The Noritsu Koki Group regards respect for human rights as a fundamental element of its business activities, and promotes initiatives for respecting human rights throughout the Group. We formulated the Noritsu Koki Group Human Rights Policy in July 2022. We are working to fulfill our responsibility to respect the human rights of everyone who is impacted by our business activities, and have defined seven human rights issues related to our business: Prohibiting discrimination; preventing harassment; eliminating forced labor and child labor; respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining; ensuring occupational health and safety; managing working hours and wages; and promoting ethical use of technology. In addition, we conduct human rights due diligence and human rights education, and have also established systems for access to remedy and are putting them into practice.



The Personnel & General Affairs Department of Noritsu Koki is in charge of promoting respect for human rights throughout the Group. We conduct human rights training for all executives and employees of the Group at least once a year to communicate and raise awareness of the Noritsu Koki Group Human Rights Policy and promote respect for the diverse values of each employee. In November 2023, we revised the human rights policy to strengthen our human rights initiatives. We will work to foster an open corporate culture where diverse values are respected by promoting human rights awareness throughout the Group, including by communicating and raising awareness of the new policy at Group companies, and through ongoing human rights training.


We began conducting human rights due diligence in order to increase the effectiveness of our human rights initiatives. Human rights due diligence is the responsibility of the Sustainability Promotion Office of Noritsu Koki, which implements initiatives in collaboration with the Personnel & General Affairs Department and the procurement departments of Group companies. In 2023, as the first phase of human rights due diligence, we assessed human rights risks related to the Group’s businesses and created a human rights risk map. The human rights risk map visualizes the risks that the Group should prioritize, with the severity of risk as the vertical axis and relevance to our business as the horizontal axis. We will continue to further investigate risks based on the human rights risk map, and formulate risk reduction measures as well as measures to deal with risks should they manifest.

Human Rights Risk Map*
  • *Based on key human rights issues that companies must address as summarized in the Report on Business and Human Rights by the Human Rights Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. Some risk items appear more than once as we create risk maps for each business entity.


The Noritsu Koki Group discloses its commitment and initiatives to prevent modern slavery including human trafficking in the Group’s operations and supply chain in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.