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Nathaniel Muir

Nathaniel Muir

Tomatometer-approved critic

I am an avid movie lover who does not care about genres. For better and for worse, I will watch anything.


Movies reviews only

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Rating T-Meter Title | Year Review
Booger (2023) Subtle signs that have been sprinkled throughout begin to come together. It is still a horror movie, but there is another level to it. Regrettably, the ending does not provide a satisfying payoff. Still, it is an enjoyable watch. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Sep 18, 2024
Voice of Shadows (2023) Everything is in place for a perfectly acceptable horror movie, but each additional miscue takes away from the overall enjoyment. That being said, there is enough here to make for a fine watch for the upcoming spooky season. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Sep 18, 2024
Dead Teenagers (Fresh Hell Presents) (2024) Things peak once it is seemingly revealed what is happening. Instead of building its deconstruction of slashers, the film goes in a more vague and ultimately, less interesting direction. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Sep 11, 2024
Broken Bird (2024) The two stories come to a head in a wild third act. There are shocking reveals, beatings, kidnappings, and lots of corpses. It is a lot to take in, including some things that even the movie seems to forget about. But it is an overall creepy watch. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Aug 30, 2024
The Exorcism of Saint Patrick (Fresh Hell Presents) (2024) The Exorcism of Saint Patrick has too many anticlimactic reveals, unexplained moments, and plot twists that its two strong performances can not overcome. It is not a bad movie; it just does not seem to know what it wants to be. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Aug 29, 2024
Caligula: The Ultimate Cut (2023) Though the expanded cut is supposed to follow Vidal’s vision, it is important to remember that version of Caligula never existed. As soon as Brass was brought on, he made extensive rewrites. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Aug 12, 2024
The Dead Thing (2024) The Dead Thing is a compelling watch that mixes horror with elements of an erotic thriller. There are some great scares and impactful moments. It captures the grind of dating, the pain and fear of toxic relationships, and the need to find someone. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jul 31, 2024
Cuckoo (2024) The villain is a hell of a lot of fun and Schafer holds her own as the increasingly injured hero. It may not reveal all of its secrets, but it is a hell of a ride. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jul 31, 2024
The Mandela Effect Phenomenon (2024) Unfortunately, The Mandela Effect Phenomenon has neither the desire or ability to delve too deeply into anything resembling an explanation. By the time it abruptly ends, it is missing structure, meaningful insight, and a tin foil hat. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jul 10, 2024
The Inheritance (2024) The Inheritance manages to be a straightforward horror movie that provides enough twists to keep anyone watching on their toes. It is a haunted house movie that carries on in the tradition of the popular sub-genre without ever seeming derivative. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jul 08, 2024
Cold Blows The Wind (2024) Cold Blows the Wind is an indie horror film that sucks in anyone watching. Great sound design, interesting characters, and some light grindhouse elements all combine for an excellent watch. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jul 02, 2024
The Omicron Killer (2024) The problem is it either goes too far – a dance number involving a doctor – or it is just plain dumb -any scene involving cops. Ultimately, it asks what is the dividing line between so bad it’s good and just so bad. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 25, 2024
The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout (2023) The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout is a documentary about a movie that was made with more than just cinephiles in mind. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 24, 2024
The Devil's Bath (2024) The pacing allows the chance to witness Agnes’s life unspool with each passing moment. It is a difficult viewing experience that also serves as a stark reminder of all the female voices that went unheard for centuries. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 18, 2024
New Wave (2024) New Wave does lose its way at times, but it also has a personal feel that makes it a consistently entertaining watch. The music and clothes bring a sense of fun, while Ai’s story highlights a sense of family that is endearing. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 12, 2024
Beacon (2024) Director Roxy Shih never lets up on the suspense. Emily’s first encounter with Ismael is fraught with fear and distrust. It never goes away as Ismael spends the majority of Beacon trying to prove to her that he is someone she doesn't have to worry about. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 12, 2024
The Weekend (2024) Its well told story and powerful ending make for a memorable watch. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 11, 2024
#AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead (2024) #AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead is a fantastic addition to the slasher sub-genre. It is the right combination of funny, exciting, and disgusting that only the best slashers are able to pull off. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jun 10, 2024
Pandemonium (2023) In the end, it makes for a fascinating watch. The twisted main story gets off to a great start. There is a depth that will pull audiences in. However, once the side stories kick in, Pandemonium loses steam. - AIPT
Read More | Posted May 31, 2024
Hundreds of Beavers (2022) Hundreds of Beavers is a unique mix of decades old comedy, video games, and Looney Toons. Everything blends together seamlessly in a story that is all about having fun. There is nothing else like it. - AIPT
Read More | Posted May 31, 2024
The Image of You (2024) The Image of You will not be the start of a resurgence of erotic thrillers, but it does stand out in today’s more sterile cinematic landscape. It is the type of entertaining fluff there is not enough of anymore. - AIPT
Read More | Posted May 11, 2024
For Sale (2024) Charm may be the strongest thing about the film. Quirky music and characters are the biggest takeaway from For Sale. Roth is particularly good as the shady agent who will do anything to get his sale. - AIPT
Read More | Posted May 06, 2024
Wildcat (2023) Though some moments seem undercooked – the subplot involving Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Lowell adds nothing – the vast majority is a captivating watch. The movie is also a great introduction to Southern Gothic literature. - AIPT
Read More | Posted May 05, 2024
Breathe (2024) The main culprit is the poor writing. It is easy to accept Earth is still and lifeless. It is even easy to forgive all the great tech Darius has managed to make due to…reasons. Why the planet looks like it has gone through a world war is another matter. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Apr 27, 2024
The Coffee Table (2022) The Coffee Table is a gruesome and uncomfortable movie. It does not hang its hat on gross out moments, though. Much of its horror is centered around feelings. (Though there is blood. Lots and lots of blood.) It is an wrenching and captivating watch. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Apr 26, 2024
All You Need Is Death (2023) A somewhat confusing but consistently compelling Irish folk horror film, both surreal and mesmerizing. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Apr 13, 2024
Enter the Clones of Bruce (2023) Enter the Clones of Bruce also looks at the wide ranging influence of the actor, but in a completely different way. It is an often outrageous, but still sobering look at what could have been. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Apr 10, 2024
Sting (2024) Sting has some excellent effects, including some downright brutal kills. The movie is filled with terrifying moments and the spider is absolutely creepy. This will appeal to the adrenaline driven visceral part of your brain. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Apr 09, 2024
Baghead (2023) Full of potential and does plenty right, but a disappointing final act keeps it from being another horror homerun for Shudder. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Apr 07, 2024
The People's Joker (2022) The People’s Joker succeeds thanks to the love and care that is brought to the project – more than is often seen by Disney and Warner Bros. This is a commentary on today’s corporate world not an all out attack on any one company. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Apr 07, 2024
Snow Valley (2024) There are hints of something more sinister and mysterious, but the sudden twist and rushed ending take away any hopes of salvaging this. It is never bad, but it also is never interesting- which is a whole lot worse. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 26, 2024
Dusk for a Hitman (2023) The character driven plot leaves little room for the gun play or fast paced action normally found in these types of films. Ultimately, how much a person enjoys Dusk for a Hitman will depend on how much they are willing to invest in Lavoie. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 25, 2024
Riddle Of Fire (2023) There is a charm to Riddle of Fire that is not often seen in these types of films. Instead of dealing with the angst and turmoil of growing up, the movie focuses on the adventure and joy. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 23, 2024
Late Night with the Devil (2023) Late Night with the Devil does have some of the characteristics associated with the found footage, but it mostly does its own thing. The end result is a scary watch that is compelling television and a great movie. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 19, 2024
Birdeater (2023) Ever since the days of Ozploitation, Australia has been a source for great genre cinema. Birdeater is another fantastic edition that is uncomfortable to watch yet impossible to turn away from. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 10, 2024
Dead Mail (2024) Initially, it seems like it is going to be a mystery, before turning into a thriller about obsession. The final act returns to unraveling clues, but there is a different atmosphere due the revelations over the course of the film. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 10, 2024
T-Blockers (2023) There is little subtlety when it comes to T-Blockers. It is very much a case of what you see is what you get. And this movie has no problems getting right up in your face. But through all the gunk and gore, there is also a lot of heart. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Mar 07, 2024
Amelia's Children (2023) The strange combination of repetitive writing, great moments of terror, and inadvertent comedy make for a worthwhile watch. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Mar 01, 2024
History of Evil (2024) The tension Mirohesseni creates in the early moments due to political turmoil morphs over the course of the plot. Mixed in with some excellent jump scares and tried and trued horror tropes, and History of Evil is a enjoyably difficult watch. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Feb 22, 2024
Cold Meat (2023) Despite some missteps, it all manages to come together in the end. Strong performances paired with an engaging story ensure Cold Meat remains an entertaining watch. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Feb 22, 2024
Stopmotion (2023) The marriage of live-action and animation is done to perfection. Stopmotion is telling two parallel stories that also intersect. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Feb 21, 2024
Cellphone (2023) A noble attempt at being something more than just another formulaic horror movie that ends up falling just short. The script has a tendency to wander, undermining the emotion and the scares that have been effectively done. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Feb 16, 2024
Midnight Peepshow (2022) The main issue is the film never provides enough. There is the promise of sex, sin, and gore, and while Midnight Peepshow does deal in each of those subjects, it always seems to pull back before going too far. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Feb 14, 2024
Out of Darkness (2022) Prehistoric horror is a sub-genre that is woefully underserved. These types of movies tend to involve dinosaurs or time travel. Out of Darkness is a well-crafted horror story that is one of the most unique genre watches in years. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Feb 06, 2024
Gods of the Deep (2023) Shockingly good effects and a no-nonsense approach make Gods of the Deep the type of enjoyable watch there is not enough of nowadays. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Feb 06, 2024
Ghostwritten (2021) Ghostwritten may have one twist too many, but great acting and a gripping old school ghost story will keep audiences watching. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Feb 05, 2024
Dario Argento Panico (2023) This will be a great watch for fans of Dario Argento, but it may be a little too obtuse for those trying to familiarize themselves with the director’s work. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Feb 05, 2024
Departing Seniors (2023) There are some missteps along the way, but this surprising slasher is definitely worth watching. - Morbidly Beautiful
Read More | Posted Feb 02, 2024
There Is a Monster (2024) As a whole, the movie is never actively bad, but it ends up taking itself too seriously. This makes sense considering its inspiration, but it also takes away from what is otherwise a run of the mill thriller. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jan 30, 2024
A Cold Grave (2024) The production may be the best of anything released by DBS Studios. Director Brendan Rudnicki creates an appropriately spooky atmosphere and there are some nice makeup effects. - AIPT
Read More | Posted Jan 23, 2024
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