The OA (TV Series 2016–2019) Poster


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Cancelled by Netflix, WHY?
nextgenerationsweden11 August 2019
How come Netflix is choosing to cancel this show? Its make no sense at all. Great show, with great storytelling, a "magic feeling" you get when whatching it (as long as you take the show for what it is). Hope some other network pick it up.
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Please Netflix make another season!!!
astrid-695998 November 2021
Great show. Very good storyline and acting. Unfortunately Netflix canceled this series without a proper ending. Frustrating! Why. I wonder. Why cancel a series with such good ratings.
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This should not have been cancelled!!
SPZMaxinema6 October 2021
The music, suspense, drama, mystery, and horror of this show was enough to make me so invested in it and care for every character (except the bad ones who are in it for their own gain). Emotional and extremely compelling, especially the first season. Brit Marling shined wonderfully.
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How is this canceled??
mayqu33n7 September 2019
I am honestly besides myself about all of this. I watched this a few months ago and ended up deeply enthralled in this storyline and was so confident that there would be a 3rd season. I was honestly so convinced that there would be a 3rd season that I never even considered the fact that it could even be canceled. Needless to say, I was shocked the other day when I heard the news that Netflix decided to cancel The OA. One of the most interesting stories out there and they decide to cancel? And not only was it interesting, but it was also insanely innovative, well done, and likely an actual original concept (never before thought of and/or executed) story that transcended both mind and space? And they decide to cancel?
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Bring back the OA season 3 please!
lovbunni17 August 2019
One of the best moving shows I have ever watched. You have got to pay close attention to watching it. It's one of those shows that if you look away for a few minutes you'll lose track of what's going on. It's a wonderful show.
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Please renew
dlmslp123 August 2019
Why Netflix? Why?! Please renew this show!!! I recently finished watching it and am obsessed with this unique world written by star Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij. The OA is so creative, mysterious, haunting, spiritual, magical, and captivating. I love the characters and really want to see more. Please save The OA.
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mirvetemini8 August 2019
Absolutely beautiful story telling, music and cinematography. I cannot tell you how many times I stayed up at night thinking about the meaning of the themes that are in this series.

It's enchantingly emotional and I have never seen anything like it before. A trip for the senses and the soul.

Absolutely heartbroken that Netflix decided to cancel it despite the huge cult following.

It's the only thing I ever discovered on Netflix which felt like a true diamond in the mud.
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Hope someone picks this show up
nektoinphx10 August 2019
My favorite show in years. I hope another network picks it up, I NEED to see what happens!
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Excellent Cast & A Good Story
Easygoer101 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this series when it was first shown on Netflix. I was primarily interested because I like previous writing Ms. Marling has done. She's very talented, and it shows. "Plan B" is one of the producers (Brad Pitt's company). This particular short series has some very strong actors: Jason Isaacs is (typically) as an antagonist; something he excels at playing. Emory Cohen is also very good. I thought it was a shame Paz Vega saw such a small amount of work. She is a brilliant actor. Regardless, this show was supposed to have another season; however Netflix cancelled it. Though no fault of Brit Marlings, it left an unfinished body of work. Such is the world of film. She is an excellent story teller. Overall, most of it is very good, with a few exceptions. In particular, I found the last episode of the 1st Chapter which had an "active shooter" in the high school to be disingenuous. I get what they were trying to do. Unfortunately, what comes across on the screen simply didn't work for me. In closing, this is a show worth watching, although I probably would have enjoyed it more as a big screen film.
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Hands down the most PHENOMENAL show I've ever seen.
pavonharten20 August 2019
The OA is without a doubt my favorite show on Netflix. Not only is it a great story, but a very necessary one for this day and age. It's a clever, strange, mind-bending puzzle box with no shortage of theories to discuss, while also touching on the deeper aspects of humanity and our spiritual connection to one another. Every fan who loves it will tell you personal stories of how it has impacted their lives--healing from trauma, teaching us the value of patience, giving us faith and strength, challenging us to believe in the power of storytelling. I recommend this show to everyone I meet, because it's far more than just a show. It's an experience. Definitely worth a watch if you've never seen it, and I can pretty much guarantee that if you enjoy it, you'll want to watch it a hundred more times.
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Dancing In The Dark
southdavid6 August 2019
Netflix's decision not to renew "The OA" for a third season allows me, by my own contrary rules to review the two seasons we've had.

Having been missing for seven years Prarie Johnson (Brit Marling) is found in distress and returned to her family. Unwilling to talk about where she's been, and inexplicably with her sight restored from a blindness that began as a child, Prarie eventually begins to open up to a group of local high school children about her experience.

There's no two ways to get around this fact. I'm sure some people are going to hate "The OA". It's plot has several moments that are so bizarre and outlandish I'm sure it's going to alienate part of the audience, particularly those looking for a more scientific reason for what's going on. Personally, I'm just impressed that Netflix agreed to finance it. I also felt that despite the leftfield choices, it was, at the least never boring. The second series add a whole other storyline level to the glorious nonsense, involving a house in San Francisco.

The performances are really strong, Brit Marling gets to play the character at several points of vulnerability and personality changes. It's the kids though, and their teacher Betty, played by Phyllis Smith that ground the series. They have much more rational problems, loneliness, school pressures, bullying to deal with, but Prairie's story and discoveries help them with their issues and binds them as a group. Jason Isaacs on the other hand, gets to play the villain of the piece as he's accustomed too.

I'm again a little relieved that the show has ended when it has, as I felt that the show has perhaps painted itself into a corner with the Meta season two finale, but it was a bizarre and memorable show whilst it lasted.
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Another mind altering series thrown away by Netflix
sarahwolard9 November 2021
I don't know why they always cancel the best and most intriguing shows. It's very irritating. This was refreshing and unique. They keep garbage stuff around. I really liked this show and was looking forward to more seasons.
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Frustrating throughout
manlybrian16 December 2016
I just finished all 8 episodes. They were frustrating to watch. Yes, the production value is great, the story is certainly unique, and the acting is fine. The problem is with the writing.

Repeatedly, throughout the show, I found myself wanting characters to do things, and they wouldn't. I would want evil people to get what's coming to them, but instead they would prevail. I would want an underdog character to gain an upper-hand, to have some secret way of getting an advantage, but instead, they only became more helpless. I would want the story to give answers to all the mysteries, but it dragged on slowly and painfully.

In so many ways, the show does not deliver on the promises it makes. It sets the story up like an exciting sci-fi or supernatural thriller, but instead it turns into a cerebral mess. And once you finally accept the fact that it's going to be intellectual rather than action/adventure, it even makes a mess of THAT promise!

Beyond the frustrations of the plot, there are also problems with characterization. Often times, characters would do things (or not do things) that went beyond my suspension of disbelief. I found myself saying time and again, "What? They wouldn't do that. That's not how people are. That's not how they react." So many things characters did were simply to fit into the story, but in real life, it's just not likely.

In the end, this show left me very unsatisfied. I was deceived by the initial IMDb rating of 200+ reviews at an 8.9 rating. I seriously suspect those are phony ratings to give the show a good start. I am giving the show a 6/10. Great production value, but the story doesn't deliver on its promises, and quite frankly, I found it difficult and frustrating to sit through.
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zlubbz10 April 2019
This show has me asking so many deep questions.

Questions like,

Why is it so slow? Why have I watched several episodes and it feels like nothing has happened? Why does every second more lead to more of not much happening? Why are there so many high ratting for it? Why am I still watching it?

I think you get the point.
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jasminhegmann24 March 2019
Both seasons are simply amazing. Everything fits... every cast member, each location and every camera angle. Pretty sure you can watch this a second time and still discover something new. Guys give this series a chance and a rating SO NETFLIX WILL GIVE US ANOTHAAAA SEASON!!
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Thrilling, Captivating, Stunning and full of Originality
rmenzies1111 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was a breath of fresh air. I was taken aback when I first watched this show. It really affected me, in terms of it made me think after each episode. I would try and sleep at night but couldn't as it was always on my mind. The main character is simply amazing and the complexity of the story just captured me 100%. The first episode and the way it ends was just brilliant and clever. Instantly I was invested in all the main characters and their own stories and how they came together. Loved the way it was shot as it was stunning, the story has so many unanswered questions. These unanswered questions made my mind wander off when I stopped watching trying to figure out what was going on, who she really was, what had happened etc.

I've never seen a show like it and i applaud the originality of it all and it captured my heart. I loved every second of it and was glued from start to finish. Also big shout out for the Violin scene. The piece of music is stunning. I watched it 3 times and learned more each time. Stunning.

Can see why the 2nd Season has taken so long as the complexity of the story and to do it right takes time. Applaud the writers for that as it would be easy just to throw out a second season. You can tell that this means a lot to them which is why it has to be perfect.
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[8.5] Hypnotically intense and captivating
cjonesas7 June 2020
The OA was quite a remarkable series with deep screenplay, intense storyline and marvelous acting.

  • Its season 1 was quite better because of the more compact storyline and the more tangible turns of events.
  • Season 2 lost its track a little, got confused, but didn't downgrade in terms of quality. It just got deeper, more intricate and intriguing.

It totally deserved to be continued, having become more varied and interesting and should have been green lighted with a next chapter. When you have such a deep screenplay, such awesome acting and such spiritual and kind of psychotronic world in hand, you do not close your eyes and just cancel. You value your viewers and bring the series to a proper and satisfying closure.

But then, Netflix is on the driving seat.
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The OA- A Masterpiece
afoley-884884 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't seen it, the Netflix original The OA is an amazingly unique and powerful Sci-Fi TV Series. The minds of Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij have come together to remarkably depict concepts including the multiverse, interdimensional travel, love, hope, oneness, acceptance all the while showing people from different walks of life coming together, as well as the good and evil in the world. The more you watch it the more meaningful it gets. The minds of the world need this content and fans need closure! The OA could prove to be one of the most influential pieces of our century and could spark a new way of thinking for generations to come... if only given the chance. This extraordinary cinematic work could spark a new line of research, inventions, and a movement that could elevate the consciousness of generations to come.
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Incredibly good
finnerik-058865 October 2021
The first season is the best thing I've seen on TV, would have been awesome to get some more seasons but sadly it got cancled after the second season.
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Jesus Christ
sonomasutherland18 November 2018
Damn you, Netflix!!! Its been well over 2 years!!!! Where TF is Season 2, ALREADY?!?!?
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Netflix must renew this show.
snowytear17 August 2019
It's beautifully made. It's one of the best shows that helps plenty of people getting through rough time.
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It will lift you out of you're humdrum life and feel like a fresh breeze.
Sonny-wright7 January 2017
If you're in the mood to be transported away from the mainstream normality of an every day TV show than "The OA" is just the ticket. If you're even a moderate fan of movies like "Donnie Darko" or the TV show "Stranger Things" you will appreciate this. It's certainly binge worthy and will easily pull you out of you're comfort zone when it comes to what you believe is possible in you're day to day life. Like a story told around a campfire from the chief of a village centuries ago, you will be fixated on the storyteller as she whisks you away on the journey with her. As far as interpretation or point of view, or any other opinions you might have, leave it for the critics. Just feel what you want to feel with this show, and take away you're own unique experience. Just watch it, trust me.
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Wow... Thanks to Netflix and shame on them
satin-482505 December 2019
Using absolute formulations is awkward but to my mind, this is the most creative series I have ever watched and I have seen many. I was first slightly annoyed and yet intrigued. I am so glad I did pursue. This show is beyond brillant. And moving. What a radiating gem! Season 1 unfolds the uniqueness of the show. Season 2 is on a whole other level. I am truly amazed. France is so proud of its "cultural exception" to justify an over-subsidized entertainment industry. But it has been utterly unable to produce any series or any other TV production that would remotely touch this one. So thank you Netflix to have allowed it to come to existence and be viewed by many. And shame on you to abort it when it was gaining so much momentum. I really hope they come back to their senses (didn't they say that they realized their mistake when cutting short Sense8?) and let the OA unfold her journey...
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The first season sublime, second a horrible mess
unkinected12 April 2019
Finding it hard to review this show. The first season was wonderful. A slow-paced spiritual mystery that poses many deep questions but doesn't answer them for you in any satisfying manner, forcing you to think about the possibilities. Could Prairie really be who she says she is? Or is she just suffering from PTSD? The ending is ambiguous and can be debated wholeheartedly either way. The bond between the main characters is very strong and shines through. I thought the experience was moving and thought provoking. I fell in love with Brit Marling after this.

The second season, on the other hand, completely undoes the first. It answers all the mysteries of the first season immediately in the guise of a detective drama, and then introduces its own set of incomprehensible mysteries, and not the good kind. The second season is a mess, introducing too many plot lines and dropping most of them, changing the tone of the show, changing character motivations, completely changing the concept/promise of The OA, and generally suffering from trying to do too much. The mysteries are random and seemingly have nothing to do with each other or the main plot. It's a jumble of pieces from different puzzles...trying to be profound but ends up amateurish. And the end... the end started full of promise and was ruined by a completely random, cheap deus ex machina.

My advice is to savor the first season, but skip the second. The first season is like a classic intellectual film, and the second is a straight to DVD sequel. American Psycho vs American Psycho 2. I will choose to pretend it doesn't exist, because the first season left me with a sense of acute wonder, while the second made me angry at its handling.
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Unique Path Going Nowhere
kb563620 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show has some major positives including great casting, good cinematography, and moving scoring. All of these things contribute to the pulling at your emotions, which I suspect is why this show received such a high rating on this site.

However, there are problems I just couldn't let go of, no matter how much I wanted to like this show as a whole. I don't mind slow-paced shows. Take The Leftovers for example. That production accomplishes a kind of beauty in storytelling that I think The OA had the potential of doing. It just fell short unfortunately due to failures in plot and character development.

Some of the chosen Five don't get enough background or development and then some get too much without really any meaningful explanation behind their actions or transformation (i.e. Winchell or Betty). Dr. Hunter is perhaps the clearest one to follow in terms of motivation and is expertly played by Jason Isaacs. Then you have other great actors like Scott Wilson and Alice Krige (Abel and Nancy) who get these few "revealing" moments that leave the audience sighing with boredom.

Not to mention the late entrance of Paz Vega (Renata) who is also under-used after her introduction. Overall, things would be more forgivable if the ending actually delivered anything we were lead to believe we'd get. The climax arrives through a school mass shooting, which had no lead-up whatsoever. OA apparently has a premonition and says she knows what it all means now, but she neglected to clue us in.

So in this shooting no one saw coming, our Five decide to do the movements that are meant to lead to a new dimension. An interesting choice to say the least, but you keep watching thinking maybe they'll transport all the kids to safety. Or maybe they'll transport themselves to another dimension where the gunman makes a different choice, etc. I don't know. ANYTHING than the nothing that ensued.

The gunman gets taken down with no explanation of who he is (I expected it to be the singer who got punched by Winchell) and we assume OA dies in order to see Homer. Still, we're left wondering if it really was all in her head, even though the bath nosebleed and her saying, "Homer" is supposed to be evidence enough that her story is true.

If that was the point of 8 episodes - deciding if she was making it all up - then that's a monumental disappointment as I was already invested in her story (8+ hours) and would expect something a little more conclusive, but despite its originality, it would seem this story is setting you up for frustration.

Even the title draws you in with a question. After realizing its center theme in the afterlife/alternate dimensions, I thought, "what if 'OA' stands for 'Original Angel'?" Like OG? And then you find that's exactly what it stands for. Build up for a less than satisfying conclusion.

OA: 5.6.
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