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could be a bit better
3 November 2024
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There's the original story, which is allegedly a folk fairy tale. Based upon it there was made a great animated musical short film. While this "live"-action film is nothing like the cartoon, it's a remake of it, and is not an adaptation of the story.

The cartoon is very simple and to the point, sometimes even too much to the point. So to stretch that to 100 minutes they overcomlicated it and added a lot of sub-plots. The princess had a goal - a simple life. A simple dude gave her what she wanted. This princess doesn't really care and can't choose a guy between the two. Because the rich dude was made to be younger, and as the film says it "attractive". While a lot of what he does is shifty, only the viewer sees it, not the princess. So there isn't really a reason why she went from slobbering all over him, awooga! To not wanting to marry him. The original dude built the ship for love. This one to rob graves. The witches are made into cannibals. And then the film treats them as good guys. Even if they are allies of the protagonist, they are still cannibals.

The whole story, the plot, and the writing are all very poor.

The great cartoon's music was remade into very crappy cellophane out of place covers, which are badly performed. And then there are a lot of 20-30 years old pop-song injected for literally no reason. They were too lazy and too talentless to write new original songs, so the decided to maintain the % of the run-time spent on music by just licensing forgotten cheap crap from their own youth. And all of the songs are mixed extremely poorly. They do not belong to the scenes. The sound is separate the mute visuals are separate.

Something which this film actually has, is bright ugly designs, somewhat reminiscent of local folk art. As a fairy tale film of the federation period, it's all weird and colourful. There's no reason to see this film, but if someone who loves cinema have never seen a colour full-demented russian trash, and / or a federation-era fairy tale adaptation, this can serve as an example. But i still would recommend any of the other, way better and way more original federation-era fairy tale adaptations. Or even some of the more dull and simpler soviet-era fairy tale adaptations.
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The Crow (2024)
just needed a sub-title in the name
3 November 2024
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All of them have the same premise, and unless you know beforehand it's impossible to say which is which. So the worst sin ever this new film commits, is having the same name as the very first film. Same name films should be banned on legislative level. They could've added a subtitle and it would've been a fifth film. Because yes, there is the fourth The Crow.

This is a decent mystical drama film, with a total mess of the beginning, where they just walk away from a co-ed prison or punitive psychiatry or whatever. Instead of introducing the characters it spends time on mess of a story and art-housy editing. But after you get used to that it's just a decent mopey supernatural drama with a couple of action scenes which are also decent. The first fight is very effective with how the protagonist is not trained and just awkwardly tries to protect himself from a pig-bandit. When he gets magic blood he goes for a big fight most of which is cool. The confrontation with the final boss is dumb.

  • Hey dude don't let him magic-talk to you!

  • Okay.

Proceeds to put his ear to the final boss's mouth so he can lick it.

And then the ending is wimpy and dumb. The girl is somehow alived, instead of going to valhalla. And the dude walks around the purgatory, as if sequel-baiting, instead of going to hell where Nic Cage from Drive Angry is drag racing.
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Kalki 2898 AD (2024)
part 1/?
3 November 2024
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I saw it with English subtitles.

Bharat and especially its southern part, releasing a high sci-fantasy film based on their local supernatural beliefs. Now that is something i wanted to see. It's a post-apocalyptic techno-hinduism action epic. The designs look good, the action is solid. Overall it is a bit unpolished here and there. Like, scenes which are supposed to be cool are only 95% as good.

So the story goes, a mother of crust, an immortal protector, and a bounty hunter walk into a rebel base...

And it's gone. It's not a film it's only a part of a film.

Amitabh Bachchan as Ashwatthama Kamal Haasan as Supreme Yaskin Prabhas as Bhairava Brahmanandam as Rajan.
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Twister (I) (1996)
haha i live here
3 November 2024
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Twister is a full-scale special effects / action film with all the necessary tropes, but it is built out of a seemingly unfit premise. People are running into tornadoes to extreme-sports study them, as if there's any money in that. There's the underdog team of lose cannons shabby misfits, and there's the evil rival team. It does not bite apples or kick dogs, tho. And tornadoes destroy diverse things in spectacular manner. The sound design is utterly whacky - there's glug and dive bombing sound cartoony effects which do not fit anything. The casting choices are also weird. But overall there's mastery to this film, because it is still very effective at what it does despite that. It's captivating, and it doesn't drag. I even think it rushes and misses one or two scenes. Them talking about the mechanism being too light doesn't make too much sense. And they never have it fail because of the lack of the propeller wings.

There's also the subplot about exes going back together, which is a stupid trope, and it always was. Exes are ex for a reason.

It was a movie about imaginary hyperbolized tornadoes in the 90s, but now thanks to *** creating global warming (and ****** closing all atomic plants to burn brown coal, and to peddle [...] gas as a green alternative to atomic energy to EU) this weather became a reality.
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The story is decent, if you can watch a movie blind.
3 November 2024
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The reboot series was finished. But they couldn't let it rest so after seven years they've released an unasked-for sequel.

Female apes have emo hair so you can tell they are female. Should've added a Ms. Pac-Man bow. Human females wear bras because it's a usa movie. And they wear them specifically, not unisex easier-to-make baggy rags.

The vault got more water than the sea level, somehow, so noah saved monkeys from the flood inside an ark.

Where this was filmed they don't need eyes to see.

The film has so much disgustingly terrible DoF. Some scenes literally dissociate into layers. And that's at 19.4 Mb/s from a local file, imagine trying to see this film while streaming.
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Old Boys: 2 Boys 2 Old
3 November 2024
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It's another one of these movies. And it's like the previous one, but the twist is that Carroll is having health problems this time. To make the plot happen they retconned some of the events.

You want one? You got one.

The film says that dude's nail got pliersed and never grew back. They grow back very fast.

They let the killer go, because he killed several goons from the competition. Still a killer. Good healthcare, and a transfer to a normal civilized prison like in civilized countries from a usa-style slave camp is what he deserved, with a re-evaluation of his case, since he's now also a witness, and was an asset to another case. Not just being let go free.

I dunno if the cinematography is good. But there's sure a lot of it. It's not a cinematography that made me coom the coom of dinosaurs, but it is surely not photographs of people talking. And if you saw behind the scenes you know that a lot of it is practical.
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Actual effort.
3 November 2024
This one already starts with a decent scene on the chosen topic. Even if chronologically confused one. Logan takes place in the future, in the bad half of Days of Future Past, Deadpool was set (?) in the good half, which is currently retconned into "Earth-10005" - they decided to give that number to the happy DoFT timeline, so the real Earth-10005 is now only known as the timeline formerly known as Earth-10005. This film is still another Deadpool film but there's a lot more actual effort put into the writing, and into the jokes, and it digs deeper than the no-effort lowest hanging fruit. As a whole it doesn't feel constrained by its budget. And there are even a couple of pretty good action scenes too.
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decent animation bad designs bad writing
15 October 2024
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Originally i saw it soon after release, i expected to love the new Asterix entry but i was disappointed. The writing is cringy old-people garbage and the main character is ugly.

So we watched it with the original sound and russian subtitles.

This is the last 2D Asterix film, released twelve years after the previous one. And the next one came out only eight more year later with 3D CGI animation.

Well, i can admit that as far as 2D animation goes, this often looks really good. But the rest is still bad.

The main story is a double cringe How Do You Do Fellow Kids these days. It came out in 2006, but it thinks that SMS, vegetarians, scratching, and disco music are still the most relevant phenomenons with teens (lets pretend of at least 18 years old in this film). It plays boomers' pop music as if it's new and hip, literal Eye of the Tiger (1982) (but not electronics), Get Down On It (1981), and Super Freak (1981).

And this is not Astérix et les Vikings, it's Comment allez-vous, mes amis enfants et les Asterix. Asterix and Obelix are secondary character in this not-funny juvenoia teen romance adventure. They repeat that fear gives you wings so much, but it wasn't any amusing even the first time. It's just bad plot.

While the animation quality is retro-actively impressive, the protagonist looks like an alcoholic granny, at least they shou'dn't've made him ugly. And the girl runs around without pants in a miniskirt in sub-zero weather, and it is a very mini skirt, with a lot of creepy frames.

If you want to introduce a new character no one asked for, instead of the main stars, at least do it right. The 2018 cartoon was almost great.
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The Allins (2017)
as the name says it's about the family
15 October 2024
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It's a documentary, that doesn't talk about GG or what he though. As the name says, it's a documentary asking old people what they think. GG died before i went to school, yet even today people still think that there's art to his lo-fi low-effort academically-bad music, and that it matters and that the world didn't improve that much since GG's days. The strength of GG's lyrics and image is not in him being a typical edgelord nihilist upset with the world. The strength is in the state of the world itself. If the world was a better place, where that stuff just can't resonate with people, he would've been forgotten. But in the world where pop-punkers sell-out to governments to support genocides, you always remember that there was a true real punk, and that you should never worship any authority.

GG is dead but his symbolism lives. Some people latch on an idea of fictional Rick and Morty, others onto an idea of the real-life GG. For some people it's enough to just think about it, others crave the ahole-action.

Merle is keeping the brand alive. Which means that this 30 years old music they recorded means something to people. You can download the entire discography for free, but it's important to people to give their money to the band.

And well, look at the bright side. The dudes had an ideal epitomic future-serial-killer childhood, but the mum saved them from it, and neither did oppress them. So they grew up to be just (academically) bad musicians, instead of anything worse.

The film itself as a documentary is pretty average. There' nothing awe inspiring, but they don't shy away from explicit imagery either. And it features a lot of footage of GG's earlier looks. Though, it feels like they could've found better quality of footage for some of the oldest materials.
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it is in fact a real film even if without a story
15 October 2024
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Evil Bong became a throw-away IP, the one of the concurrent ones, in which they were not putting any effort. The last two films look like youtube videos made by youtube essayist who think that early AVGN is how you should make things. But even at that they are of a lower quality.

So it was surprising to see this one being an actual movie. There's no story, nor ending (while it is advertised like the grand finale). But it's not just dudes pointing camera at random things and sometimes trying to make funny on the fly. There's some actual writing and some decent performances.

I don't remember much of the EB6 and EB7, but it doesn't really matter. Instead of continuing where Evil Bong 7 has suddenly ended, this one is a separate story. This film is lead by Rabbit. He opened a restaurant and tries to be a businessman. Due to mismanagement they have no other food but beans and sausages, so Evil Bong infuses that dish with weed. After which it's just a series of shots of boobs, cameos, and recurring characters from this IP visiting the restaurant. Robin Sydney has a role. But not as Luann. Not as Sarah Leigh. She's another character, Kendra from the Corona Zombies series.
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a lot of uncomedy
15 October 2024
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Well, at least they did finish the story. It's bold of them to assume i can remember anything from the first film. And i am so bold to assume, that even if i did watch it in january, i wouldn't remember anything more than now. I even read the synopsis of the first film on Wikipedia and it didn't get any better. And it starts with a recap, which also didn't help.

Reading about such a film can create an image of something awesome in your head. But the real product is kinda awkward. How can you make something so unnecessary complex and confusing, but also unmemorable and filled only with unnecessary flashbacks. Often to five minutes ago.

And then there's the film itself. A medium-budget sci-fi xianxia overly long picture. The first ninety minutes of it is just a talkie filled with funny-free "comedy". It's all buffoons and not-funny sidekicks being stupid. Only by the end there's some action, and even 1,5 impressive scenes. But then even that often struggles with framerate and many shots are drowned in the disgusting lens flare camera defect.

The girl has this movie with close ups on her phone. And the girl was also stolen from the past why she wasn't sucked off by the time vortex?

Well, maybe watching it back to back is more impressive and immersive. But as is it was at the lower margin of just alright.
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Jackpot! (2024)
it's already not too good, but the ending kills it
15 October 2024
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It's mostly a full-length-action film. And its action cinematography is bad . It's all cuts, breaking 180, etc.

And of course the writing and the story are bad.

The granny says that Awkwafina looks young for a cop. She's 40 and she looks 40. She looks so good as a cop she just played one.

Cena agrees for 10%. Which means he can kill one client easily and skip the next nine. He should ask for something closer to 90 to make the profession feasible. Why would he agree to share the same danger and get nothing in return. Saying i'm just a good guy is a cancer answer.

The wasp gun is still a gun, even if it doesn't use cartridges. Then there are literally diving spearguns, crossbows, bows, none of which are in the film. And then they just gave up and show dudes with shotguns and with literally >>"bullets".

The film pretends that only low income people hunt the winners. But a millionaire would want to become a milliarder. The difference is 1000 to one. And a millionaire can afford some really good gear.

After getting a mask that works, she just threw it away. It was working.

And she took the call. Why would you take an evil call?

The film is also filled with product placement of other properties and brands.

Why is this 65-min film goes for 2 hours? It's made of equal parts of sub-mediocre and unfunny. And unfunny won in the end. Because the ending sucks and is badly written.
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Terminator (2024– )
Humans can live in dirt. High-tech machines need processors grown in clean rooms.
15 October 2024
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This time this strained franchise was fed to weeaboo creators. So it's the same song and dance again, but now with all the weaboo tropes of (cyber) spirituality.

The writing is as weak as weaboo soaps go. This one uses only the old models from Terminator 2, because everyone loves T2 and wants to memember chewbaka again. So we just pretend that the sequels and that girl-soap didn't exist, again. A dude creates another skynet because the first one was not enough. So we have a generic Terminator 1-style hunt where a future human saves a POI from a future robit, while the old dude waxes poetic with skynet 2.

Of course let's say that war is bad and it created only by humans. But it's not. First of all war is basically never created by "humans". I bet with a time machine you can trace every single war in history to just one psychotic sociopath who didn't get punitive psychiatry treatment in time. Every properly recorded recent war can be traced to just one person who is not even a fully functioning human. At best this sloppy AI can argue is for mass religious hatred. Which again, is always controlled by sub-human sociopaths deceiving and lying to simple people's faces.

And then, humans are just animals, and in their cruelty they can never reach chimp warfare. Human capacity to war will never match the world war ant that is happening for the past hundreds of years. They never get tired, they never have pacifists, they never think of peace treaties or about civilians, they never communicate with the enemy, never take prisoners.

Then the slop AI says that word "robot" comes from the word for thralls. Are the writers banned from the internet and libraries? Even if we ignore all context and use the modern definition, it still does not come from the word for thralls. The two worlds are entirely separate.

Misaki tried to get down a hostile killer non-AI not-robot, just to endanger the kids, after which she terminated several humans. But when a robot has actually threatened the kids all she did is scream and break herself. All these CGI and animation directors who do not have to work with physical objects always ignore weight, mass, friction, and force.

The Terminator works because it's simple. You can probably accept Terminator 2 as a tacked-on sequel if you choose the happy ending. The traditional recycled footage last-second re-write is a garbage ending. It's a blatant sequel bait. Anyone who is unhappy with Terminators 5 and 6 existing, can only blame T2 and nothing else. When skynet became about internet the plot stopped working. All its nukes will harm its internet in the first place. Humans can live in dirt like roaches. High-tech machines need processors grown in clean rooms. 80s dreams of the future cannot survive against 20s facts of the reality. The more meat you add to those old rusty metal bones the faster it rots.

This cartoon is a generic weeaboo soap about spirituality and fountains of blood. Lacks only falling with both hands on boobs for a full house. It thinks it is smarter than you, while blabbering generic 13 years old's edgelord cliches. It's not the worst thing i saw. But what did i saw? Why did i saw? This is as nutritious as dining on a roll of cellophane.
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had potential
27 August 2024
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Yo, this really should've been a great film. But instead because of the weak lazy writing it's merely fine. They could've recycle the whole first person, but instead they decided to become a serial mom out of literally nowhere and start a spree. No scratch that, that joke makes it look like Serial Mom is as lazy as this, when Serial Mom makes perfect sense and is consistent. Like, the ending is so dumb, she decided to burnerecute herself alive for no reason. At least should've picked a better method that would have left the body intact.

An unmasterful awkward film, that is also an alright watch.

Lisa Frankenstein is frustrating. Fido is awesome. Warm Bodies is awesome.
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It's a generic loose cop action film for the fourth time.
14 August 2024
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It's a generic loose cop action film for the fourth time. Now with generic family drama and there's a lot of it. It's a bit weaker than the third, but not so much as to dock a point from the final score.

Most of the cast has returned, but most of the cast should be on pension, instead of playing action heroes. Even the damn "young guy" Bob is played by Joe who is way past 40. Damn, people here don't even live up to forty, and here he runs around shooting stuff.

The cinematography is not good. It's all over-cut, maybe to accommodate the elderly people shambling around, or because the crew doesn't know how to do their job. The theme song is used as a leitmotif harder than ever and not in a good way. Every arrangement sounds very weak and dreary. The tune got so popular exactly because it doesn't sound like whatever the dying AI-generated version in the credits is.
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It's a barely tolerable watch.
14 August 2024
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There's a game known only for being in the first episode of zero punctuation. And people who didn't see that don't even suspect the game exists. It was a colossal failure but somehow the studio has survived and continued to make a colossal failure after a colossal failure to this day. And all studios that made good games are closed. Failure us rewarded.

So much so that after being a subpar flop that could not even earn a title of a great flop, they remade this story into a not-good CGI cartoon.

The story is bad. The writing is bad. The characters are especially bad. This thing has a weird fascination with mentally challenged. A part of this think is in another art-style with low FPS. The VA is pretty bad and then it all mixed like a very bad dub.

It's a barely tolerable watch.
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had potential to be good
14 August 2024
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We watched it with crappy russian subtitles made from a translation by Enigma.

It's a typical action-musical-comedy-drama. This one is set during the colonisation, and it's Pirates of the Caribbean at home, where a flamboyant scoundrel lead helps a girl to beat up british.

It should've been a great movie, with its setting, with the costumes and the script. But it wasn't made great. The plot is rushing trope-points. The action cinematography is uneven and it's often overcut despite the constant slo-mo. It breaks 180 all the time and in a very noticeable manner. There are no physics. And i am not talking about the characters being supermen and the usual action tropes. No things blatantly appear and disappear out of thin air, the thickness changes etc. Like, in the beginning they shoot an arrow, in the flight a giant rope appears tied to it, with the other end tied to a spool, that doesn't exist anywhere in this scene. It all sounds weird both in audio-mixing and syncing. We saw it in the original hindi. Which is also spoken by all the englishmen when they enjoy only each-other's company. During the songs the lip-sync is very off.

It should've been great, but instead we have what we have. 'tis alright.
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great props mediocre cinematography
14 August 2024
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I though that i would see it before i ever touch any Street Fighter game. Oh, wait, i've already played Street Fighter: The Movie at an exhibition. Anyway the life didn't go that way, and at this point i've beaten almost every Street Fighter arcade that came out before this film.

Mortal Kombat film had it easy, being just a tournament with, some lore on top. Pretending that there's a story in Street Fighter is childish, i don't know if there's anything written in some manuals, but arcades do not come with user manuals. All you have is the designs and tiny mutually exclusive joke ending screens for each of the characters. And then there're at least five alternative versions events from which are pick-and-choose canon in the series as a whole.

On the one hand they had to somehow merge a tournament with a spec-ops operations against the Vega's (M. Bison) gangverment. On the other hand since the games have no story they could do whatever they want. To make a movie based on a fighting game you just need to give the characters recognizable costumes and make them perform some special attacks. But this film didn't take the easy way.

They decided on a strict no-magic rule, and the characters get into costumes only with the progression of the plot. Vega (M. Bison) is not thai, but damn the writing and the performance are absolutely awesome. Nothing matches the ending cutscenes, but no one saw them with that cheating AI, and they all contradict each other anyway. Instead of a tournament it is an action film about heroes going against an evil dictator. So, a half of the plot is kinda true to the game. Also it is filled with references to SF2.

The screens inside Vega's (M. Bison) lair show video in incorrect aspect ratio. The props are awesome. The cinematography is rather mediocre and in an action film it's the most important part.

Well, it's not what people who played the game wanted to see from it, but then they don't know what they wanted to see to begin with, or why there would be six remakes of the same game? By itself the film has the potential to be anything from good to great, but what we have is just solid entertainment.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
could be great
14 August 2024
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It's an awesome retired shadow alphabet soup agency guy action film. Jason Statham takes on tech-bros parody straight from the 90s, one of whom looks like MatPat, and the other like the suicide forest guy. The writing is tight and all the stupid talk about the bees is fun.

But this kino lacks kinematography proficiency to be great. It's not even average, it's all handhelds and quick cuts.

It's an awesome retired shadow alphabet soup agency guy action film. Jason Statham takes on tech-bros parody straight from the 90s, one of whom looks like MatPat, and the other like the suicide forest guy. The writing is tight and all the stupid talk about the bees is fun.

But this kino lacks kinematography proficiency to be great. It's not even average, it's all handhelds and quick cuts.
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Barbarella (1968)
horny but actually worthy
7 August 2024
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This is the film they write songs about. But no one saw it or talks about it in this millennium. I haven't found a single ootoob review of the film from a recognizable name. To be fair there are some videos about it from microscopic channels no one watches. I sure didn't.

It's a Dino de Teatentis production so there's plenty of horny, and of boob aquariums. The story is alright, not too generic. The movie is filled with awesome practical effects and props. Tho, they really do go overboard with using psychedelic physical reactions of liquids and pops' fried soup.

Good to see that in the year 4,000 Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is still thriving and prospering.
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tries hard to be cool. is cool
7 August 2024
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The "surprise plots" are always weaker than straightforward ones. And when the surprise is not surprising it's just sad. The bad twists are so passe - you can call every single one from the first frame of a film.

It is a pretty cool, but a tryhard-cool action film. And by "cool" i mean cool as the "cool" was 25 years ago, before it became not cool anymore. The DJ led-ticker masks were never cool, they are cringe since they first appeared right before the 10s.

The film has rather ambitious audio and cinematography. The action is not too impactful, but it is not overcut shaky cam either.

Yuh, it's pretty cool.
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The Signal (2014)
no ending
7 August 2024
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It's a surprise film, but the thing with surprises - they suck. I'm the only one who remembered this film existing for the last ten years. So, the only people who ever saw this film, are the people who saw the trailer in a movie theatre while waiting for a 2014 movie, and the trailers showed all the surprises.

The intro is stupid. They pretend you can outsmart a rigged claw machine. But the dude draws the targets from the PoV of his height instead from the kid's PoV. Then a disabled dude goes to do chores. Even if he wants to pretend he is useful, he just wasted all the money, wasted all the food, and polluted the planet for literally no reason. Sorry bruh, i don't think the whole 8 000 000 000 of humanity has to pay the price for you trying to cosplay as able. He's an ego tripping bunghole and that drags the first part lower.

It is a mystery film and it is intriguing, but mystery stories are only as good as the moment of revelation. And this reveals nothing. One out of two, mediocre. I'll call this tolerable for the middle part, but the beginning is melodramatic nonsense, and the ending is unsatisfactory. The cinematography apes denis the menace, but is even less appropriate here - the flashbacks are superfluous and add absolutely nothing.
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Helstrom (2020)
Mostly decent.
7 August 2024
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It's another Marvel soap, but this one was booted out of MCU before the release, instead of after.

It's a family drama soap, but set in a judeo-roman fantasy world. But, like, only a half of it. There's undeniable proof of demons and hell, but yahweh with angels remain only a theoretical or a theological concept, that has no observable power at all - it's all play-pretend just like in the real life.

It's kinda a compelling watch. Most of the acting is pretty good, and the show mostly stays on budget, not trying to depict something they cannot. There's only one bad episode. But the ending is not as good. Most of it is too dark to see, it's kinda rushed, and without more seasons to follow it is twice unsatisfactory, and not in the "evil has won" kind of a way.
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Finally, a live-action film adaptation of Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
7 August 2024
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It is the third film about the admiral, again with a new cast.

The first two films are about underdogs winning against invaders, but here, from the very beginning we know that the invaders just wanted to leave, and the admiral just wants something akin a genocide. And accidentally helps the bad(er?) guy, or at least that's what implied. The film should've explained why he should not let the japs go clearer. Because in plain text the beginning of the film is framed as the nihonese guy wanting to save a kid and the admiral wanting for more people to die in a war that is already over. Once again these movies do not work by themselves. You watch one and think, "well that's some hollywood fantasy". But then you read up and understand that the naval battles scenes were actually plausible and awesome. Nay if you hindsight about it - they are borderline inevitable. Why do you have to do a homework to watch a movie? After doing some superficial research for this filmi saw at least some possible reasons for these decisions, none of which are in the film.

After a whole hour of meandering and weak drama, the awesome finally begins. Besides the two geobukseons, which soon are sank, they brought hwachas. There are some cool manoeuvres and in general most of the naval battle scenes are cool. There're a couple of awesome shots. There are scenes of people talking by writing hanzi which is cool. The whole region used hanzi but spoke different languages, so they could communicate through hieroglyphics but not by talking.

Yet most of the drama scenes are actively not good and drag this down. The actors playing non-korean have very unconvincing hard accents, so much so the speech doesn't even resemble the nationalities in its cadence. The flashbacks are unfitting, and often very unnecessary. Like they show scenes which you saw five minutes ago. And then there's, like, flashbacks to the previous movies, i think, but i don't remember who these people are supposed to be, and they all are wearing military uniforms.

The post credits scene talks about attacking nihon so that the war actually ends. But that the war did end. And right before the film has started. And the besieged dude even got what he wanted - he run away. Or is this a ressentiment, that not attacking nihon in 1600s then led to the later occupation of the peninsula by a different nihonese government in 1900s? That's petty.

And no other interpretations are offered by the film, should've explain the situation better.
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^==//==> ll ll
7 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An axis soldier has PTSD that he didn't win the war for the axis powers, an he lives in crap while the axis emperor and all the axis war criminal officers are not prosecuted and they live in lusury keeping their jobs.

The film re-uses the hesei plot-line, that gojira is a dinosaur bombed by the yankees. But instead of that happening in 1954, this one happened in 1946. Considering that your PoV is from an axis power, right after the war has ended at the peak of the ressentiment, and gojira happened not by an accident in a post war, but created by the occupational forces, the tone doesn't taste good. Most of the film is spent showing the guy dreaming and craving to die for the axis leaders. As if it's something good.

Who taught kid the word "dad"? If it's not used at home, there's no kindergarten to spread it from other kids.

The CGI is weak, this is the return of turdzilla, and turdzilla's rigging and animations are bad. At its worst it looks like a child-made GMod sequence at its best. Also turdzilla can just stand on water at various depths. Same place, different scenes can have it be submerged up to the chest, to the lumbar, knee-high, or barely reaching its shins. There's barely any destruction, one scene from King Kong, a couple of broken ships, and a generic CGI explosion from afar.

Gojira is a drama, but not a stupid human drama, there's a lot of cool special effects. Gojira is the central focus of the plot.

This is a generic boring cookie cutter human drama, where gojira is tacked on just to sell more copies due to brand recognition. It's better than 4-hours-long conservocuck ramblings of Shin Gojira with 3,5 minutes of gojira footage, all of which is unrelated to the protagonist. But it's still a 120-minutes-long dreary generic drama, with only 12 minutes of pretty bad godzilla, and barely any effects.
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