Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

How I organise my day

I like to think that I'm a very organised person. I love making plans and lists, I know where pretty much everything in my house is, I usually remember everything that needs to be taken up to school, and I don't very often lose things.

I work from home, both on this blog and for a home working company, and although it's not very reliable or demanding I can fit it around the children and their needs, as well as much of the school and household admin. But in order to do so I need to have a system, and I thought I'd share how I plan my day to keep myself organised.

As I've discussed here on the blog before, Trello is vital to me for organising my life. Trello is a free online organisational tool which uses cards, lists and boards to keep track of projects. I turn each item on my to do list into a colour coded card, which I store in lists. Each day has its own list, and when a one-off task is completed I delete the card. When a recurring card is complete I move it to the list for the next day or week. Every evening I make sure that the day's list is complete, reschedule incomplete tasks as necessary, and delete the list.

So every morning, I load up my To Do Trello board and sort through the tasks for the day. I'm a big believer in eating the frog, and so if there's a task that I really don't want to do (like making a phone call!) then I'll move it to the top of the list and get it out of the way first. Some tasks can't be done until the children get home from school or until the evening and so they get moved to the bottom. Some of my daily recurring tasks, like little bits of blog admin, only take a few minutes, and so I like to get them out of the way early on and drag them over to the next day.

I'm flexible with my time, and as I sometimes meet friends and make time for gym trips, every day is different. I try and plan my week in advance to a certain extent, adding more tasks for the days that I know I'll be at home, and getting things out the way beforehand if I have a busy day coming up.

I also know the times of day when I'm most productive, so I'll try and schedule accordingly. For example, I find it easy to get on without distraction in the morning, but it's difficult to regain my rhythm after lunch. So this is when I'll plan a gym trip, or to do some housework away from the computer.

Laptop at a desk ready for work
Photo credit Kari Shea via Unsplash

If I have an event coming up with lots of tasks, for example a holiday or a seasonal event like Christmas, I'll split the tasks up and spread them out so it's not too overwhelming and doesn't end up being left to the last minute. For an upcoming holiday I'll make a card to pack for each person, as well as cards for shopping that needs to be done or housework that I want to get done before I go away. It also means more things to tick off which is very satisfying!

I do however try not to get too hung up on my lists. Although the important things generally get done, it's very rare that I complete everything on my list for the day. I just slide it over to the next day or week and don't worry too much about it.

My system also works really well for things that pop into my mind through the day, like a birthday card to be bought or something I need to pick up from the shops. I'll just open up the Trello app on my phone and type in a quick card to remind me. I tell my family that if I add something to my to do list then it will get done, as I'm constantly going over it!

How do you keep organised and make sure that everything gets done? I'd love to hear your tips!

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

My working from home essentials

I love being able to work from home. As well as my blogging and social media work I do some part time work for a home working company, and although I don't earn a fortune it's very nice to have the extra money for something that I can easily fit around looking after the children and the home, as well as having time to myself.

But it's not always easy working from home. There are plenty of distractions - washing to be put away, a dishwasher to be emptied or a drawer full of snacks. Here are my working from home essentials:

A reliable internet connection and the associated technology - It goes without saying really, but I need the internet for most of my work. I can make notes in a notebook, but I always find myself wanting to check facts or just have a quick browse for some inspiration. Luckily our set up is fairly reliable, but it's so complicated that when it goes wrong I have no idea how to fix it!

Peace and quiet - I work much more productively when I'm on my own in the house. Even when other family members are quietly occupied, I'm always on edge waiting for someone to come in and disturb me. Luckily I'm on my own most days at home!

A kettle, biscuits and snacks - I don't drink much tea or coffee but my morning is fuelled by a daily hot chocolate, and it's always nice if there's a biscuit or ten to accompany it.

Laptop open on a tidy desk with yellow chair
Photo credit Kari Shea via Unsplash

Temperature control - A nice hot radiator in the winter, and a window to open in the summer.

Desk and comfy chair - All my written work is done at my desktop PC. I have access to a laptop but I just can't get comfortable anywhere else, I need a proper clicky keyboard and a big screen with plenty of desk space.

A window with a reasonable view - The window in my study looks out over our front path and hedge. I can't see much, but it's nice to stare out sometimes when I'm stuck for inspiration. As long as the hedge doesn't need a trim, as then I'm just reminded that I need to get out and cut it!

Space to work on crafting projects - and space to lay things out without them being disturbed when I'm not working on them.

Some social interaction - I don't need much as I'm generally quite happy in my own company, but I do like to meet up with friends regularly for hot chocolate and cake (and quite often our chats provide me with blog post inspiration!)

Do you work from home? What do you need to help you through the day?

Monday, 17 June 2013

An afternoon a week

Last week, Mia started nursery. She had a brief stint at a different nursery about a year ago while I was still working, but since then she's been at home with me. Harry goes to nursery for three afternoons a week, and we thought it would be good to start her there before he goes to school to help her settle. 

Mia will be going for one afternoon a week to start with, and because it is a private nursery it's a long afternoon session. She is used to visiting when we drop Harry off, and she waits in her pushchair looking longingly at the children playing with all the toys. I don't think she could quite believe it when I got her out too and set her free!

She had a couple of settle sessions with me there, then it was time for me to leave her. She was a bit taken aback when she realised that I wasn't going to stay, but I was assured that she settled fine without me. She only made a fuss when she was asked to do something that she didn't want to, like sit down or go to a particular area. It's understandable really, she's still only little and it will take her a while to get used to the new routine.

So this leaves me now with a regular entire afternoon to myself, what a luxury!

Of course I'm never going to be short of anything to do in that time. But before we went away, I took the big step of registering myself as self-employed and thinking about how I can start to build up a bit of work from home, particularly in the area of freelance content writing. I know that I can't really start to look for work with long hours unless we can organise a bit more childcare, but I can make a start and see how I get on.

I'm also hoping to have a bit of time to concentrate on my own projects - I'm getting on really well with my Day Zero Project list. I'm already 30% completed and there are some things on there that I'm really looking forward to giving a go.

Finally, it's also nice to know that at least once a week I'll have a regular window of uninterrupted childfree time for things like important phone calls, and tasks that can't be done with little grabby hands about!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Challenging myself as a SAHM and The Day Zero Project

It doesn't really kick in until January, but I am now officially a stay-at-home-Mum. I know that it's the right thing for me, and I'm incredibly lucky to be able to stay at home with the children. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to find it difficult. I was browsing through StumbleUpon the other night (it's brilliant!) and I came across this website Suburban CEO (page no longer available). I read many things here that really struck a chord with me.

In particular, I was very taken with this chart showing how the life of a stay at home mother has changed (link no longer available unfortunately) over the last century or so, and why women staying at home with children can now find it very difficult. The website then goes on to talk about the five things that are missing in modern life, and how we can replace those missing pieces - community, goals, support, money and leadership. Even if you are a Mum that doesn't stay at home full-time with the children I'd really recommend visiting the site. It doesn't take long to read through and get the gist of it, and I think that it is relevant to everyone. I certainly experienced the same issues when I was working part-time.

One of the most important recommendations on the site is having projects, in particular short term projects - a goal that can be achieved within three months. I really like the idea of setting out some things that I would like to challenge myself to achieve, and being able to tick them off when they are done with a sense of accomplishment. This idea reminded me of something else that I had read about - The Day Zero Project. This is a self-created list of 101 challenges to be completed within 1001 days.

So I am combining ideas that I have picked up from both these websites, and I have set up my very own list of 101 Things in 1001 Days. Bearing in mind that overseas travel to exotic destinations is probably out for the next few years, all of my goals are very simple and should be easily achievable if I just get on with them. Some go back to interests that I had before children, and some are things that will help me to be more organised in the future. Some are things for myself, some are for me and the children, some are for me and my husband and some are for our whole family. Some will take a few minutes to complete and some will take a lot longer. There will certainly be no excuse for sitting around on an evening and thinking that I have nothing to do!

You can see my list here 101 Things in 1001 Days, and I'm going to create a page on the blog to track my progress. I'm really motivated to complete the list so I'll see how I go - I have until the 20th August 2015!

Have you started the Day Zero Project? I'd love to know what you think about the idea!

Friday, 9 November 2012

An ending, and a beginning

Today marks the start of a new role in life - as a full-time, stay at home Mum. After being back at work for a whole month I was placed at risk of redundancy, and the whole long, drawn-out process, which could have seen me found another job at any time up until 5pm on my leaving day, has finally come to an end and I have now officially been made redundant.

I'm not really cross about it. I fully appreciate that my work had dried up, and the fact that I had taken a full year's maternity leave twice without any cover shows that I was hardly indispensible. Mainly I'm just a bit sad, it was my first proper job out of university, I'd been working in the same team for nine years, and I'd built up some strong friendships. I'm really going to miss the social aspect.

Fortunately we are in a position financially that means I can stay at home for a bit, and now that everything has finally been confirmed I'm able to concentrate on the positives. I had some wobbles about returning to work, and I am thrilled that I'm going to be able to spend more time with the little ones. Harry will move to a pre-school closer to home for a few sessions a week as we prepare for him to start school next September, and Mia will be at home with me all the time for now. I sometimes feel that Mia can be pushed to one side as Harry can be so demanding, so it will be lovely to have some time to spend just the two of us.

Here's to a new chapter!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Back to work

I have completed my first week back at work. Circumstances meant that I had to work an extra day this week, so it has been tiring, although in a different way to that of looking after two little ones all week. 

I’ve found the transition more difficult this time. Perhaps because I’ve enjoyed the entire year of maternity leave a lot more than I did the first one. Mia has seemed an easier baby, and I’ve also really appreciated the extra time that I’ve had to spend with Harry. Things have changed a bit at work while I’ve been away, but I have settled in, moved in my jar of Marmite, my hot chocolate and cardigan, and claimed my space with framed photos and postcards. 

In order to fit in my hours I need to start very early in the morning, so two mornings a week Ram will be responsible for breakfasting and dressing both little ones and delivering them to their nursery. When I went to collect them on Monday, two of the staff took great delight in telling me that Harry had come in with his trousers on backwards because Daddy had dressed him that morning. 

It does feel as though the house has rather descended into chaos without me being there throughout the day. The washing is piling up, the dishwasher is full, and my kitchen counters are barely visible underneath piles of clutter. Luckily yesterday my parents were on duty, and so my Mum gave the kitchen a bit of a clean and tidied up some of the toys. 

I am going to miss the activities that we used to do, and there won’t be as much time for crafting or playing (not to mention blogging!). But hopefully it will make the time that I do have at home more precious, and it will also do me good to have a break and enjoy some adult conversation.

Desk at work with postcards

So here’s to a new chapter!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Preparing for the return to work

So in less than two weeks my maternity leave will be over. In fact technically it already is, I'm now using up the annual leave which I accrued while I was off. I'm very lucky that I am able to work part-time, and with a combination of a flexible employer, my wonderful parents, my lovely husband and a conveniently located nursery we are able to work out a mixture of childcare which we are happy with.

After my first bout of maternity leave with Harry I was ready to go back to work. He was a grumpy baby, and to be honest I didn't mind the break. I just enjoyed being able to sit at my desk without being disturbed, and to have a lunchbreak in which I could eat my sandwiches quietly and check the news headlines on the computer. This time though, I'm finding the prospect of returning to work more difficult. Perhaps my feelings have something to do with the fact that I don't see another year of maternity leave on the horizon...

Mia has had her first full day at nursery, and while of course it is going to take a few weeks for her to settle fully I'm happy with the care and attention that she will receive. She'll also have the benefit of extra time to spend with my husband and my parents. My first few weeks back at work are going to be a bit of a struggle as we get to know our new routine, in particular the mornings where I will be starting work early and my husband needs to get both little ones up, dressed and breakfasted before going to work himself.

I'll still have two and a half days a week at home with both children, and from experience when I had the same with Harry this is a nice amount of time to fill, and doesn't make the week seem like one endless long afternoon. My days off are in the middle of the week too, which breaks things up nicely, and I hope that our time together will be better spent as I make the effort to do fun things.

I do have a few things to get ready before going back to work. I've chosen the photographs to display on my desk and I've sorted out my handbag (not a spare nappy or baby wipe in sight!). Now I'm hoping to spend the next couple of weeks on a bit of a detox so that I can button up my smart trousers comfortably!

Family photo on a bus