Chapter 22’s card features Ian as The Chariot!
The Chariot is a card of taking action and powering forward with strong will and determination. There are goals to be met and nothing should stop you from reaching for them. Commitment, dedication, and hard work will help you achieve what you want.
You’ve made your decisions and now it is time to act on them. Things are likely to come up as obstacles, but you must not let them stop you from going forward. What you’ve set out to achieve is worth fighting for and it is not the time to be giving up.
The Chariot is here to tell you that ambitious project you’ve been debating on is worth pursuing, but it’s going to take everything you’ve got to see it succeed. No shortcuts, no cheating, but pure hard work and dedication.
This card also asks you to be more assertive and confident, to not take things lying down and to set whatever boundaries you need to.
Of course, being the Chariot, this card can also represent travel, a roadtrip, a plane flight, a cruise, or anything else that might get you from one place to another a long distance away.
Reversed, this card means you are probably hitting a road block in your project and you need to back up and re-examine the situation before even considering moving forward. There’s something you are missing and you’re not going to find it by trying to force it out and barrel forward without stopping to figure out if what you’re doing is even the correct course of action.
You might be letting things get in the way of your goals and it’s frustrating, so you need to decide if what you’re doing is worth it and if the roadblocks are worth overcoming.
Look inward to build the strength and will that you need to keep going, buckle down, and remain disciplined if you really want things to work out for you.
Lastly, you might be micromanaging your own life and this is putting too much on your shoulders. You need to start letting things happen as they happen or you’re going to be a detriment to yourself.