CONFIG - USR1 Parameter Descriptions
CONFIG - USR1 Parameter Descriptions
CONFIG - USR1 Parameter Descriptions
General Terminal/OS
Name=Current Value *backlight=20 *bass=50 *go=AppLauncher.exe *telnet=1 *treble=50 *volume=90 *ZR=8 *ZX=1 Definition Sets the display backlight brightness. Default is 15. Adjusts the internal speaker bass (Mx870). Default is 50. Range 0-100. The application (process) to startup on power up. Enables/disables a Telnet server daemon. 0 = off, 1 = on. This should be disabled for production. Adjusts the internal speaker treble (Mx870). Default is 50. Range 0-100 Sets the speaker volume. Default is 50. Used to indicate download baud rate of 115200 for D99-initiated downloads. Automatically start application after a download. 0 = off, 1 = on.
Name=Current Value 3DES=1 Definition 0 = 1-DES encryption for PINs. Default value. 1 = 3-DES encryption for PINs. Note: Used for Master/Session only. Indicates whether the LEDs should automatically flash when any of the Q commands are issued. NOTE: The LEDs are automatically shut off once the Q command is satisfied/responded to after a card is swiped or a RFID contactless card is tapped. Flag indicating how to handle bad card reads. The Popup message that is displayed is Card Read Error! Please Slide Card Again., with a STOP icon. Default is 0 (off). When BadMagReadMsgBox = 0 (or when variable is not present) on a bad swipe the device just error beeps, no Popup msgbox is displayed, no response packet is sent and magnetic stripe reader is still active (runway lights still on) when BadMagReadMsgBox = 1 on a bad swipe the device error beeps, a Popup msgbox is displayed asking to swipe card again, no response packet is sent and msr is still active (Runway lights still on) when BadMagReadMsgBox = 2 on a bad swipe the device error beeps, no Popup msgbox is displayed, response packet of <STX>81.<FS><FS><FS><ETX>LRC is sent and msr is deactivated (Runway lights turned off) when BadMagReadMsgBox = 3 on a bad swipe the device just error beeps, a Popup msgbox is displayed asking to swipe card again, response packet of <STX>81.<FS><FS><FS><ETX>LRC is sent and msr is still active (Runway lights still on)
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*BADCARDMSG - message to use in msgbox that is displayed after <*MAXBADCARDSWIPES> bad swipes. This message is used only if *MAXBADCARDSWIPES is configured and is greater than 0. *MAXBADCARDSWIPES - flag that determines how many bad MSR swipes the MX will read before displaying the message verbiage set in *BADCARDMSG (if any). Valid range: 0-9; 0 = not used (default). A response message is sent to the POS, the MSR is disabled and the message is displayed in a msgbox for 5 seconds before continuing. The POS can determine what determine what steps to take next when no card data is obtained from the user. Baud rate used by terminal application (common values: 8=115200, 7=38400, 6=19200, 5=9600, 4=4800, 3=2400, 2=1200, 9=57600) Default: 8 (for 115200 baud) The BM configuration allows the user to control whether each transaction is going to be buffered by the VeriFone terminal. 0 = Buffered Mode Enabled 1 = Buffered Mode Disabled The CASHBK parameter allows the user the option to select the value to use for any cashback desired. Valid range is 00000-99999. Cashback for Whole Amounts. This parameter allows for the customer to select a whole cashback amounts enabling quicker transactions. This is used for switching between English and Spanish. CLANG=0 is the default, for English. The CLR parameter allows the user the option to disable the CLEAR key when at the idle prompt. 3 = Disable the clear key except when in PIN session 2 = Disable the clear key completely 1 = Disable the clear key at the idle prompt. 0 = Clear key remains enabled at the idle prompt. Indicates communication type of terminal application (other possible values: USB, RS232, ECR) COM port (on terminal block) used by terminal application. This number corresponds to the cable port you are using. Note: this is NOT the PCs COM port. This variable has been introduced to prevent ini file updates in /home/usr1. If D2UPDATE is absent or is set to zero (also by default), any D2 (or Z8) command will not update the ini message file. If the value is greater than zero, it will update the message file. This should only be turned ON if the customer uses the D2 command in a sensible way, like for eg. Once during startup of the register. Indicates DUKPT engine to use. Possible values are 0, 1 and 2. Default value is 0.
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This Everest mode function key emulation flag ensures display of the image showing inverted triangular keys pointing downwards.(1,2,3), thus facilitating the use of the 1,2,3 keys corresponding to the function keys on the Everest. The FA_GENERIC forms can be modified using the integrator, so that the 2nd label is placed just above the image. There is a hidden edit field, this can be moved/positioned to the bottommost area, so that it does not clash with the image, or the text right above the image, if a Z50 command is received. NOT USED. Determine whether to add the form name in an XEVT packet. 0 = dont add form name to XEVT packet (default 1 = add form name to XEVT packet Minimum Flash size needed by the application in units of 1000 bytes (KB); needed for downloads into Flash; if the available Flash is less than this value, the application will automatically do a Flash-coalesce to create Flash space. Default is 200. The HBENBL parameter is used to turn on/off the application-level TCP/IP heartbeat messages. Valid values 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. IP address of PC register when running in COMMTYPE=TCPIP mode, when MX is the client (i.e., SERVER=0) Port number of PC register when running in COMMTYPE=TCPIP mode, when MX is the client (i.e., SERVER=0) The HS parameter allows the user to specify whether the handshaking signal option is used : 0= Handshaking disabled 1= Handshaking enabled NOTE: The HS setting also applies to the external port. The IS configuration allows you to select the order in which the consumer is prompted during a buffered transaction. You may elect to have either the payment selection or card swipe be the first step. Place the following characters in the position to set the desired initial state. T = transaction selection C = card swipe Determines whether to use the KP200 keyboard for PIN entry. 0 = dont use KP200 keypad; use normal NUMERIC keypad. 1 = use KP200 keypad OBSOLETE OBSOLETE This is the size of the internal application log to log packets to a file for debug purposes. The default value is 4Kb. Once the limit is reached it recycles the file after creating a backup. The log files are named app.log and appold.log respectively. Used to indicate the type of PINpad Key Management being used; MK=0 is for Master/Session, 1 is for DUKPT. (A common misconception is that this indicates the type of key encryption used; encryption for us is always DES (1-DES or 3-DES, as indicated by the 3DES parameter)
The MKIDX parameter allows the user the option to select the index of the Key to use for Master/Session PIN transactions. Valid range is 0 9. Determines how many characters to display on any certain label. Default value is 32 characters. For the MX850/830, this parameter value needs to be set to 16 to allow a smooth transition if moving from the Everest/Omni 7000. When you set MPAYCHOPTXT=16, it may cause some messages/prompts to split at unintended places. To prevent this, modify and space the messages in the mpaymsgfile.ini. Determines whether to strip leading spaces from D2 and Z2 commands. 0 = off, 1 = on. By default MPAYWELCPROMPTTYPE=0, which means display only the animation (.eet) on the WELCOME screen in MultiPay mode. Set MPAYWELCPROMPTTYPE=1 to play videos in idle screen. Note that this works only if MULTIPAY=1 and IS=X. The avi file bound to the video control is mpayidle.avi. Flag to turn on/off MultiPay emulation mode. 0 = off, 1 = on. Default value: 0 (off) PIN entry timeout value in seconds. Default value: 60 The PNUL parameter allows the user the option to allow a zero length pin entry when prompted for the PIN. 0 = Disable the PIN, not allowing the user to enter a zero length PIN. 1 = Enable the PIN allowing user to enter a zero length PIN. PNUL flag will determine optional PIN Entry path for 70 command, rather than the C or D option. This parameter (if set to 1) will send back DUKPT encryption responses like that of the PINpad 2000. (See responses to packets Z60, Z62, and 70).
Protocol format (4 = 8N1, 0 = 7E1).
External port selection ABCD format, where: A=port number (1-3) B=baud rate ( 8=115200, 7=38400, 6=19200, 5=9600, 4=4800, 3=2400, 2=1200) C=format (4 = 8N1, 0 = 7E1) D=command scheme (0=<STX><ETX>LRC used, 1=<CR> terminates command) NOTE: The config variable PS1 is used to specify settings when connecting a PP1000SE external PINpad device to the MX800 Series terminal. Emulate Q40 packets with PINpad 2000. This parameter (if set to 1) will open the card reader, similar to the PINpad 2000. When a card is then swiped, the data is sent to the ECR. Retry timeout in seconds (to indicate after what interval a packet should be retried if it fails to get an ACK/NAK). Controls whether standard RSA PKCS #1 version 1.5 padding is applied to data before RSA encryption. If set to 1, padding is performed. If missing or set to 0, no padding is performed. For TCPIP, set this to 0 if you want the Mx800 to act as the client, or 1 if the Mx800 is to be the server.
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2009 VeriFone, Inc.
SFK is valid only with the Z44 command or with the language button on the slide card screen(if this is required). Where: 1 = key code of a 2 = key code of b 3 = key code of c X = No key code ScreenSaver timeout in seconds (to indicate when the touch panel should be shutoff; a setting of 0 disables the screensaver). Indicates the name of form file (without .FRM extension) to display after power-up and after display of Form Agent application version information. Very useful to display the customers starting screen with logo, marquees, etc. This facility is provided in lieu of the legacy LOGOBMP and LOGODT parameters. Optional. External comm. port 1 stop char in decimal (13 = Carriage return). External comm port 2 stop char in decimal (13 = Carriage return). 0 = Verifone device will not accept new TCPIP connections after establishing the initial connection. 1 = Verifone device will accept newest TCPIP connection and will drop old connection. Port number of terminal when it is a Server, when running in COMMTYPE=TCPIP mode Touch Panel Recalibration Time (default = 0200, for 2 AM in the morning). Used to automatically recalibrate the touch panel at the specified time; typically a time when the store is guaranteed to be idle and there is no chance of any body parts/fingers being near the touch panel when the recalibration is being performed. Track delimiter flag (1 = send entire track buffer, 0 = do not send first character of track buffer). Transaction Selection, TS= PNCXXGFL The transaction selection parameter determines how each of the VeriFone PINpad 6 corresponding programmable selection keys will behave during a buffered transaction. One of the following characters must be placed in each position to configure the keys. P PIN required for transaction (Debit) N No PIN required for transaction (Credit) C PIN and CashBack entry required F PIN required for EBT Food transaction G PIN and CashBack entry required for EBT Cash transaction B Pin and no cashback with EBT Type selection(Balance Inquiry) L Key language X Key disabled NOTE: The application automatically reloads the last valid transaction selection parameter if invalid characters are entered. TS is valid only with the Z44 command in buffered mode or with the language button on the slide card screen (if this is required). FormAgent application version.
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2009 VeriFone, Inc.
The Z3TIM parameter allows the user the option to display messages from a Z3 command for a certain time period. Valid range is 1 5 seconds.
Signature Capture
Name=Current Value 3BA=0 SIGBLK=480 SIGCANCEL=1 Definition This parameter (if set to 1) will configure the signature data into three byte ASCII format. SigCap block size Note that with USB the maximum size of a packet is 512 bytes and it is recommended that the max value used is 480. If SIGCANCEL=1(this is the default), then CANCEL is allowed on signature screen. If SIGCANCEL=0, then the sig screen allows only CLEAR and ENTER. This applies only if the application is in Multipay mode. Not required, since SigCap is not being used. Value 1 indicates to automatically stop running animations on first pen-down of sigcap; restart them if sigcap restarts. SigCap endianness (0=big endian, 1=little endian) SigCap filter resolution (0=no filtering, 100 = max filtering) This variable is read and manipulated by Guimgr. NOTE: Setting to a high value will result in jagged signatures.
*osdlspace=5 SENDSTARTUPMSG=0 *vpacktimeout=25 *vpautodownload=1 *vpdownloaddir=/home/usr1 *VPDOWNPORT=5016 *vpdowntimeout=300 *VPS=0 *VPSERVERADDRESS= *VPSERVERPORT=5015 *VPSIG=0
Download space available on Visual Payments server if it is monitoring for deviceinitiated Signature and Receipt packets (Signature Solutions messages). This parameter, if set to 1, will send a XVER response when the application starts...Not specific to VisualPayments. Visual Payments packet timeout. Auto-download setting for Visual Payments. Set to empty if not using Visual Payments. Directory to which the files are downloaded. As of now this can only be /home/usr1. Socket port number that application will listen on for DeviceSolutions and ContentSolutions messages from the VisualPayments server. String for Down Channel Idle Timeout, in seconds. Default is 60 seconds. Flag to enable VisualPayments (general) functionality in the application. 0 = off, 1 = on. Default value: 0 (off) IP address of Visual Payments server. Connection Port address on Visual Payments server. Flag to enable VisualPayments Signature Solutions functionality in the application. 0 = off, 1 = on. Default value: 0 (off).
ECR Interface
Name=Current Value *DLE_PROC=0 Definition Determines if DLE encoded protocol should be used for communication. Default is to NOT use the DLE protocol and should be enabled only when the POS/register supports it. ECR configuration. Set via a System Mode ECR download. If a FULL download is selected then G4683 is set to FULL. If a PARTIAL download is selected then G4683 is set to PART. This variable is not read by the operating system and exists so that the application can determine the download mode type. When the download starts either by System Mode ECR/Serial download or a call to the ecrDownload() function, this variable is read. If its value is set to FULL, then all files and sub-directories will be deleted. ECR configuration. Indicates the port selected. If the terminal is configured in tailgate mode, then this corresponds to the port of the poll address that the terminal responds to. If the terminal is configured in Feature C mode, then it is set to RS232. The legal values are: 2A23 tailgate port responding to poll address 0x68 2B23 tailgate port responding to poll address 0x69 2A25 tailgate port responding to poll address 0x64 2B25 tailgate port responding to poll address 0x65 R232 Feature C (rs232) port communications with ECR ECR configuration. Indicates the RS232 port configuration. This is known as the line configuration for the port and is only valid if I4683 is set to R232. It is a 13-byte string with the following format: | COM port | B | Baud | Word Size | Parity | Stop Bits | Auto Enable | RTS |
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*L4683=2 1152008N1A
ECR configuration. Indicates the application and parameter ID numbers. These numbers are sent during a download in the online packet (01.XXXXYYYY). It is an 8-byte alphanumeric string where XXX and YYY are defined as follows: XXXX Application Version YYYY Parameter ID ECR configuration. Indicates the Lane Identification number. This value is set in System Mode and the legal values are any 8-byte numeric string. The OFL parameter allows the user the following options pertaining to the 4683 driver. 3 = Reset the application but not the driver 2 = Restart the 4683 driver and reset the application. 1 = Display the message This Lane closed only, driver and application are not reset. Section where user tuned kernel parameters are defined. Used to increase the number of Linux message queues from its default value of 16. Does not need to be so large; can be set to 24.
*S4683=88888888 OFL=1
[sysctl] kernel.msgmni=64