
58 Reviews
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Monkey Man (2024)
This movie is good.. but man, it coulda been great!!!
24 April 2024
This movie is good (enough), it's entertaining, but a better story and better focus would've knocked this one out of the park!

I loved the vibe, I hated how they "half-fast" ;) the story.

Why they chose to make another John Wick, I have no clue.. But they did and for the most part, it was fine...... I guess,

The first fight with Rana was the best fight, I don't think anything else matched that.

I didn't understand the trans temple? But either way, it and those characters needed wayyyy more story and details for that end part to be a whole thing.

That fight was pretty meh (Choreo and filming, it was just kind of lacking) The whole fight scene with the henchmen, (The second half, the first half I could go with it) got kind of boring too.

That's why when the temple people showed up, the part of the henchmen fight shoulda been turned all the way up!!

And the final boss in the end, it was too quick, although, the kid's rage, that was exceedingly good!! (I felt that!!)

Also, the music choices (except maybe twice) were so bad they stuck out enough for me to notice how bad they were...

I'm complaining a lot, but that's only because I think this movie had the potential to be an epic.


(Special shout out to that "chest beat" scene, that was awesome and I felt it!!!)

Monkey Man is good. I just wanted it to live up to its potential.
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Premise had potential
21 November 2023
This premise had major potential.

I think this movie needed to be really serious and believable or a black comedy.. The idea was good - what would you do? Who's the good guy/bad guy.. the thing with this movie is that it's very obvious who's who.. there's really no grey zone consideration and really any sort of moral dilemma (Which I think would've added to the story.) except for some throw away lines. "We shouldn't... I can't." Ohh, shut up.

It was just a little lacking in something overall.

It was nice to see "Bosco" again. That's a plus. I need 47 more characters to say that this is a good idea done very poorly.

I hope someone can take this premise and run with it because I do want to see how the events of this movie play out... in a more realistic or black comedy way.
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Good story, not so good movie
15 November 2023
As a movie, it's not very good, but I do appreciate the filmmaker's efforts in getting their movie made and distributed... it's just that as a movie, it's not as good as the story it's telling.

The pacing and the focus, are off. You are getting a lot of rushing and filling in in a very short amount of time.

I think had this been a more concentrated story, say about the island operation, and those people, it could've been a much better movie.

But it just jumps all over the place. I hardly had time to know who anyone was and/or care how they fit into the grand scheme.

(Beyond seeing frightened kids)

The hype-train on this movie really oversold what was made.

There is a better movie in this story.
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Boring, but I LOVE Mike Flannagan
22 October 2023
I expected a lot from this - Because Mike Flannagan, but it was kind of a drag to get through - It has nothing to do with a beloved cast in new roles, it was that those roles weren't fleshed out enough for me to care about anything that was happening to these people. They were all so hateful, so again, why do I care? Let them get what's coming!

I didn't even know enough about Roderick and Madeline for me to care that they were suffering, it was just boring, beautiful scenes with familiar faces.

What was the deal with Madeline and the bangs? It was so stupid to me, what was the point of it??

Complaints aside, Henry Thomas' acting was a stand out for me!! I really believed him as "that guy".

But I thought that storyline was going somewhere.. It wasn't, or it was all happening off-screen.

Pym was interesting, I like a silent, dangerous type, but so what, they didn't show anything

I am really a huge Mike Flannagan fan.. and I hope he keeps making shows with this cast, but this one, let's just say you really had to endure some slick monotony to get to that final episode.

There just wasn't enough time to focus on the individual storylines to make the audience care when/how they died. (At least not me.) ... Unless that was the point, were were supposed to thirst for it?

Job done, if that was it.
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It's like the Matrix 4 of horror movies.
7 August 2023
It's like the Matrix 4 of horror movies... Pointless, name association, cash grab, BORING, waste.

The rest of this will be a ramble to fill the word count.

This movie is boring. While there are a few scenes that get the atmosphere right, it's just a couple, and you can't bank on the memory/effort or a specific scene to classify as movie as good or entertaining.

I don't know what to say... it was stale. I get that they have to set up Dalton's current reality, but, who cares? I guess I found it boring because we're, however movies deep into the Insidious world, so the audience knows all these things - but Dalton doesn't, so we gotta go through the discovery again??! Why? Who thought that was going to be entertaining?? The audience knows about The Further - why did they think we would want to watch it be discovered again??

Pacing too... I will give the first half credit for aiming to set things up, (at this point I still thought we were getting something new and exciting) but when things "get going" it' felt like a big connecting chunk of the middle was missing.
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funny parts, weak whole.
3 August 2023
This movie had major potential to be great, but because of the typical, lame plot and villain, it's just kind of good.

The funny parts are hilarious. Honestly, some of it was so flawless, I wondered if the actors were ad-libbing - those parts were great!

My main gripe is that they either weren't self-aware enough, or that they were too self-aware.. the story was floating in the middle of that for me.

I felt like they either had to lean into the awareness, or not recognize it at all, and just have the tropes sort of happen.

I really feel like with a stronger script/story, this could've been great. Big potential sort of fizzled out with a boring main story.

But, the funny parts are funny!!
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Smile (V) (2022)
It's sort of just... typical.
3 November 2022
It's not that it's horrendously bad or anything like that, it's that it's typical. (and a little boring because of that) I really liked the first girl, that whole scene was great, and in the final house where we see "the thing in the end" and kind of imagine what the first girl was seeing in the beginning, that connection was good.. Some of the "jumpscares" are really good, but, I dunno, this movie was The Ring redone to me. Everything that happened and how it happened was just so typical. I had high hopes for this one... with the creepy smile and the lack of info in the ads that I saw, but really, it's was just ok.
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Monstres (2022– )
Evan Peters is a PHENOMENON!!!
3 October 2022
Evan is the man!! I wish I had better words to describe this performance, Amazing, outstanding, it's all too common - It was just so totally, absolutely transformative, from even the posture down to the pause before speaking, it's was just perfection! This series itself is just so TENSE and chilling. There's a soft ambient sound that's used in the background that just immediately tenses you up - That sound, and Evan's performance on screen... oh man! It it ever effective! This series should've been a 10, but anyone familiar with Ryan Murphy knows this guys got issues with "doing too much and knowing when to stop" - The last two eps were really dragging on and on and on, and it's not that that portion of the story wasn't important to the grander message, it felt totally wedged in... like, it didn't feel organically presented.

I think there had to've been a better way to incorporate that part of they story into the grander Dahmer case - But it's Ryan Murphy so the fact that the show seemed to lose it's way is almost like his trademark.

But don't get me wrong, this one is worth the watch!

Evan Peters and Richard Jenkins were the absolute standouts for me.

20/10 performances, 7 out of 10 presentation/pacing (should've been a little more "show than tell" for the crimes, imo) - averaged it to 8/10.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Meh - The climbing was good.
4 September 2022
I feel like this movie could've been way better - I didn't much care for the setup or the "foot part" because they really didn't go anywhere with it. It was a little bit of bickering, and some tears and that's it.. and I do understand that these women had much more pressing matters to deal with, but I felt none it it. I feel like all these things were set up with no major payoffs. The Blonde girl was typical, and the Brunette was bland, I didn't care for either of them - but the climbing was good. Who would've thought that climbing a ladder would be so tense?? But it was.. The CGI was terrible - it knocks you out of the disbelief for a second, but I think they got their footing back quickly. I did enjoy the "surprise twist" - because I really wasn't expecting that, and appreciated the "discovery of it" but again, where'd they go with it??

A 5 second, "ohhh.." and that's it.

I love bottle movies - but this was a little bland and typical - but the climbing was really good!
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There's no crying in baseball, and apparently there's no baseball in baseball either..
21 August 2022
I was really looking forward to this one. The first 2-3 episodes really made you think that they were setting up a great story.. and then, they didn't.

It honestly, it made no difference to me that they were gay - It was a little lazy that 99.4% of all the characters had the same secret - what was truly a waste was that EVERYTHING was glossed over for the relationship drama - Character development/traits were cut shot or tossed out the window, the baseball was wedged in between scenes (with no stakes!) as if they were like, Oh yea, this is supposed to be A League of Their Own.. and the potential conflict that they set up was lazily concluded or just thrown away 5 seconds later. I don't know if connecting scenes were cut or it was just lazy writing??

The dialogue and vibe were all very modern, I'm assuming it was a choice, but it kind of sucks you out of the time period - but in the beginning, I was rolling with it, thinking it was going somewhere, but when I realized that it wasn't, the whole thing became a bit insufferable.

There are good individual scenes, I laughed, I hoped, and the show had a good look, but it was pointless.

They also wasted Molly Ephraim.

This show had major potential and they threw it away for a typical relationship melodrama.
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Elvis (2022)
Austin Butler is phenomenal!
8 August 2022
I was not too keen on the way this biopic was done, it's kinda, hip and current, and personally, I prefer classic biopics, HOWEVER, the SECOND Austin Butler appeared on screen, I didn't care about anything anymore! My foot was tapping the whole time, he is the thing that makes this movie!!!!

He is the glue and the glitter!

What an absolutely, incredible performance!! I wish the movie was 5 hours longer!

8/10 movie for me, but 15/10 performance for Austin Butler!
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Red 11 (2019)
I hope this inspires more filmmakers.
12 June 2022
$5000 bucks??! This was made for $5000. WOW. I think that knowledge added to the movie, but even still, the story was engrossing, mysteries abound, the actors were great, and who can possibly forget the SCORE! It was just so entertaining.
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Le Casse (2016)
Ignore the ratings, this is GREAT!!!
11 June 2022
I was recommended this movie a while ago, I jumped on iMDB and saw that low rating and skipped it until yesterday - that rating is bull****, this movie is so good, it's so entertaining. It's mental. Just go with it, watch it and be entertained!!
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Stanleyville (2021)
Could've been so great!
9 May 2022
It's too bad that the filmmaker doesn't know how to tell a story or make you care about their characters!

The little mysteries went nowhere or were just ignored.

There is no growth, there is no nothing.

There's just no reason behind anything.. yea, yea, find yourself, the journey, but it was just so mellow and boring, that you don't care. No stakes. No tension... the candle was ok, but that scene was 1 minute long and then, back to mellow and boring.

This movie is sufficiently weird that you just know how it great it could've been.
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Choose or Die (2022)
Great intro... not much else.
19 April 2022
Based on the intro, your gonna think you're in for a ride and then you will be sorely, sorely disappointed.

Scenes are too long, and the payoffs occur and are over in the same 5 seconds. NO ONE has any chemistry... you will not care about these characters. This movie is telling and not showing... Save yourselves and choose die.
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King Richard is not really a likable guy, but he accomplished amazing things.
2 April 2022
I liked the movie, I have no complaints when it comes to the cast and their performances, everything was great to me.. It was kind of interesting because I'm watching Richard bob and weave, struggle and 'hustle' and I am award of the powerhouse players the Williams' were/are, and how amazing everything it took to get there was and still, I find myself side-eyeing Richard.. very interesting to root for someone and also not like them.

However, I think this story would've made a great tv show, like, I wanted to continue to see the Williams' sisters dominate! That final match with Venus just wasn't enough for me, I was ready for episode 2. This is a grand story (the Williams' accomplishments) and I felt that the movie was just a little "too small".
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Loved it! Hope there's a season 2!
8 March 2022
This is funny!! Funny and weird, charming, loveable, and even a little cringe at times.. I loved every second of it... I love ALMOST every second of it. Colin Mochrie and Tom Green steal the show for me - I wish Dave Foley lasted longer, that devious devil, and Jon LaJoie, who I've never heard of was amazing... almost nearly, everyone was!

I hope there's a season 2.
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Scream (I) (2022)
It's good... but it's not good good.
25 February 2022
The movie, would've been great, if it was some fan made independent movie that only existed online... but as a studio movie, it just wasn't good enough - not for a final chapter Scream movie, and still somehow it was very entertaining, and funny, and charming, and they really upped the ante with the kills, but the actual story and the main characters / villains were kind of dull and boring... and still somehow, I was entertained.
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Captive State (2019)
Based on the first 15 mintues, this could've been awesome!
10 October 2021
Instead, it's a modern day cold war, slow-burn, drama, minus all of the continuity scenes that would've made you care about these people.

I still don't care about these people, no one's death and/or sacrifice meant anything because there was no set up! This movie needed more stakes, or any stakes.. Also, no payoff.. I mean, you get the suggestion that the plan worked during the credits, but that's it?! I feel like we needed to see/feel the conditions that these people where being oppressed under for any of that stuff to hold water.. I dunno... it's an ok movies with grand ideas, but just stays a little too tame and blasé for my taste.. I would recommend the first 15-20 minutes to everyone though.. that was one helluva intro!
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V/H/S 94 (2021)
The Mad Doctor segment could've been it's own movie.
8 October 2021
The Mad Doctor segment could've been it's own movie... in fact, it should've been, with a little tighter story and flow, that could've beeeeen a GREAT horror movie!

I think, in terms of entertainment it's really about a 4-5.

While there were things I did like, The Mad Doc, The bonkers news segment with the throwback FX (PURE GOLD!!) In totality though, the flow was off for me... maybe I needed that scene of the tapes being discovered and watched by whomever to tie everything together feeling wise, but the way it was, stuff just kind of happened.

UUgh and don't get me started on all the waste of time SWAT stuff for the 'big ending' that nobody cares/cared about.

I like the VHS movies in general, but this one was off... Also, nothing felt very 1994 except that smoking girl and her boyfriend.
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I wish this was a revenge movie instead of a redemption movie.
4 October 2021
It's not that it's not good, it's that with a title like The Card Counter, I expected some Vegas-y, take down the casino, type of shi.. fantasy.

It starts off kind of moody and slow, setting the scene for our loner 'hero'... Which is fine by me, I love a loner character, then it dips into Oscar Issac's background as an interrogator - Well that must mean these card scenes I'm about to see are gonna be great!! With some sort of psychological aspect to 'em, right??! Like Rounders meets Lie to Me. I'm ready! I'm waiting.. waiting... Ok, cut to Tye Sheridan's character, and more of the interrogation/torture storyline - ok, ok, I'm with it, he's a card counter, but this is really a revenge story! Right?

And then there's a baffling ride along portion of the movie, Tiffany Haddish cracks some stiff jokes, and the thing happens to Tye's character, but it happens so close to the end, that I know I'm not getting either story, no Vegas, no revenge, just off screen violence about people I don't care about. (I do feel like if they showed it, I could've cared.) and then, a very, looooonnnngg, drawn out, emotionless, final scene, and credits and that's about it.

I didn't hate it, per se... It's just that when it was over, I was left this reaction, "Oh."
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The Guilty (2021)
Tension, good.. conclusion, not so much.
4 October 2021
I thought the tension building, especially during the first phonecall, was GREAT! But storywise, it got a little tedious in the middle for me, especially when "Joe" was doing that thing as a 911 operator, that kinda made me guess the plot (I could only chalk it up to Joe's stress for so long, till I started screaming, "Buddy, how'd you even get this job?!?!) But honestly, if they ended the movie at the bridge, I would've loved it... instead, they went for the wimpy happy ending.

Even the pacing of the final act seemed so random compared to the rest of the movie. I'm really curious if the original movie had the same kind of happy ending or if that was tacked on? (That's what it seemed like.) It's ok.
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so THAT was the conclusion?
4 October 2021
I absolutely loved the actors/characters, Michael Shannon was/is incredible!! Never a dull moment when he's on screen... and those first few episodes did a GREAT job building tension, my thoughts after each of the first 5 or so eps were something like, "Well, nothing's really happening right now, but something's going to!! I can feel it!" But when it came time for the rollercoaster to drop, there wasn't a drop. It was steep, exciting, climb to the top and then nothing, just a straight line, barely a dip.

IMO, the conclusion didn't match the tension.. not even a little bit.

Meh story, great cast/characters.
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Old (2021)
If this was a foreign B Movie, I would've rated it higher..
27 September 2021
... for effort. This movie really feels like it should be good, but it's weirdly off. The acting is strange, like they were improvising scenes/dialogue but not in a way where it worked, it just seemed stiff and that the actors were missing their cues. I dunno, how to explain it... Killing of a Sacred Deer was weird acting that worked, Old, is weird acting that seemed amateurish. I get that the passage of time is in seconds and minutes so maybe that accounted for the lack of panic, but actual panic about the situation seems to be missing... Also, annoyingly, lots of stuff happened off screen??? Was there some sort of moratorium on gore?? UUgh, and those long teasing shots were pretty annoying too, we know the premise, why tease the 'kids' reveal' for so long - By the time the camera panned around - I didn't care. When the movie seems like the story is finally going to open up, it never does, not till the end end when 1 +1 finally equals 2, but by then, you don't really care, 'cause it's too late.

I not done with M. Night. Shyamalan yet, I feel like that guy still has good ideas, just gotta work on that execution, I guess.
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Wayne (2019)
I just don't understand...
29 August 2021
...why movies and shows of this caliber don't exist on a more frequent basis??!! I had this series sitting in my 'watch later' for like 2 years - No reason for the delay, except I don't watch trailers, so all I knew about it was some kid named Wayne was on a mission to get his dad's car back - sounds boring right?? But I kept hearing how good it was... and when I finally put it on, HOLY SHISTS! I was blown away in the first 5 minutes and it didn't stop!! The story, THE CAST, the action.. comedy... everything... blown away it was THAT good, no exaggeration! Are they making a season 2??They better!! We don't need 57 seasons of the Kardashians, WE NEED WAYNE!

If a violent, romantic, revenge comedy sounds like your thing, Wayne's got it! In droves!
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