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Topic on Talk:Content translation

List of machine translation pairs

Triptothecottage (talkcontribs)

Where can I find the pairs of languages that are supported by machine translation?

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hi @Triptothecottage,

This page links to the configuration files for each translation service. Since these point to the Content Translation code, it provides up to dated information but the languages are listed using their iso codes. A manually maintained spreadsheet is also available which provides additional context (such as the full name of languages and related Phabricator tickets).

Alternatively, you can also check the sites of Apertium, Yandex or Youdao to view the languages they support. As new languages are supported by those engines, we try to incorporate them to Content Translation.

If you find MT is not working for a language where it should, let us know. Content translation supports many languages and it is not always easy to catch issues in all of them.

Triptothecottage (talkcontribs)

Many thanks for those links. I'm not sure if I'm using the service correctly; when I click to add a translation paragraph, I simply get the source text - but all the links have been correctly translated to enWiki. I'm using Chrome on Win10 and have tried a few language pairs - same issue with all of them. Should I be seeing a machine translation in the right-hand column?

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hi @Triptothecottage,

Currently machine translation is not enabled for English as a target language. That is, if you translate from English to Spanish you should get an initial automatic translation. However, it won't be available when translating from Spanish to English. In any case, you should see an "automatic translation" card on the right side with the available options.

Although it is technically possible, we have been cautious regarding adding machine translation support on English due to the concerns of English Wikipedia community about machine translation. As part of the beta process we want to learn more on how to provide the most translation tools for everyone while making sure the quality of the produced article is the highest possible.

There is also a Phabricator ticket when you can request machine translation support for a given language.

Thanks for your interest in the tool and apologies for not mentioning this exception case earlier (which happened to be the one you were getting into).

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