Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
. Forces you to make choices on what you will do and what you will not do. Pulls the entire organization together around a single game plan for execution. Broad outline on where resources will get allocated. A GOOD STRATEGIC PLAN SHOULD: Address critical performance issues. Create the right balance between what the organization is capable of doing vs. what the organization would like to do. Cover a sufficient time period to close the performance gap. Visionary convey a desired future end state. Flexible allow and accommodate change. Guide decision making at lower levels operational, tactical, and individual.
Strengths Strengths Those things that you do well, the high value or performance points Strengths can be tangible: Loyal customers, efficient distribution channels, very high quality products, excellent financial condition Strengths can be intangible: Good leadership, strategic insights, customer intelligence, solid reputation, high skilled workforce Often considered Core Competencies Best leverage points for growth without draining your resources
Weaknesses Weaknesses Those things that prevent you from doing what you really need to do Since weaknesses are internal, they are within your control Weaknesses include: Bad leadership, unskilled workforce, insufficient resources, poor product quality, slow distribution and delivery channels, outdated technologies, lack of planning.
Opportunities Opportunities Potential areas for growth and higher performance External in nature marketplace, unhappy customers with competitors, better economic conditions, more open trading policies Internal opportunities should be classified as Strengths Timing may be important for capitalizing on opportunities
Threats Threats Challenges confronting the organization, external in nature Threats can take a wide range bad press coverage, shifts in consumer behavior, substitute products, new regulations May be useful to classify or assign probabilities to threats The more accurate you are in identifying threats, the better position you are for dealing with the sudden ripples of change.
Why create a baseline? Puts everything about the organization into a single context for comparability and planning. Descriptive about the company as well as the overall environment Include information about relationships customers, suppliers, partners Preferred format is the Organizational Profile
Mission Statement Captures the essence of why the organization exists Who we are, what we do Explains the basic needs that you fulfill Expresses the core values of the organization Should be brief and to the point Easy to understand If possible, try to convey the unique nature of your organization and the role it plays that differentiates it from others
Vision How the organization wants to be perceived in the future what success looks like Goals Describes a future end-state desired outcome that is supportive of the mission and vision. Shapes the way ahead in actionable terms. Best applied where there are clear choices about the future. Puts strategic focus into the organization specific ownership of the goal should be assigned to someone within the organization. May not work well where things are changing fast goals tend to be long-term for environments that have limited choices about the future. An expression of the desired end state Challenges everyone to reach for something significant inspires a compelling future Provides a long-term focus for the entire organization
Objectives Relevant - directly supports the goal Compels the organization into action Specific enough so we can quantify and measure the results Simple and easy to understand Realistic and attainable Conveys responsibility and ownership Acceptable to those who must execute May need several objectives to meet a goal
What are Action Plans? The Action Plan identifies the specific steps that will be taken to achieve the initiatives and strategic objectives where the rubber meets the road Each Initiative has a supporting Action Plan(s) attached to it Action Plans are geared toward operations, procedures, and processes They describe who does what, when it will be completed, and how the organization knows when steps are completed Like Initiatives, Action Plans require the monitoring of progress on Objectives, for which measures are needed Action Plan Execution Requires that you have answered the Who, What, How, Where, and When questions related to the project or initiative that drives strategic execution Coordinate with lower level sections, administrative and operating personnel since they will execute the Action Plan in the form of specific work plans Assign action responsibility and set timelines Develop working plans and schedules that have specific action steps Resource the project or initiative and document in the form of detail budgets (may require reallocation prior to execution) Monitor progress against milestones and measurements Correct and revise action plans per comparison of actual results against original action plan
Continuous Feedback through the Balanced Scorecard Cascade and align from the top to create a Strategic Management System. Use the Balanced Scorecard framework to organize and report actionable components. Use the Scorecard for managing the execution of your strategy. Scorecard forces you to look at different perspectives and take into account causeeffect relationships (lead and lag indicators) Improves how you communicate your strategy critical to execution.
Performance Management Establish a regular review cycle using your balanced scorecard. Analyze and compare trends using graphs for rapid communication of performance. Dont be afraid to change your metrics life cycle (inputs to outputs to outcomes) Work back upstream to revise your plans: Action Plans > Operating Plans > Strategic Plans Planning is very dynamic must be flexible to change. Recognize and reward good performance results Brainstorm and change take corrective action on poor performance results.