Omani Princess: Recommended Reads

Books I've read in Oman, about Oman, to understand Omanis, to understand Zanzibar, or to know Islam.
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Arabian Sands TYPE: Travel, and partial personal history of Oman and the UAE. HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommended, also part adventure.
Reviving Ophelia: a book about the pressures put upon young Western or European women and increasingly, due to globalization, Arab women. Book makes Islamic values stand out as positive towards young women's development. TYPE OF READ: Psychology
"Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. ABOUT: Bibliography. A young woman from Somalia survives abuse, genital mutilation, forced marriage and the restrictions of cultural Islam until she flees to start a new life of freedom. I feel utterly devastated for how Ayan experienced Islam. I believe she knows nothing about the religion but I do believe Muslims do have to wake up and realize that culturally, to many women around the world, culture is the only Islam that matters.
IN THE SERVICE OF THE SULTAN TYPE: History of the Dhofar insurgency I like war stories set in this time period so I enjoyed Gardiner's account.
PRINCES OF ZINJ TYPE: a colourful history of Zanzibar, part tell-tale, part fact, all wonderfully chockful of pirates, princesses, slaves, and British officers both good and bad. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
DESPERATE IN DUBAI TYPE: Chic lit, Khaleeji style. Honestly I loved it because I feel I personally know the main Emirati character personally.