AS3557 is a member of the following AS sets:
- AS-CBN PT. Cyberindo Aditama - ISP
- AS-EUNIC-IX East-Ukrainian Network Information Center
- AS-TMNET-PEERS AS list of TMnet peer partners
- AS-4648-PAIX-PEER Netgate PAIX peers
- AS-HRHINET ASes routed by
- AS-MFNX ASNs announced by Zayo & customers
- AS174:AS-COGC-022 Cogent Communications Transit Customers
- AS-REACH-PEERS AS list of Reach Peers
- AS16631:AS-COGC-010 Cogent
- AS27320:AS-SET F-Root site ROM1.
- AS30071:AS-TBONE OCCAID Joint Tech Coordination Cmd
- AS30124:AS-SET F-Root site SVO1.
- AS30126:AS-SET F-Root site CDG1.
- AS30128:AS-SET F-Root site KBP1.
- AS30130:AS-SET F-Root site YYZ1.
- AS30132:AS-SET F-Root site AMS1.
- AS33073:AS-SET F-Root site LCY1.
- AS33077:AS-SET F-Root site TRN1.
- AS33079:AS-SET F-Root site OSL1.
- AS33082:AS-SET F-Root site FRA1.
- AS53459:AS-SET F-Root site WAW1.
- AS-NEXICOM Nexicom (AS11666)
- AS-HKTPEER ASes list of Hong Kong Telecom
- AS-SOX-SRB Serbian Open Exchange Domestic ASes
- AS-CTBC-CUSTOMERS23 CTBC transit Customers
- AS1239:AS-CUSTOMERS ASNs in the AS1239 customer cone
- AS1280:AS-SET Internet Systems Consortium (ISC)
- AS-SOX Serbian Open Exchange ASes
- AS-ANTEL-ALL (ANTEL ASNs) + (ASNs ANTEL provides transit to)
- AS33081:AS-SET F-Root site LCY2.
- AS-UBNIX-MEMBERS Ukrainian Backbone Networks Internet Exchange member AS as-set
- AS38040:AS-CUSTOMERS Customers AS of TOT International Internet Gateway
- AS-HWNG-DOWNSTREAMS Highwinds Network Group Transit Downstreams
- AS-SEEDNET AS numbers advertised from Seednet to global Internet
- AS-GNT-CUSTOMERS V.tal (aka Globenet aka Brasil Telecom)
- AS-CLOUDFLARE Cloudflare, Inc
- AS-VOCUS-CUST Vocus Connect Pty Ltd AS Number List
- AS-TELSTRA-INTL-CUSTOMERS AS List of TI(AS4637) customers
- AS30134:AS-SET F-Root site PRG1.
- AS33071:AS-SET F-Root site ORD1 (Eq Chicago), including customers
- AS33080:AS-SET F-Root site ATL1.
- AS13335:AS-CUSTOMERS Cloudflare, Inc
- AS394070:AS-SET F-Root site LGA1.
- AS30511:AS-SET F-Root Prefixes, F-Root Site LGA2
- AS-FROOT Internet Systems Consortium (ISC). F-Root DNS
- AS-4608 APNIC AS4608 Downstream Peers
- AS45147:AS-NAPINFO-IPT NAP-INFO Global IP Transit Customers
- AS-NICBR-CUST NIC.br Customers
AS3557 ISC-F-ROOT source:RADB
aut-num | AS3557 |
as-name | ISC-F-ROOT |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. |
admin-c | ISC-NOC |
tech-c | ISC-NOC |
remarks | This ASN is used to source advertisements of F-Root prefixes. |
remarks | Peering ASNs vary per location, 3557 will never peer directly. |
remarks | Please see http://f.root-servers.org/ for more information. |
remarks | Peering info is at http://www.isc.org/community/peering/ |
remarks | Trouble reports to noc@isc.org, phone +1 650 423 1310 |
remarks | Abuse to abuse@isc.org. |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200312 |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:10Z |
REGISTERED ROUTES F-Root covering prefix source:ARIN
route | |
origin | AS3557 |
descr | F-Root covering prefix |
admin-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | BELLI82-ARIN |
tech-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | RA15-ARIN |
mnt-by | MNT-ISC-94-Z |
created | 2024-01-30T14:15:15Z |
last-modified | 2024-01-30T14:15:15Z |
source | ARIN |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC source:RADB
route | |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200306 |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
origin | AS3557 |
remarks | This prefix is used for the F-Root name server, and is |
remarks | anycasted from multiple locations. |
remarks | Please see http://f.root-servers.org/ for more information. |
remarks | The server is operated by ISC, http://www.isc.org/. |
remarks | Trouble reports should be sent to noc@isc.org which opens a |
remarks | ticket. Emergency via telephone, +1 650 423 1310. |
remarks | This route should only be originated by AS3557. The prefix |
remarks | should be seen everywhere in the world. If |
remarks | you cannot see the prefix please open a ticket. Local |
remarks | nodes will also announce with NO_EXPORT. You |
remarks | must directly peer with ISC to see the more specific route. |
remarks | The other half of the prefix, is used for |
remarks | ISC's SNS service, see http://www.isc.org/solutions/sns/. |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | F-ROOT 2 source:ARIN
route | |
origin | AS3557 |
descr | F-ROOT 2 |
admin-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | BELLI82-ARIN |
tech-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | RA15-ARIN |
mnt-by | MNT-ISC-94-Z |
created | 2024-01-30T14:48:55Z |
last-modified | 2024-01-30T14:48:55Z |
source | ARIN |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC source:RADB
route | |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200306 |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
origin | AS3557 |
remarks | This prefix is used for ISC's SNS service and is |
remarks | anycasted from multiple locations. |
remarks | Please see http://www.isc.org/solutions/sns/ for more |
remarks | information. The server is operated by ISC, |
remarks | http://www.isc.org/. |
remarks | Trouble reports should be sent to noc@isc.org which opens a |
remarks | ticket. Emergency via telephone, +1 650 423 1310. |
remarks | This route should only be originated by AS3557. The prefix |
remarks | should be seen everywhere in the world. If |
remarks | you cannot see the prefix please open a ticket. There |
remarks | should also be a supernet,, please see that |
remarks | route for more information. |
remarks | The other half of the prefix, is used for |
remarks | ISC's F-Root service, see http://f.root-servers.org/ |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid | F-Root source:ARIN
route | |
origin | AS3557 |
descr | F-Root |
admin-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | BELLI82-ARIN |
tech-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | RA15-ARIN |
mnt-by | MNT-ISC-94-Z |
created | 2024-01-30T14:15:52Z |
last-modified | 2024-01-30T14:15:52Z |
source | ARIN |
rpki-ov-state | valid | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC source:RADB
route | |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200306 |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
origin | AS3557 |
remarks | This prefix is used for the F-Root name server, and is |
remarks | anycasted from multiple locations. |
remarks | Please see http://f.root-servers.org/ for more information. |
remarks | The server is operated by ISC, http://www.isc.org/. |
remarks | Trouble reports should be sent to noc@isc.org which opens a |
remarks | ticket. Emergency via telephone, +1 650 423 1310. |
remarks | This route should only be originated by AS3557. The prefix |
remarks | should only be visible if you peer directly |
remarks | with ISC. ISC announces this prefix to all peers with |
remarks | NO_EXPORT. If you see this prefix and do not peer directly |
remarks | with ISC please open a ticket. |
remarks | There is a covering supernet, which should be |
remarks | seen everywhere. |
remarks | The other half of the prefix, is used for |
remarks | ISC's SNS service, see http://www.isc.org/solutions/sns/. |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2001:500:2e::/47 F-Root cover source:ARIN
route6 | 2001:500:2e::/47 |
origin | AS3557 |
descr | F-Root cover |
admin-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | BELLI82-ARIN |
tech-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | RA15-ARIN |
mnt-by | MNT-ISC-94 |
created | 2024-01-30T14:51:16Z |
last-modified | 2024-01-30T14:51:16Z |
source | ARIN |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2001:500:2e::/47 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC source:RADB
route6 | 2001:500:2e::/47 |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200306 |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
origin | AS3557 |
remarks | This prefix is used for the F-Root name server, and is |
remarks | anycasted from multiple locations. |
remarks | Please see http://f.root-servers.org/ for more information. |
remarks | The server is operated by ISC, http://www.isc.org/. |
remarks | Trouble reports should be sent to noc@isc.org which opens a |
remarks | ticket. Emergency via telephone, +1 650 423 1310. |
remarks | This route should only be originated by AS3557. The prefix |
remarks | 2001:500:2E::/47 should be seen everywhere in the world. If |
remarks | you cannot see the prefix please open a ticket. Local |
remarks | nodes will also announce 2001:500:2F::/48 with NO_EXPORT. You |
remarks | must directly peer with ISC to see the more specific route. |
remarks | The other half of the prefix, 2001:500:2E::/48 is used for |
remarks | ISC's SNS service, see http://www.isc.org/solutions/sns/. |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2001:500:2e::/48 F-Root 2 source:ARIN
route6 | 2001:500:2e::/48 |
origin | AS3557 |
descr | F-Root 2 |
admin-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | BELLI82-ARIN |
tech-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | RA15-ARIN |
mnt-by | MNT-ISC-94 |
created | 2024-01-30T14:51:42Z |
last-modified | 2024-01-30T14:51:42Z |
source | ARIN |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2001:500:2e::/48 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC source:RADB
route6 | 2001:500:2e::/48 |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200306 |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
origin | AS3557 |
remarks | This prefix is used for ISC's SNS service and is |
remarks | anycasted from multiple locations. |
remarks | Please see http://www.isc.org/solutions/sns/ for more |
remarks | information. The server is operated by ISC, |
remarks | http://www.isc.org/. |
remarks | Trouble reports should be sent to noc@isc.org which opens a |
remarks | ticket. Emergency via telephone, +1 650 423 1310. |
remarks | This route should only be originated by AS3557. The prefix |
remarks | 2001:500:2E::/48 should be seen everywhere in the world. If |
remarks | you cannot see the prefix please open a ticket. There |
remarks | should also be a supernet, 2001:500:2E::/47, please see that |
remarks | route for more information. |
remarks | The other half of the prefix, 2001:500:2F::/48 is used for |
remarks | ISC's F-Root service, see http://f.root-servers.org/ |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2001:500:2f::/48 F-Root source:ARIN
route6 | 2001:500:2f::/48 |
origin | AS3557 |
descr | F-Root |
admin-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | BELLI82-ARIN |
tech-c | ISCN-ARIN |
tech-c | JSO127-ARIN |
tech-c | RA15-ARIN |
mnt-by | MNT-ISC-94 |
created | 2024-01-30T14:50:59Z |
last-modified | 2024-01-30T14:50:59Z |
source | ARIN |
rpki-ov-state | valid |
2001:500:2f::/48 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC source:RADB
route6 | 2001:500:2f::/48 |
changed | ekb@isc.org 20200306 |
descr | Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. aka ISC |
mnt-by | MAINT-AS1280 |
origin | AS3557 |
remarks | This prefix is used for the F-Root name server, and is |
remarks | anycasted from multiple locations. |
remarks | Please see http://f.root-servers.org/ for more information. |
remarks | The server is operated by ISC, http://www.isc.org/. |
remarks | Trouble reports should be sent to noc@isc.org which opens a |
remarks | ticket. Emergency via telephone, +1 650 423 1310. |
remarks | This route should only be originated by AS3557. The prefix |
remarks | 2001:500:2F::/48 should only be visible if you peer directly |
remarks | with ISC. ISC announces this prefix to all peers with |
remarks | NO_EXPORT. If you see this prefix and do not peer directly |
remarks | with ISC please open a ticket. |
remarks | There is a covering supernet, 2001:500:2E::/47 which should be |
remarks | seen everywhere. |
remarks | The other half of the prefix, 2001:500:2E::/48 is used for |
remarks | ISC's SNS service, see http://www.isc.org/solutions/sns/. |
source | RADB |
last-modified | 2023-11-13T16:00:09Z |
rpki-ov-state | valid |