AS265255 is a member of the following AS sets:
- AS-7738-BGP-CUSTOMERS ASN7738's BGP customers
- AS-FLYS Transit Customers from Flys AS 28663
- AS-EMBRATELNET Macro with all ASes Embratelnet carries
- AS-HWNG-DOWNSTREAMS Highwinds Network Group Transit Downstreams
- AS-STORMWALL-SET stormwall.pro
- AS26615:AS-CUSTOMERS TIM Brasil AS Customers
- AS-HUGENET-CUSTOMERS Huge Networks Customers
- AS-FORTEL-CUSTOMERS DB3 (Wire) Customers
AS265255 AS265255-TERRANET source:TC
aut-num | AS265255 |
as-name | AS265255-TERRANET |
descr | TerraNET Internet Ltda |
remarks | --------------------------- |
remarks | My policies: |
remarks | ... |
import | from AS265269 action pref = 100; accept ANY except FLTR-BOGONS |
import | from AS262503 action pref = 100; accept ANY except FLTR-BOGONS |
mp-import | afi ipv6.unicast from AS265269 action pref = 100; accept ANY |
mp-import | afi ipv6.unicast from AS262503 action pref = 100; accept ANY |
export | to AS265269 announce AS265255:AS-TERRANET |
export | to AS262503 announce AS265255:AS-TERRANET |
mp-export | afi ipv6.unicast to AS265269 announce AS265255:AS-TERRANET |
mp-export | afi ipv6.unicast to AS262503 announce AS265255:AS-TERRANET |
remarks | --------------------------- |
remarks | --------------------------- |
remarks | : |
remarks | : |
remarks | : |
remarks | i am a IX/PTT participant: |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM4-SP |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM4-RJ |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM4-CE |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM4-SLZ |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM4-THE |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM6-SP |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM6-RJ |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM6-CE |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM6-SLZ |
member-of | AS-IXBR-ATM6-THE |
remarks | : |
remarks | --------------------------- |
tech-c | DMRME5-NICBR |
admin-c | DMRME5-NICBR |
remarks | --------------------------- |
remarks | Networks issues AND peering requests |
remarks | e-mail: terranetma@hotmail.com |
remarks | --------------------------- |
remarks | WEBSITE |
remarks | http://terranet.net.br/ |
remarks | --------------------------- |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS265255 |
changed | terranetma@hotmail.com 20240122 |
source | TC |
last-modified | 2024-01-22T17:09:52Z |
REGISTERED ROUTES TerraNET Internet Ltda source:TC
route | |
descr | TerraNET Internet Ltda |
origin | AS265255 |
notify | terranetma@hotmail.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS265255 |
changed | terranetma@hotmail.com 20220308 |
source | TC |
last-modified | 2022-03-09T01:06:34Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | Transito ASAP to D. M. R. DE MENESES EIRELI - ME source:RADB
route | |
descr | Transito ASAP to D. M. R. DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
origin | AS265255 |
admin-c | Eduardo Fumes Parajo |
tech-c | Epafras Rezende Schaden |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS22356 |
changed | epafras@durand.com.br 20171226 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:52:42Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route | |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route | |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route | |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route | |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route | |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route | |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2804:2cfc::/32 TerraNET Internet Ltda source:TC
route6 | 2804:2cfc::/32 |
descr | TerraNET Internet Ltda |
origin | AS265255 |
notify | terranetma@hotmail.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS265255 |
changed | terranetma@hotmail.com 20220308 |
source | TC |
last-modified | 2022-03-09T01:09:00Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2804:2cfc::/32 Transito ASAP to D. M. R. DE MENESES EIRELI - ME source:RADB
route6 | 2804:2cfc::/32 |
descr | Transito ASAP to D. M. R. DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
origin | AS265255 |
admin-c | Eduardo Fumes Parajo |
tech-c | Epafras Rezende Schaden |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS22356 |
changed | epafras@durand.com.br 20171226 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:52:42Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |
2804:2cfc::/33 AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 source:RADB
route6 | 2804:2cfc::/33 |
descr | AS-DMR-CUSTOMER-265255 |
origin | AS265255 |
remarks | Cliente do Cliente DMR DE MENESES EIRELI - ME |
remarks | AS PATH 267613 265255 |
remarks | Usuario XConn jsouza |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
remarks | This is a Eletronet customer proxy route object that was cre |
remarks | ated because no existing route object with the same origin w |
remarks | as found. Please contact noc@eletronet.net.br if you have an |
remarks | y questions regarding this object. |
remarks | ************************************************************ |
notify | coreweb_tier2@eletronet.com |
notify | filtrosbgpoperadoras@eletronet.com |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS267613 |
changed | guilherme.cecilio@eletronet.com 20190822 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T15:57:06Z |
rpki-ov-state | not_found |