Boys (TV Movie 2014) Poster

(2014 TV Movie)

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A very nice and touching film!
boyshyshy11 February 2014
I totally agree with the other reviewer. This is really a beautiful and wonderful film. Like what he/she has said, the cinematography and music are good, and the key point about " Loving someone and not being able to show it, ....................., driving you to do things that disgust and hurt you inside." is the most significant message of this movie that need to be told to the whole world no matter we are gay or not gay.

The two young leading actors has done a good job especially the one who plays the boy who hesitate to come out. The only thing that is not yet perfect is that the total play time is too short that they have only shown how the boy who hesitate to come out suffers but has not shown much about how his lover suffers from his jojo hesitation. Otherwise it will be perfect.

Although I have recorded it down with my DVD-recorder, I still hope that one of those big studios will appreciate this film and release it on DVD and Blu-ray, not just with Dutch subtitles but also with English subtitles so that we can share this wonderful film with our family and our friends all around the world. Here in the Netherlands, it seems that only big studio like Universal, Warner, Paramount, Fox and MGM will release Dutch films with English subtitles. Let's pray for that!
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A beautiful love story
rivertam2629 July 2020
This coming of age drama is about a boy named Sieger who has a sexual awakening with an older member of his high school track team named Marc. At first there is confusion and some resentment but as the movie unfolds Sieger comes to terms with who he is and what he has with Marc. There's nothing really new here but it's a beautifully made coming of age love story. Unlike most films of it's kind it never really falls into despair. Clocking in at a little under 80 mins. The film is shot gorgeously and is emotionally engaging and poignant. A definite must see for people looking for a love story.

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Nice, But Not A Must See
meaninglessbark23 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Boys is a well crafted, good looking film (full of good looking boys...Surprise!) that takes a realistic look at first love.

But though Boys is completely pleasant to watch it's not memorable. Once the film was over I had a very difficult time remembering much about it other than the look of the film and that the music was nice (though also not memorable). The film is not a MUST SEE. If you can't locate it you're really not missing anything.

One of the nicest things about Boys is it doesn't feel exploitative of the young men in the film. Yes, there are a lot of shots of good looking boys (Surprise!) racing and swimming, but unlike some queer coming of age films Boys never makes you feel like a dirty old voyeur lurking in the bushes. Boys is also nudity and sex free which makes it a great option for situations where nakedness might not be best to have on the screen.

(Boys is another queer film that once again made me wonder: If this film had been made with unattractive or even plainly realistic boys in the lead would it still have the same impact on people?)
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Sincere and authentic teenage love story
Mark_H_Smit9 February 2014
This movie is a rare jewel.

Out of the gay "coming-of-age" stories I have seen, this one hit home the hardest for me. I never saw such an accurate portrayal of how it felt to fall in love when I was around fifteen years old myself. The acting in "Jongens" is amazingly natural and believable. Although it is isn't a high budget film, it doesn't detract from the experience at all. The cinematography and music perfectly accompany the drama.

Loving someone and not being able to show it. The elation of being in love, the lying awake and dreaming of someone, the enormous heartache felt when you still feel that showing what you really feel is impossible, driving you to do things that disgust and hurt you inside.

All children around the age of 11-15 should see this movie. And adults will understand and appreciate the drama, too, whether they are straight or gay. I don't remember seeing such an authentic portrayal of gay teenage love and of the difficulty gay teenagers experience even in a tolerant country such as the Netherlands.

Fantastic to see a gay-themed movie without anything remotely explicit, but that still so clearly shows the enormous tension and love between the lead characters. The German movie "Sommersturm" (Summer Storm) came close, but contains scenes that, while realistic and innocent too, may be found a little offensive by homophobes. "Jongens" is therefore the perfect movie to show to mixed crowds, and to educate people on the normality of being gay. This is the kind of movie a gay kid might show his parents.

Huge compliments to the makers for such a fantastically realistic portrayal of gay teenagers. Let's hope this movie will be shown to children all over the world, for homophobia is still rampant in so many countries. And this sincere drama won't offend even the most uneducated and intolerant person, if they are willing to learn the truth.
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Top 5 LGBT films for me.
somebody_else24 May 2015
Despite my longstanding love for the genre, I did not expect to be so moved by this film. In the same vein as movies like Shelter, Just A Question Of Love, Beautiful Thing, Jongens is about a boys struggle with sexuality, family obligations, growing up. There are plenty of plot points that are similar, admittedly, but Jongens had something the others didn't. Or perhaps it steered clear of things the others didn't.

While some reviews suggest there needs more elaboration, or elucidation, I think that's where the beauty lies. The main character, Sieg, and his love interest, Marc, fall for each other. You don't know that because they say it, or because they are physical with each other - you know that because of their stolen glances, their fleeting touches, the way they play and laugh and muck around, just like boys do.

There are serious elements to the film - we constantly see Sieger punishing himself with his athletic training, his overbearing brother always in the background - but they don't overwhelm you, or steal anything from all the sweet, gentle moments. Playing out parallel to the upcoming athletic championships, and with the backdrop of the river,forest,and long dirt roads - so much can be taken from what you see, and how it makes you feel, rather than what is told or forced upon you.

I agree there should be more, but only because they're special, their feelings and shared moments are fun and enthralling, and you'd like to be privy to hours of them.

If sweet, subtle, coming-of-age films are your cup of tea then definitely take time to see this movie. Sieg's journey into love, and identity is universal, and I think a lot of people - regardless of their sexuality - will relate.
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You must watch this
itsvivek4u25 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gosh! Its been a while since I saw a really well made good gay film that so well balances the core theme (in this case sports) and the emotional ones. I wasn't sure what to really expect but am I glad or what to have seen this beautiful film. Specially worth mentioning is the fact that the director of the film is a female and making a film on a Dutch teenager who is trudging with his sexuality while balancing his dreams as an athlete and be there for his family.

Teenage boy Sieger, a good athlete, is a caring boy who gets selected for a relay race. His brother Ed is a rebellious which is hard for their wider father who is trying to raise the boys as best as he can. Sieger seems to be compensating for his brother. Sieger and his best friend Stef get selected in the team with 2 other boys. One of them is Marc. The two boys keep stealing glances at one another and don't understand what is going on. His yearnings finally get into reality when the four boys go for swimming. When the other 2 boys leave for home, Sieger and Marc continue to swim which leads into the most beautiful kiss between the boys. Dealing with his father's emotions and Ed's rebellion, Seiger can't understand what's going on with him. His emotional immaturity to understand and accept that he doesn't like girls and may actually be gay, creates various ups and downs. WHen he is with Marc, he is happy but doesn't know whether it is right or wrong. In the process he ends up breaking Marc's heart on more than a couple of occasions. But there is only so much that can be controlled. The team finally wins the race even though Sieger had earlier snubbed Marc, he can't take it anymore. WHen he sees some support from his friend Stef, Seiger's finally accepts who is and decides to be happy with what he is.

There are so many good things and moments in this film. The film talk about family bonding, brotherly bond, importance of friendship, love, dreams, loyalty, happiness and letting everyone be what they want and deserve. The best thing about the film is that the decision that either character makes in the film is not because of just one desire or reason. instead it is the outcome of several connected events and possibilities. The scenes where Sieger is forcing himself to date a girl or the scene where he is tries to be supportive of Ed or be there for his father, are straight out of life. The friendship between him and Stef is our and even the way love blossoms between the Marc and Sieger is done with such emotional maturity but simplicity that you immediately connect with everything that's going on. Couple of kisses that the bus share are done so well and aesthetically, it melts your heart and you just want the 2 boys to be there for each other before the world corrupts their innocence. The director beautifully portrays the confusion of first love, specially because it is against the so called norms of the society. The guy who plays Seiger is unbelievably good. He plays the quiet and withdrawn character who only wants to do what's right very convincingly. Marc's role may not have been detailed as that of Siege but the guy playing the role is radiant and easy to fall for. I liked the family dynamics of Marc. Also the one thing that I liked was that even though Ed and the father had their own differences, there was an inherent love and respect for each other which was within boundaries. You realize that the film maker knows exactly what she was making.

Ending the film with an excellent music , this drama about first love and conflating feelings is a must watch. Not many love stories touch you without being overly dramatic or melancholic.
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Warmhearted film about "forbidden" feelings
BeneCumb20 March 2015
Although The Netherlands is regarded as a free and open country as for sexual orientation, it is seldom easy and "natural" to disclose your feeling, especially if you are minor and/or you might hurt the feelings of someone from the opposite sex... These and other related issues are delicately approached in Jongens, through friendship and affection developing via sports activities. True, the main characters - performed by Gijs Blom and Ko Zandvliet - are so elaborated and intense that the role and place of others remains perfunctory at times, plus the fact that profundity would diminish the pace and variety; this 1 hour 15 minutes film includes the limited number of localities, but, on the other hand, gives a pleasant overview of atypical Holland - of places where is lots of nature and little of people.

I would have amended some places in the script (several references/patterns from the German films Freier Fall and Sommersturm) as well as the ending, but, well, I am no member of target audience either. Jongens is still a cordial film, suitable for wider (younger) audience than just gays or bisexuals.
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A healing movie, must see
henridelger9 July 2017
Healing? Yes, if a situation develops that will make you think about yourself, because this film is all about L-O-V-E. Two males together? Watch such a movie? Hated the thought. Until I watched THIS film.

With other things going on in my life, I said "why not?" I bought the DVD, and even before the great ending, had learned a lot. About MYSELF. And unfortunately, many years too late.

No, this is not the usual review, of how great the movie was made, the acting, blahblahblah. More than that. I have watched thousands of movies. Nice entertainment, that's fine. Not THIS time.

You need to know, this film changed my life. When I posted this review several days ago, if asked "are you gay," my answer WAS "I still don't know for sure, so I'd have to say 'I don't know." NOT any more.

However, this wonderful film got me thinking. I watched it AGAIN. And suddenly, I recognized MYSELF as a kid, like Sieger, with a crush on another boy. Sieg's confusion reminded me of my own, way back when. But I was not like him. I was traumatized by a rapist as a kid, and unable to establish my sexual identity when I should have, many years ago.

Finally free of bad memories, and faced with a choice between homosexual feelings or a continued heterosexual lifestyle, I am finally surrendering to my feelings, and someday will find a guy to love. :-)

Maybe you should see it, too, dude. Especially if you are still hurting yourself, like I was. STOP NOW.
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Obscure Focus
adamshl29 July 2015
On the one hand, many scenes are soft and serene, on the other brisk and agitated. There is a fine drama lurking somewhere in between. The actors are all well cast and very skillful, as is the production department.

What seems to be lacking for me is a clear focus on the main theme. The physical look of the two leads unfortunately get mixed up with many of the supporting players. Only a quarter way through the film was I able to distinguish the leads from the rest.

When races were run, there didn't seem to be a clear picture of who was the main team, who were the challengers, and exactly who was winning. The same can be said for characters' objectives--the leads vs. the supports. (Also the American title, Boys, seems too generic to make a distinctive impression.)

The problem apparently is in the basic design and execution of the script. Otherwise, the film is well shot and the entire cast quite accomplished.
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Excellent Movie
jimmy-pahn9514 April 2014
This is a great movie. I watched it in dutch, with dutch subtitles and my native language is Spanish and I didn't even need to understand them because their performances were so good that it wasn't necessary. This is the kind of gay themed movie I was looking for all this time. It's not explicit and shows the real feelings of the principal character. It shows the love and the pain he suffers. It's like the last users said: it's the kind of movie that everyone can see. This movie can change the mentality of a lot of people. It's great and I'm happy that IMDb gave it such a good qualification, because almost an 8 is very difficult in this web site.
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Jongens Review
felipepm1711 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is short and nothing really happens. It is their first love and they are in the discovery phase, which makes us understand the speed of things. However, the parallel stories, like the brother racing, are just a waste of time, since they do not influence anything.
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Brilliant Dutch movie on teenage gay love
silveradofurman9 September 2014
Theme: "Jongens" is a coming of age drama. It's about accepting one's own homosexuality, and the struggle that comes along. The love story is pure and natural, set to the background of an all male sports team for teenagers.

Photography: "Jongens" (Boys) has the most incredibly and beautiful imagery you can wish for, both in landscapes as well as sports and love. This movie is almost entirely shot outside at Utrechtse Heuvelrug (Utrecht wolds), a very green part of the Netherlands, and nearby lakes. The surroundings breathe innocence and flourishing life. It challenges physical exercising. Camera man Melle van Essen has done a great job. Young actors Gijs Blom and Ko Zandvliet are brilliant.

This movie is excellent educational material for high school students because homophobia is still an issue world wide.

I'm not going to tell you the story, and you better don't read it elsewhere, just watch and enjoy it.
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GulpFriction10 October 2019
Are Dutch teenagers of that age really that slow in 'getting on'?

The film felt more like a boy/girl romance.
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Gay Exercise Video
roedyg9 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Our protagonist Sieg, is a very handsome closeted gay teenage Dutch athlete who has no interests in life other than exercising.

I was myself once a closeted teenage gay person. The movie got several things right: the furtive glances, the "inadvertent" touches, the awkward silences. It shows the awkwardness of peers pushing you toward girls.

But other things made no sense. In real life, once you realise your partner is equally interested, there is an overwhelming rush of sexual energy. Sieg felt satisfied with a quick peck on the neck and lying next to his beloved without a hint of sexual energy. This was a Bowdlerised gay movie.

In the climax of the movie, a cyclist, Sieg's boyfriend, deliberately blocks the road to a car. This is quite a confrontation, but I could not for the life of me see what motivated the cyclist.

The bulk of the movie is spent watching young athletes exercise. I found this boring.

Sieg is laconic and mostly silent. He is obviously suffering, but he never lets on what he is thinking. You would think there would be at least one scene where he opened up, but there is not.

I hate races in movies. They are necessarily rigged to the last detail to create a false sense of impending loss following by triumph, all in slow mo, with Chariots of Fire-type music. Then the overacted elation. This movie ends so predictably with a fake race.
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Jongens (Boys) is a wonderfully innocent coming of age film.
rjhouston9 March 2015
Boys is a 2014 Dutch (with English subtitles) made for TV film, starring Gijs Blom in the lead as Sieger and Ko Zandvllet as his love interest, Marc. It is set in the countryside and the cinematography is beautifully done. The storyline maybe tame by American standards but is solid and believable. Sieger is discovering his sexuality amidst dealing with the loss of his mother, over protective father and a rebellious older brother. Marc, confident and free spirited, is comfortable with his gayness and pursues a friendship with Sieger. The two are in training for the big upcoming track relay race. As the story unfolds we see the romance develop between the youths. This is a wholesome, romantic, first love story that will be enjoyed by most. Mischa Kamp's work succeeds without resorting to the typical and tired formula of sex and drugs. This is a great film, for teens and their parents to watch together.
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Simply luminous
sandover24 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am in a state of rapt thankfulness, if I may say so, after having just watched this film: it was tone-perfect! For once, and a first, we can enjoy a film which is also an advance in gay representation: not a touch of rancorous self-blame, or an undercurrent of political agendas, over-dramatic kitchen sink weights, silly gayness or tragic turn of events. Not since the danish film "You are not alone" do we have such a unapologetic stance, or since "A natural thing" a sense of the possibility of paradise.

For once the common denominator is innocence. The film takes its themes which may strike no new notes, but with a sure, steady rhythm that overstates nothing, and invites the viewer, not too close to the drama, but close enough to the young conscience of its protagonists and their sense of discovery and of turmoil, inviting him in, that in the end we are touched in a tuneful manner.

Young Sieg, a runner, prepares for a sports event, and the pressure by his coach is palpable. He also feels pressure at home not directed towards him, but by the tension between his brother and their father. We gather at some point in the film that his mother died last year, and, a point the director passes skillfully, he does the house chores trying to maintain the family balance and not to disappoint. That branches into the frustration of what his sense of self is after a new runner in his team, Marc, sets the sparks of love in his heart. Should he play it straight in order to, one surmises, form some sort of coalition with his brother that plays the independent rebel of the house? Should we press names in a film that wisely denies even the name of love, meant as a torch in the sky?

Here one should pay tribute to Gijs Blom (Sieg) and Ko Zandvliet (Marc): for me not only did they collapse the divide between portraying and being lovers, but the portraits they offer are quiet registers of high caliber.

Watch the progressive frustration in the face of Sieg, or the snatches of gaze after having watched Marc playing with his sister that signal his feeling of falling in love; watch Marc in the let's call it confrontation scene falling into Sieg and his 'girlfriend' and simply, stubbornly standing next to him, communicating his eagerness just to be next to him, and then, as Sieg seems to prefer the girl, look at him with eyes that push aside reprimand - I cannot emphasize enough the fact that the film shows no reprimand or condescension -, and mix love and hurtfulness.

Having also a sister, a loving one, helps; along with the uplifting joy of a trampoline, running along the beach with seagulls, going for nightly escapades, surprising deers, chasing cows after having a swim into the nearby where you live from lake, it all helps, into communicating - without any of it being kitsch, or a plain textbook of innocence - the expansive, secretive freshness of young love.

The director is mindful to, for example, establish three things with their first kiss: the suddenness of it, for us viewers, happening, with no false preparation, the no fuss feeling of it, and crucially the shot from above, that safeguards the intimacy of the boys. Only then we are let in, when the boys float on water with their gazes directed above, where we look them from, lit with revelation.

This concern of intimacy that runs through the film, of the protagonists' intimacy of feelings, pours into our intimate reception of them, along with a delicate, yet forward, sense of space. That is why, when in the end, Sieg after his resonant "No!", goes to find Marc, we do not need a "recognition" scene, but we can take flight with the boys as they speed towards their - at last - shared intimacy.

Thank you.
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Beautiful Love Story Between Young Runners
derrickluciano24 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The story focused mainly on Sieger's internal struggles of being gay as he gets attracted to one of his teammates, the more open-minded Marc. His fear is shown when he tries to have a girlfriend and be like one of his straight peers. The movie was able to capture the special friendship between the two boys quite naturally. Love that backward run smiles of Marc at the start. The scenes where the two boys exchange glances, kiss, train and play together are easy to understand by anyone who has experienced young love. No graphic sex scenes are shown in the film so even teenagers can safely watch it. The film also shows Sieg's relationship with his dad, his best friend Stef and his brother Ed.

Movie is well-paced unlike some of the slow moving gay-themed films I have watched. Photography is excellent and music is just right and not too overwhelming. I like the usage of blurred images turning to focus. It doesn't feel at all like a TV movie. It's worth watching all over again...
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Beatifull Dutch movie about a young teen boy his feelings for his team mate
heddebiel19 December 2021
A Dutch movie that tells the story of a teen boy who discoveres that his feelings for a Frend from his estafette running team are bigger and more than frendship alone.

And (afcourse) that creates struggles about how to deal with something like that, and most of all the question about what will be the reaction of the other People in his life, like his father and "macho" older brother. This movie does a great job in showing how "Sieger" struggles with his feelings and how hé chooses to deal with this all!
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Classical narrative about coming out
andrepessoa29 December 2014
What a cute movie, huh? Very well written script, great performances from all the actors, and extreme care with the production. There not seems made for TV. I found the director creative, especially in the use of the blur to highlight certain scenes. I also loved the way he inserts the incidental music in the film. The kissing scene (which has on the movie poster), where he films without showing the faces of the actors, is a very beautiful thing. On the other hand, it is also a very conventional way, and just why I do not give a 10 for the film. It's a film with classic narrative to the extreme, and that's exactly why appeals to almost everyone. The story is that classic about "coming out": a boy discovers different and fight against yourself, before you accept as is.

Rating 9/10.
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The surprise of love
leftbanker26 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with all the previous reviewers. This film is not spectacular or raw or groundbreaking, it is simply real and wonderful. In it's brief span it touches on the family dynamics of loss and love - two boys dealing in different ways with the death of their mother. A father trying to guide his sons while coping with his own loss. The surprise of first love and the devastating fear that forces you to deny it. The film is filled with magical but truthful moments, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes both at once. A glance that goes straight to the heart. A gaze into the mirror (too true to ever be trite). A moment when a friend knows how to be a friend. "Marc and you, you make a good team . . . really good." The moment I lost it - at the end when the "family" is eating takeout on the patio and Sieg goes to the empty kitchen to make his peace and his decision. Bravo to an extraordinary cast, crew and filmmaker - and thanks.
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Magical Coming Out Film
lmull1982 April 2015
Hi Guys, please try and see "Jongens" / Boys, one of the best "coming out" films ever, please do not be put off by the subtitles! The direction, acting and music are superb, enjoy every minute and be happy.. The story is simple, but the two lead actors are amazing, cannot believe I have not seen them in previous films, they have such great futures ahead of them!!! What a relieve to see that it is not just another "sub-par, sordid, waiting for the ever elusive sex scene to arrive" movie This movie makes u forget all that nonsense, you are drawn in from the first second, and it never lets go, only complaint is the short running time, at 80 minutes only you will be crying for some more I can go on and on, but watching the scene 30 minutes into the film makes life worth living...
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Sweet but unoriginal, cliched
ecarlson-593-12046128 October 2020
Given the reviews, I expected to be far more impressed. This is a sweet coming-of-age film, but utterly predictable. The writing is mediocre, the editing terrible. The young actors are appealing -- really the best thing about it. But they don't get much to do. There's almost no character development. We never know who they are, why they do what they do, etc. Too bad.
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Kirpianuscus20 April 2016
sport. love. innocence. a simple story. and splendid images. one of films who are touching and spectacular for its profound simplicity. because nothing is new, nothing is great - except, maybe, the last scene- but the science to present the expressions of an age, the pieces of sport as frame of special friendship, the emotion and desire and shy reactions and courage, family crisis and fight to be the image of the others about you are the virtues of a film who real impress. the young lead actors, the stories around the boys, the scenes of joy, the beauty of age and the nature, all only parts of an ordinary expressions of youth are the ingredients who transforms in a kind of experience the film.
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Must watch!
me_me_azn13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This beautiful tender coming-of-age movie was very well made. I enjoyed it from the beginning to the very end. It was so lovely. Fantastic acting and great story line. Best of all is that it has a very happy ending.

The love shared between Sieger and Marc takes courage. Young first love that is only beautiful. It is something that we all can related too I imagine with our first love whether we are gay or straight. Those days and innocent memories are like living in a cocoon of sweet dreams, that was what the director and the actors were able to fully convey with this wonderful movie. Thank you a million times over for making this.
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One of the best!
crazydanny2224 June 2014
this goes up there with beautiful thing and trick . by far one of the best coming of age movies I've seen. Some dam good acting, especially that part were (mostly done non verbally) the main dude says 'Marc sorry" and Marc just looks at him and non verbally says OK? do something about it and the main dude just looks back and gives him a look like ' what? right here? i cant'. Classic in the closet move, that any true gay dude can identify with. its a 10 out of 10 =) if you have the option of watching it and have not yet decided do it. also if you are straight this movie may not be for you. i know that sounds kinda mess up but its true
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