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Arifa Akbar

Arifa Akbar

Arifa Akbar's reviews only count toward the Tomatometer® when published at Tomatometer-approved publication(s).

Movies reviews only

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Rating T-Meter Title | Year Review
NBC's Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony in IMAX (2024) As creative as it might have been, it appeared disjointed, with the sense of many things happening simultaneously, and the promenading performances jumping from one idea to the next. - Guardian
Read More | Posted Jul 29, 2024
What the Constitution Means to Me (2020) While its subject-matter is American, there is universality in its philosophical arguments around law-making, power, fairness, and broadening the concept of freedom within ancient definitions. - Guardian
Read More | Posted Oct 20, 2020
Hamilton (2020) There is extraordinary direction - again under Kail - so that the cameras capture the mise en scène of theatre without losing any of the closeup intimacy of film. - Guardian
Read More | Posted Jun 30, 2020
Pass Over (2018) As a drama, Pass Over is a masterful tragedy. As a reflection of the world, it is all too real and utterly woeful. - Guardian
Read More | Posted Jun 03, 2020
Do You Think I'm Pretty? (2014) A provocative - and understandable - hour. - Independent (UK)
Read More | Posted Sep 19, 2013
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