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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:AbuseFilter and the translation is 30% complete.
This extension comes with MediaWiki 1.38 and above. így nem kell újra letöltened. Az útmutató egyéb utasításait azonban továbbra is követned kell.
MediaWiki-kiterjesztések kézikönyve
Kiadási állapot: stabil
Megvalósítás Felhasználói tevékenységek , Speciális lap , API
Leírás Lehetővé teszi viselkedéshez kötött korlátozások beállítását
Kompatibilitási irányelv Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible.
MediaWiki >= 1.43.0
Adatbázis-változtatások Igen
Composer mediawiki/abuse-filter
Táblák abuse_filter
Licenc GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
  • $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit
  • $wgAbuseFilterRangeBlockSize
  • $wgAbuseFilterAnonBlockDuration
  • $wgAbuseFilterLogIPMaxAge
  • $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB
  • $wgAbuseFilterDefaultWarningMessage
  • $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge
  • $wgAbuseFilterEnableBlockedExternalDomain
  • $wgAbuseFilterActionRestrictions
  • $wgAbuseFilterActions
  • $wgAbuseFilterProtectedVariables
  • $wgAbuseFilterLogIP
  • $wgAbuseFilterPrivateDetailsForceReason
  • $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount
  • $wgAbuseFilterLogPrivateDetailsAccess
  • $wgAbuseFilterSlowFilterRuntimeLimit
  • $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold
  • $wgAbuseFilterLocallyDisabledGlobalActions
  • $wgAbuseFilterBlockDuration
  • $wgAbuseFilterDefaultDisallowMessage
  • $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups
  • $wgAbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate
  • $wgAbuseFilterBlockAutopromoteDuration
  • $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral
  • $wgAbuseFilterNotifications
  • abusefilter-modify
  • abusefilter-log-detail
  • abusefilter-view
  • abusefilter-log
  • abusefilter-privatedetails
  • abusefilter-privatedetails-log
  • abusefilter-modify-restricted
  • abusefilter-revert
  • abusefilter-view-private
  • abusefilter-log-private
  • abusefilter-hidden-log
  • abusefilter-hide-log
  • abusefilter-modify-global
  • abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains
  • abusefilter-bypass-blocked-external-domains
  • abusefilter-access-protected-vars
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Az AbuseFilter (Vandálszűrő) kiterjesztés az arra jogosult felhasználóknak lehetővé teszi egyes szerkesztési mintákhoz tartozó szűrők beállítását.

Például lehetséges az anonim szerkesztők számára megtiltani külső hivatkozások beszúrását, vagy a 2000 karakternél többet törlőket blokkolni.


  • Töltsd le a kiterjesztés fájljait, és mentsd el az extensions/ mappán belüli AbuseFilter könyvtárba.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/AbuseFilter
  • Csak Gitről telepítés esetén futtasd a Composert a PHP-függőségek telepítéséhez a composer install --no-dev parancs kiadásával a kiterjesztés könyvtárában. (Lásd a task T173141 lapot a lehetséges problémákért.)
  • Add hozzá az alábbi kódot a LocalSettings.php fájlod aljára:
    wfLoadExtension( 'AbuseFilter' );
  • Futtasd le a frissítőszkriptet, ami automatikusan létrehozza a kiterjesztés által igényelt táblákat az adatbázisban.
  • Állítsd be a szükséges módon.
  • Yes Kész – A Special:Version oldalon ellenőrizheted, hogy a kiterjesztés ténylegesen feltelepült-e.

When installing from Git, please note that this extension requires Composer .

So, after installation from Git change to the directory containing the extension e.g. "../extensions/AbuseFilter/" and run composer install --no-dev, or when updating: composer update --no-dev.

Alternatively as well as preferably add the line "extensions/AbuseFilter/composer.json" to the "composer.local.json" file in the root directory of your wiki like e.g.

	"extra": {
		"merge-plugin": {
			"include": [


Felhasználói jogosultságok

Miután telepítetted a kiterjesztést, a "LocalSettings.php"-ben szükséges a jogosultságok definiálása.

User rights for AbuseFilter
Jog Leírás Notes User groups that have this right by default
abusefilter-modify Vandálszűrők létrehozása vagy módosítása Requires the abusefilter-view right sysop
abusefilter-view vandálszűrők megtekintése *
abusefilter-log a Vandálszűrő naplójának megtekintése *
abusefilter-log-detail Részletes Vandálszűrő-naplóbejegyzések Requires the abusefilter-log right sysop
abusefilter-privatedetails személyes adatok megtekintése a Vandálszűrő naplójában Prior to 1.34 this right was named abusefilter-private - Requires the abusefilter-log-detail right
abusefilter-modify-restricted vandálszűrők módosítása korlátozott hozzáféréssel Requires the abusefilter-modify right sysop
abusefilter-modify-global Globális vandálszűrők létrehozása vagy módosítása Requires the abusefilter-modify right
abusefilter-revert Egy adott vandálszűrő által okozott összes változtatás visszavonása sysop
abusefilter-view-private privátként megjelölt vandálszűrők megtekintése Requires the abusefilter-view right (not needed if the group already has the abusefilter-modify right) sysop
abusefilter-log-private A vandálszűrő privátnak jelölt bejegyzéseinek megjelenítése Requires the abusefilter-log right (not needed if the group already has the abusefilter-modify or abusefilter-view-private rights) sysop
abusefilter-hide-log bejegyzések elrejtése a vandálszűrő naplójában Requires the abusefilter-log right suppress
abusefilter-hidden-log a vandálszűrő-napló rejtett bejegyzéseinek megtekintése Requires the abusefilter-log right suppress
abusefilter-privatedetails-log a Vandálszűrő privát részletei naplójának megtekintése Prior to 1.34 this right was named abusefilter-private-log
abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked sysop
abusefilter-bypass-blocked-external-domains Bypass blocked external domains Requires the edit right bot

Például a következő beállítással lehetővé teszed az adminisztrátorok számára a feltételek szerkesztését, illetve bárki láthatja a naplót és a nyilvános szűrők beállításait.

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['abusefilter-modify'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['abusefilter-log-detail'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['abusefilter-view'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['abusefilter-log'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['abusefilter-privatedetails'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['abusefilter-modify-restricted'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['abusefilter-revert'] = true;
A privát szűrőket csak az abusefilter-modify, illetve az abusefilter-view-private jogosultsággal rendelkezők láthatják.


Változónév Alapértelmezett érték: Leírás
    'throttle' => true,
    'warn' => true,
    'disallow' => true,
    'blockautopromote' => true,
    'block' => true,
    'rangeblock' => false,
    'degroup' => false,
    'tag' => true
A szűrőkkel végezhető műveletek. Új művelet hozzáadásakor a $wgAbuseFilterActionRestrictionsben ellenőrizd, hogy korlátozott-e; ha igen, ne felejtsd el a megfelelő felhasználó csoporthoz hozzáadni az abusefilter-modify-restricted jogot.
A szűrők egyszeri lefutásakor fennálló feltételek száma (komplexebb szűrőkhöz több feltétel szükséges).
A szűrők kategorizálásához használható „csoportok”. Alapértelmezésben egy ilyen van. Más kiterjesztések újabb csoportokat is hozzáadhatnak.
    'default' => 0.05
Disable a filter if it matched more than 2 edits, constituting more than 5 % of the actions which were checked against the filter's group in the "observed" period (at most one day), and the filter has been changed in the last 86400 seconds (one day). See emergency throttling.
    'default' => 2
    'default' => 86400
	"throttle" => false,
	"warn" => false,
	"disallow" => false,
	"blockautopromote" => true,
	"block" => true,
	"rangeblock" => true,
	"degroup" => true,
	"tag" => false
Users must have the "abusefilter-modify-restricted" user right as well as "abusefilter-modify" in order to create or modify filters which carry out these actions.
Allows to configure the extension to send hit notifications to Special:RecentChanges or UDP. Beállítási lehetőségek: rc, udp, rcandudp
For sending changes to abuse filters to Special:RecentChanges, use unset($wgLogRestrictions['abusefilter']);.
Értesítések bekapcsolása a privát szűrőkhöz.
Name of a database where global abuse filters will be stored in (only supported in the latest, development version). Requires CentralAuth installed otherwise global filters will break on a wikifarm.
Set this variable to true for the wiki where global AbuseFilters are stored in (only supported in the latest, development version). Requires CentralAuth installed otherwise global filters will break on a wikifarm.
	"throttle" => false,
	"warn" => false,
	"disallow" => false,
	"blockautopromote" => false,
	"block" => false,
	"rangeblock" => false,
	"degroup" => false,
	"tag" => false
Disallow Centralised filters from taking actions set as true in this variable.
Duration of blocks made by AbuseFilter.
as of 1.31.0-wmf.25 block durations may be specified for every single filter and will override this variable. This variable is only used when enabling the block in order to preselect a default duration.
Duration of blocks made by AbuseFilter on users who are not logged in. The value of $wgAbuseFilterBlockDuration will be used if this is not set.
as of 1.31.0-wmf.25 block durations may be specified for every single filter and will override this variable. This variable is only used when enabling the block in order to preselect a default duration.
Duration, in days, for which users' autopromotion is blocked by filters.
    'default' => 'abusefilter-warning'
Alapértelmezett figyelmeztető üzenet szűrőcsoportonként
    'default' => 'abusefilter-disallowed'
Alapértelmezett tiltó üzenet szűrőcsoportonként
Whether to include IP in the abuse_filter_log
3 * 30 * 24 * 3600
Age used as cutoff when purging old IP log data. Defaults to 3 months. Used by maintenance script purgeOldLogIPData.php.
Number of action that determines when to reset profiling stats.
Whether accessing private information from a filter log entry is logged.
Whether users are forced to provide a reason for accessing private information from a filter log entry.
Runtime in milliseconds before a filter is considered slow.
    'IPv4' => '16',
    'IPv6' => '19',
Size of the range blocked by 'rangeblock' action.

Emergency throttling

AbuseFilter comes with a feature that automatically throttles (disables) filters that have been edited recently and match a certain threshold of the latest actions.

This is done to prevent harmful edits on the filters to block every user that performs an action on the wiki or similar.

The condition to disable the filter depend on those variables:

  • $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold - Percent of matches over the total amount of actions in the observed period.
  • $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount - Count of matches of the filter in the observed period.
  • $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge - Age of the filter to take it into account. If the last edit of the filter is older than this number of seconds, the filter won't be throttled, unless it's already throttled.

Throttled filters can be identified in the list of filters (Special:AbuseFilter) with the state Bekapcsolva, Magas találati arány. Throttling happens silently, and there's no way to see when a filter got throttled, except when Extension:Echo is installed, then a notification is sent to the user who was last to modify the filter.

When a filter gets throttled, it doesn't perform any dangerous action (actions usually restricted to special rights like blocking the user, or removing it from groups, controlled by $wgAbuseFilterActionRestrictions), and only "safe" actions are allowed (the ones that can warn or prevent the ongoing action). Throttled filters don't get enabled automatically. To disable the throttling, you need to edit the filter. Note that you need to actually change something from the filter: changing something from the filter's notes is sufficient.

Note that editing the filter updates its age, and can cause it to be disabled if it reaches again the conditions to be throttled in a short period since the last edit, leading to a unusable filter if your wiki has more abuse edits than legitimate ones.

Szűrők létrehozása és kezelése

A kiterjesztés telepítése után a szűrők kezelése és a naplók megtekintése a Special:AbuseFilter lapon lehetséges.


AbuseFilter adds two API list modules, one for details of abuse filters ("abusefilters") and one for the abuse log, since it is separate from other MediaWiki logs ("abuselog"). It is not possible to create or modify abuse filters using the API.

list = abusefilters

List information about filters

  • abfstartid - The filter id to start enumerating from
  • abfendid - The filter id to stop enumerating at
  • abfdir - The direction in which to enumerate (older, newer)
  • abfshow - Show only filters which meet these criteria (enabled|!enabled|deleted|!deleted|private|!private)
  • abflimit - The maximum number of filters to list
  • abfprop - Which properties to get (id|description|pattern|actions|hits|comments|lasteditor|lastedittime|status|private)

When filters are private, some of the properties specified with abfprop will be missing unless you have the appropriate user rights.

Nyilvános szűrők listája
    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "abfstartid": 18,
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "abusefilters": [
                "id": 1,
                "hits": 41430
                "id": 3,
                "hits": 957485
                "id": 5,
                "hits": 5931
                "id": 6,
                "hits": 19
                "id": 8,
                "hits": 7
                "id": 9,
                "hits": 41354
                "id": 11,
                "hits": 132971
                "id": 12,
                "hits": 139693
                "id": 14,
                "hits": 63
                "id": 15,
                "hits": 15

list = abuselog

List instances where actions triggered an abuse filter.

  • aflstart - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  • aflend - The timestamp to stop enumerating at
  • afldir - The direction in which to enumerate (older, newer)
  • afluser - Show only entries where the action was attempted by a given user or IP address.
  • afltitle - Show only entries where the action involved a given page.
  • aflfilter - Show only entries that triggered a given filter ID
  • afllimit - The maximum number of entries to list
  • aflprop - Which properties to get: (ids|filter|user|ip|title|action|details|result|timestamp|hidden|revid|wiki)
List instances where the abuse filter was triggered in response to actions from the user "SineBot"
    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "aflstart": "2018-03-06T02:34:18Z",
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "abuselog": [
                "id": 27219261,
                "filter_id": "1073"
                "id": 26938051,
                "filter_id": ""
                "id": 23388942,
                "filter_id": "1"
                "id": 22044912,
                "filter_id": ""
                "id": 22032235,
                "filter_id": ""
                "id": 22032196,
                "filter_id": ""
                "id": 21983882,
                "filter_id": ""
                "id": 20594818,
                "filter_id": "904"
                "id": 20593489,
                "filter_id": "904"
                "id": 20590442,
                "filter_id": "904"

Lehetséges hibák

  • Some users might experience that creating new filters or modifying old filters fail and the user just gets redirected to the original page. If the Wiki is using SSL certificates, this error could possibly be because of the $wgServer value, which might be using "http://" instead of "https://". An indication of this error will be, the browser giving https warning for Special:AbuseFilter pages. (Topic:T23dyyih0ofjada5)

Integration with other extensions

You can integrate AbuseFilter with other extension in various ways.

Adding variables for filtering

It is possible to add new variables, to be used in abuse filters. A list of examples is available . To do that, you should:

  • Add a handler for the AbuseFilter-builder hook. To add a variable, you should use $builder['vars']['variable_name'] = 'i18n-key';, where variable_name is the name of the variable, and i18n-key is the fragment of an i18n key. The full key will be abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-{$your_key}.
  • Add the i18n messages you chose at the previous point.
  • Choose a hook handler where the variable will be computed. Depending on your use case, you could:
    • Implement the AbuseFilter-generateTitleVars hook; this is specifically thought for page-related variables;
    • Implement the AbuseFilter-generateUserVars hook; this is specifically thought for user-related variables;
    • Implement the AbuseFilter-generateGenericVars hook; this is for variables not bound to a specific page or user;
    • Implement the AbuseFilterAlterVariables hook; this is a bit more flexible than the other hooks, but it has a downside: your variable will not be available when examining past RecentChanges entries. If you want to implement that feature (and it's recommended to do so), you should use one of the hooks listed above, and use its third parameter ($RCRow).
  • Inside the hook handler, there are two ways to add a variable:
    • The "direct" way is calling $vars->setVar( 'var_name', var_value );. This is ideal only when the value is easy and quick to compute: the value is computed even if no active filter will use it.
    • The "lazy" way is calling $vars->setLazyLoadVar( 'var_name', 'method_name', $params );. Here, 'method_name' is a (unique) identifier that will be used to compute the variable (it's recommended to prefix it with the name of your extension). To register the method, you should add a handler for the AbuseFilter-computeVariable hook; therein, you should check if the $method passed matches your 'method_name', and if so, compute the variable. Lastly, $params is an array of parameters that you'll need to compute the variable; these are passed to the computeVariable hook handler. For an example of this, you can check out CentralAuth's global_user_groups.

Adding custom actions

You can add custom action handlers, so that each filter may perform further actions. To do that, you choose a name for the action ('my-action' from now on), and then:

  • Create a class named e.g. MyAction, that should extend \MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Consequence, which can also implement HookAborterConsequence or ConsequencesDisablerConsequence
  • Add a subscriber to the AbuseFilterCustomActions hook; the subscriber should provide a callback as documented in the hook documentation, that returns an instance of the class created above, for instance:
class MyAction extends \MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Consequence {
    public function run() {
        throw new \Exception( 'Write me' );
public function onAbuseFilterCustomActions( &$actions ) {
    $actions[] = function ( \MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Consequence\Parameters $params, array $rawParams ) : MyConsequence {
        return new MyAction( $params, $rawParams );

Then you should add the following i18n messages; you can replace 'my_action' with e.g. 'block' to see what the messages are for:

  • 'abusefilter-edit-action-${my_action}'
  • 'abusefilter-action-${my_action}'

Adding rule groups

You can also add extra rule groups, which can be used to group existing abuse filters. Note that, at the moment, each filter can only be in a single group (T116642). Currently, the only known consumer of this feature is Extension:StructuredDiscussions . To do that, you should:

  • Append the name of the group to $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups
  • Add some code to run the filters with your group. Note that AbuseFilter won't do that on its own. To do that, you should construct an AbuseFilterRunner object, passing in the name of your group.

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