7 Flaxseed Benefits—and How to Eat More of the Small but Mighty Superfood

Plus, try some of our favorite flaxseed recipes for a super-healthy boost.

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Flaxseed benefits go beyond the fact that they're a delicate topping to sprinkle over oatmeal or a colorful acai bowl. Flaxseeds have proven to be a potent powerhouse food packed with heart-healthy benefits and protective properties. And while they may seem like such teeny seeds, don't let their small size fool you. A nutrition expert breaks down the top health benefits of flaxseeds and shares extra tips on how to add them to your diet so that you can reap all the rewards.

What Are Flaxseeds?

Though flaxseeds have recently gained official superfood status, research shows that they're one of the oldest cultivated crops, grown since the beginning of civilization. Flaxseeds are derived from the flax plant, Linum usitatissimum, and were primarily used to produce fiber for clothing and linens since 3000 B.C.

Traditionally used as an ingredient in breakfast cereals and bread, a significant number of flax products have been developed for the health food market over the last 10 years—which may explain the uptick in flaxseed popularity. Known as a very versatile super seed, you can sprinkle it into nearly anything to reap its amazing nutritional benefits: yogurt, salad, smoothies, oatmeal, cereal—the list is endless.

Flaxseed Nutrition Facts

Flaxseed (also known as linseed) is loaded with notable vitamins and nutrients, such as plant-based fiber, protein, and fatty acids. In fact, the percentage of the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) found in flaxseeds is the highest of any plant source, making this quite the superstar superfood—despite its small size. Here's a look at the nutritional profile of 1 cup (or 168 grams) of flaxseeds.

  • Water - 11.7 grams
  • Energy - 897 kcal
  • Protein - 30.7 grams (61.4% of the recommended daily value or DV)
  • Fat - 70.9 grams
  • Carbohydrates - 48.6 grams
  • Fiber - 45.9 grams (163.93% DV))
  • Sugars - 2.6 grams
  • Calcium - 428 milligrams (32.92% DV)
  • Iron - 9.63 milligrams (53.5% DV)
  • Magnesium - 659 milligrams (156.90% DV)
  • Potassium - 1370 milligrams (29.15% DV)
  • Sodium - 50.4 milligrams
  • Zinc - 7.29 milligrams (66.27% DV)

Flaxseed Health Benefits

Flaxseed boasts tons of health benefits for your heart down to your gut. Here are some of the biggest reasons to add more flaxseeds to your diet.

Aids Digestion

For those who suffer from irregularity, these tiny gems may be a key to relieving constipation. "Flaxseeds contain high amounts of fiber, which may help improve digestive health," says Fresh Thyme Market's health and lifestyle expert, Meghan Sedivy, RD, LN. Flaxseeds are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk. "Eating a diet rich in fiber helps to increase the size and weight of stool and soften it to help promote and maintain regularity and prevent constipation," Sedivy adds.

Since flaxseeds are packed with fiber, they can also help you to feel full faster and longer. In fact, one study of daily dietary fiber intake found that consuming fiber is perceived as beneficial to well-being and decreased feelings of hunger in the short term. It even helped to alleviate some gastrointestinal symptoms. This means that, when you consume flaxseeds, the fuller you may feel, which can help prevent overeating.

Builds Muscle

Protein is an important building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin. (In fact, did you know that your hair and nails are mostly protein?) Flaxseeds are a great source of high-quality, plant-based protein.

One teaspoon of flaxseeds contains nearly 2 grams of protein, so flaxseeds are a viable protein-packed option for those in search of alternatives to animal protein sources. Adding flaxseed to a smoothie or salad can help boost your protein intake in the morning or evening.

Boosts Heart Health

The good-for-you fats found in flaxseed (aka the almighty omega-3s) may benefit those with heart disease. "Flaxseeds have been associated with several heart health benefits: potentially reducing blood pressure levels, triglyceride levels, bad cholesterol levels, and inflammation in the body while helping to increase good cholesterol levels," Sedivy says.

"They also contain omega-3 fatty acids which have been linked to several health benefits that include brain health and heart health; that may help reduce blood pressure levels and inflammation, and that helps increase good cholesterol levels."

Reduces Skin Inflammation

Not only is flaxseed packed with internal nutritional benefits when eaten regularly, but it also contains massive beauty benefits when applied directly to the skin. Because flaxseeds are high in anti-inflammatory omega-3s, they can help curb inflammation in the skin. Flax fiber has also been shown to have a healing effect on the skin. One small study found that women who used flaxseed oil daily had improved skin elasticity, increased hydration, and a brighter complexion.

You can find flaxseed oil in many skincare products, which can be topically applied to reduce dryness and improve the texture​ of your skin. The omega-3 fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory effects that can help soothe irritated skin, reduce redness and inflammation, and calm conditions like eczema and dermatitis​.

Flaxseeds are also high in antioxidants, such as lignans, which work to combat free radicals. This helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It also promotes faster healing if you have skin wounds or acne scars.

Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Flaxseeds can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which makes them beneficial for preventing and managing diabetes​. In fact, one study found pre-diabetes people who took flaxseed powder daily had lowered blood pressure (although the flaxseed powder did not improve glycemic and IR indices in these individuals). Another study of men with Type 2 diabetes found that taking 15 grams of ground raw golden flaxseed before breakfast decreased their postprandial glycemic response.

Relieves Menopause Symptoms

Some studies suggest that flaxseeds can help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. One study, for example, showed that flaxseeds did have an impact on hot flashes (though not a huge impact).

Flaxseed also showed to alleviate vaginal atrophy in some menopausal people. Vaginal atrophy refers to a condition characterized by thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to the decrease in estrogen during menopause.

Boosts Bone Health

Flaxseeds are packed with minerals like calcium and potassium, which are important for building bones that are strong and healthy. Calcium, in particular, is essential for strong bones. That's because if you don't have enough calcium in your bloodstream, your body will raid your own bones for it, which thins them.

The result is frail and brittle bones that are more susceptible to breaks. Potassium helps neutralize bone-depleting metabolic acids, which reduces calcium loss from bones. This means that, overall, potassium is essential for supporting bone mineral density​.

Sedivy recommends grinding flaxseeds to get the most out of them. "Whole flaxseeds aren't as readily digestible and can pass through the digestive tract without being digested and missing all the nutritional benefits," Sedivy says. "It's better to grind your flaxseeds, since [they'll be] easier to digest, and therefore you're more likely to reap all the health benefits."

Flaxseed Uses and Ideas

Get creative with flaxseeds—because the options are really endless. "One of my favorite ways to include flaxseeds is adding them to your favorite breakfast batters like breads, pancakes, or waffles," Sedivy suggests. "They're virtually tasteless, and when ground, they won't change the texture of your batter. This is a simple way to add nutrients to your meal without sacrificing taste or flavor."

You can also toss them over salads, veggies, oatmeal, and smoothies. For example, give some berries, flaxseeds, and low-fat yogurt a quick whir in the blender—and you'll be sipping on a nutrient-dense smoothie. Or add them to pestos, hummus, and sauces. For pesto, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseeds come together nicely for a symphony of flavors ranging from nutty to spicy to buttery—and they're also more affordable than pricey pine nuts.

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