Academic advisors are resistant to new retention initiatives. How can you break through their skepticism?
To win over academic advisors who are skeptical about new retention initiatives, it's essential to engage them in a meaningful way. Here's how to break through the barriers:
- Acknowledge their expertise and seek their input on strategies, fostering a sense of ownership.
- Provide clear evidence of the benefits, using data from successful case studies.
- Offer training and support to ensure they feel confident and capable in implementing new practices.
What strategies have you found effective in overcoming resistance to change?
Academic advisors are resistant to new retention initiatives. How can you break through their skepticism?
To win over academic advisors who are skeptical about new retention initiatives, it's essential to engage them in a meaningful way. Here's how to break through the barriers:
- Acknowledge their expertise and seek their input on strategies, fostering a sense of ownership.
- Provide clear evidence of the benefits, using data from successful case studies.
- Offer training and support to ensure they feel confident and capable in implementing new practices.
What strategies have you found effective in overcoming resistance to change?
Afin d’aider les conseillers pédagogiques dans leur travail et à progresser, il est important de pouvoir établir des réunions régulières pour travailler ensemble
To overcome academic advisors' resistance to new retention initiatives, I’d focus on open communication, involving them in the planning process, and highlighting the benefits for both students and advisors. Sharing data-driven results from similar initiatives and offering support through training can also build trust, showing that the changes aim to enhance their work, not burden it.
Gaining academic advisors' support for new retention initiatives requires addressing their skepticism directly. Begin by understanding their concerns through open communication and actively listening to their perspectives. Present compelling data and evidence demonstrating the need for improved retention and the potential impact of the proposed changes, sharing success stories from other institutions. Address their concerns directly and offer solutions, such as additional training or resources, and consider piloting the program for initial feedback. Involve advisors in the development and implementation process, soliciting their input and incorporating their suggestions.
Para superar el escepticismo de los asesores académicos hacia iniciativas de retención, se requiere un enfoque colaborativo y fundamentado en datos. Reconocer su experiencia y recoger sus opiniones fomenta un sentido de propiedad y compromiso. Presentar métricas claras y estudios de casos exitosos ayuda a justificar las nuevas estrategias y mostrar el impacto positivo en la retención estudiantil. Además, ofrecer capacitación específica y recursos de apoyo técnico asegura que los asesores se sientan capacitados para aplicar las prácticas de forma efectiva, reduciendo así la resistencia y facilitando la implementación sostenible de los cambios.