lousy plot twist and blatant disrespect..
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Another Good Girl Pining for the Player to notice her
Schmittload29 September 2019
Ugh. Just ANOTHER story of the guy sleeping with other women while the girl likes him, pretends it doesn't bother her, but pines for him until he notices her. So sick of the stories in which the man sleeps around and the girl is a doormat.
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Aubrey Dollar is the Most Adorable Human Alive.
supernerd-1732220 November 2020
This movie is to made-for-television movies what $5,000/night call girls are to prostitution.
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Good movie
geohv-6779628 January 2020
The sad thing is that the world is full of pig's like Josh that take good women for granted and nice guys have to deal with the damage they do!
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Entertaining and fun
racheljackson-226-8817281 January 2018
Really entertaining for the movie it is. The family members are fun and the two leads are enjoyable and have quite a bit of chemistry.

Great afternoon movie you'll enjoy. The story has enough sweet moments and funny ones, as well, to keep you smiling.
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Very un-romantic
istara25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Three quarters of the way through this film and the hero is still sleeping with and sleazing over multiple other women. How is this romantic?

As another reviewer commented, it's yet another movie with the girl chastely pining over a man who has no apparent interest in her and every interest in getting with every other woman in the movie.

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A movie that is a love letter to Chicago
zackrowan14 March 2014
I saw this movie at the Durango, Coolorado film festival and it was a highlight! This movie plays like a love letter to the City of Chicago. The story starts quickly and once the characters get on the plane to Chicago it is full of laughs and smiles and by the end, tears...

The actors provided quality performances and there are real sparks. The cinematography was beautiful. Born and raised in Chicago and I felt like I was actually there while watching the movie. There are also nuances in the movie which give homage to recently deceased Chicago director John Hughes as well as other Chicago references which were fun to catch...

TWO THUMBS UP! As a footnote everyone should know that this movie shouldn't be characterized as a "chick flick" guys will definitely enjoy this too....
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couldn't get past the plot hole
vwterry9 May 2017
I could not figure out how Molly dropped everything to spend a month in Chicago pretending to be engaged. What was her job? How was she able to quit working for a month?

I never warmed up to the character of Josh, and I thought Shane McRae and Aubrey Dollar had zero chemistry. This might have been an interesting or cute movie with a different male lead.

Because it is set in Chicago and uses a faked engagement as the major plot device, I think of this movie as a not-nearly-as-good version of While You Were Sleeping.
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Jackbv12325 August 2018
I expected this to be another throwaway, pass-the-time movie and I was quite pleased.

There were actually funny moments and even a LOL or two, which for me is unusual in recent movies.

The romance story wasn't smooth and straight line like so many TV movies, but it was sloppy and got ugly here and there, but in a good way. Sure it ended where we expected, but getting there wasn't always predictibl

Aubrey Dollar as Molly was a little quirky and mostly upbeat and fun. The acting was all pretty decent.
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A good idea for a good movie spoiled by the lead couple
cee_642 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It started of fairly strong and enjoyable, then quickly turned into utter crap about an hour in. I don't have a problem with the male romantic lead having feelings for another female. Having him acting on those feelings, with the female romantic leads knowledge, and having her later confess her fall in love with him knowing what a sleezeball he was turned my stomach and ruined the entire movie for me.

Sorry, but no self respecting woman would even consider entering into a real relationship with a guy like that. The writers really dropped the ball on this one. Let the Female Lead have some self respect and don't insult the intelligence of your audience.
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Good for making you laugh.
arrose21 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was having a really bad day, when I decided to watch "One Small Hitch". In the beginning I didn't know what to expect. Then when Molly met Josh in the airport and was totally out of it, but I saw the chemistry between them, so when Josh got the call from his parents. It just got better from there. I was cracking up with laughter over their whole situation. I absolutely loved their families and the "reasonable" misunderstandings.

Then, when Josh met a women for lunch. I was mad,but glad because it made Molly transform into a sophisticated young women she is.Josh saw the difference himself and began to fall in love with Molly the women.

I recommend it to anyone that likes a comedy and romance.
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Not Good. Not the fault of the actors.
mikasparky18 April 2015
I won't give you ANY spoilers, but I will say that the cast struggles mightily against a formulaic script. Amy Pohler did a comedy about formulaic movies, and this film reminds me of what she was referencing.

The camera work isn't bad. The lighting is OK. The prop people did their job, for the most part. I'm trying to stay positive, here, and that's the best I can do.

The only name I recognize is that of Daniel J. Travanti of HILL STREET BLUES fame. It was interesting to see how he's aged (and he has aged--he has a very expressive face in his dotage).

I can't in good conscience recommend this movie. It just doesn't have enough good points to merit an investment of a couple of hours.
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Excellent! One of the Better Romantic Comedies
Dark_Lord_Mark15 December 2015
I am a guy who despises romantic comedies. Usually they are terrible and as long as the characters end up together; who cares? Once in a while there is a really good romantic comedy which is rare. This is more than tolerable. The female lead gives a wonderful performance. The male lead a little less so but does what was written.

A playboy and a female who gets her heart broken essentially the question is, can they fall in love while fooling everyone into thinking they are? As a guy who hates romantic comedies, I found this way above average. Nice premise, some nice moments and good acting make this a terrific movie for anyone. You want things to be okay in the end and if a movie does that to your heart, it's a success.

I give this an 8 or a 9 out of 10.
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