This section shows a quick analyis of the given host name or ip number. Zonemx .eu has three name servers, one mail server and two IP numbers.
Zone and zonedata name servers
The name servers are .ee , .eu and ns3.zonedata .net .
Zonemx mail server
The mail server is zonemx .eu (used by 1,950 domains). 1,950 domains use only the mail server zonemx .eu . Example: mockupsrc .com , unsinkable .eu , funditbank .com and prefabeu .com .
IP numbers
The IP numbers are and . The PTRs of the IP numbers are mod-64-120.tll01.zoneas .eu and mx-64-145.tll07.zoneas .eu . The IP numbers are in Tallinn, Estonia. They are hosted by Zone Media LLC.
We investigated 101 domains that use zonemx .eu as a mail server. We estimate that it is used as mailserver for 1,950 domains. We have a premium report available for .
Results found
Zonemx .com , zonemx .net , zonemx.surebridge .com , mxzone .cn , xmzone .cn , enzomx .com , mexzon .com , monexz .com , mxzone .com , xmzeno .com , xmzone .com and xzomen .com .