Event News

Talk on "Behavior As A Modality: Optimizing Communication To Optimize Human Behavior Meeting Information" by Prof. Rajiv Ratn Shah from IIIT Delhi

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming seminar by Prof. Rajiv Ratn Shah from IIIT Delhi titled : "Behavior As A Modality: Optimizing Communication To Optimize Human Behavior Meeting Information" Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend!


Behavior As A Modality: Optimizing Communication To Optimize Human Behavior Meeting Information


Behavior as a modality occurs in the process of communication. Communication includes all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another.This includes all forms of expression, such as words, gestures, speech, pictures, and musical sounds. Communication can be seen as being composed of seven modalities: (the communicator, message, time of message, channel, receiver, time of effect, and effect). These modalities can vary independently of each other and carry signals about each other. The message as a modality carries information from the communicator to receiver and encodes information generated by the communicator. Similarly, behavior (aka effect) as a modality carries information from the receiver and encodes information generated by the receiver. In this work, we have investigated how to integrate the seven modalities together resulting in advances in explaining human behavior, predicting short-term and long-term behavior, extracting signals from behavior that can help in understanding message, training large models to encode and predict both behavior and content, and generating content such that it can optimize human behavior. His work has been published in ICLR 2024.

Speaker Bio:

Rajiv Ratn Shah currently works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (jointly with Department of Human-centered Design) at IIT-Delhi. He is also the head of MIDAS Research Lab and TCS Center of Design and New Media at IIIT-Delhi. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. Dr. Shah is the recipient of several awards, including the prestigious Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researcher fellowship and best papers at many conferences. His research interests include multimedia content processing, speech processing, natural language processing, and multimodal computing.


14:00 July 2 (Tuesday), 2024


Room 1902/1903, NII and Online




If you would like to join, please contact by email.
Email :planas[at]nii.ac.jp
