Fundamental Moral Theology

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CICM Maryhill School of Theology

Quezon City


1. Understanding Morality 2. Faith & Morality 3. The Human Person by Prof. Brian V. Johnstone, CsSR 4. Human Dignity & The Moral Aspect of the Human Person by Prof. Marciano Vidal, CsSR 5. Basic Freedom & Morality by Joseph Fuchs 6. Freedom & Knowledge by Prof. Marciano Vidal, CsSR 7. The Human Act 8. Traditional Morality & Sin by D. Westley 9. Understanding Sin Today by Richard M. Gula, SS 10.Moral Perspective by Brian Berry 11.Moral Magisterium of John Paul II by Prof. Paul Soper

Bernice E. Bumatay,smra SY 2011-2012

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