1. Introduction
At the end of the twentieth century, B.Y. Chen initiated the study of slant submanifold as a generalization of
-submanifolds [
1]. Later, A. Carriazo studied slant submanifolds in contact metric manifold as a special case of bi-slant submanifolds [
2]. Thereafter, he studied pseudo-slant submanifolds under the name anti-slant [
3]. The slant submanifold with pseudo-Riemannian metric was also initiated by B.Y. Chen et al. [
5]. The authors of [
7] studied slant submanifold of Kaehler and contact manifolds with respect to the pseudo-Riemannian metric. P. Alegre and A. Carriazo studied slant submanifolds in para-Hermitian manifold and provided detailed descriptions of such type of submanifolds in pseudo-Riemannian metric.
On the other hand, the study of warped product manifold is one of the most significant generalizations of Cartesian product of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds (or Riemannian manifolds). This fruitful generalization was initiated by R. L Bishop and B. O’Neill in 1969 (see [
8]). The notion of warped products appeared in the physical and mathematical literature before 1969, for instance, semi-reducible space, which is used for warped product by Kruchkovich in 1957 [
9]. It has been successfully utilized in general theory of relativity, black holes, and string theory. The warped product is defined as follows:
Assume that
B and
F are two pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with pseudo-Riemannian metric
, respectively and
f is a smooth function defined by
. Then, a pseudo-Riemannian manifold
is said to be a warped product [
10] if it is furnished a pseudo-Riemannian warping metric
g fulfilling for any tangent vector
U to
M as the following:
are natural projections on
M, and * denotes the push-foreword map (or differential map). The smooth function
f is called warping function. Moreover, the above relation is equivalent to
is non-constant, then
M is called a non-trivial (or proper) warped product, otherwise it is trivial. Now, consider any
, then from the Proposition
of [
10] (page no. 49), we obtain that
where the symbols
h indicates are Levi–Civita connection on
B and second fundamental form, respectively. By the consequence (
6), we can conclude that for a warped product manifold
, the submanifold
F is a totally umbilical and the submanifold
B is a totally geodesic in
In 1956, J.F. Nash derived a very useful theorem in Riemannian geometry known as Nash embedding theorem. The theorem states “every Riemannian manifold can be isometrically embedded in some Euclidean space” (see [
11]). This theorem shows that any warped product of Riemannian (or pseudo-Riemannian) manifolds can be realized (or embedded) as a Riemannian (or pseudo-Riemannian) submanifold in Euclidean space. Due to this fact, B.Y. Chen asked a very interesting question in 2002. The question is “What can we conclude from an isometric immersion of an arbitrary warped product into a Euclidean space or into a space form with arbitrary codimension?” (see [
10]). Thereafter, B.Y. Chen published the numerous articles on the
-warped products in K
hler manifold (see [
13]). Thereafter, several authors of [
20] studied pseudo-slant warped product in different ambient manifolds. In 2015, A. Ali et al. derived some useful inequalities for a pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in nearly-Kenmotsu manifold [
21]. Recently, the authors of [
24] studied pseudo-slant warped product submanifold of Kenmotsu manifold and derived some characterizations and inequalities.
However, in 2014, B.Y. Chen initiated a new class of warped product called
-warped product and found the exact solutions of the system partial differential equations associated with
-warped products [
25]. Recently, S.K. Srivastava and A. Sharma studied
-pseudo-slant, and
-semi-slant warped product of para-cosymplectic manifold in [
29]. In the last two decades, several geometrists studied warped product submanifolds and other submanifolds in different ambient space [
37]. Motivated by them, we analyze the geometry of
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifolds of para-Kenmotsu manifold which are not studied yet.
This paper is formulated as follows. The second section includes some necessary information related to para-contact and para-Kenmotsu manifold and also contains some important information about the basics of submanifolds in para-Kenmotsu manifold.
Section 3 includes some useful results related to integrability of
-pseudo-slant submanifold in para-Kenmotsu manifold and gives examples of such submanifolds. In
Section 4, we analyze the geometry of
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifolds in para-Kenmotsu manifold and provide some characterization results allied to shape operator and endomorphism
t, and also give some examples of
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold of para-Kenmotsu manifold.
2. Preliminaries
A smooth manifold
of dimension
furnished an almost paracontact (see [
39]) structure
which includes a
-type tensor field
, a vector field
, and a 1-form
globally defined on
which satisfies the accompanying relation for all
The tensor field
induces an almost paracomplex structure
on a
-dimensional horizontal distribution
described as the kernel of 1-form
, i.e.,
. The horizontal distribution
can be expressed as an orthogonal direct sum of the two eigen distribution
, the eigen distributions
having eigenvalue
, respectively, and each has dimension
n. Moreover,
is invariant distribution, therefore
can be expressed in the following form;
admits an almost paracontact structure
, then it is said to be an almost paracontact manifold [
39]. In view of (
7), we obtain
An almost paracontact manifold
is called an almost paracontact pseudo-metric manifold if it admits a pseudo-Riemannian metric of index
n compatible with the triplet
by the following relation:
for all
denotes the Lie algebra on
. The dual of the unitary structural vector field
allied to
g is
, i.e.,
By the utilization of (
10), we attain
Definition 1. An almost paracontact pseudo-metric manifold is said to be a para-Kenmotsu manifold [38] if it satisfies In the relation (13), the symbol indicates for the Levi–Civita connection with respect to g. In (
13) replacing
V by
and then applying (
7), we achieve that
Proposition 1. On para-Kenmotsu pseudo-Riemannian manifold, the following relations holds:where denotes the Lie differentiation. Geometry of Submanifolds
M be a
m-dimensional paracompact and connected smooth pseudo-Riemannian manifold and
be a para-Kenmotsu manifold. Assume that
is an isometric immersion. Then
is known as an isometrically immersed submanifold of a para-Kenmotsu manifold. Let us denote that
for the differential map (or push forward map) of immersion
is characterized by
. Therefore, the induced pseudo-Riemannian metric
is defined as follows:
, for all
. For our convenience, we use
M and
p in the place of
. Now, we denote
for set of all tangent vector fields on
for the set of all normal vector fields of
M, ∇ for induced Levi–Civita connection on
, and
for normal connection on the normal bundle
. Then, Gauss and Weingarten formulas are characterized by the relation
for any
, where
is a shape operator and
h is a second fundamental form which are allied to the normal section
by the following relation:
The mean curvature vector
H on
M is described by
. Let
be an orthonormal basis of the
in which
are the tangent to
M and
are normal to
M. Now, we set
. The norm of
h is defined by the following relation:
An isometrically immersed submanifold
M of a para-Kenmotsu manifold
is said to be (see [
Totally geodesic if h vanishes identically, i.e., .
Umbilical if for a normal vector field , shape operator is proportional to identity transformation.
Totally umbilical if
M satisfies for every
Minimal if trace of h (or H) vanishes identically.
Extrinsic sphere if
M satisfies (
22) and
H is parallel with respect to
From now on, we denote para-Kenmotsu manifold by
and its pseudo-Riemannian submanifold by
. For any
, we substitute
, where
are natural projections associated with the following direct sum:
Similarly, for any
, we have
. In view of (
12) and (
25), we attain for any
Moreover, by the consequences of Equations (
12) and (
25), we have
Further, the covariant derivative of
t and
n are characterized by, respectively,
for some
Proposition 2. Let be tangent to ξ in . Then, we obtainfor every . Proof. By the consequence of (
18), (
24), (
30), we arrive at
for any
. Employing (
13) and (
24) into the above expression, then considering tangential part and normal part of the obtained expression, we have (
31) and (
32), respectively. □
Proposition 3. If ξ is normal to in , then we acquire thatfor all . Proposition 4. Let be tangent to ξ in . Then, we receive thatfor any and . Proof. Employing (
18), (
25), (
29), and (
30) into (
28), we achieve that
for any
. Utilizing (
13) and (
24) into the above expression, we achieve (
35) and (
36). □
Proposition 5. If is normal to ξ in , then we achieve for any and that Proof. The process is similar to Proposition 4. □
as two vector fields; thus, by the direct application of (
14) and (
18), we gain
, then by the consequence of (
14) and (
18), we have
In view of (
39) and (
40), we give the following remarks:
Remark 1. Let ξ be tangent to in . Then relation (39) holds on . Remark 2. Let ξ be normal to in . Then Equation (40) holds in . Proposition 6. Let ξ be tangent to in . Then, the endomorphism t and bundle 1-form n satisfies Proof. Operating
on (
24), we have
Employing (
7) and (
24) into the above expression, we achieve
Comparing tangential and normal parts of the above expression, we obtain (
41) and (
42). □
In similar way, we prove the following result:
Proposition 7. Let ξ be normal to in . Then, the following relations holds: 3. -Pseudo-Slant Submanifolds
Definition 2. Let be tangent to ξ in . Then is called a slant [40] if the quotient is constant for any non-zero spacelike or timelike vector and for any . The symbol θ is used for slant angle and for slant coefficient or function. In other words, if is slant then λ does not depend on the vector field and point. Remark 3. The value of can be
- (i)
for , is timelike or spacelike for any spacelike or timelike vector field U and .
- (ii)
for , is timelike or spacelike for any spacelike or timelike vector field U and .
- (iii)
for is timelike or spacelike for any timelike or spacelike vector field U and .
Remark 4. If , then is an anti-invariant submanifold.
Remark 5. If , then is an invariant submanifold.
Example 1. Let us consider together with the the usual Cartesian coordinates . Then the structure over is defined bywhere and the pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor g is defined as Then, by simple computation, we can easily see that is para-Kenmotsu manifold. Suppose , , and are immersed submanifolds into by the immersions σ, , and respectively, defined by By simple computation, we conclude that , , and are slant submanifolds of type I, type II, and type III of para-Kenmotsu manifold, respectively.
Theorem 1 ([
Let ξ be tangent to in . Then is slant if and only if there exists a constant such thatIn particular, λ is either or or . Theorem 2 ([
Let be a slant submanifold in with . Then, for any , we have Proposition 8. Let be a slant submanifold in with slant coefficient if and only if
- (i)
and for non-lightlike tangent vector field U on .
- (ii)
for non-lightlike normal vector field ζ.
Proof. Assume to be slant submanifold of .
- (i)
Then for every
, we find
Equating tangential and normal parts and using (
51), we can attain the result.
- (ii)
Since, , there exists as is slant submanifold such that .
Now, .
The converse can be easily derived using the same equations. □
Definition 3. Let be tangent to ξ in . Then is said to be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in if its tangent bundle can orthogonally be decomposed as a direct sum of an anti-invariant distribution and a slant distribution i.e., , where ξ is a one-dimensional real distribution.
P and
Q be two orthogonal projections on the slant
and anti-invariant distribution
, respectively. Then, for any
can be expressed as follows:
From (
24) and (
51), we obtain
using the fact
M is
-pseudo-slant, we find
This leads to the following proposition:
Proposition 9. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then the Equation (53) holds. Theorem 3. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then the endomorphism n is parallel if and only iffor all and . Proof. Firstly, assume that the endomorphism
n is parallel, then from (
32), we obtain
in the above equation, we obtain
Now, using (
32) in the above equation, we have
. Now, taking inner product with
and using (
19) and (
26), we compute
Theorem 4. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then the slant distribution is always integrable.
Proof. Considering
, the utilization of (
10) and (
17) gives
. By the consequences of (
14), (
17), (
18), and (
22), the above expression takes the following form:
In the light of Equations (
36) and (
40), we compute
By interchange
into (
55), we obtain
In the light of (
55) and (
56), we achieve
, now using (
50), thus, we find
By the relation (
57) we conclude that
is integrable. This completes the proof. □
Remark 6. The one-dimensional real distribution of -pseudo-slant submanifold in is always integrable.
Theorem 5. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, the distribution is integrable if and only if the shape operator satisfies. Proof. By the direct consequence of Equation (
22), we obtain
is anti-invariant distribution then
if and only if
. By the application of (
29) and (
53), we observe that
. In view of (
31), we obtain (
58). This completes the proof. □
Corollary 1. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, the distribution is integrable if and only if the endomorphism t satisfies. Lemma 1. For a -pseudo-slant submanifold in , we havefor all and . Proof. By the consequence of (
10) and (
17), we have
In view of (
12) and (
28), we obtain
Now using (
13), (
17), and (
29) in the above relation,
The above expression reduces into the following form by the use of first part of Proposition 8 and (
By the virtue of (
18) and (
19), we have (
60). □
Theorem 6. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, the distribution is integrable if and only if the shape operator A satisfies and . Proof. By the consequence of Lemma 1, we have
for every
. In light of (
19), we have
By the relation (
62), we conclude that
is integrable if and only if the relation (
61) holds. This completes the proof. □
Theorem 7. Let be a mixed totally geodesic -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, the distribution is integrable if and only if the shape operator A satisfies and . Proof. By the consequence of (
10), (
13), (
28), and (
53), we have
, for every
. Now, using (
17), (
18), and (
26) in the above expression, we have
Furthermore, by the virtue of (
13), (
17), (
18), (
26), (
28), and (
53), we find
By comparing normal components of (
65), we obtain
Now utilizing (
65) and (
66) in (
64), we obtain
By the application of (8), we have
By the above expression, we conclude that
is integrable if and only if (
63) holds. □
Theorem 8. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, the distribution is integrable if and only iffor every and . Proof. By the consequence of (
17), (
18), and (
22), we have
In light of (
29), (
30) and (
31), we observe that
Now, taking the inner product in the above expression with
and using (
12), where
From using (
25) and (
26) in the above equation, we arrive that
In light of Lemma 8, we have
Thus, Equation (
70) concludes that
is integrable if and only if (
68) holds. □
Theorem 9. Let be a pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, the distribution is integrable if and only if it A satisfies. Proof. First of all, suppose
is integrable distribution, then
; this implies that
. Therefore, relation (
31) reduces
, for every
; this implies that
. Now, in the light of (
19) and (
27), the above expression turns into
. Thus, from (
58), we obtain (
Conversely: suppose that
satisfies (
71), then by utilization of (
19) we have
. Now, employing (
29) and (
31) into the above expression, we achieve that
, which implies that
. This shows that
is a integrable distribution. □
4. -Pseudo-Slant Warped Product Submanifolds
Let be tangent to in . Then, is said to be a -pseudo-slant warped product if it is a warped product of type or , where is slant submanifold and is a anti-invariant submanifold in . In this paper, we only study the warped product whose base is slant, i.e., .
Proposition 10. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold warped product in such that . Then is a -product.
Proof. From Equation (
4), we have
, for
. Replacing by
into the above expression, we have
. With the help of (
39), the above expression reduces into the given form
. This completes the proof. □
Proposition 11. There exists a non-trivial -pseudo-slant submanifold warped product in such that .
Proof. From Equation (
4), we have
, for
. Replacing by
into the above expression, we have
. In the light of (
39), the above expression reduces into the following form
. By the definition of gradient, we have
By the theory of differential equations we observe that Equation (
72) has a solution. This shows that
f is non-constant. This completes the proof.
Remark 7. Let be -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in . Then, we have Now, we give some examples of -pseudo-slant submanifold of type .
Example 2. Choose together with the usual Cartesian coordinates . Then the structure over is defined bywhere and the pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor g is defined asfor all . Then by simple computation, we can easily see that is para-Kenmotsu manifold. Suppose is an immersed submanifold into by an immersion σ which is defined byfor . Thus, we can easily provide the generating set for the tangent bundle of submanifold as follows:for . The basis vector for is given by By simple calculation, we obtain that the distribution is slant distribution with slant function and the distribution is anti-invariant under φ. The induced metric tensor on is given by The above calculation manifests that the submanifold is a form of -pseudo-slant warped product of type II with warping function of para-Kenmotsu manifold.
Example 3. Choose together with the usual Cartesian coordinates . Then, the structure over is defined bywhere and the pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor g is defined asfor all . Then, by simple computation, we can easily see that is para-Kenmotsu manifold. Suppose is an immersed submanifold into by an immersion σ which is defined byfor . Thus, we can easily provide the generating set for the tangent bundle of submanifold as follows:for . The basis vector for is given by By simple calculation, we obtain that the distribution is slant distribution of with slant function and the distribution is anti-invariant under φ. The induced metric tensor on is given by The above calculation manifests that the submanifold is a form of -pseudo-slant warped product of type I if and -pseudo-slant warped product of type III if of para-Kenmotsu manifold with warping function .
Lemma 2. For a -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in , we receive for all and that Proof. By the consequence of (
17) and (
28), we have
Now, applying (
12) and (
13) into the above expression, we achieve
By the utilization of (
4) and (
17), we obtain (
82). We proceed with a similar process to prove (
83). □
Lemma 3. Let be a -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in . Then, we obtain for all and that Proof. By the consequence of (
17) and (
28), we have
Now, applying (
12) and (
13) into the above expression, we achieve
By the utilization of (
4), (
18) and (
19), we obtain (
84). If we replace
in (
84), then we attain (
85). □
Theorem 10. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, is a -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold if and only iffor every , and some smooth function μ on satisfies , for every . Proof. Suppose that
is a
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in
. Then, by the virtue of (
19) and (
85), we easily obtain (
86) by taking
Conversely, suppose
-pseudo-slant submanifold in
that satisfies (
86). Then, by the application of Lemma 1 and (
86), we obtain
. This shows that the distribution
is totally geodesic and integrable. Now, let us denote
as the second fundamental form of
. Then, by the use of (
17), we have
. In view of (
10), the above expression reduces into the following form:
By the consequence of (
13), (
14), and (
28), the above expression reduces into the following form:
Now, using (
19) and (
27) in the above relation, we have
In view of (
86), (
87), and Lemma 8, we have
By definition of gradient and (
88), we have
The relation (
89) shows that the distribution
is totally umbilical with mean curvature
, which is parallel with respect to
. By Hiepko result and the above discussion, we conclude that the
is a
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold of
. This completes the proof. □
Theorem 11. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, is a mixed totally geodesic -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold if and only iffor every , and some smooth function μ on satisfies , for every . Proof. Suppose that
is a mixed totally geodesic
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in
, then
, for every
. Therefore, by the virtue of (
19) and (
82), we achieve (
Conversely, suppose
is a
-pseudo-slant submanifold in
that satisfies (
90). From Lemma 1 and (
90), we have
By this expression, we easily see that the leaves of
are totally geodesic and integrable. Let us denote
as the second fundamental form of
. Then, by the use of (
17), we have
. Now, utilizing (
10), (
13), (
14), and (
28) in the above expression, we concede that
By using (
19), (
27), and the first part part of (
90) into the above relation, we receive that
In view of Lemma 8, (
90) and (
91), we have
By definition of gradient and (
92), we have
The relation (
93) shows that the distribution
is totally umbilical with mean curvature
which is parallel with respect to
. By Hiepko result and the above discussion, we conclude that the
is a mixed totally geodesic
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold of
. □
Theorem 12. Let be a -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in . Then, is locally a -product if and only iffor every and . Proof. By the application of Equations (
10), (
17), and (
28), we have
, for every
. Now, using (
10) and (
27), we concede that
By the consequence of (
12), (
13), (
14), (
24), and (
28), the above expression relation reduces into the following form:
In light of (
14), (
17), (
4), and Lemma 3, the above expression reduces into the following form:
into (
95), we have
In view of (
95) and (
96), we have
On the other hand, by use of (
13), (
17), and (
28), we observe that
In light of (
4) and (
10), the above expression reduces into the following form:
Again, interchanging
into (
98), we have
By the virtue of (
98) and (
99), we conclude that (
97) holds if and only if
By the utilization of (
17), (
24), (
28), (
100), and Lemma 3, we obtain
By the above relation, we can observe that
f is constant if and only if the relation (
94) holds. This completes the proof. □
Lemma 4. Let be a -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in . Then, we obtain for all , , and that Proof. By the use of (
51), we have
. By the virtue of (
4) and Definition 3, we have
. In view of (
29) and (
5), we observe that
. By these observations, we easily concede the relation (
102). By reuse of (
51), we have
. Furthermore, by the virtue of (
31), we attain
. Since
is totally geodesic, the above expression reduces into the following form:
By the utilization of (
4) and (
51), we have
By the application of (
107), we achieve (
103). If we replace
in (), we easily achieve (
104). □
Theorem 13. Let be a -pseudo-slant submanifold in . Then, is a -pseudo-slant warped product submanifold if and only if the endomorphism t satisfiesfor every , , and some smooth function μ on satisfies , for every . Proof. Suppose that
M is a
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in
, then by (
51), we obtain
By the utilization of (
14), (
17), (
102), and (
103), we achieve that
By taking the inner product with
into (
111), then using (
39) and definition of gradient, we achieve
By taking
into (111) and using the fact that
is a warped product, we accomplished (
Conversely, assume that
is a
-pseudo-slant submanifold in
satisfying (
108). Now, replacing
U with
V with
in (
108), we have
. In view of (
26) and (
29), we have
. This shows that
is integrable and its leaves are totally geodesic in
. Furthermore, replacing
U with
V with
in (
108), we have
, for every
. By (
26) and orthogonality relation, we observe that
By the relation (
112), we observe that the distribution
is totally umbilical with mean curvature
. By the application of Hiepko result [
41], we can conclude that
M is a
-pseudo-slant warped product submanifold in
. This completes the proof. □