EuroScience (the founding organisation of ESOF, EuroScience Open Forum) is a pan-European grassroots organisation for the support and promotion of science and technology in Europe. The membership of EuroScience consists of individuals interested in constructing a scientific Europe. Its members include anyone interested in European research, whether professional scientists, policy-makers, industries or members of the public.
EuroScience represents European scientists of all disciplines (natural sciences, mathematics, medical sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities and the arts), institutions of the public sector, universities, research institutes as well as the business and industry sector.
EuroScience is open to research professionals, science administrators, policy-makers, teachers, PhD students, post-docs, engineers, industrialists, and generally to any citizen interested in science and technology and its links with society.
EuroScience organises meetings of all sizes at the international level or at regional levels; publish position papers; and use the Internet to discuss science within a public agenda.
EuroScience also edits the free online magazine EuroScientist and is part of the European project RRI Tools.
EuroScience was founded in 1997 by members of Europe's research community to:
- provide an open forum for debate on science and technology and research policies in Europe
- strengthen the links between science and society
- contribute to the creation of an integrated space for science and technology in Europe, linking research organisations and policies at national and EU levels; strive for a greater role of the EU in research and
- influence science and technology policies.
EuroScience Open Forum
EuroScience organises the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) which brings together stakeholders involved in European science: scientists, business executives and policy-makers. The ESOF is held every two years and is hosted by a European city.
- 2004: Stockholm
- 2006: Munich
- 2008: Barcelona
- 2010: Torino
- 2012: Dublin
- 2014: Copenhagen
- 2016: Manchester
- 2018: Toulouse
See also
- Science and technology in Europe
- Directorate-General for Research
- European Science Foundation
- European Research Area (ERA)
- Eurodoc
- Academia Europæa
- Lisbon Strategy
- EuroScience Open Forum 2006, Biotechnol J. 2006 Sep;1(9):890-1
- A new opportunity for science in Europe, Nature 1996;384:108
- Europas Wissenschaftler gründen ihre Lobby, die Euroscience, Die Zeit, Nr 13, 21 March 1997
- New Euroscience group, Research Europe, 20 nov. 1997, p. 6