
24 Reviews
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"I just do....things"
20 July 2008
Wow. Well, as usual people have nailed the comments for this movie already. But, not usually being the one to follow the development and filming of movies so closely, I need to put my 2 cents in.

Yes this is the best comic book movie ever made. There are some crazy scenes with the Joker that really do scare me, just the way Heath did the voice, and how he can go from a playful kid to a psycho is frightening.

All the other cast members are great, special props to Maggie who surprised me with her great acting.

My only complaints is although it is intense is does seem a little rushed, particularly towards the end. A few lines thrown in there were cheesy but for the most part it was a wild ride leading up to the release of this movie.

However, it was hyped so much, and I was hyping it so much, that I actually believed that this is a masterpiece and the best movie ever made, as per some of the first rave reviews. Guys, this isn't a masterpiece or the best movie ever made. It shouldn't be number one as of this review (better than the Godfather? Please. Best comic book movie yes (although Superman 78...damn it is a tough call)), but to cast it this high amongst all the other genres is a little bit out of place. Save the 10s for your Godfathers and Empire Strikes Backs.

But stuff it, after coming out of Indiana Jones and a list of mediocre movies, this one is still getting a 10 on IMDb. Realistically though it is probably a 8 or an 8.5. Still very good but masterpiece it is not. Close
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Making an Indy Movie after all this time- "Not as easy as it used to be"
23 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Indy 4 was barely an average movie. It was trying too hard to be Indiana Jones. Here is my rant bullet point style:

Most of those cute little references didn't work for me.

Indy looking at that mole or whatever which are so blatantly CGI and unnecessary! (especially seeing as it opened with one- what the hell were they thinking!) This is Indy Jones after 19 years, and what do we get....some crappy animation right at the start! Don't they understand this is Indy after such a long time and people were anticipating this like hell- they should have had a better opening than that.

I want scenic shots, I want the Indy music I want something that anticipates nicely from the get go that Indy is back...not wondering if I have stumbled into some advance screening of Kung Fu Panda or something.

It is just as bad as putting Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars The bantering didn't seem natural.

The part where Cate Blanchett put the Crystal Skull back on the aliens head or whatever where she just falls done and looks like she is having some sort of fit looked totally retarded.

John Hurt who is a seasoned actor had a stupid role which was just annoying.

The comedy of the snake being thrown at Indy was amusing, however the argument between Marion and Jones before this was pretty crap.

The wedding ending seemed like a bit of a joke. Like it was some sort of weird parody. OK the hat blowing to Shia only for Indy to pick it up to create that ambiguity of 'What's next' was OK.

George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson pull your heads in and stop ruining important material for the fans.

Im not saying i expected this to be Raiders, however this should have been a 4/5 movie at least.....unfortunately it was quite average.

Steven Spielberg said this one was for the fans. And he was right- the fans are the only ones trying as hard as they can to find the bits and pieces in this mess to make it pass as an average movie because they don't want to accept that Indy comes back after 19 years with this crappy effort.

Indiana 4 never had that "Kick ass Indy is back" moment I was waiting for.

Good points -Some good lines "Er...big!" Lines like this worked. Lines like "I have a bad feeling about this" "Damn I thought that was closer" and "Not as easy as it used to be" did not hit. There has to be a way to do this backwards referencing without the lines being as forced or brimming with cheddar cheese.

-Liked the references with Sean Connery's picture ( I liked the extra shot of Indy pausing to look at the photo and the shot of his picture transitioning to the train station scene) and the other old friend, i forget his name, the one the statue's head fell off of. (Marco?) -Good suspension of disbelief that Indy is younger like in the old school days when you just see his back/outline of his hat in shadows etc.

-Even though the CGI was overused, I did like the part at the end with Indy standing back to us facing this huge UFO. Crazy but cool.

Overall though, could I stand up and cheer in the cinema proclaiming "Hell yeah Indy is BACK!" Absolutely not.

Thanks George for bringing back Indy mostly ruined. What is next on your table of destruction? Oh yes, that Star Wars animation. Nice times.

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Cloverfield (2008)
"Sometimes you have to hold on to the ones you care about"
17 January 2008
OK so having anticipated this movie for quite some time I just got back from a screening of it.

It was funny. I was pumping myself up for it for a while, then as a sat there in the cinema i thought, wow, in 90 minutes this will all be over...will this be worth it? Overall though the answer to that question is yes. Yes there is a set up of 20 minutes or so...doesn't matter guys! It is necessary to gain some connection to the characters, so lets not complain about that.

The part where the monster first hits interrupts a conversation between Rob ("Im like your main dude") and his bro Jason -which, by the way, has very relevant dialogue to set the tone for the rest of the movie, so pay attention.

Because, as been mentioned in another review, this is a step up from a monster movie; that is to say, when something terrible is happening, how would you react, what would you do for the ones you love? With the immediate threat, we get answers to these questions from our main characters.

To quote a poster at the Rotten Tomato forums "If life as you know it is ending, the world around you is crumbling, you are probably going to reach out for the ones you love." I loved this movie, and i hope you reach out for it.

OK, too cheesy end to a review, just see this movie! PS: There has been a lot of talk over motion sickness- i was fine with it, however the person i saw it with got a little nauseous, so be careful.
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Decent action flick
7 January 2008
Having seen bits and pieces of this on TV, i decided to rent out all the Die Hard films and watch them over a couple of evenings. Can't say I was blown away, but entertained- yes i was.

Bruce indeed was born to play roles like this, and the humour in between is amusing. Classical bad guy, hostage situations- yes so OK this is no complex picture, but hey, when you don't want to think and want entertainment, that is OK too.

I'll check out the other Die Hard films and see how they pair up to this original, which people say is the best.

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Just as good as the first
7 January 2008
OK so having decided to sit down and watch these films, so I came to the second one in the series. I've always had a thing for movies involving airports/aircraft, so this one looked to be good.

Overall though, i would say it is just as good as the first, which is, nothing terribly special, but a good pop corn flick when you want a bit of action and humour, which hey, on some nights at home- there is a time and a place for.

Im about to watch the 3rd one so we'll see how that squares up. For me though this was on level with the first, I am unsure why this is lower rated- so 7/10
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A tear jerker
7 January 2008
Good movie. Great story devices used here. Centres around someone that is into the bad side of things in life. We may hate him a little at the beginning. Then, he finds a baby, he cares for it. We start to like him.

Then, we start to understand his past, and realise we have a good soul underneath the layers of his personality which were influenced by his environment in order to survive.

I expected this movie to have a different ending to have a greater impact, but if it did..i would probably burst into tears, so perhaps that is a good thing.

Go see this movie: 9/10
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Great at the start...then.....worse...and don't get me started on the ending!
3 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, thought id give this a watch on its opening day in Australia, today.

The start of the movie was good for a psychological point of view- him talking to mannequin's and so badly wanting one to talk..OK fair enough, him killing his dog-yes,pretty bad. But people were right when they said the moment it got bad was when his dog dies...yeah, boom bring in 2 people- i wanted more hard-core reactions for living in isolation in 3 years and then coming into human contact, not stupid lines like "I was saving that bacon"!

It got worse: Bob Marley reference- pointless. God reference- just as bad. Then, to crown it off- the butterfly reference at the end- i am sick of Hollywood movies spelling out these metaphors to the point where it is insulting as they take us for people that can't put 2 and 2 together- which reminds me of that scene in Home Alone where Joe Pieci's (sp?) character comes into the house and they put that twinkling tooth animation in there...ah, yes, we get the point- he was the same guy as before!

If that wasn't worse enough the writers wrote themselves into a hole at the very end, as with the characters-

1) There is room for you in here Will- yeah, don't bother going in there with them 2)Will has more experience surviving rather than her and the kid- he should have stayed there to protect them 3)He blows himself up..ahh yeah i see how that would have destroyed all those other infected people in the room 4) The writers cut to the end scene which don't even show how the hell the 2 characters get out of that crazy situation with many, many infected people coming to get them. 5) Didn't like the idea of the cure.

Overall- good at the start, but waaaay too big crash at the end! 6/10
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Um, yes, I need to deliver some information to prevent a war, is that cool with you guys? Worth a rent.
30 December 2007
First thing that struck me was the casting of Ben Affleck- im not sure why and if this was just me, but i expected him to come out with some punch lines and start cracking jokes at any second- he just didn't fit the role for me personally. Morgan Freeman also didn't seem to have a solid cast in this movie.

The story was fairly captivating however, Cromwell was good to watch as always and Morgan Freeman did his best given the role Overall worth a rent but probably not a buy guys. Catch it on TV if you can and you will be probably entertained for that night.

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"Im going to be with my brother..."
30 December 2007
Just watched this film for a second time- it deserves a review.

I first watched this film when a friend convinced me- Im usually not into these types of movies per se, however, the story drew me in, and renting it out again today i sat and watched it with my family, and they all enjoyed it immensely.

The direction is fantastic, the use of poetry throughout is excellent (in the middle of the film there is a nice overlay when a character sings and it blends with this montage with focus on other characters- i love it when movies do that) It was also nice to see David Wenham with an English accent demonstrating his versatility.

Basically, go see this movie. Close to perfection- im glad they did this movie perfectly to show to the world how Australia once was.

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"Hello, I'm nice, he's nice, we're both f**king lunatics. Can I come in, please?"
30 December 2007
Im usually wary of movies hovering around the 6/10 mark on IMDb. Id like to think people know what they are talking about and know what they like. I guess the trick with reviewing is to take an approach of "Hey, if i liked types of movies like these- would i give it a higher score than i am about to give it now since I don't like these types of movies" Then again people judge differently , basing more value on acting, or perhaps story or directing. Anyway, landing the plane here- i had rented this movie out before and hadn't had time to watch it, this morning i did.

Wow! See this movie. I am personally interested in the paranormal/have read a bit about near death experiences, so automatically i was hooked. I am unsure about some of the comments here saying that a quality cast here was wasted - i disagree- the acting here was superb from all- i think this is the only time i didn't mind Julia Roberts, it was good to see 24's Kiefer Sutherland (Currently at the time of this review, serving a jail sentence for DUI), and Kevin Bacon sporting an interesting hair style.

Overall- i liked the direction, the atmosphere, the acting, and the story line most of all- particularly the idea of karma, and , to quote Nelson Wright "Everything we does matters" So true.

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Intense film, but anti-climatic
29 December 2007
As with all my reviews I won't bother with the plot as there will be too many detailed comments regarding it already, I'll cut to the chase via bullet points

-Very good directing and atmospheric -Nice re-appearance from Collateral's Felix- never have I been as scared seeing a character on screen point a weapon on me as I was with this film -Good main hero character to gun for -Nice un-expected jolts scattered throughout. -Go for this if you like psychological thriller type movies- the ending is one you have to think about, unfortunately i tranced out a bit when Javier wasn't on screen and the end scene I did not pay much attention to- the next thing I know it is boom "Directed by.." -Overall though, very good movie, close to excellent, worth seeing for its different and unique style, although the ending may be anti-climatic for some

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Incassable (2000)
A little bit of superhero in all of us...
29 December 2007
OK this movie in a nutshell

-Nice to see Bruce in a quieter role- no yippee kay- yay mothers here. -While other superhero movies can be based in interesting fantasy realities, it is easy to dismiss their realism as they are based on comics. Duh you say? point is this- in this movie clever comic references are scattered throughout, this in turn "grounds" the movie in this reality, suggesting that in some place, in this world we live in, there may exist a person like David, a hero waiting to burst out of their shell- even if they don't know it yet :-) -The movie drags a little at times- personally i think the scenes with the relationship with his wife/ the date scene are un-necessary

But overall- a nice movie which suggests that there is a little goodness of a superhero in all of us :-) Yay!

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Everyone is out of order
26 December 2007
This movie is worth seeing.

Main thing I didn't like about it was you'll have a mixture of comedy throughout it , and then at the end you have Pacino's famous outburst (very serious and brilliant acting)...and then straight after that, without spoiling it, the "official" end, well, how can I put this? is incongruent with what happened before. Some people may say they like this mixture but for me this movie was a serious topic (rape) so having these parts scattered made it a bit jumbled.

That said, music was cheesy but funny, so that was good. (Despite the fact, like i said, things were a bit wishy washy with comedy thrown into the mix throughout)

Oh, and subtract a further 1 for the movie dragging at times :-) Overall, very good movie. Worth seeing if just for the end.

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Dérapage (I) (2005)
"You make one sound and I'll blow your f**king heads apart"
26 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie wasn't too bad.

The reason I rate this about a 7, was, as mentioned, it was decent movie, kept my attention enough to care about the outcome of our main characters here...BUT...and it is quite a big but, i guessed the twist in the movie so when it was revealed in the movie with all the music etc i was like "Yeah...I knew that" Bit of an anti-climax there.

This aside there were some pretty funny and decent lines and seeing Clive and Jennifer banter on the train was amusing.

Worthy seeing? Yes. Just not one for the DVD collection for me. Some people are voting this a 10, come on guys, save that rating for the excellent movies.

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Blade Runner (1982)
" the end of the day, does anyone really live?"
25 December 2007
Well what can i say about this movie being a late review

-The atmosphere and the world created is incredible and Harrison Ford makes a good Blade runner

-The music was excellent. The eeriness it contributed to the scene where Rachael comes to Deckard's place to prove how human she is really drew me into this world for some reason.

-I don't draw as many philosophical insights as other people say this film appears to be laden with, but then again I have only seen it once. Perhaps it will grow on me. It was close to being very good but didn't over step the mark IMHO.

Start is excellent, middle was a little slow for me, but the ending definitely was what pushed this up to a solid 8 out of 10.

Good movie...yes. Excellent? Not for me.....yet! 8/10
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"The Fog's coming in"
25 December 2007
Wow, what a great movie. It really does give you a hard kick in the pants to quit whining, talk things out, and to look at things from everyone's perspective in life's ups and downs.

The good thing about the movie is at different points you will hate...and then like the characters. However,by the end, as you would have read from all the comments here- it is a collision course of tragic events which makes you sad for all parties involved.

At the end of the day ,if you are angry at someone or some situation, this movie will grab you by the throat, not let go of you until the final quote, and ask you if it is all really worth it.

This movie really is a must see. No excuses. Go see it! 10/10
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"This is my territory bitch!"
24 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Aw yeah, this is an excellent movie, nothing less.

Guys, see this movie if you like time travel/ambiguity/a nice mystery/thriller, one of those movies where you can see all the pieces fall into place in a perfect jigsaw puzzle. If you want a concrete structure, best to avoid, because you will label it as crap because it is not your type of movie. But yeah, for sure, if you like movies such as Memento or The Machinist, give this one a go. The scenes where Willis and Stowe are watching an olden day movie commenting that every time you watch certain movies it seems different because you are different- commenting on the way the audience of this actual movie feel themselves, is mastery! Then, to change their looks, they put on different clothing which makes them look like the characters in the movie they were just watching.

Go see this guys!
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The boredom!
24 December 2007
Well, after watching Full Metal Jacket and seeing the high rating here on a movie on a similar topic, i decided to sit through AN: Redux. What a mistake i had made.

I really expected to get my socks blown off with its rating here on IMDb, it even got to the point where I was making things out to be better than they really were...thinking- the people on IMDb must know what they are talking about! By the end of the movie seeing Sheen's blank expression for the billionith time...ugh! How can you guys say this guy nailed the role perfectly and compliment his acting, he doesn't have much to nail or act! There are other comments here which i disagree with. Such as, the opinions of time-less lines "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" Zomg! Classic! "The horror...the horror". Wow! The last parts bordering on Art? What the hell? Um. No. Bad movie guys. I really do want my time back on this one. How some users can call this the best movie of all time is beyond me. Each to their own i guess.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Wow....what have they done here?
29 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Liked the first one, second one was awesome too, but after hearing comments from someone that "It is like a kids movie, don't go see it", i didn't end up seeing this one until now. And now I can understand why.

Deep down I kept on ignoring the little bits and pieces of the movie that just didn't feel right, all the crappy acting scenes, all the clichés in between...hoping that some scene in the movie can make it decent again.

However, there is a scene in the movie where this cheesy music comes on when young Spidey is trying to act "cool" and get the attention of women, and a following scene where he tries to make MJ jealous, that threw that chance out the window and pulverized it.

Overall, disappointing. The only reason this gets 4/10 is for the action sequences.

Not recommended.
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Wow. What a shame. Who has seen the original here?
28 June 2007
The reason I haven't seen this remake earlier is because I heard how bad it was. Now I know why. The first thing that got to me was the acting of all of the children. Unbelievably...bad! Come on guys this is Narnia, what I grew up with, I want to feel your emotions! But I got none.

The second is how all this CGI looks nice but in the end actually makes the original 1988 Narnia so much better. Firstly the acting was actually good, and secondly, there is something about seeing a physical, beautiful lion or seeing those two cheeky beavers (even though they were two actors in suits)..again physically being there instead of some CGI garbage, that added to "real-ness" of this fantasy land. Aslan had this presence that was shattered with pretty Computer Animation.

Also, with the characters, (because they actually acted in the '88 version), their relationships between themselves were so much more real, unlike here the attempted emotion about finding Edmund again..I don't feel it. I don't really believe they cared about finding Edmund again, yet, in the '88 version...I believed it all! I am rambling here and have made massive comparisons to something I originally watched on ABC , only because given current advances in movie making they could have made this so much more. What they have given us is something children will no doubt like, but more mature movie goers like myself have to shake my head in shame to imagine if the rest of the series will be filled in this empty-shell style.

The only reason this gets a 6 out of 10 is because it was a good trip back to the original Narnia, and I have not seen it in a while. I will probably watch it again tomorrow to remind myself of how good it is. Everyone else- get the original
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Hôtel Rwanda (2004)
An eye opener for a crazy world
22 June 2007
With reviews hailing this title as an African "Schindler's List", i gave this movie a go, expecting it to be very good.

It was good, but not very good, and not excellent. Perhaps it was too hard comparing a movie like this to Schindler's List. Either way, do not get me wrong. It is still a compelling tale as one man struggles to save some 1300 refugees during the Rwandan genocide. I was impressed with Don Cheadle's portrayal of Paul Rusesabagina, which demonstrated his versatility of an actor, having recently seen him in movies such as Crash and Traffic. Worth seeing to gain a perspective? Yes. Just not that well of a movie made as it could have been in my opinion.

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The Machinist (2004)
I know who you are
22 June 2007
This is the first movie I can say I watched whilst noticing different clues throughout every time I watched it.

Picking it up for about $14.00 AUD...I saw the comment "Fight Club meets Memento". Should be interesting I thought.

Again I got something different then expected. I would not describe it as Fight Club meeting Memento- I would say this is a unique movie in its own, and a highly enjoyable thriller and mystery at that. This is one of the first movies I personally watched that works with your "subconscious" so to speak, as you try to derive meaning and associations- this was another step in a new direction for me personally movie-wise - away from the traditional Hollywood films that hit our screens, and would lead me to watch classics I would have never watched such as David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, and Blue Velvet. But that is just my personal experience.

My advice to you is to see this movie if you can tolerate ambiguity and like a mystery thriller..a feeling of uncertainty as the clues come together in the end for a brutal and shocking revelation that tears me up inside every time I see Bale nail the end scene perfectly. Hats off to the writer for a clever tale.

This movie hit me hard so it gets 10 out of 10.
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Blow (2001)
" only seems real. Remember that."
22 June 2007
Wow. Just finished watching this movie. When I popped this DVD in I was expecting a different sort of movie; hearing comments such as "The real Tony Montana" on this review board made me have an expectant frame of mind when watching this movie. What I got was unexpected.

The narrative reminded me of movies such as the Shawshank Redemption- the highs and lows- friendships, betrayals, sorrows, hope- and what is truly important in life.

Every character acts well, but my hat goes off to Ray Liotta's portrayal of George's father- Fred, who loves his son and overall wished a much better life for him.

I got what I didn't expect but in the end I am glad. A moving experience. Especially the end. Everyone should see this movie.

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Traffic (2000)
Was expecting a bit more with this one..but still an OK movie.
20 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Reading all the comments after picking this DVD up at the rental store, I was looking forward to a high quality movie representation of the drug scene in America. Overall, however, i was left with a feeling of "Is that all?" It all comes down to the final scene where Michael Douglas' character is giving his speech to the support group, and, just like another person has suggested here, it was just too much, too cheesy, and too cliché.

Having said that Michael Douglas fills his role well and Benicio Del Toro was nice to watch.

Worth seeing once perhaps but this one was definitely over-rated 6/10.
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