Better Call Saul (TV Series 2015–2022) Poster


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It just keeps getting better and thats unheard of!!
brenden3325 April 2020
Someone is responsible for making this such an outstanding show, year after year. The intelligence in dialogue, empathy for characters, twists and expectations are genius. Breaking bad, The X Files are 2 other badges of brilliance. We are privileged to be living in this time as we might have been if living during Shakespeare. This may seem over the top but the scores are on the board, Vince Gilligan. Please correct or remove if I am wrong!
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Easily one of the greatest shows of all time
warriorytx7 March 2021
People who are fans of Breaking Bad should definitely watch this it expands the Albuquerque criminal underworld to unparalleled heights. It's easily one of the most tragic, beautifully written and directed shows of all time and for me at least is at the top of the list of my favourite shows it's tied with Breaking Bad. I'm not really someone who's into the crime genre but this show as well as Breaking Bad are two all time great crime dramas that I actually LOVE. It's a master class of writing and direction. This show is the fastest show I've binged I finished the first 4 seasons in a matter of 3 days. Season 5 isn't out in Canada on Netflix yet.
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A Miracle In Television
rxckne8 February 2024
As of today, it's officially been 9 years since Better Call Saul was released. It's been a little over a year since the finale aired and I'm still mesmerized about how this crew lead by Peter Gould & Vince Gilligan pulled it off, again.

When Breaking Bad reached its finale, it was hard for me to imagine any other show being able to reach it's level, let alone arguably surpass it. And when I heard that there was a spin-off regarding Saul Goodman, I thought maybe the show could have some solid and funny moments, and maybe bring a bit of depth towards some beloved Breaking Bad characters.

Spin-offs in television are usually seen to me as fan service, or a way to make more money off of a franchise that was loved. That doesn't mean that all of them are bad, but most of them don't have the passion or care that'd make you think it was extremely necessary to make a spin-off, especially considering the risk of making previous characters look bad writing wise. And while Better Call Saul was AMC's idea to make more money off of the franchise, I'm shocked with how the creators and writers were able to make another masterpiece.

This show was always meant to be in the shadow of Breaking Bad in my eyes, and I never would've thought of these shows as something that'd be deserving to talk about in the same breath as one another. But Better Call Saul took the ball that Breaking Bad was rolling, picked it up, and launched it forward.

While I think Breaking Bad has peaks that no other show can reach, Better Call Saul was able to do things that it's predecessor never could. The depth and writing of these characters are honestly perfect. So much so that I'd consider the shows leads Jimmy and Kim to be two of the best written characters in television history. And while the cast of this show is extremely stacked, Chuck McGill to me is a character that's honestly overlooked compared to the rest. His character has a pretty clear consensus amongst most people, but there's so much to him and Jimmy's dynamic that's it's honestly not as black and white as most people make it out to be, despite both being objectively wrong in certain aspects of the series. It's really fascinating to me.

The main aspect of the show that baffles me is how perfectly timed the arcs are considering this is a prequel. Every event in the show is written so well and is paced in a brilliant way to the point where no character arc seems to be rushed, yet the show still remains interesting. You think you've reached the pinnacle of a characters journey, then a curveball is thrown that changes everything.

That's not even mentioning how balanced both the lawyer side and the cartel side of the show are. When I first started the show I was eager to get more of the Mike and cartel portion, but the lawyer side of the story honestly paved the way for the first half of this show and was the most compelling part of the first 3 seasons.

My word of advice to anyone who watches this show.

1. Be patient 2. Understand that this is not Breaking Bad.

At some point the show will get very intense, but enjoy what arcs you are given at the time because before you know it, you'll look back and realize you were in the good times of the show. If you watch Better Call Saul after watching Breaking Bad, you might ask for one thing early on. But when you actually get it, you'll realize that the destination wasn't the key, but it was the journey to get there.

Considering most of the characters in this show were never even supposed to exist, it's safe to call Better Call Saul a miracle in television. Whether that was because of an actor wanting to be written off, an actor having a busy filming schedule, or a throw away line that created two of the greatest characters in the entire universe, it's amazing that Breaking Bad was able to pave the way for one of the greatest shows of all time. But what's even more impressive is Better Call Saul makes it to where Breaking Bad is not even complete without its existence.

Kudos to Peter Gould, Vince Gilligan and the entire crew that returned to create Better Call Saul, and I'm grateful I got to experience this universe come to a close.
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Better watch this
TheLittleSongbird5 January 2023
Had heard nothing but amazing things about 'Better Call Saul' (with nothing bad), with it being one of the most highly regarded shows in recent years. Am a huge fan of 'Breaking Bad', so was really psyched in seeing its prequel 'Better Call Saul' too. My opinion of Bob Odenkirk is also very high, so there was absolutely no way this was going to be missed. Have binged on many shows in the past seven years or so and was determined for this to be one of them, very like 'Breaking Bad'.

'Better Call Saul' was every bit as amazing as reputed. Have seen many shows that started off wonderfully but declined badly in their final seasons, a few with really bad last episodes ('House of Cards', 'Game of Thrones', 'Killing Eve'), but then there are rarities like 'Breaking Bad' where every season was at least positively received and on the most part universally acclaimed. 'Better Call Saul' is another one of the rarities and is the first show seen in a long time to not have a bad episode in it, since 'Breaking Bad'. Seriously compelling and addictive stuff and exceptional in every area.

Visually, 'Better Call Saul' is one of those shows that is both stylish and beautiful, with photography and editing that are cinematic quality and put a lot of films today to shame, where there are a lot of visually beautiful ones but also some painfully amateurish looking ones. The music always has the appropriate mood, never too intrusive, never too muted.

The writing for 'Better Call Saul' is a fine example to all shows of how to have a lot of style but also to have a lot of substance. The dialogue throughout is thought-provoking and tense, although quite talky, while also have a darkly wicked sense of humour and heart-tugging pathos. The stories are texturally rich, intimate, tense and layered, with the pace of them consistently deliberate but taut. The pull no punches and gritty approach to the subject was often chilling and harrowing to watch. The direction couldn't be better.

Likewise with the acting, with Odenkirk on absolutely towering form throughout as one of television's most fascinating and meatiest leading characters, one that one is repulsed by but also one that is not hard to sympathise with in some situations. Rhea Seehorn and Michael McKean are excellent as well, McKean giving one of his best work in years. The character writing is rich and compellingly real.

Concluding, truly outstanding show. 10/10.
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before the events of "Breaking Bad", the legal profession was a gritty field in Albuquerque
lee_eisenberg31 March 2022
"Breaking Bad" was undeniably one of the greatest shows of the 21st century. If you then hear that one of the characters got a spinoff show, you could be forgiven for doubting the quality. Well, doubt no more. "Better Call Saul" is an equally fine piece of work.

The protagonist is lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), who it turns out is actually named Jimmy McGill. He engages in all manner of shady activity, while other characters from the previous show have their own things to deal with. As with the previous show, it's a serial, with episodes ending in cliffhangers. And make no mistake, you'll want to keep watching.

Basically, it's the type of series that you have to see to believe. There have been lawyer shows and crime dramas, but never have they gotten combined so splendidly. It's the perfect mix of comedy, tragedy and thriller. Definitely see it.
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Saul definitely deserves love too from Breaking Bad fans.
rainerraff-875196 May 2020
One thing that stopped me from watching this movie is because I knew this show has nothing to do with Walter White, the man that makes Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad. I believe most people also think the same.

Personally, after rewatching Breaking Bad few times, I have come to the conclusion that there is nobody in the show that I love from the beginning until the last second. What I like the most is the character development for all the important characters.

Then? What does it have to do with Better Call Saul? I believe I love this show as much as Breaking Bad because of the exact reason. I REALLY love how every character behaves and develops in this show. What more fascinating is, this show has everything you like from Breaking Bad. Tension, emotions, atmosphere, character flaws, good antagonists, you name it. One other similarity this show has, this show gets better when it is closer to the end. (I know, it has not ended yet) You really don't want to miss every second of it.

I can assure you, all Breaking Bad fans, your love to this show will be AT LEAST as big as your love to Breaking Bad. Easiest 10/10 after Breaking Bad.
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Absolutely Amazing!
Rob133131 December 2022
Better Call Saul is not only considered one of the best shows of the last few years but it's also considered one of the best shows of all-time! The acting & storytelling are so good that it really does becomes addictive to watch. There's a reason why this show is one of the highest rated shows on this site and why it's always nominated for so many awards and that's because it's freaking amazing! People always want to compare it to Breaking Bad because it's a spin-off but don't. Even though it has the same feel and it's not quite as good as Breaking Bad, it's pretty darn close! I, along with everyone else who watched, was worried how they would end the show and hoping they wouldn't mess it up (like so many other great shows tend to do). Well, they didn't! The ending was fantastic and will go down as one of the better finales to a great show. If you are a fan of Breaking Bad then this is an absolute must watch!
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extremely underrated
onnodewettinck14 December 2019
This show deserves more recognition. Better Call Saul is the most clever show I have ever watched. The acting, cinematography, the story, the writing, it's amazing. Some times even better than Breaking Bad.
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One of the best shows ever created!
Supermanfan-1331 January 2023
Better Call Saul has a 8.9 rating for a reason and that's because it's fantastic! It's absolutely one of the best shows ever created! The acting, writing, storytelling, etc are all as good as anything that's ever been on television. This was Emmy nominated for most outstanding drama every season it was on. The cast, led by Bob Odenkirk, are all amazing and all perfectly cast. There's not a weak link on the entire series. This is one of the rare spinoffs that is as good as the original. I'm blown away how they kept this show feeling so fresh and where every season is incredible. If you haven't seen this show yet then do yourself a favor and go watch it as soon as you can. Just warning you now though to give yourself enough time because you're going to want to binge it as fast as you can!
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Absolutely amazing
bzzkvhvc6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
To start off, the storyline was amazing, the writing, the acting, bob odenkirks performance was outstanding, the slow start is definitely worth it for what happens in the end, the finale was brilliant and will leave me thinking for a long long time. The attention to detail was there and absolutely nothing was missed. Nacho was a character that added a lot to the story and his confession in the episode "Rock and hard place" took my breath away, Hector deserved what he got and in the end Gus got his revenge in breaking bad. In my opinion this is up there with breaking bad and possible even better, If you haven't seen it yet then do yourself a favour and watch it you won't regret it.
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As darkly comic and multilayered as Breaking Bad, yet very much its own thing
gogoschka-19 February 2015
So here it is at last: one of the most highly anticipated new TV-shows of the year, the spin-off from probably THE most highly praised TV-show in the history of Television. Naturally, expectations were over the roof - and it was a forgone conclusion that meeting those expectations would be next to impossible. Well, here's the good news. Judging from the first couple of episodes, 'Better Call Saul' will be good. Just how good remains to be seen, but as far as promises go, those first episodes made a big one.

For those who haven't seen it yet: relax - I won't spoil a thing about the storyline. Instead, I'll concentrate on all other aspects of the show. The first thing you notice (as was the case with Breaking Bad) is the camera. The photography is simply gorgeous. All the visual trademarks I've grown to love so much in BB are there: the playful camera angles; the creative ways to establish even a simple scene with unusual, interesting shots (yet without ever distracting from the storytelling) - it's just beautiful to look at.

Then there's the music. From the wonderful introductions (before the opening credits) to the last scene of an episode, music is not just used as background "noise": carefully picked songs are there to give clues and are as much an integral part of the story as they help establish the tone of certain scenes. And the original music by Dave Porter feels as organic to 'Better Call Saul' as it did in 'Breaking Bad'.

The writing, directing and acting (so far) are on par with BB; anyone afraid this would be a rushed production trying to surf on BB's success can relax; not for a second did I get the feeling this was somehow not well thought through or cheaply constructed by a committee of writers - and although we do of course get some of our favorite characters back, new ones are introduced that promise to be just as original and interesting as the ones that helped turn BB into a cultural phenomenon. And adding high calibre actors such as Michael McKean ('This Is Spinal Tap') to the cast is probably an indication that Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould will not content themselves - or us - by mainly exploring the characters we already know.

And then, finally, there's the magnificent Bob Odenkirk. Starting off as a slightly one-dimensional character and comic relief in BB, the character we've come to love as the sleazy, slick Saul Goodman has already shown more layers in the first half of the first season of 'Better Call Saul' than over his entire run on BB. And that's as much thanks to Odenkirk as the fantastic writing: the actor obviously relished the opportunity to show what he's capable of as his character charms, squirms and threatens his way through his scenes, but - somewhat unexpectedly - he also manages to move you during the more quiet moments.

To sum up my overall impressions: 'Better Call Saul' is a darkly comic, multilayered story that could end up being just as unusual and exciting as we all dared to hope. The tone may be consistent with 'Breaking Bad', but make no mistake: this is very much its own thing. The writing, directing and acting - as well as the production values - are top notch, and if what we've seen so far is anything to go by, we're in for a great first season of a very promising new show. My (provisional) rating: 9 stars out of 10

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It's like water pot on low flame....
amoghjadhav-366293 May 2021
With every episode it gets heated a bit...... and you won't even realise when the water stars boiling......
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Drags a lot
rws_2013 August 2021
Better Call Saul has its moments but the really good episodes are very few and far between. There's a lot of dragging out in this series, some episodes are just a load of different, boring subplots that you have no interest in but you just sit through it hoping that something interesting will start happening eventually; and it does, but it's a very slow climb to get to a point where the plot really starts to grab your attention.

I'd say it's definitely worth watching for those golden moments, just be prepared to sit through a lot of slow-paced waffle. The latest series (5) has been the best so far in my opinion, because the main plot is finally starting to take over all the subplots and the show is becoming a bit more action-packed.

I wouldn't say this series is better than Breaking Bad purely because the pacing is terrible, but it has been nice to see what was going on with all the characters before Walter and Jesse came along, and it looks like as we move from season 5 to 6, Vince is starting to make up for all the boredom the viewers have had to endure up to this point.

Overall, it's a pretty good series, worth watching, but I think 10 stars is a bit over-the-top for something that crawls along as much as it does.
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Incredibly slow and uneventful
carsenal23 February 2016
If you liked Breaking Bad's "Fly" episode, then this show is for you. Otherwise there is very little of Breaking Bad here - almost nothing of the story, the pace, the quality or even the Saul Goodman humor.

*Breaking Bad Spoiler warning* Think of this. By episode 1 in Breaking Bad, Walt is already a cook, they're already dealing, have the RV and have killed someone and have another hostage. Walt has cancer, revealed it to the family, met Tuco, the Tuco attack on Jesse, Tuco kidnapping of the two, Hank killing Tuco, and Walt explaining his fugue state to the family and I still skipped a lot of events.

I am currently 11 episodes into BCS and the whole first season could be fit into 2 or 3 episodes. It is short on events and long with takes.

There is a scene where the camera zooms in to show graffiti and it takes about 30 seconds to show "(I) was here" when it could've done it in 10. There are a lot of mood setting and establishing shots that are made into scenes. A Cinnabon branch's closing routine is shown in full, including locking up the bottled water/juice, taking out the trash, the walk across the closed mall, etc.

The events are non-events - James playing with a light-switch is not interesting in any way.

The story doesn't seem to be heading in any direction. The episodes end without suspense, cliffhangers or even the slightest curiosity - you simply never feel like you need to watch the next one.

I feel as if all this material could've been great as a side dish for a real story. Instead it's a lot of filler but no real meat.

Breaking Bad was great because it had a great story to tell, great characters, quotes, music, drama and comedy. This one has none of those things. No great dialogues or quotes, forgettable soundtrack, no humor like Breaking Bad (Jesse, Saul, so many jokes), the drama is very little, and the characters, well, other than James and slightly Mike, there isn't much to write home about.

It's simply not an enjoyable show and it does not look like it'll get better.
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Thank god I decided to give this a chance
grahamvandyke10 December 2018
Let's face facts: Spin-off TV shows tend to fare poorly to the original content. I was furious when I heard about the spin-off to the amazing Break Bad. Nonetheless centering around the buffoonish clown of a character Saul Goodman?! I was livid and heartbroken. I wanted Breaking bad to end on a high note and not let this potential disaster ruin it's legacy.

Breaking Bad was an absolute masterpiece of a show, with an amazing story, script, cinematography; you name it, it's there. But the one thing that made Breaking Bad shine, and in my option, be one of the greatest series ever made was it's deep, deep burial into the characters that made us either absolutely love or loath them. It didn't rely on special effects and had no fat to it whatsoever. No other show encapsulated a slow unfurling of characters so well that it was as if we were getting to know them in our real lives.

I finally decided to give Better Call Saul a shot after hating it's first episode on release. I figured, maybe I could eventually forget about the fact that it was attached to my favorite TV show, and when everybody who watches it is telling you it's amazing, there must be something there.. right?

Boy, were they right. Better Call Saul is just as good as it's predecessor. It maintains it's very high standard to every aspect of the production, and most of all, character development, motivation and relationships are centerfold once more. It is easy to find Better Call Saul even better than Breaking Bad, although I would chalk this up to it being more current and therefore more in the forefront of our minds in the Breaking Bad universe. If you, like me, have hesitated to give this show a shot for the same reasons, stop it. Let yourself feel uncomfortable for the 1st half of the first season, and then let it get it's clutches into you.

I'm so, so very happy I finally decided to give Better Call Saul a shot again 4 years later. With no hesitation, 10/10.
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Season 6 couldn't be more late
samsepiol695 September 2020
Yet another masterpiece delivered by the amazing Vince Gilligan. Everything about this show is almost perfect. The writing, acting, cinematography are just beautiful. Also one of my favourite aspects about this show is the character development, and how well it covers two different parts of it's whole timeline (Jimmy/Saul's life at first and then getting into Gus Fring and the Cartel), something that hasn't been done as well in Breaking Bad. I truly think this show is one of the most underrated around and would definitely recommend watching it
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jamescherfane24 February 2024
"Better Call Saul" stands out as a masterpiece in television history for its impeccable storytelling, complex characters, and brilliant craftsmanship. Set as a prequel to the renowned series "Breaking Bad," it delves deep into the evolution of the beloved character, Saul Goodman, portrayed by the exceptional Bob Odenkirk. What makes "Better Call Saul" extraordinary is its meticulous attention to detail, meticulously weaving together intricate plotlines that captivate audiences from start to finish. The show's character development is unparalleled, allowing viewers to witness the transformation of Jimmy McGill into the morally ambiguous lawyer, Saul Goodman, with depth and nuance. The moral ambiguity of its characters adds layers of complexity, making every decision and action thought-provoking and compelling. The writing is sharp and intelligent, filled with witty dialogue and subtle nods to its predecessor, "Breaking Bad." Moreover, the cinematography and direction elevate the storytelling, creating visually stunning scenes that immerse viewers in the gritty world of Albuquerque. From its gripping courtroom drama to its heart-wrenching personal struggles, "Better Call Saul" offers a rich and multifaceted narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Its exploration of themes such as morality, ambition, and the pursuit of identity resonates deeply with audiences, provoking introspection and sparking conversations long after the credits roll. In essence, "Better Call Saul" is not just a television show; it's a work of art that sets the standard for excellence in storytelling and cements its place as one of the greatest shows of all time.
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A Slow Burn That Is 100% Worth It
drechseltyler28 December 2022
Many people say that this show is better than the show that started it all, Breaking Bad. And while I don't agree with that, Better Call Saul puts up a really good fight and ultimately has become my second favorite TV show of all time(the first being Breaking Bad). If you go into this show expecting it to be similar to Breaking Bad, you're not going to enjoy it. Even though they are in the same universe, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are pretty different. There are two stories being told in the show. One story is the story of James M. McGill,(Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad) a man who's struggling with his career as a lawyer. And the other story is the story of Mike Ehrmantraut, a man who gets involved with the world of crime. Similar to the film Inglourious Basterds (2009), the show tells two different stories that collide for the ending. Each story builds up, adding more and more details to the plot until they both get to a point where they collaborate in an incredible and jaw-dropping finale. The show is also masterful at making the viewer understand exactly how each of the characters think and act. It makes you feel like your best friends with each of the characters in the sense that you know everything about them. What makes them angry, what makes them happy, what their interests are, etc. The show also has many easter eggs to Breaking Bad and answers some of the questions that were never answered in the show. The cinematography is also phenomenal. From the variety of bright and beautiful colors, to the camera angles, it's gorgeous to look at. Another great thing in the show is one of the many themes portrayed in it. That theme being that the law isn't perfect. Jimmy and other lawyers are able to use many different loopholes in the justice system to get their way. The final episode especially, shows that even though many people think of the law as sacred, it is anything but perfect. The acting is also great with Bob Odenkirk giving a phenomenal performance. Another story that this show tells is the story of Saul Goodman after the events of Breaking Bad, which are filmed in beautiful black and white. This part of the show is especially entertaining to the Breaking Bad fans. All in all, if you liked Breaking Bad, I would highly recommend this show. In my opinion, it was definitely worth my time. 10/10.
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An easy 10
omarrafeh9027 September 2020
I don't remembering rating and reviewing a TV show before but for better call Saul I had to. Its just too good.
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Without this the arc of the Breaking Bad universe is incomplete
hagljuggle10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A worthy successor of the series 'Breaking Bad' which is so much more than just a spin-off but a thematic conclusion of the story the principal creators behind these works wanted to tell. The circle comes to its full closure with the titular character Saul who (in the end) faces what Walter White never could and reveals himself as central pillar of storytelling of the moral questions raised in the first of this tandem. You absolutely can give this series a shot after 'Breaking Bad' if you are keen on a deepening of the philosophical and moral questions which give the first installment its weight.

All of this is achieved with even more character - and subtle psychological writing compared to 'Breaking Bad' and less action driven grandiosity of plot and firerworks of adrenalin. If you are a fan of psychological tension this will feel even better than its predecessor; if you should by any means rely on action for a good experience you probably will find comparably less in this second chapter. But, many technical aspects of film-making have been improved and the team behind the scenes has not slowed down but indeed has some of its greater moments in 'Better Call Saul' whilst 'Breaking Bad' has the tighter overall narrative and depiction of moral depravity.

A highlight, for me at least, is Lalo Salamanca and the action he brings to the later seasons as well as his chilling performance of a smiling sympathetic guy who is an absolute malignant psychopath which culminates in a harrowing shock of tragedy.
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Everything is great about Better Call Saul
UniqueParticle18 March 2021
Exceptional cast just as good as Breaking Bad, writing is superb, soundtrack is so good, cinematography shots are very nice, and entertainment value is bomb! I'm surprised Bob Odenkirk hasn't won any of the Emmy nominations he's been up for. I'm a few seasons in when I started the series I wasn't reviewing then, glad I'm watching the show again I forgot how good it is. I love that the same crew from Breaking Bad is involved!
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This show has filled the Breaking Bad gap in my heart.
frewars10 February 2015
I loved every second of the first two episodes of Better Call Saul. We are beginning the season with many strings left untied but I have complete faith in all questions being answered. If you loved Breaking bad for all the reasons I did including the cinematography, music, scenery, characters and most of all the story line, then you will love this. I apologize for going slightly off topic but in looking back at the breaking bad episode with the fly in the lab, some people found that they did not enjoy this episode, I on the other hand loved it. I appreciate the pure genius of the directing that goes behind every minute of the show. I understand and respect that people are entitled to their own opinion but after reading the negative reviews given here about "Better Call Saul" all I can say is that they don't get it, and that is OK. It is worth a watch because if you end up enjoying the show you wont just like it, you will love it. This is the next life changing show that will become something you look forward to for many years. I am truly excited for what's to come.
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Let's Call It As It Is... This Show is Slooooow and Even Boring at Some Points
ryan-beauchesne20 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
People will argue that the show is just doing a great job of character development and building drama by filling up two full seasons of back stories and mild plot development. But come on - it's so d*** slow! Something as trivial as Chuck looking for something in his garage takes minutes and minutes of the show. At a point all these drawn-out shots just feel tedious and boring. Some will say it's very realistic in the way it's paced. I'd say too realistic! This is supposed to be entertainment after all!

At the end of the first season (which felt long enough), I finally thought "yes, he's going to go bad now", especially as they ended on the note where Jimmy says he would never pass up that type of easy-earned money again. They spent a whole season covering his back story and character development, so I figured season two would probably get into the cool stuff. Nope, season two Jimmy gets a job at HHM and it takes the whole season for him to quit that job and start his own practise.

At this rate, it's going to be season 6 before he represents his first drug dealer, and probably season 12 before "Walter White" even comes in. But, people are going to keep watching it, because they know it's coming. That's why this show can take all the time in the world.. because they know they can draw it out and people will still watch it.

I'm a bit hypocritical because I'm in the same boat. I like the show and the acting - and I do like the back stories and character development happening as they are necessary - but it's being way overdone to the point of overkill at this point: we get it already! Let's develop the plot now!

So, is it slow? Heck yes. Boring? Sometimes. Do I still want to know what happens? Yes, and I'll keep watching, but jeez, let's call it as it is.
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Extremely disappointing spin off from Breaking Bad
jacko-0610131 January 2016
After watching Breaking Bad I couldn't wait to see "Better Call Saul". Oh what a let down. The first couple of episodes started real slow but I thought stay with it as it must get better. Well now I've seen all ten episodes I can confirm, it does not get better. The script/storyline is absolute rubbish. This is so far away from Breaking Bad which I'd rate 10/10, but this just about gets a 2/10. The story lines just don't go anywhere.....then the episode ends. I will not be watching series 2. If you left the room for ten minutes during an episode, don't rewind as you won't have missed anything, it's that bad. Seems like the writers were clutching at straws, very very disappointing, a real shame.
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Hear me out it is important!!!
blndbahaden5 March 2021
If you have seen breaking bad and haven't seen this masterpiece of a show and you're hesitating don't just watch the first episode of the show and it will hook you but if you haven't seen breaking bad i suggest that you should watch breaking bad first forget the timeline and forget that breaking bad is after better call saul there are some things in breaking bad that are presentend as mysteries and if you watch this they are no more mysterious and no more exciting.
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