AS23764 is a member of the following AS sets:
- AS-PNAPTOK Macro of all ASes carried by PNAP-TOK
- AS-LEVEL3-ORIGINS-NA Level(3) downstream origin ASes in the North American region
- AS-36678 China Telecom CTGNet
- AS-LIQUID AS Announced by Liquid Telecom
- AS-IIJ ASes routed by IIJ
- AS58453:AS-ASIAASCUST CMI IP Network transit customers
- AS-SINGTEL Singtel Internet Exchange (STIX)
- AS-UBNIX-MEMBERS Ukrainian Backbone Networks Internet Exchange member AS as-set
- AS3491:AS-CUSTOMERS-AP PCCW Global Customers in Asia/Pacific
- AS-KDD ASs for which KDDI provides transit
- AS-EMIX ASNs within EMIX
- AS51706:AS-MEMBERS:AS-PAR-RS Members connected to FranceIX Paris Route-Servers
- AS-TELSTRA-INTL-CUSTOMERS AS List of TI(AS4637) customers
- AS-RIS-RRC12 RIPE NCC RIS collector at DE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany
- AS-DECIX-RS-V6 ASN of DE-CIX members peering with the IPv6 routeservers
- AS-BKNIX-RS List of members connected to BKNIX Route servers (AS63529)
- AS-VIX-MEMBERS Directly connected VIX participants
- AS3303:AS-SWCMPEERS ASes of Swisscom IP-Plus peers
- AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS-V6 AMS-IX NL route server IPV6 peers
- AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS AMS-IX NL route server IPV4 peers
- AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS-SETS-V6 AMS-IX NL route server (6777) IPV6 announcements
- AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS-SETS AMS-IX NL route server (6777) IPV4 announcements
- AS-TX-NET Tisson Ritar
- AS269673:AS-UPSTREAMS as-set containing AS269673 upstream providers
- AS264023:AS-UPSTREAMS as-set containing AS264023 upstream providers
AS23764 CTGNet source:APNIC
aut-num | AS23764 |
as-name | CTGNet |
descr | CTGNet |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
country | HK |
org | ORG-CTGL1-AP |
admin-c | CTGL1-AP |
tech-c | CTGL1-AP |
abuse-c | AC2015-AP |
mnt-routes | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
mnt-by | APNIC-HM |
mnt-irt | IRT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-07-20T08:05:00Z |
export | to AS1299 announce AS-CTGNet |
export | to AS2914 announce AS-CTGNet |
export | to AS3491 announce AS-CTGNet |
source | APNIC |
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240916 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-09-16T09:55:22Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2024-09-23T18:48:27Z |
last-modified | 2024-09-23T18:48:27Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240917 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-09-17T01:01:14Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:02:36Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:02:36Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:02:59Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:02:59Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:03:13Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:03:13Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:03:32Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:03:32Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-12-16T16:49:03Z |
last-modified | 2021-12-16T16:49:03Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-12-16T16:47:37Z |
last-modified | 2021-12-16T16:47:37Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Chnatel via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | Chnatel via EMIX |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20241119 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-19T08:13:28Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CHINATEL VIA EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20241119 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-19T08:15:17Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240409 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net 20230815 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:14Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net 20230809 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:10Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
descr | China Telecom via EMIX |
origin | AS23764 |
notify | noc@emix.net.ae |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220829 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20231214 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
descr | China Telecom via EMIX |
origin | AS23764 |
notify | noc@emix.net.ae |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220829 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
descr | China Telecom via EMIX |
origin | AS23764 |
notify | noc@emix.net.ae |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220829 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-07-10T11:50:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240710 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:18:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:19:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:00:56Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGENT source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGENT |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:02:34Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:19:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:19:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:19:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:04:47Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:05:20Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:19:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:22:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:22:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:03:07Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:22:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:03:57Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:48:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:47:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:47:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:47:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:48:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:48:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-24T09:19:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-24T09:19:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:48:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T03:47:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-24T09:19:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20211102 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:36Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-04-14T01:36:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T16:50:26Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T16:50:26Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T16:58:22Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T16:58:22Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T16:58:44Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T16:58:44Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T16:59:28Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T16:59:28Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:00:12Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:00:12Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:00:36Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:00:36Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:01:11Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:01:11Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:01:42Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:01:42Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:02:04Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:02:04Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:02:39Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:02:39Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:03:08Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:03:08Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-01-15T17:03:28Z |
last-modified | 2021-01-15T17:03:28Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-01-19T10:44:11Z |
last-modified | 2022-01-19T10:44:11Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-01-19T10:43:49Z |
last-modified | 2022-01-19T10:43:49Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-01-19T10:32:27Z |
last-modified | 2022-01-19T10:32:27Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:10:58Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:10:58Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:12:15Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:12:15Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:13:43Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:13:43Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:15:28Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:15:28Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:16:45Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:16:45Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:17:40Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:17:40Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:18:54Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:18:54Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:20:00Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:20:00Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:21:02Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:21:02Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:22:14Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:22:14Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:23:20Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:23:20Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:24:15Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:24:15Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-01-04T16:10:06Z |
last-modified | 2022-01-04T16:10:06Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-01-04T16:10:47Z |
last-modified | 2022-01-04T16:10:47Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
mnt-by | Mingzhi_333 |
created | 2022-01-08T16:33:15Z |
last-modified | 2022-01-08T16:33:15Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom(CTG) via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom(CTG) via EMIX |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220126 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:09:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20220318 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:10:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20220607 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:11:24Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20220602 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:11:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20220607 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:11:24Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-06T09:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20201003 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:01:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Chinatelecomglobal address blocks source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | Chinatelecomglobal address blocks |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20211103 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:37Z |
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route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
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changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210817 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:03Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221012 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:43Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221012 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:43Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Chinatelecomglobal address blocks source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | Chinatelecomglobal address blocks |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20211103 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:37Z |
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route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
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changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210113 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:03:23Z |
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origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
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changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210113 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:03:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:03:23Z |
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route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
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changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210113 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:03:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET Brazail Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET Brazail Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | liuyong@ctamericas.com 20241120 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-20T18:41:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET Brazail Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET Brazail Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET brazial address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET brazial address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET brazial address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET brazial address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET brazil address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET brazil address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230421 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:16:52Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2024-09-23T18:53:32Z |
last-modified | 2024-09-23T18:53:32Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240916 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-09-16T09:48:17Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240916 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-09-16T09:38:24Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2024-09-18T16:39:02Z |
last-modified | 2024-09-18T16:39:02Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Addressipsupport@cta source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Addressipsupport@cta |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231114 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-14T13:55:44Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route | |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2023-11-22T16:06:44Z |
last-modified | 2023-11-22T16:07:04Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Chinatelecomglobal EURO Address source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | Chinatelecomglobal EURO Address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:23:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:06:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:23:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-14T08:23:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240131 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-31T07:06:49Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20211102 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:36Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20211102 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:36Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATEL VIA EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20241119 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-19T08:16:47Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230817 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230817 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230817 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
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changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230815 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:13Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230817 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240301 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
descr | China Telecom via EMIX |
origin | AS23764 |
notify | noc@emix.net.ae |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220829 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:AFRINIC
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origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240301 |
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rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
descr | China Telecom via EMIX |
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notify | noc@emix.net.ae |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220829 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221106 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom ( Africa and Middle East ) Limited source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom ( Africa and Middle East ) Limited |
changed | ***@larus.net 20230504 |
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rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom ( Africa and Middle East ) Limited source:AFRINIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom ( Africa and Middle East ) Limited |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20230629 |
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rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221106 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom ( Africa and Middle East ) Limited source:AFRINIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom ( Africa and Middle East ) Limited |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20230629 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ChinaTel via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | ChinaTel via EMIX |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20221030 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:51Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240227 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-02-27T08:31:20Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTME2-RIPE source:AFRINIC
route | |
descr | ORG-CTME2-RIPE |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240301 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTME2-RIPE source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | ORG-CTME2-RIPE |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-29T08:15:29Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-07-31T12:06:13Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATELECOM-SA-MNT source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20240731 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net 20230810 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:11Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20231213 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20231213 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net 20230810 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:11Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTME2-RIPE source:AFRINIC
route | |
descr | ORG-CTME2-RIPE |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20231213 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom(CTG) source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom(CTG) |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220126 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:09:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-LARUS |
changed | t.t.xu@laruscloudservice.net 20230810 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:11Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ORG-CTSA1-AFRINIC source:AFRINIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
changed | ***@cloudinnovation.org 20231213 |
source | AFRINIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T01:52:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T01:53:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T01:53:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T01:56:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:39:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:39:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:39:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:39:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:42:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:43:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:43:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:43:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-22T02:43:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | GNET UK source:RIPE
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | GNET UK |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2025-01-15T09:59:53Z |
last-modified | 2025-01-15T09:59:53Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250120 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-01-20T07:12:34Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CHINATEL VIA EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20241119 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-19T08:17:48Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CHINA TEL VIA EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20241119 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-19T08:16:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Tel via Emix source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Tel via Emix |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220830 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:22:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:19:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:33:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:29:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:29:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:30:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:30:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-24T03:34:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:30:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:31:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:20:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:20:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:20:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:21:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:21:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:22:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:22:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-03-19T06:45:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:24:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:24:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:26:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:26:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:27:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:32:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:32:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:32:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:32:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:32:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:33:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:33:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:33:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-23T07:33:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global network source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global network |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T09:57:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T09:59:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:01:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-12-09T08:39:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231227 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-12-27T01:33:14Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231227 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-12-27T01:32:53Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231227 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-12-27T01:32:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET KR source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET KR |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231227 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-12-27T01:31:53Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231120 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-20T08:05:19Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240611 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-06-11T06:38:57Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | source:APNIC
route | |
descr | |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:01:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230517 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:12Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:02:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:02:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2025-01-20T07:51:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240425 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-25T03:40:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20241108 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-11-08T09:27:10Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250123 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-01-23T07:31:33Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:03:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:03:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:04:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20241025 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-10-25T01:58:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:05:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:07:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:07:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:07:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:27:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:27:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:27:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:28:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:07:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:28:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:29:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-10-20T06:29:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:08:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250224 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-02-24T06:21:19Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250224 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-02-24T06:21:42Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:08:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:09:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:09:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:10:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T08:58:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:10:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Tel via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Tel via EMIX |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220930 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:32Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20241202 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-12-02T09:17:52Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230818 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20220621 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:11:28Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET JP source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET JP |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240122 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-22T01:53:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET KR source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET KR |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240607 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-06-07T07:56:28Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231024 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:19:18Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231024 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:19:18Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230317 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:15:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230322 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:15:37Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230330 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:15:38Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230418 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:16:48Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230508 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:10Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230710 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:42Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230710 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:42Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230710 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:42Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230203 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:52Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230203 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:52Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240318 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-03-18T06:26:12Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240318 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-03-18T06:27:58Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20241202 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-12-02T02:46:54Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240315 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-03-15T08:26:26Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240315 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-03-15T08:27:28Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240318 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-03-18T06:28:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240129 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-01-29T09:01:29Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230818 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:18:16Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:41Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230523 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:22Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:11:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210319 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221124 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250220 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-02-20T11:03:19Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250219 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-02-19T07:13:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250217 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-02-17T01:55:43Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2025-01-22T07:49:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20250304 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2025-03-04T03:26:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210419 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:30Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-07-02T06:39:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200622 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:01:01Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200622 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:01:01Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-07-02T06:39:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240828 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-08-28T02:08:26Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210506 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:31Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | ChinaTel via EMIX source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | ChinaTel via EMIX |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20221030 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:12:51Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2022-02-23T03:51:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2022-02-23T03:52:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | PNAP-TOK KBC Japan Routes source:RADB
route | |
descr | PNAP-TOK KBC Japan Routes |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1828 |
changed | jonv@internap.com 20030625 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:53Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2022-02-23T03:53:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global networks source:APNIC
route | |
descr | China Telecom Global networks |
origin | AS23764 |
last-modified | 2020-06-15T10:12:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2022-02-23T03:53:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2022-02-23T03:53:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom,Data Network Management Division,Network Operation & Maintenance Department,No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng District source:APNIC
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom |
descr | Data Network Management Division |
descr | Network Operation & Maintenance Department |
descr | No 19 Chaoyangmen North Street |
descr | Dongcheng District |
last-modified | 2022-02-23T03:54:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNet source:radb
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200615 |
source | radb |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:59Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240703 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-07-03T02:52:47Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210816 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:08:03Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | China Telecom Global Limited source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
mnt-by | MAINT-CT-GNOC |
changed | wennan@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:05:46Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:27:27Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:28:14Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:28:45Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:29:11Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:29:45Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:30:19Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:31:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | CTGNET source:RADB
route | |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240424 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-04-24T06:31:32Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:06:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9000::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9000::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9001::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9001::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9002::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9002::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9002::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9002::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:07:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9003::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9003::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9004::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9004::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9004::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9004::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9004::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9004::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9005::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9005::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9006::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9006::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9006::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9006::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9007::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9007::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9008::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9008::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9008::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9008::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9008::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9008::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9008::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9008::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9009::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9009::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:900f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:900f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9010::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9010::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9010::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9010::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9010::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9010::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9010::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9010::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9010::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9010::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9011::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9011::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9012::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9012::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9012::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9012::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9013::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9013::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9014::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9014::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9014::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9014::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9014::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9014::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9015::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9015::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9016::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9016::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9016::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9016::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9017::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9017::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9018::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9018::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9018::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9018::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9018::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9018::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9018::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9018::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9019::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9019::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:901f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:901f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9020::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9020::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9020::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9020::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9020::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9020::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9020::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9020::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9020::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9020::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9020::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9020::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9021::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9021::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9022::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9022::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9022::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9022::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9023::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9023::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9024::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9024::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9024::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9024::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9024::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9024::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9025::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9025::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9026::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9026::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9026::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9026::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9027::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9027::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9028::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9028::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9028::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9028::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9028::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9028::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9028::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9028::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9029::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9029::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:902f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:902f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9030::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9030::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9030::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9030::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9030::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9030::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9030::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9030::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9030::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9030::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9031::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9031::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9032::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9032::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9032::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9032::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9033::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9033::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9034::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9034::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9034::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9034::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9034::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9034::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9035::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9035::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9036::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9036::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9036::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9036::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9037::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9037::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9038::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9038::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9038::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9038::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9038::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9038::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9038::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9038::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9039::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9039::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:903f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:903f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9040::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9040::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9041::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9041::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9042::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9042::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9042::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9042::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9043::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9043::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9044::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9044::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9044::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9044::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9044::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9044::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9045::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9045::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9046::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9046::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9046::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9046::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9047::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9047::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9048::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9048::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9048::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9048::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9048::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9048::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9048::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9048::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9049::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9049::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:904f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:904f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9050::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9050::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9050::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9050::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9050::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9050::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9050::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9050::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9050::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9050::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9051::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9051::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9052::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9052::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9052::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9052::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9053::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9053::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9054::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9054::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9054::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9054::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9054::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9054::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9055::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9055::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9056::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9056::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9056::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9056::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9057::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9057::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9058::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9058::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9058::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9058::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9058::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9058::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9058::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9058::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9059::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9059::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:905f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:905f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9060::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9060::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9060::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9060::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9060::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9060::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9060::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9060::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9060::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9060::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9060::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9060::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9061::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9061::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9062::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9062::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9062::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9062::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9063::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9063::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9064::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9064::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9064::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9064::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9064::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9064::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9065::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9065::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9066::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9066::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9066::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9066::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9067::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9067::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9068::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9068::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9068::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9068::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9068::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9068::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9068::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9068::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9069::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9069::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:906f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:906f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9070::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9070::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9070::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9070::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9070::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9070::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9070::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9070::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9070::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9070::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9071::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9071::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9072::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9072::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9072::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9072::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9073::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9073::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9074::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9074::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9074::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9074::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9074::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9074::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9075::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9075::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9076::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9076::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9076::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9076::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9077::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9077::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9078::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9078::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9078::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9078::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9078::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9078::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9078::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9078::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9079::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9079::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:907f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:907f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9080::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9080::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9081::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9081::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9082::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9082::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9082::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9082::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9083::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9083::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9084::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9084::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9084::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9084::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9084::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9084::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9085::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9085::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9086::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9086::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9086::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9086::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9087::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9087::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9088::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9088::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9088::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9088::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9088::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9088::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9088::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9088::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9089::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9089::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:908f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:908f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9090::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9090::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9090::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9090::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9090::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9090::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9090::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9090::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9090::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9090::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9091::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9091::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9092::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9092::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9092::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9092::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9093::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9093::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9094::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9094::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9094::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9094::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9094::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9094::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9095::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9095::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9096::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9096::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9096::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9096::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9097::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9097::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9098::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9098::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9098::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9098::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9098::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9098::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9098::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9098::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9099::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9099::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:909f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:909f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90da::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:90ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:90ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9100::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9100::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9101::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9101::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9102::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9102::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9102::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9102::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9103::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9103::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9104::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9104::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9104::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9104::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9104::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9104::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9105::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9105::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9106::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9106::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9106::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9106::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9107::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9107::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9108::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9108::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9108::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9108::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9108::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9108::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9108::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9108::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9109::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9109::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:910f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:910f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9110::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9110::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9110::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9110::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9110::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9110::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9110::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9110::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9110::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9110::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9111::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9111::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9112::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9112::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9112::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9112::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9113::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9113::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9114::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9114::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9114::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9114::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9114::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9114::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9115::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9115::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9116::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9116::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9116::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9116::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9117::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9117::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9118::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9118::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9118::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9118::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9118::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9118::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9118::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9118::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9119::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9119::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:911f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:911f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9120::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9120::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9120::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9120::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9120::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9120::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9120::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9120::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9120::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9120::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9120::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9120::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9121::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9121::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9122::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9122::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9122::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9122::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9123::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9123::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9124::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9124::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9124::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9124::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9124::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9124::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9125::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9125::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9126::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9126::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9126::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9126::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9127::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9127::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9128::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9128::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9128::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9128::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9128::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9128::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9128::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9128::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9129::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9129::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:912f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:912f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9130::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9130::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9130::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9130::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9130::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9130::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9130::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9130::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9130::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9130::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9131::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9131::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9132::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9132::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9132::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9132::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9133::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9133::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9134::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9134::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9134::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9134::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9134::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9134::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9135::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9135::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9136::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9136::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9136::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9136::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9137::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9137::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9138::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9138::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9138::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9138::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9138::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9138::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9138::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9138::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9139::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9139::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:913f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:913f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9140::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9140::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9141::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9141::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9142::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9142::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9142::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9142::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9143::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9143::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9144::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9144::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9144::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9144::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9144::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9144::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9145::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9145::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9146::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9146::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9146::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9146::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9147::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9147::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9148::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9148::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9148::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9148::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9148::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9148::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9148::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9148::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9149::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9149::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:914f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:914f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9150::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9150::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9150::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9150::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9150::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9150::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9150::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9150::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9150::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9150::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9151::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9151::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9152::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9152::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9152::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9152::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9153::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9153::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9154::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9154::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9154::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9154::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9154::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9154::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9155::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9155::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9156::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9156::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9156::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9156::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9157::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9157::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9158::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9158::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9158::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9158::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9158::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9158::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9158::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9158::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9159::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9159::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:915f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:915f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9160::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9160::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9160::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9160::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9160::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9160::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9160::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9160::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9160::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9160::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9160::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9160::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9161::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9161::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9162::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9162::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9162::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9162::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9163::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9163::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9164::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9164::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9164::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9164::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9164::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9164::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9165::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9165::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9166::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9166::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9166::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9166::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9167::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9167::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9168::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9168::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9168::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9168::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9168::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9168::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9168::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9168::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9169::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9169::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:916f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:916f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9170::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9170::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9170::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9170::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9170::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9170::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9170::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9170::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9170::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9170::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9171::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9171::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9172::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9172::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9172::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9172::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9173::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9173::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9174::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9174::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9174::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9174::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9174::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9174::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9175::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9175::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9176::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9176::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9176::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9176::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9177::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9177::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9178::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9178::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9178::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9178::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9178::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9178::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9178::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9178::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9179::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9179::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:917f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:917f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9180::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9180::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9181::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9181::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9182::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9182::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9182::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9182::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9183::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9183::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9184::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9184::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9184::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9184::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9184::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9184::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9185::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9185::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9186::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9186::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9186::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9186::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9187::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9187::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9188::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9188::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9188::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9188::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9188::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9188::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9188::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9188::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9189::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9189::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:918f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:918f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9190::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9190::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9190::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9190::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9190::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9190::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9190::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9190::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9190::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9190::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9191::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9191::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9192::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9192::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9192::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9192::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9193::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9193::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9194::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9194::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9194::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9194::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9194::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9194::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9195::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9195::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9196::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9196::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9196::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9196::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9197::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9197::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9198::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9198::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9198::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9198::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9198::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9198::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9198::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9198::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9199::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9199::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:919f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:919f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91da::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:91ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:91ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:08:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9200::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9200::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9201::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9201::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9202::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9202::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9202::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9202::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9203::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9203::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9204::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9204::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9204::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9204::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9204::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9204::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9205::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9205::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9206::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9206::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9206::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9206::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9207::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9207::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9208::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9208::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9208::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9208::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9208::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9208::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9208::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9208::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9209::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9209::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:920f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:920f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9210::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9210::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9210::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9210::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9210::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9210::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9210::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9210::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9210::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9210::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9211::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9211::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9212::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9212::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9212::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9212::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9213::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9213::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9214::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9214::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9214::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9214::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9214::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9214::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9215::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9215::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9216::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9216::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9216::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9216::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9217::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9217::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9218::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9218::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9218::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9218::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9218::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9218::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9218::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9218::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9219::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9219::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:921f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:921f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9220::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9220::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9220::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9220::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9220::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9220::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9220::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9220::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9220::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9220::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9220::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9220::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9221::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9221::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9222::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9222::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9222::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9222::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9223::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9223::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9224::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9224::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9224::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9224::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9224::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9224::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9225::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9225::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9226::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9226::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9226::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9226::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9227::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9227::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9228::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9228::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9228::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9228::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9228::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9228::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9228::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9228::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9229::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9229::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:922f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:922f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9230::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9230::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9230::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9230::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9230::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9230::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9230::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9230::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9230::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9230::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9231::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9231::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9232::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9232::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9232::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9232::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9233::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9233::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9234::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9234::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9234::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9234::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9234::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9234::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9235::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9235::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9236::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9236::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9236::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9236::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9237::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9237::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9238::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9238::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9238::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9238::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9238::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9238::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9238::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9238::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9239::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9239::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:923f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:923f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9240::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9240::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9241::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9241::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9242::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9242::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9242::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9242::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9243::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9243::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9244::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9244::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9244::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9244::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9244::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9244::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9245::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9245::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9246::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9246::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9246::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9246::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9247::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9247::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9248::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9248::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9248::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9248::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9248::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9248::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9248::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9248::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9249::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9249::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:924f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:924f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9250::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9250::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9250::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9250::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9250::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9250::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9250::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9250::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9250::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9250::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9251::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9251::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9252::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9252::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9252::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9252::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9253::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9253::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9254::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9254::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9254::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9254::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9254::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9254::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9255::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9255::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9256::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9256::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9256::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9256::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9257::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9257::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9258::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9258::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9258::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9258::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9258::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9258::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9258::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9258::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9259::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9259::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:925f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:925f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9260::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9260::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9260::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9260::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9260::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9260::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9260::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9260::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9260::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9260::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9260::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9260::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9261::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9261::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9262::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9262::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9262::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9262::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9263::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9263::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9264::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9264::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9264::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9264::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9264::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9264::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9265::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9265::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9266::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9266::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9266::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9266::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9267::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9267::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9268::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9268::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9268::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9268::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9268::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9268::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9268::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9268::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9269::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9269::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:926f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:926f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9270::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9270::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9270::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9270::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9270::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9270::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9270::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9270::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9270::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9270::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9271::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9271::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9272::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9272::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9272::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9272::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9273::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9273::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9274::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9274::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9274::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9274::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9274::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9274::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9275::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9275::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9276::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9276::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9276::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9276::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9277::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9277::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9278::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9278::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9278::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9278::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9278::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9278::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9278::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9278::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9279::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9279::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:927f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:927f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9280::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9280::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9281::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9281::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9282::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9282::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9282::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9282::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9283::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9283::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9284::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9284::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9284::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9284::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9284::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9284::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9285::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9285::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9286::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9286::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9286::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9286::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9287::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9287::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9288::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9288::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9288::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9288::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9288::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9288::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9288::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9288::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9289::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9289::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:928f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:928f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9290::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9290::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9290::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9290::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9290::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9290::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9290::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9290::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9290::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9290::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9291::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9291::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9292::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9292::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9292::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9292::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9293::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9293::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9294::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9294::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9294::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9294::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9294::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9294::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9295::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9295::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9296::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9296::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9296::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9296::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9297::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9297::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9298::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9298::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9298::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9298::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9298::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9298::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9298::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9298::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9299::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9299::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:929f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:929f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92da::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:92ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:92ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:09:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:10:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9300::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9300::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:11:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9301::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9301::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9302::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9302::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9302::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9302::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9303::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9303::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:12:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9304::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9304::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9304::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9304::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9304::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9304::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:13:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9305::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9305::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9306::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9306::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9306::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9306::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9307::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9307::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9308::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9308::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9308::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9308::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9308::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9308::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9308::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9308::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:15:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9309::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9309::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:17:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:930f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:930f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:18:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9310::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9310::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9310::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9310::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9310::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9310::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:19:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9310::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9310::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9310::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9310::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9311::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9311::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9312::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9312::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:20:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9312::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9312::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9313::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9313::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9314::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9314::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9314::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9314::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:21:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9314::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9314::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9315::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9315::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9316::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9316::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:22:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9316::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9316::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9317::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9317::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9318::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9318::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9318::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9318::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:23:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9318::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9318::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9318::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9318::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9319::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9319::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:24:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:25:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:26:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:931f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:931f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9320::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9320::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9320::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9320::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:27:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9320::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9320::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9320::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9320::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9320::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9320::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:28:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9320::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9320::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9321::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9321::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9322::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9322::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9322::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9322::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:29:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9323::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9323::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9324::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9324::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9324::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9324::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:30:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9324::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9324::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9325::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9325::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9326::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9326::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9326::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9326::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:31:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9327::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9327::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9328::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9328::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9328::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9328::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9328::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9328::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:32:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9328::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9328::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9329::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9329::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:33:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:34:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:35:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:932f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:932f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9330::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9330::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9330::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9330::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:36:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9330::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9330::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9330::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9330::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9330::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9330::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9331::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9331::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:37:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9332::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9332::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9332::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9332::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9333::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9333::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9334::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9334::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:38:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9334::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9334::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9334::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9334::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9335::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9335::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:39:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9336::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9336::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9336::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9336::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9337::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9337::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9338::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9338::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:40:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9338::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9338::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9338::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9338::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9338::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9338::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:41:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9339::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9339::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:42:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:43:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:933f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:933f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:44:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:45:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9340::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9340::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9341::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9341::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:46:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9342::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9342::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9342::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9342::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9343::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9343::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:47:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9344::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9344::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9344::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9344::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9344::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9344::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9345::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9345::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:48:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9346::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9346::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9346::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9346::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9347::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9347::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9348::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9348::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:49:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9348::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9348::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9348::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9348::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9348::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9348::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:50:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9349::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9349::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:51:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:52:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:934f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:934f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:53:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9350::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9350::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9350::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9350::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9350::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9350::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9350::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9350::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:54:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9350::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9350::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9351::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9351::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9352::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9352::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:55:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9352::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9352::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9353::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9353::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9354::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9354::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9354::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9354::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:56:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9354::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9354::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9355::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9355::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9356::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9356::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9356::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9356::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:57:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9357::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9357::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9358::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9358::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9358::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9358::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:58:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9358::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9358::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9358::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9358::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9359::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9359::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T06:59:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:00:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:01:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:935f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:935f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9360::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9360::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9360::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9360::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:02:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9360::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9360::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9360::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9360::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9360::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9360::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:03:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9360::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9360::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9361::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9361::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9362::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9362::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9362::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9362::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:04:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9363::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9363::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9364::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9364::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9364::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9364::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9364::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9364::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:05:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9365::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9365::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9366::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9366::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9366::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9366::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:06:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9367::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9367::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9368::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9368::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9368::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9368::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9368::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9368::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:07:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9368::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9368::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9369::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9369::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:08:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:09:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:10:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:936f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:936f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9370::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9370::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9370::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9370::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:11:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9370::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9370::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9370::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9370::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9370::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9370::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9371::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9371::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:12:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9372::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9372::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9372::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9372::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9373::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9373::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9374::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9374::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9374::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9374::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9374::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9374::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9375::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9375::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9376::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9376::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9376::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9376::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9377::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9377::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9378::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9378::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9378::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9378::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9378::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9378::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9378::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9378::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:16:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9379::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9379::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:17:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:18:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:937f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:937f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:19:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:20:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:21:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9380::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9380::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9381::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9381::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9382::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9382::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9382::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9382::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:22:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9383::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9383::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9384::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9384::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9384::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9384::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9384::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9384::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:23:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9385::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9385::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9386::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9386::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9386::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9386::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:24:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9387::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9387::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9388::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9388::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9388::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9388::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9388::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9388::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:25:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9388::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9388::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9389::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9389::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:26:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:27:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:28:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:938f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:938f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9390::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9390::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9390::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9390::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9390::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9390::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:29:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9390::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9390::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9390::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9390::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9391::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9391::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:30:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9392::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9392::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9392::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9392::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9393::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9393::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9394::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9394::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:31:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9394::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9394::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9394::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9394::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9395::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9395::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9396::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9396::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:32:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9396::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9396::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9397::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9397::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9398::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9398::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:33:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9398::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9398::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9398::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9398::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9398::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9398::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:9399::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:9399::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:34:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:35:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:36:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:939f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:939f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:37:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:38:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:39:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:40:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:41:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:42:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:43:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:44:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:45:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:46:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:47:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:48:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:49:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:50:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:51:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:52:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:53:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:54:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:55:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:56:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:57:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:58:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T07:59:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:00:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:01:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:02:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:03:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:04:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:05:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:06:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:07:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:08:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:09:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93da::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:10:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:11:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:12:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:15:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:16:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:17:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:18:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:19:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:20:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:21:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:22:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:23:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:24:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:25:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:26:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:93ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:93ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2021-06-17T08:27:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a000::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a000::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a001::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a001::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a002::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a002::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a002::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a002::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a003::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a003::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a004::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a004::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a004::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a004::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a004::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a004::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a005::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a005::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a006::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a006::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a006::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a006::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a007::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a007::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a008::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a008::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a008::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a008::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a008::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a008::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a008::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a008::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a009::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a009::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00a::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a00a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221212 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:13Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00c::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a00c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20221212 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:13Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a00f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a00f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a010::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a010::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a010::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a010::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a010::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a010::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a010::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a010::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a010::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a010::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a011::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a011::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a012::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a012::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a012::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a012::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a013::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a013::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a014::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a014::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a014::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a014::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a014::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a014::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a015::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a015::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a016::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a016::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a016::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a016::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a017::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a017::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a018::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a018::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a018::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a018::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a018::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a018::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a018::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a018::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a019::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a019::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01a::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01b::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01c::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01c::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01e::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a01f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a01f::/48 CTGNet source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a01f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | endermao@chinatelecomglobal.com 20200617 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:01:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a020::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a020::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a020::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a020::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a020::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a020::/45 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a020::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a020::/46 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a020::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a020::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a020::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a020::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a021::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a021::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a022::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a022::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a022::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a022::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a023::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a023::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a024::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a024::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a024::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a024::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a024::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a024::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a025::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a025::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a026::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a026::/47 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a026::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a026::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a026::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a026::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
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source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:13:13Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a027::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a028::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a028::/45 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a028::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a028::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a028::/47 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a028::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a028::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:19:19Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a028::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a029::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a029::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02b::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02c::/46 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02c::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02c::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02d::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02d::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a02d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
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source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-12-19T08:58:43Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02e::/47 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
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last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a02f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a02f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a030::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a030::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a030::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a030::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a030::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a030::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a030::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a030::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a030::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a030::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a031::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a031::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a032::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a032::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a032::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a032::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a033::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a033::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a034::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a034::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a034::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a034::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a034::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a034::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a035::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a035::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a036::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a036::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a036::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a036::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a037::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a037::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a038::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a038::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a038::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a038::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a038::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a038::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a038::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a038::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a039::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a039::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a03f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a03f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a040::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a040::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a041::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a041::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a042::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a042::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a042::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a042::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a043::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a043::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a044::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a044::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a044::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a044::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a044::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a044::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a045::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a045::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a046::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a046::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a046::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a046::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a047::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a047::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a048::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a048::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a048::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a048::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a048::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a048::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a048::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a048::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a049::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a049::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a04f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a04f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a050::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a050::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a050::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a050::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a050::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a050::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a050::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a050::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a050::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a050::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a051::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a051::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a052::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a052::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a052::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a052::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a053::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a053::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a054::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a054::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a054::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a054::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a054::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a054::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a055::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a055::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a056::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a056::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a056::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a056::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a057::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a057::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a058::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a058::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a058::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a058::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a058::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a058::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a058::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a058::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a059::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a059::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a05f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a05f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a060::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a060::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a060::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a060::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a060::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a060::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a060::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a060::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a060::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a060::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a060::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a060::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a061::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a061::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a062::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a062::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a062::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a062::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a063::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a063::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a064::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a064::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a064::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a064::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a064::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a064::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a065::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a065::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a066::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a066::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a066::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a066::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a067::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a067::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a068::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a068::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a068::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a068::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a068::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a068::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a068::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a068::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a069::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a069::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a06f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a06f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a070::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a070::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a070::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a070::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a070::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a070::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a070::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a070::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a070::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a070::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a071::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a071::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a072::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a072::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a072::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a072::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a073::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a073::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a074::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a074::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a074::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a074::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a074::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a074::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a075::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a075::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a076::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a076::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a076::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a076::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a077::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a077::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a078::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a078::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a078::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a078::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a078::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a078::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a078::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a078::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a079::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a079::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a07f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a07f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a080::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a080::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a081::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a081::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a082::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a082::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a082::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a082::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a083::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a083::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a084::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a084::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a084::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a084::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a084::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a084::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a085::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a085::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a086::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a086::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a086::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a086::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a087::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a087::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a088::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a088::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a088::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a088::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a088::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a088::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a088::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a088::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a089::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a089::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a08f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a08f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a090::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a090::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a090::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a090::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a090::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a090::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a090::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a090::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a090::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a090::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a091::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a091::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a092::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a092::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a092::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a092::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a093::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a093::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a094::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a094::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a094::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a094::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a094::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a094::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a095::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a095::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a096::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a096::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a096::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a096::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a097::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a097::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a098::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a098::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a098::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a098::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a098::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a098::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a098::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a098::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a099::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a099::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a09f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a09f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0aa::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ab::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b3::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b4::/47 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b6::/47 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ba::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0bb::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0bc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0bc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0bc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0bd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0be::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0be::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0bf::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/42 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/45 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c1::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0c9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ca::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0cb::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0cc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0cc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0cc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0cd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ce::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ce::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0cf::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d8::/46 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0d9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0da::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0da::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0db::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0dc::/46 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0dc::/47 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0dc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0dd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0de::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0de::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0df::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e0::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e0::/45 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0f9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fa::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a0ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a0ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a100::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a100::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a101::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a101::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a102::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a102::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a102::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a102::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a103::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a103::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a104::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a104::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a104::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a104::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a104::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a104::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a105::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a105::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a106::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a106::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a106::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a106::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a107::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a107::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a108::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a108::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a108::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a108::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a108::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a108::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a108::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a108::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a109::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a109::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a10f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a10f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a110::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a110::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a110::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a110::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a110::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a110::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a110::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a110::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a110::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a110::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a111::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a111::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a112::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a112::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a112::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a112::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a113::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a113::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a114::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a114::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a114::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a114::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a114::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a114::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a115::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a115::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a116::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a116::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a116::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a116::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a117::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a117::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a118::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a118::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a118::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a118::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a118::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a118::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a118::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a118::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a119::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a119::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a11f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a11f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a120::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a120::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a120::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a120::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a120::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a120::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a120::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a120::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a120::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a120::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a120::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a120::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a121::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a121::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a122::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a122::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a122::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a122::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a123::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a123::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a124::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a124::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a124::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a124::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a124::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a124::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a125::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a125::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a126::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a126::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a126::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a126::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a127::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a127::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a128::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a128::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a128::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a128::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a128::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a128::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a128::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a128::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a129::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a129::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a12f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a12f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a130::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a130::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a130::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a130::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a130::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a130::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a130::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a130::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a130::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a130::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a131::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a131::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a132::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a132::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a132::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a132::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a133::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a133::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a134::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a134::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a134::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a134::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a134::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a134::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a135::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a135::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a136::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a136::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a136::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a136::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a137::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a137::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a138::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a138::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a138::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a138::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a138::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a138::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a138::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a138::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a139::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a139::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a13f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a13f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a140::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a140::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a141::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a141::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a142::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a142::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a142::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a142::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a143::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a143::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a144::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a144::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a144::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a144::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a144::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a144::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a145::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a145::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a146::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a146::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a146::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a146::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a147::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a147::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a148::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a148::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a148::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a148::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a148::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a148::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a148::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a148::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a149::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a149::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a14f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a14f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a150::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a150::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a150::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a150::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a150::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a150::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a150::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a150::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a150::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a150::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a151::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a151::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a152::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a152::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a152::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a152::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a153::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a153::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a154::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a154::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a154::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a154::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a154::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a154::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a155::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a155::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a156::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a156::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a156::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a156::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a157::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a157::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a158::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a158::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a158::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a158::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a158::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a158::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a158::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a158::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a159::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a159::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15c::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a15f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a15f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a160::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a160::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a160::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a160::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a160::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a160::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a160::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a160::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a160::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a160::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a160::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a160::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a161::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a161::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a162::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a162::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a162::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a162::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a163::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a163::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a164::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a164::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a164::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a164::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a164::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a164::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a165::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a165::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a166::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a166::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a166::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a166::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a167::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a167::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a168::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a168::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a168::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a168::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a168::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a168::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a168::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a168::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a169::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a169::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a16f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a16f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a170::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a170::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a170::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a170::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a170::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a170::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a170::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a170::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a170::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a170::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a171::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a171::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a172::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a172::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a172::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a172::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a173::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a173::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a174::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a174::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a174::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a174::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a174::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a174::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a175::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a175::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a176::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a176::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a176::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a176::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a177::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a177::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a178::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a178::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a178::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a178::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a178::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a178::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a178::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a178::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a179::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a179::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a17f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a17f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a180::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a180::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a181::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a181::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a182::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a182::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a182::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a182::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a183::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a183::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a184::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a184::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a184::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a184::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a184::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a184::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a185::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a185::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a186::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a186::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a186::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a186::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a187::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a187::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a188::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a188::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a188::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a188::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a188::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a188::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a188::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a188::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a189::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a189::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a18f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a18f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a190::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a190::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a190::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a190::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a190::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a190::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a190::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a190::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a190::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a190::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a191::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a191::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a192::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a192::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a192::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a192::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a193::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a193::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a194::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a194::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a194::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a194::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a194::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a194::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a195::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a195::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a196::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a196::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a196::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a196::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a197::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a197::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a198::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a198::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a198::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a198::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a198::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a198::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a198::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a198::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a199::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a199::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a19f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a19f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1b9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ba::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ba::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1bb::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1bc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1bc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1bc::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1bd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1be::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1be::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1bf::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/42 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1cc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d8::/46 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1d9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1da::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1da::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1db::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1dc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1dc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1dc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1df::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ea::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ee::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a1ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a1ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:12:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a200::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a200::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a201::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a201::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a202::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a202::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a202::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a202::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a203::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a203::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a204::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a204::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a204::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a204::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a204::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a204::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a205::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a205::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a206::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a206::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a206::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a206::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a207::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a207::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a208::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a208::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a208::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a208::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a208::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a208::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a208::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a208::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a209::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a209::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a20f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a20f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a210::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a210::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a210::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a210::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a210::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a210::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a210::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a210::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a210::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a210::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a211::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a211::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a212::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a212::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a212::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a212::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a213::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a213::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a214::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a214::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a214::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a214::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a214::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a214::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a215::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a215::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a216::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a216::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a216::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a216::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a217::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a217::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a218::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a218::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a218::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a218::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a218::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a218::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a218::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a218::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a219::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a219::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a21f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a21f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a220::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a220::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a220::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a220::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a220::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a220::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a220::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a220::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a220::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a220::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a220::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a220::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a221::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a221::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a222::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a222::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a222::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a222::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a223::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a223::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a224::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a224::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a224::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a224::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a224::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a224::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a225::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a225::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a226::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a226::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a226::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a226::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a227::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a227::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a228::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a228::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a228::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a228::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a228::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a228::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a228::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a228::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a229::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a229::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a22f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a22f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a230::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a230::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a230::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a230::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a230::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a230::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a230::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a230::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a230::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a230::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a231::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a231::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a232::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a232::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a232::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a232::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a233::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a233::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a234::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a234::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a234::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a234::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a234::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a234::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a235::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a235::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a236::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a236::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a236::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a236::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a237::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a237::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a238::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a238::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a238::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a238::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a238::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a238::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a238::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a238::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a239::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a239::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23c::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23c::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23e::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a23f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a23f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a240::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a240::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a241::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a241::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a242::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a242::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a242::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a242::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a243::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a243::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a244::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a244::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a244::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a244::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a244::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a244::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a245::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a245::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a246::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a246::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a246::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a246::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a247::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a247::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a248::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a248::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a248::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a248::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a248::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a248::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a248::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a248::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a249::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a249::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a24f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a24f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a250::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a250::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a250::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a250::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a250::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a250::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a250::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a250::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a250::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a250::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a251::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a251::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a252::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a252::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a252::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a252::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a253::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a253::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a254::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a254::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a254::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a254::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a254::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a254::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a255::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a255::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a256::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a256::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a256::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a256::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a257::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a257::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a258::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a258::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a258::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a258::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a258::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a258::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a258::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a258::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a259::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a259::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25a::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25a::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a25f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a25f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a260::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a260::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a260::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a260::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a260::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a260::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a260::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a260::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a260::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a260::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a260::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a260::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a261::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a261::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a262::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a262::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a262::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a262::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a263::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a263::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a264::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a264::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a264::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a264::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a264::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a264::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a265::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a265::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a266::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a266::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a266::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a266::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a267::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a267::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a268::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a268::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a268::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a268::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a268::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a268::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a268::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a268::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a269::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a269::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a26f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a26f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a270::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a270::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a270::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a270::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a270::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a270::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a270::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a270::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a270::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a270::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a271::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a271::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a272::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a272::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a272::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a272::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a273::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a273::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a274::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a274::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a274::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a274::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a274::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a274::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a275::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a275::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a276::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a276::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a276::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a276::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a277::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a277::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a278::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a278::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a278::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a278::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a278::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a278::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a278::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a278::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a279::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a279::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a27f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a27f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a280::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a280::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a281::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a281::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a282::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a282::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a282::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a282::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a283::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a283::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a284::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a284::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a284::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a284::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a284::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a284::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a285::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a285::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a286::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a286::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a286::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a286::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a287::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a287::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a288::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a288::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a288::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a288::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a288::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a288::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a288::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a288::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a289::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a289::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28b::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a28f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a28f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a290::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a290::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a290::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a290::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a290::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a290::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a290::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a290::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a290::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a290::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a291::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a291::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a292::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a292::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a292::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a292::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a293::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a293::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a294::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a294::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a294::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a294::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a294::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a294::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a295::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a295::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a296::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a296::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a296::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a296::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a297::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a297::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a298::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a298::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a298::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a298::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a298::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a298::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a298::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a298::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a299::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a299::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29c::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a29f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a29f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ab::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b4::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2b9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ba::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ba::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2bb::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2bc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2bc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2bc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2bd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2be::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2be::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2bf::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/42 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2da::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2da::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2db::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2dc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2dc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2dc::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2e9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ea::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ea::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2eb::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ec::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ec::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ec::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ed::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ee::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ee::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ef::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:02Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:03Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:03Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:04Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a2ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a2ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a300::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a300::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a301::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a301::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a302::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a302::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a302::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a302::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a303::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a303::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a304::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a304::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a304::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a304::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a304::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a304::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a305::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a305::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a306::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a306::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a306::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a306::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a307::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a307::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a308::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a308::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a308::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a308::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a308::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a308::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a308::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a308::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a309::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a309::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30a::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30a::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30c::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a30f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a30f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a310::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a310::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a310::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a310::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a310::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a310::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a310::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a310::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a310::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a310::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a311::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a311::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a312::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a312::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a312::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a312::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a313::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a313::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a314::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a314::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a314::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a314::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a314::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a314::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a315::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a315::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a316::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a316::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a316::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a316::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a317::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a317::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a318::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a318::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a318::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a318::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a318::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a318::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a318::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a318::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a319::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a319::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:13:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a31f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a31f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a320::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a320::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a320::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a320::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a320::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a320::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a320::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a320::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a320::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a320::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a320::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a320::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a321::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a321::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a322::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a322::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a322::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a322::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a323::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a323::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a324::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a324::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a324::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a324::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a324::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a324::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a325::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a325::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a326::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a326::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a326::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a326::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a327::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a327::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a328::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a328::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a328::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a328::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a328::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a328::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a328::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a328::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a329::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a329::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a32f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a32f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a330::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a330::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a330::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a330::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a330::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a330::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a330::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a330::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a330::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a330::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a331::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a331::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a332::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a332::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a332::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a332::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a333::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a333::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a334::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a334::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a334::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a334::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a334::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a334::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a335::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a335::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a336::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a336::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a336::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a336::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a337::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a337::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a338::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a338::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a338::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a338::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a338::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a338::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a338::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a338::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a339::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a339::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a33f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a33f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a340::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a340::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a341::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a341::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a342::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a342::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a342::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a342::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:14:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a343::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a343::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a344::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a344::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a344::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a344::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a344::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a344::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a345::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a345::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a346::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a346::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a346::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a346::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a347::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a347::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a348::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a348::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a348::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a348::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a348::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a348::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a348::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a348::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a349::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a349::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a34f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a34f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a350::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a350::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a350::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a350::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a350::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a350::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a350::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a350::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a350::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a350::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a351::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a351::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a352::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a352::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a352::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a352::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a353::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a353::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a354::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a354::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a354::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a354::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a354::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a354::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a355::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a355::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a356::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a356::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a356::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a356::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a357::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a357::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a358::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a358::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a358::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a358::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a358::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a358::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a358::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a358::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a359::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a359::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a35f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a35f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a360::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a360::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a360::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a360::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a360::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a360::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a360::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a360::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a360::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a360::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a360::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a360::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a361::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a361::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a362::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a362::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a362::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a362::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a363::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a363::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a364::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a364::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a364::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a364::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a364::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a364::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a365::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a365::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a366::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a366::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a366::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a366::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a367::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a367::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a368::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a368::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a368::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a368::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a368::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a368::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a368::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a368::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a369::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a369::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:15:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a36f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a36f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a370::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a370::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a370::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a370::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a370::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a370::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a370::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a370::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a370::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a370::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a371::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a371::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a372::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a372::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a372::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a372::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a373::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a373::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a374::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a374::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a374::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a374::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a374::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a374::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a375::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a375::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a376::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a376::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a376::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a376::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a377::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a377::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a378::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a378::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a378::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a378::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a378::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a378::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a378::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a378::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a379::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a379::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a37f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a37f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a380::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a380::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a381::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a381::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a382::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a382::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a382::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a382::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a383::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a383::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a384::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a384::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a384::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a384::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a384::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a384::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a385::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a385::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a386::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a386::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a386::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a386::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a387::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a387::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a388::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a388::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a388::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a388::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a388::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a388::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a388::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a388::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a389::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a389::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a38f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a38f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a390::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a390::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a390::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a390::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a390::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a390::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a390::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a390::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a390::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a390::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a391::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a391::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a392::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a392::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a392::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a392::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a393::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a393::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a394::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a394::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a394::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a394::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a394::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a394::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a395::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a395::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a396::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a396::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a396::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a396::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a397::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a397::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a398::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a398::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a398::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a398::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a398::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a398::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a398::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a398::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a399::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a399::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a39f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a39f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ac::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3b9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ba::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ba::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3bb::/48 |
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descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:17:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3bc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3bc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3bc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3bd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:02Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3bf::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ca::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3cc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3cd::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ce::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3d9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3da::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3da::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:18:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ec::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ee::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ee::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ef::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a3ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,38/F DAH SING Financial Center,108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:a3ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 38/F DAH SING Financial Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road Wan Chai |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2020-06-18T00:19:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:a910::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a910::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2400:9380:a911::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a911::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2400:9380:a912::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a912::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2400:9380:a913::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:a913::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230525 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:23Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2400:9380:aa00::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:38:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:38:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:38:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:38:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:38:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa00::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa00::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa01::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa01::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa02::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa02::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa02::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa02::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa03::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa03::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa04::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa04::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa04::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa04::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa04::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa04::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa05::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa05::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa06::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa06::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa06::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa06::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa07::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa07::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:39:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa08::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa08::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa08::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa08::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa08::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa08::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa08::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa08::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa09::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa09::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa0f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa0f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:40:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa10::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa10::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:03Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa10::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa10::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa10::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa10::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa10::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa10::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa10::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa10::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa11::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa11::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa12::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa12::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa12::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa12::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa13::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa13::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa14::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa14::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa14::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa14::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa14::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa14::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa15::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa15::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa16::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa16::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:41:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa16::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa16::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa17::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa17::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa18::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa18::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa18::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa18::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa18::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa18::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa18::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa18::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa19::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa19::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1a::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:30Z |
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2400:9380:aa1a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1a::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1b::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1c::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1c::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1d::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1e::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:42:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1e::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa1f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa1f::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa20::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa20::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa20::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa20::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa20::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa20::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa20::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa20::/46 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa20::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa20::/47 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa20::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa20::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa21::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa21::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa22::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa22::/47 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa22::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa22::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa23::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa23::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:43:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa24::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa24::/46 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa24::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa24::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa24::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa24::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa25::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa25::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa26::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa26::/47 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa26::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa26::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa27::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa27::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa28::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa28::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa28::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa28::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa28::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa28::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa28::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa28::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa29::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa29::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:44:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2d::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa2f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa2f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa30::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa30::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa30::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa30::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa30::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa30::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa30::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa30::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa30::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa30::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa31::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa31::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa32::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa32::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa32::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa32::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa33::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa33::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:45:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa34::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa34::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa34::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa34::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa34::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa34::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa35::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa35::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa36::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa36::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa36::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa36::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa37::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa37::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa38::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa38::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa38::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa38::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa38::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa38::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa38::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa38::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa39::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa39::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3a::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:46:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3a::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3b::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:04Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3c::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3c::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3d::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3e::/47 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3e::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa3f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa3f::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa40::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/42 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:33Z |
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2400:9380:aa40::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa40::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/44 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa40::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:45Z |
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2400:9380:aa40::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa40::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:47:54Z |
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2400:9380:aa40::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa40::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa41::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa41::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa42::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa42::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa42::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa42::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa43::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa43::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa44::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa44::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa44::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa44::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa44::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa44::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa45::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa45::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa46::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa46::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa46::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa46::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa47::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa47::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa48::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa48::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa48::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa48::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa48::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa48::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa48::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa48::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:48:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa49::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa49::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4c::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4e::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4e::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa4f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa4f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa50::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa50::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa50::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa50::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa50::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa50::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:49:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa50::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa50::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa50::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa50::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa51::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa51::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa52::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa52::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa52::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa52::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa53::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa53::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa54::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa54::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa54::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa54::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa54::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa54::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa55::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa55::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa56::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa56::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa56::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa56::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa57::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa57::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa58::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa58::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa58::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa58::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:50:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa58::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa58::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:03Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa58::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa58::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa59::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa59::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5a::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:16Z |
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2400:9380:aa5a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5a::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5b::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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2400:9380:aa5c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5c::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5c::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5d::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5e::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa5f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa5f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa60::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa60::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:51:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa60::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa60::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa60::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa60::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa60::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa60::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa60::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa60::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa60::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa60::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa61::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa61::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa62::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa62::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa62::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa62::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa63::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa63::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa64::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa64::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa64::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa64::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa64::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa64::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa65::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa65::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa66::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa66::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa66::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa66::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:52:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa67::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa67::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa68::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa68::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa68::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa68::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa68::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa68::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa68::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa68::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa69::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa69::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6c::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:53:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6e::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa6f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa6f::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:04Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa70::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa70::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa70::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa70::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa70::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa70::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa70::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa70::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa70::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa70::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa71::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa71::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa72::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa72::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa72::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa72::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa73::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa73::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa74::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa74::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa74::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa74::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa74::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa74::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa75::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa75::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:54:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa76::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa76::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa76::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa76::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa77::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa77::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa78::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa78::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa78::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa78::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa78::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa78::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa78::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa78::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa79::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa79::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:55:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa7f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa7f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa80::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa80::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa81::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa81::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa82::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa82::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa82::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa82::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:56:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa83::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa83::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa84::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa84::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa84::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa84::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa84::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa84::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa85::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa85::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa86::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa86::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa86::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa86::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa87::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa87::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa88::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa88::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa88::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa88::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa88::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa88::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa88::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa88::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa89::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa89::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8a::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:57:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:03Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8c::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8c::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8d::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8e::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa8f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa8f::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa90::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa90::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa90::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa90::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa90::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa90::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa90::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa90::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa90::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa90::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa91::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa91::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:58:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa92::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa92::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa92::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa92::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa93::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa93::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa94::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa94::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa94::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa94::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa94::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa94::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa95::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa95::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa96::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa96::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa96::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa96::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa97::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa97::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa98::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa98::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa98::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa98::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa98::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa98::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa98::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa98::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa99::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa99::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T06:59:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aa9f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aa9f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:00:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:10Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa3::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa4::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa4::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa5::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa6::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa6::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa7::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:01:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa8::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa8::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaa9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaa9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaaa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaaa::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaaa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaaa::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaab::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaac::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaac::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaac::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaad::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaae::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaae::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaaf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaaf::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:02:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:03:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aab9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aab9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabd::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:04:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aabf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aabf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac2::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac4::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:05:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac4::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:03Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac6::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac6::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac7::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac8::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac8::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac8::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aac9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aac9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aacb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aacb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aacc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aacc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:06:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aacc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aacc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aacc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aacc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aacd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aacd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aace::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aace::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aace::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aace::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aacf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aacf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad0::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:07:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad6::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad6::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad8::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aad9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aad9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aada::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aada::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aada::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aada::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:08:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aadb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aadb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:02Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aadc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aadc::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aadc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aadc::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aadc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aadc::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aadd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aadd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aade::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aade::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aade::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aade::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aadf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aadf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae0::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae0::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae0::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:09:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:00Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:04Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae2::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae3::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae4::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:10:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aae9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aae9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaeb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaeb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:39Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf0::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:11:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf0::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:04Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf2::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf5::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf6::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf6::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:46Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf7::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf8::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:12:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaf9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaf9::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafa::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafb::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafc::/46 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafd::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aafe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aafe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:aaff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:aaff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTHKI-HK |
last-modified | 2024-12-30T07:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/40 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230728 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/41 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:44Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/42 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f000::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f000::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f001::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f001::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f002::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f002::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f002::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f002::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f003::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f003::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f004::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f004::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f004::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f004::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:39:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f004::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f004::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f005::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f005::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f006::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f006::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f006::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f006::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f007::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f007::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f008::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f008::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f008::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f008::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f008::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f008::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f008::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f008::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f009::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f009::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f00f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f00f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f010::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f010::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f010::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f010::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f010::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f010::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f010::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f010::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f010::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f010::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f011::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f011::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f012::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f012::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f012::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f012::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f013::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f013::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f014::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f014::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f014::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f014::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f014::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f014::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f015::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f015::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f016::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f016::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f016::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f016::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f017::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f017::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f018::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f018::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f018::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f018::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f018::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f018::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f018::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f018::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f019::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f019::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f01f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f01f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:40:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f020::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f020::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f020::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f020::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f020::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f020::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f020::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f020::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f020::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f020::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f020::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f020::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f021::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f021::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f022::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f022::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f022::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f022::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f023::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f023::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f024::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f024::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f024::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f024::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f024::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f024::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f025::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f025::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f026::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f026::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f026::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f026::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f027::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f027::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f028::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f028::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f028::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f028::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f028::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f028::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f028::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f028::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f029::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f029::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f02f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f02f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f030::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f030::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f030::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f030::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f030::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f030::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f030::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f030::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f030::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f030::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f031::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f031::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f032::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f032::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f032::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f032::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f033::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f033::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f034::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f034::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f034::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f034::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f034::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f034::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f035::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f035::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f036::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f036::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f036::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f036::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f037::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f037::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f038::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f038::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f038::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f038::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f038::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f038::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f038::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f038::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:41:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f039::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f039::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f03f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f03f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f040::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f040::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f041::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f041::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f042::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f042::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f042::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f042::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f043::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f043::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f044::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f044::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f044::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f044::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f044::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f044::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f045::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f045::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f046::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f046::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f046::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f046::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f047::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f047::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f048::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f048::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f048::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f048::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f048::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f048::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f048::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f048::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f049::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f049::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f04f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f04f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f050::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f050::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f050::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f050::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f050::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f050::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f050::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f050::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f050::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f050::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f051::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f051::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f052::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f052::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f052::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f052::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:42:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f053::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f053::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f054::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f054::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f054::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f054::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f054::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f054::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f055::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f055::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f056::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f056::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f056::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f056::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f057::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f057::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f058::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f058::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f058::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f058::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f058::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f058::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f058::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f058::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f059::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f059::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f05f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f05f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f060::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f060::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f060::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f060::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f060::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f060::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f060::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f060::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f060::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f060::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f060::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f060::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f061::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f061::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f062::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f062::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f062::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f062::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f063::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f063::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f064::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f064::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f064::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f064::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f064::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f064::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f065::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f065::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f066::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f066::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f066::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f066::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f067::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f067::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f068::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f068::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f068::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f068::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f068::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f068::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f068::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f068::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f069::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f069::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:43:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f06f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f06f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f070::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f070::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f070::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f070::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f070::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f070::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f070::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f070::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f070::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f070::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f071::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f071::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f072::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f072::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f072::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f072::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f073::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f073::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f074::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f074::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f074::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f074::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f074::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f074::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f075::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f075::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f076::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f076::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f076::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f076::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f077::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f077::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f078::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f078::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f078::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f078::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f078::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f078::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f078::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f078::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f079::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f079::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f07f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f07f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f080::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f080::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f081::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f081::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f082::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f082::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f082::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f082::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f083::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f083::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f084::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f084::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f084::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f084::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f084::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f084::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f085::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f085::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f086::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f086::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f086::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f086::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:44:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f087::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f087::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f088::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f088::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f088::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f088::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f088::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f088::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f088::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f088::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f089::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f089::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f08f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f08f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f090::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f090::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f090::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f090::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f090::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f090::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f090::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f090::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f090::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f090::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f091::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f091::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f092::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f092::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f092::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f092::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f093::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f093::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f094::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f094::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f094::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f094::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f094::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f094::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f095::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f095::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f096::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f096::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f096::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f096::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f097::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f097::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f098::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f098::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f098::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f098::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f098::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f098::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f098::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f098::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f099::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f099::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f09f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f09f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:45:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ae::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0b9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ba::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:46:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0c9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d4::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d4::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:47:59Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0da::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f0::/44 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:48:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f0ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f0ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/40 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230728 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f100::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f100::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f101::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f101::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f102::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f102::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f102::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f102::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:49:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f103::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f103::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f104::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f104::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f104::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f104::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f104::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f104::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f105::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f105::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f106::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f106::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f106::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f106::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f107::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f107::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f108::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f108::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f108::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f108::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f108::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f108::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f108::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f108::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f109::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f109::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10a::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f10f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f10f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f110::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f110::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f110::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f110::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f110::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f110::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f110::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f110::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f110::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f110::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f111::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f111::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f112::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f112::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f112::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f112::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f113::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f113::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f114::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f114::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f114::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f114::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f114::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f114::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f115::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f115::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f116::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f116::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f116::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f116::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f117::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f117::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f118::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f118::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f118::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f118::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f118::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f118::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f118::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f118::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f119::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f119::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:50:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f11f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f11f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f120::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f120::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f120::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f120::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f120::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f120::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f120::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f120::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f120::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f120::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f120::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f120::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f121::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f121::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f122::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f122::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f122::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f122::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f123::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f123::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f124::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f124::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f124::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f124::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f124::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f124::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f125::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f125::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f126::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f126::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f126::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f126::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f127::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f127::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f128::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f128::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f128::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f128::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f128::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f128::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f128::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f128::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f129::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f129::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f12f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f12f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f130::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f130::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f130::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f130::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f130::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f130::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f130::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f130::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f130::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f130::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f131::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f131::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f132::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f132::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f132::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f132::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f133::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f133::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f134::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f134::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f134::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f134::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f134::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f134::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f135::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f135::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f136::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f136::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f136::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f136::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f137::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f137::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:51:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f138::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f138::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f138::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f138::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f138::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f138::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f138::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f138::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f139::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f139::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f13f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f13f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f140::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f140::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f141::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f141::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f142::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f142::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f142::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f142::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f143::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f143::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f144::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f144::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f144::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f144::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f144::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f144::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f145::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f145::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f146::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f146::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f146::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f146::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f147::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f147::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f148::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f148::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f148::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f148::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f148::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f148::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f148::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f148::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f149::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f149::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f14f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f14f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f150::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f150::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f150::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f150::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f150::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f150::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:52:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f150::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f150::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f150::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f150::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f151::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f151::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f152::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f152::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f152::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f152::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f153::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f153::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f154::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f154::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f154::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f154::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f154::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f154::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f155::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f155::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f156::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f156::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f156::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f156::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f157::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f157::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f158::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f158::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f158::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f158::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f158::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f158::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f158::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f158::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f159::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f159::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15d::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f15f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f15f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f160::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f160::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f160::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f160::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f160::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f160::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f160::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f160::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f160::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f160::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f160::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f160::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f161::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f161::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f162::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f162::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f162::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f162::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f163::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f163::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f164::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f164::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f164::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f164::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f164::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f164::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f165::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f165::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f166::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f166::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f166::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f166::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f167::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f167::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f168::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f168::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f168::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f168::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f168::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f168::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f168::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f168::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f169::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f169::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:53:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f16f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f16f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f170::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f170::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f170::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f170::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f170::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f170::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f170::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f170::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f170::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f170::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f171::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f171::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f172::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f172::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f172::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f172::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f173::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f173::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f174::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f174::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f174::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f174::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f174::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f174::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f175::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f175::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f176::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f176::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f176::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f176::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f177::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f177::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f178::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f178::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f178::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f178::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f178::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f178::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f178::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f178::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f179::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f179::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f17f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f17f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f180::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f180::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f181::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f181::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f182::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f182::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:54:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f182::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f182::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f183::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f183::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f184::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f184::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f184::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f184::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f184::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f184::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f185::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f185::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f186::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f186::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f186::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f186::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f187::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f187::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f188::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f188::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f188::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f188::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f188::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f188::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f188::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f188::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f189::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f189::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18e::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f18f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f18f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f190::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f190::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f190::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f190::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f190::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f190::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f190::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f190::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f190::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f190::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f191::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f191::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f192::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f192::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f192::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f192::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f193::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f193::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f194::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f194::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f194::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f194::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f194::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f194::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f195::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f195::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f196::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f196::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f196::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f196::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f197::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f197::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f198::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f198::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f198::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f198::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f198::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f198::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f198::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f198::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f199::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f199::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:55:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f19f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f19f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:56:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c2::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c5::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:45Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c8::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1cb::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1cc::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1cc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:57:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d8::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1d9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1da::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1de::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:38Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e2::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e3::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e4::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e4::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e6::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:58:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1e9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ee::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f0::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f3::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f5::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f6::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:34Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f8::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f8::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1f9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:40Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fa::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f1ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f1ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T03:59:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/40 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230728 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:02Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:04Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/42 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f200::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f200::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f201::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f201::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f202::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f202::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f202::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f202::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f203::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f203::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f204::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f204::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f204::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f204::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f204::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f204::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f205::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f205::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f206::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f206::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f206::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f206::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f207::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f207::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f208::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f208::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f208::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f208::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f208::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f208::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f208::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f208::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f209::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f209::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f20f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f20f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f210::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f210::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f210::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f210::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f210::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f210::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f210::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f210::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f210::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f210::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f211::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f211::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f212::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f212::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f212::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f212::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f213::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f213::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f214::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f214::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f214::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f214::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f214::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f214::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:00:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f215::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f215::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f216::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f216::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f216::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f216::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f217::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f217::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f218::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f218::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f218::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f218::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f218::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f218::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f218::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f218::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f219::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f219::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f21f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f21f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f220::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f220::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f220::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f220::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f220::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f220::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f220::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f220::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f220::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f220::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f220::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f220::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f221::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f221::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f222::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f222::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f222::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f222::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f223::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f223::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f224::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f224::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f224::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f224::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f224::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f224::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f225::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f225::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f226::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f226::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f226::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f226::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f227::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f227::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f228::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f228::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f228::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f228::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f228::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f228::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f228::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f228::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f229::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f229::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f22f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f22f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:01:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f230::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f230::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:01Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f230::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f230::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f230::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f230::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f230::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f230::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f230::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f230::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f231::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f231::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f232::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f232::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f232::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f232::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:09Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f233::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f233::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f234::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f234::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f234::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f234::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f234::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f234::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f235::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f235::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f236::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f236::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f236::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f236::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f237::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f237::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f238::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f238::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f238::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f238::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f238::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f238::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f238::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f238::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f239::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f239::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f23f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f23f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f240::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f240::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f241::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f241::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f242::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f242::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f242::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f242::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f243::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f243::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f244::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f244::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f244::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f244::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:51Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f244::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f244::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f245::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f245::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f246::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f246::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f246::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f246::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f247::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f247::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f248::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f248::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f248::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f248::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:02:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f248::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f248::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f248::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f248::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f249::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f249::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24b::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24c::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:07Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:08Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24e::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f24f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f24f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f250::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f250::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f250::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f250::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f250::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f250::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f250::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f250::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f250::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f250::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f251::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f251::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f252::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f252::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f252::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f252::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f253::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f253::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f254::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f254::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f254::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f254::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f254::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f254::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f255::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f255::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f256::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f256::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f256::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f256::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f257::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f257::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f258::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f258::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f258::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f258::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f258::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f258::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f258::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f258::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f259::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f259::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f25f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f25f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f260::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f260::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f260::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f260::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f260::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f260::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f260::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f260::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f260::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f260::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f260::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f260::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f261::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f261::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:03:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f262::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f262::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f262::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f262::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f263::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f263::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f264::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f264::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f264::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f264::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f264::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f264::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f265::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f265::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f266::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f266::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f266::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f266::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f267::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f267::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f268::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f268::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f268::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f268::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f268::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f268::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f268::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f268::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:15Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f269::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f269::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26c::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26d::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26e::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f26f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f26f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f270::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f270::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f270::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f270::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f270::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f270::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f270::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f270::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f270::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f270::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f271::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f271::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f272::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f272::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f272::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f272::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f273::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f273::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f274::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f274::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f274::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f274::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f274::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f274::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f275::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f275::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f276::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f276::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f276::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f276::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f277::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f277::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f278::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f278::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f278::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f278::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f278::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f278::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f278::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f278::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f279::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f279::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:04:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f27f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f27f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f280::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f280::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f281::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f281::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f282::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f282::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f282::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f282::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f283::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f283::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f284::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f284::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f284::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f284::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f284::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f284::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f285::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f285::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f286::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f286::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:26Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f286::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f286::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f287::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f287::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f288::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f288::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f288::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f288::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f288::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f288::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f288::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f288::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f289::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f289::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f28f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f28f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f290::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f290::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f290::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f290::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f290::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f290::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f290::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f290::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f290::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f290::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f291::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f291::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f292::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f292::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f292::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f292::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f293::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f293::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f294::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f294::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f294::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f294::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:05:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f294::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f294::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f295::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f295::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f296::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f296::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f296::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f296::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f297::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f297::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f298::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f298::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f298::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f298::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f298::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f298::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f298::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f298::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f299::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f299::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:18Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f29f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f29f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a1::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2a9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:06:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b2::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2b9::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2bc::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2bc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:07:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2c9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ca::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2cc::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2cc::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2cd::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ce::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d0::/44 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d0::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:17Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d2::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d2::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d3::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d4::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:27Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d4::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d4::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d5::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:30Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d6::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:31Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d6::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:32Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d8::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:36Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d8::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d8::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2d9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2da::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2da::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2db::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2dc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2dc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2de::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2df::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:08:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e7::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e8::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e8::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2e9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ea::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ea::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2eb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ec::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ec::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ec::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:23Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ed::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ee::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ee::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ef::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f0::/44 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f0::/45 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f0::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f1::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2f9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:09:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fe::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2fe::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ff::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20231024 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:19:18Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f2ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f2ff::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/40 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230728 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/40 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/40 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:19Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/43 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:21Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:24Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:25Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f300::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f300::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f301::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f301::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f302::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f302::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:29Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f302::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f302::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f303::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f303::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f304::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f304::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:33Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f304::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f304::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f304::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f304::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:35Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f305::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f305::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f306::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f306::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:37Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f306::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f306::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f307::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f307::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f308::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f308::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:41Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f308::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f308::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f308::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f308::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f308::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f308::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f309::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f309::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:47Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30a::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:48Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30b::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30c::/46 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30c::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:52Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30c::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:54Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30e::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30e::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f30f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f30f::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f310::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f310::/44 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:10:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f310::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f310::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f310::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f310::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f310::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f310::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f310::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f310::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f311::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f311::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f312::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f312::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f312::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f312::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f313::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f313::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f314::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f314::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f314::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f314::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f314::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f314::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f315::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f315::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f316::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f316::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f316::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f316::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f317::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f317::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f318::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f318::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f318::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f318::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f318::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f318::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f318::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f318::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f319::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f319::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f31f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f31f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f320::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f320::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f320::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f320::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f320::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f320::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f320::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f320::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f320::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f320::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f320::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f320::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f321::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f321::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f322::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f322::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f322::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f322::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f323::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f323::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f324::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f324::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f324::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f324::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f324::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f324::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f325::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f325::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:50Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f326::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f326::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f326::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f326::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f327::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f327::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f328::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f328::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f328::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f328::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f328::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f328::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f328::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f328::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f329::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f329::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:11:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f32f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f32f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f330::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f330::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f330::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f330::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f330::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f330::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f330::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f330::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f330::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f330::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f331::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f331::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f332::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f332::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f332::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f332::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f333::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f333::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f334::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f334::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f334::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f334::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f334::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f334::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f335::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f335::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f336::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f336::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f336::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f336::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f337::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f337::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f338::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f338::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f338::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f338::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f338::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f338::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f338::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f338::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f339::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f339::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:42Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:43Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f33f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f33f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f340::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f340::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f341::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f341::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f342::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f342::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f342::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f342::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:12:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f343::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f343::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f344::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f344::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f344::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f344::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f344::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f344::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f345::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f345::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f346::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f346::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f346::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f346::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f347::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f347::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f348::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f348::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f348::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f348::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f348::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f348::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f348::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f348::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f349::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f349::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f34f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f34f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f350::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f350::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f350::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f350::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f350::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f350::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f350::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f350::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f350::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f350::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f351::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f351::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f352::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f352::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f352::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f352::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f353::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f353::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f354::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f354::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f354::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f354::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f354::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f354::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f355::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f355::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f356::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f356::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f356::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f356::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f357::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f357::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f358::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f358::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f358::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f358::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f358::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f358::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f358::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f358::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f359::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f359::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:13:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f35f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f35f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f360::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f360::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f360::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f360::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f360::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f360::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f360::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f360::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f360::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f360::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f360::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f360::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f361::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f361::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f362::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f362::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f362::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f362::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f363::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f363::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f364::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f364::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f364::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f364::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f364::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f364::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f365::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f365::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f366::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f366::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f366::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f366::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f367::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f367::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f368::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f368::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f368::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f368::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f368::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f368::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f368::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f368::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f369::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f369::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f36f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f36f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f370::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f370::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f370::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f370::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f370::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f370::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f370::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f370::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f370::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f370::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f371::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f371::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f372::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f372::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f372::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f372::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f373::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f373::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f374::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f374::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f374::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f374::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f374::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f374::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f375::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f375::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f376::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f376::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f376::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f376::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f377::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f377::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f378::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f378::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:14:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f378::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f378::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f378::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f378::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f378::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f378::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f379::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f379::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f37f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f37f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/41 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/41 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f380::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f380::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f381::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f381::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f382::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f382::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f382::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f382::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f383::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f383::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f384::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f384::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f384::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f384::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f384::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f384::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f385::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f385::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f386::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f386::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f386::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f386::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f387::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f387::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f388::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f388::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f388::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f388::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f388::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f388::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f388::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f388::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f389::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f389::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f38f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f38f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f390::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f390::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f390::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f390::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:15:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f390::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f390::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f390::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f390::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f390::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f390::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f391::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f391::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f392::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f392::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f392::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f392::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f393::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f393::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f394::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f394::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f394::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f394::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f394::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f394::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f395::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f395::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f396::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f396::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f396::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f396::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f397::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f397::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f398::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f398::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f398::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f398::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f398::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f398::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f398::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f398::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f399::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f399::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39a::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39a::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39a::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39b::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39b::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39c::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39c::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39c::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39c::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39c::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39c::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39d::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39d::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39e::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39e::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39e::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39e::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f39f::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f39f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a5::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:49Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a6::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:55Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a8::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3a9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3a9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3aa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3aa::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:16:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3aa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3aa::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ab::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ab::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ac::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ac::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ac::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ac::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ac::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ac::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ad::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ad::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ae::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ae::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ae::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ae::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3af::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3af::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:14Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:23Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:30Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3b9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3b9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ba::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ba::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ba::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ba::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3bb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3bb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3bc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3bc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:38Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3bc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3bc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3bc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3bc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3bd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3bd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3be::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3be::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3be::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3be::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3bf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3bf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/42 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/42 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:46Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:53Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:54Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:56Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:57Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:58Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:17:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:02Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:05Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:06Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:09Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3c9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3c9::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ca::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ca::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:13Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ca::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ca::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3cb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3cb::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:16Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3cc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3cc::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:17Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3cc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3cc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3cc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3cc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3cd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3cd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:20Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ce::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ce::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ce::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ce::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:22Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3cf::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3cf::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:25Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:26Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d0::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:27Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d0::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:28Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d0::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:29Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:31Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:32Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:33Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:34Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d4::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:35Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d4::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:36Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d4::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:37Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d5::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:39Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d6::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:40Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:41Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:42Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d8::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:43Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d8::/46 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:44Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d8::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:45Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d8::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:47Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3d9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3d9::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:48Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3da::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3da::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:49Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3da::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3da::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:50Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3db::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3db::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:51Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3dc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3dc::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:52Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3dc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3dc::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:53Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3dc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3dc::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:55Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3dd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3dd::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:56Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3de::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3de::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:57Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3de::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3de::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:58Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3df::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3df::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:18:59Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e0::/43 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e0::/43 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:00Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e0::/44 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:01Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e0::/45 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:03Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e0::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:04Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e0::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:05Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e0::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:06Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e1::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:07Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e2::/47 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:08Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e2::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:10Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e3::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:11Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e4::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:12Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e4::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:13Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e4::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:14Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e5::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:15Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e6::/47 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:16Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e6::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:18Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e7::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:19Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e8::/45 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:20Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e8::/46 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:21Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e8::/47 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:22Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3e8::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:24Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3e9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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2400:9380:f3ea::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3ea::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3eb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3eb::/48 |
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descr | China Telecom Global Limited |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:19:28Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ec::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ec::/46 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3ec::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ec::/47 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3ec::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3ed::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3ee::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3ee::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3ef::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3f0::/44 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3f0::/44 |
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2400:9380:f3f0::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f0::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f0::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3f0::/47 |
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2400:9380:f3f0::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f1::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f2::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f2::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f3::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f4::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f4::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f4::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f5::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f6::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f6::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f7::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3f7::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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2400:9380:f3f8::/45 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f8::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f8::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f8::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3f9::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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2400:9380:f3fa::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3fa::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3fb::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3fc::/46 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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2400:9380:f3fc::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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2400:9380:f3fc::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3fc::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3fd::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3fd::/48 |
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3fe::/47 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
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descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3fe::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3fe::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:20:11Z |
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rpki-ov-state | valid |
2400:9380:f3ff::/48 China Telecom Global Limited,28/F, Everbright Center,108 Gloucester Road source:APNIC
route6 | 2400:9380:f3ff::/48 |
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descr | 28/F, Everbright Center |
descr | 108 Gloucester Road |
mnt-by | MAINT-CTGL-HK |
last-modified | 2023-07-28T04:20:12Z |
source | APNIC |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2804:1e48::/32 CTGNET Brazail Address source:RADB
route6 | 2804:1e48::/32 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET Brazail Address |
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last-modified | 2024-11-20T18:43:25Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2804:1e48:9003::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2804:1e48:9003::/48 |
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descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240904 |
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last-modified | 2024-09-04T06:45:27Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f580:9001::/48 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f580:9001::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2024-12-18T10:13:07Z |
last-modified | 2024-12-18T10:13:07Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f580:9030:100::/56 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f580:9030:100::/56 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2021-12-16T16:49:39Z |
last-modified | 2021-12-16T16:49:39Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f580:9210::/48 CTGNET EUO address source:RADB
route6 | 2a04:f580:9210::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET EUO address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:110a::/48 CTGNet source:RADB
route6 | 2a04:f581:110a::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNet |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:01:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:110b::/48 CTGNet source:RADB
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descr | CTGNet |
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last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:01:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8040::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8040::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:47:22Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T15:00:48Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8070::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8070::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:51:41Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:51:41Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8090::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8090::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:55:51Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:55:51Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:80b0::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:80b0::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:59:17Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:59:17Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8140::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8140::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:48:55Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:48:55Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8170::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8170::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:52:35Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:52:35Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8190::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8190::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:57:36Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:57:36Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:81b0::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:81b0::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:59:55Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:59:55Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8240::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8240::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:49:48Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:49:48Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8270::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8270::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:53:29Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:53:29Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:8290::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:8290::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T14:58:32Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T14:58:32Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:82b0::/48 China Telecom Europe Ltd. source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:82b0::/48 |
descr | China Telecom Europe Ltd. |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2022-09-22T15:00:33Z |
last-modified | 2022-09-22T15:00:33Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a00e:a001::/64 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:a00e:a001::/64 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:06:04Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:06:04Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a00e:a002::/64 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:a00e:a002::/64 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:06:17Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:06:17Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a00e:a003::/64 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:a00e:a003::/64 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:06:29Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:06:29Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a00e:a004::/64 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:a00e:a004::/64 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:06:43Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:06:43Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a00f::/48 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a04:f581:a00f::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | CTE-MNT |
created | 2020-12-16T15:05:51Z |
last-modified | 2020-12-16T15:05:51Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a111::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2a04:f581:a111::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240815 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-08-15T07:14:58Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a123::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2a04:f581:a123::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230510 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:10Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a04:f581:a125::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2a04:f581:a125::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20240815 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2024-08-15T07:15:39Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a0f:7806:fff1::/48 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a0f:7806:fff1::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | ZHNET-MNT |
created | 2025-01-08T14:56:38Z |
last-modified | 2025-01-08T14:56:38Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2a0f:7806:fffc::/48 source:RIPE
route6 | 2a0f:7806:fffc::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
mnt-by | ZHNET-MNT |
created | 2025-01-08T14:49:30Z |
last-modified | 2025-01-08T14:49:30Z |
source | RIPE |
remarks | **************************** |
remarks | * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal |
remarks | * data has been removed from this object. |
remarks | * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: |
remarks | * http://www.ripe.net/whois |
remarks | **************************** |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2c0f:f7a8::/29 China Telecom(CTG) source:RADB
route6 | 2c0f:f7a8::/29 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | China Telecom(CTG) |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS8966 |
changed | noc@emix.net.ae 20220126 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:09:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2c0f:f7a8:37::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2c0f:f7a8:37::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2c0f:f7a8:47::/48 CTGNET source:RADB
route6 | 2c0f:f7a8:47::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | cheungth@chinatelecomglobal.com 20230503 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:17:08Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2c0f:f7a8:9230::/48 CTGNET Africa address source:RADB
route6 | 2c0f:f7a8:9230::/48 |
origin | AS23764 |
descr | CTGNET Africa address |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS36678 |
changed | guohf@chinatelecomglobal.com 20210707 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:07:50Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |