Agm 2011 Minutes

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Minutes of Annual General Meeting th Held 7 September 2011 at AFC Totton, Salisbury Road, Totton 1) Chairmans Welcome John

welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for turning up. Record of Attendance and Apologies Apologies : Carol Bega, Jill Harvey, Tony Lees, Martin lever, Jan Kidd, Matt Philips, Mike Elmes, Martin Nugus, Keith Roff, Tina Mills, Wayne Taylor, Spencer Hufton Attendees : Rebecca Barber, Luke Bates, Stewart Bonewell, Graham Bungay, Pam Bungay, Sonia Cluitt, Mary Collett, Virginia Collins, Lara Cove, Diana Davis, Kevin Day, Carol Dillon, Sean Driscoll, Bruce Elkins, Janet Foote, Andy Gates, Jon Goulding, Kevin Harris, Brian Harvey, John Hayes, Nick Illingsworth, James Jablonski, Jane Kitchen, Marlene Letheren, Mike Letheren, Stephen Maddocks, Simon Mason, Emmett McCarthy, Mike Mills, Any Morris, David Murray, John Mursell, Hayley Nowak, Kylie Nugus, Dave Pilbeam, Emma Pilbeam, Rene Pilbeam, Justin Rangecroft, Rebecca Rees, Kate Rowan, Angela Soffe, Frances Stewart, John Timms, Sylvia Timms, Sue Tizard, Katharine Trusson, Steve Wallington, Matt Watson, Penny Watson, Jez Weaving, Caroline Wilton. Minutes of previous meeting th The minutes of the previous meeting, 8 September 2010, were read through and were unanimously agreed as an accurate record of that meeting subject to one amendment that in the treasurers report the worth of the club should include the junior Tri account so making it 10500 not 9500. Proposed by Brian Harvey, Seconded by Marlene Letheren and agreed by the members in a vote. Matters Arising There were no matter arising from the previous meeting minutes. Chairmans Report It is my pleasure to report another successful year in the life of Totton Running Club. The club continues to grow in strength, we have over 200 paid up members this year and training nights are attracting 40 to 50 runners on a regular basis. The club continues to be financially stable. The club continues to attract quality runners without becoming a two-tier club and we have had our best ever season in respect of the RR10 series. The club captains will flesh out the details of our successes in their individual reports. My personal congratulations go to Helen and Nick for their outstanding achievements. With regard to our support of local charities, an issue of importance to many of our members, we have not made a cash award this year. However, we have facilitated the corporate triathlon on behalf of Rose Road Association and this event raised in excess of 7500. This is far more than we could hope to raise through an individual event such as the Totton 10k or the Stinger. Your committee have worked hard throughout the year and I thank them for their support. We have provided training 3 nights per week, organised a CC6 and RR10 a Stinger and two triathlon events, we have supported and taken part in many other local events. One or two of the committee are standing down this year, notably Bruce who with the help of Christine has kept good control of the club finances. I thank him for his support and wish good luck to his proposed successor David Murray. The committee have resolved to examine the roles and accountability of the club officers in an effort to increase efficiency and to spread the workload. We have started this process in respect of trying to reduced the workload of the secretary, we have recruited Jez Weaving to look after membership issues and renewals and Kate Sneddon to revive the newsletter. We also have new organisers of the Triathlon in the form of Darren and Sue, Kylie continues to organise the Stinger. The proposed organisational changes will be debated and agreed by the committee and put to the membership over the next year by way of an EGM or the next AGM. The aim is to spread the load and involve more members, each doing a little to a common purpose. In closing I am happy to stand as chairman for another year but will stand down at the end of the 2011/12 season. I will continue beyond that time in a coaching role if the club so wishes. Secretarys Report With an ever-increasing membership (over 200 at present and at least one or two enquiries each week) club admin is constant and for me taking on a lot of tasks meant much time being taken up so inevitably something had to give. Kate Sneddon has now taken on the newsletter and Jez has stepped in to help out with the membership admin this year. While the information is still coming to me at the moment, Jez will be recording all the information as the forms come in, organising membership cards and chasing up non-renewals. I will still be responsible for the






UK Athletics affiliations, and most members will now have received their competition licences for this year. UKA are becoming more efficient gradually so communication and problem sorting is becoming easier. There are many benefits now coming through from UK Athletics and we do not take enough advantage of some of them, their coaching programmes being one. For anyone that would like to do some formal coach training, the one day Leader in Running Fitness qualification would be ideal. If anyone is interested in doing this please let me know and I will get information to you. Another benefit is the allocation of London Marathon Places, and this year we are hopeful that again we will have at least 3 to give away. We are also renewing subscriptions to the Hampshire Road Race League and would like to include these races as part of our club championship portfolio to encourage more participation, more information on this later. We also plan to renew with the HCCL and want to try and increase participation in these races, maybe with the help of a team co-ordinator. These are very similar to the CC6 races but taking place on Saturday afternoons and you are running against clubs from all over Hampshire, rather than just local clubs. These races are set distances and are timed, so a good benchmark for improvements and as they are a team event, the more people that turn out the better for support. We will also be entering the RR10 and CC6 league races for the forthcoming year. The survey we asked people to fill in earlier this year is still being analysed and results will be reported soon. Finally a reminder for subscription renewals, and just to remind you to let me know if you change any of your contact details so that I can update the club records and you can be kept in touch. 7) Treasurers Report Bruce gave a summary of the figures included in the accounts for the year. Each category heading is fairly selfexplanatory with the main form of income being memberships. Some minor income from helping support other races Great South, Big Run. Most social events are self-funding including dinner dance. The club does subsidise some events Pasta Party, London Marathon Coach, and Test Way Relay buses. No profit is made on Kit sales as new member discount tends to mean 10% off most orders. Total Club worth after adding in Junior tri is around 12000, up slightly on previous year. A vote was proposed to thank Christine for all her hard work in supporting Bruce through the past few years. Thanks to were offered to Hayley/Caroline & Kate for their support at this years tri in the kitchens, along with Doreen from Hounsdown and Bruces mother-in law who together managed to bring in a 300 profit on the canteen. Thanks also to Darren and Sue for taking on the organisation, which over the years has been a provision of a community service and a way of giving back to those who are not yet able to join our running club. Overall the Junior tri had a 200 surplus. Brian Harvey proposed a vote of thanks to Bruce and Christine for their 10 years organising the Junior tri. Bruce then proposed that the accounts be accepted for the year and were seconded by Dave Murray and unanimously accepted by the members present. It was noted that Bruce Elkins is now standing down as Treasurer and a new Bank Mandate needs to be completed to add Dave Murray as new treasurer to the signature list. Also to add Simon Mason (Club Vice-Chair) onto the list, with the requirement for 2 signatures on any cheque to remain in place. (Post meeting note If we wish in future to use internet banking to make payments and receive payment we will need to consider how we can do this as at present the 2 signature requirement means we cannot use online banking facilities to be discussed at committee) Mens Captains Report nd Hants Cross Country league We had a poor turnout for the HCCL. In the first race we had 4 runners, in the 2 Race rd th th 3, the 3 race was cancelled due to snow and the 4 race no one turned up, the 5 race only one runner. These are on a Saturday afternoon but they are good fun and if re-elected I will push these races for the forthcoming season. Hants cross Country Championships This year held at Fleming Park, a good turnout of 9 runners with 8 finishers. CC6 series There were 177 male runners who took part in this series and we had 21 members who took part in this, th our top 3 were Brian Frampton, Stephen Wood and Tony Lees. The mens team finished 7 out of 9 teams and rd combined with the ladies finished 3 out of 10 teams. nd Hampshire Road Race League We did get teams for the HRRL finishing 2 in Division 3, so this year we have been promoted to Division 2. RR10 series There were 479 runners who took part in this series and we had 59 members who took part. Our top 3 nd th th th were Nick Buis, James Dean and Graham Bungay. We had a total of 6 teams, which finished in 2 , 13 , 20 , 26 , nd th 32 and 38 out of 51 teams. Overall a great year for Totton men, so lets keep this going. Thank you and well done to all those who have raced over the past year. Ladies Captains Report This year the ladies of Totton Running Club have seen the best results in recent history; I will keep this short and sweet and highlight some of our achievements this year. We retained the Test Way mixed team trophy with Lucy, Karen, Juliana, Virginia and me joining the men in the



successful team. Thank you to everyone that helped organise our teams and good luck to the teams this year. nd The CC6 was another success story, our best ladies team finishing 2 overall, again another incredible result. Our ladies turnout was good with every run well supported. I just want to remind everyone that they start again on st the 2nd October it would be great to get a 1 this year. th th nd From a ladies perspective the RR10 league has gone from 12 to 8 Last year to an amazing 2 place this year, nd th our turnout and consistency was so good even our 2 team was 12 overall. We have seen a lot of great individual performances with many ladies achieving increasingly better results every race. I would just like to highlight Helen Wallington for winning the ladies title overall, I dont think Totton has achieved that before, and joining her in the top ladies team have been Claire Dyer, Lucy Buis, Laura Pankhurst all of them achieving impressive results. On a personal note I would like to thank all of the ladies of Totton Running Club and although I have just mentioned the top performers tonight every lady in the club achieves something fantastic every race. It has been an honour to be Ladies Captain this year and although it has been tough juggling family, work, dog, injury and annoying husband I have enjoyed it. I look forward to the coming year and being part of the Ladies of Totton Running Club. 10) Election of Officers 5 present committee members are willing to stand again in their current roles: John Mursell Chairman Simon Mason Vice Chairman Sue Tizard Secretary Sean Driscoll Mens Captain Andy Gates Mens Vice Captain The members voted that these committee members should continue for a further term in office. Changes and new members Dave Murray Treasurer (proposed by Bruce) Diana Davis Ladies Vice Captain (changing committee role) Kylie Nugus Ordinary member (changing committee role) Angela Soffe Ordinary Member (changing committee role) Caroline Wilton Ordinary member (proposed by Andy Hayter, Steve Foster and Miranda Eason) All were voted onto the committee unanimously in a block vote. It was noted that all committee roles were under review with job descriptions being drawn up to enable post on the committee to be more transparent and to share the workload. Therefore committee will decide whether the current roles are still relevant or whether changes in title need to be made. The 10 new committee members however are now set to serve until next year, when John Mursell will stand down and a Chair vacancy will arise. Post meeting note - Thanks to Paul for his committee stint and to Marlene, standing down after several years on the committee were also offered. Discussion Items and proposals to be voted on 1 Great South Travel Reimbursement Brian Harvey proposed that anyone helping out at the Great South who took people in their car to help out, were contributing to the club income, so it would be nice a gesture if they could gain some recompense for their travel costs. The committee agreed this was a good idea to encourage car sharing and an ex gratia amount of 10 per vehicle was proposed if a club member took others to help out at the Great South. This to be applied for by the member driving. 2 Club Championships Having discussed and agreed we would hold a club championship we have only used the Copythorne 5k and 10k races over the past few years as a championship race. A few years ago a proposal was made to include a selection of races, which the members at that AGM agreed on. However the mechanics of that working had never been progressed. The proposal for the forthcoming year is therefore to use races we already take part in and encourage more people to become involved. Using the Hants Road Race League Races (HRRL) the RR10 and CC6 (for slower runners) people would need to take part in a minimum amount of races to count for the championship. See separate proposal sheet. Comments made included : Adding in one or two Hants Cross Country Races For - This would encourage people to take part in these events. Against - These are on Saturdays and many have other commitments, People do not do these anyway so would they be encouraged? Using only races where times were available to add age grading for the whole championships. - For allows for comparison of all age groups compared to the standard. Against - A nice idea but very time consuming and administratively a nightmare, though appreciated that times are a good way to grade. Encouraging volunteering by starting with extra points and removing them for volunteer stint to reduce totals For - a good idea to encourage volunteering Against - an administrative exercise is time consuming. Fastest people are always likely to win so why would anyone want to bother? For faster people are likely to win in any event without having any adjustments for their ability, age grading would level the field more.


Against - Not all of the faster runners take part in all races, so in effect slower runners have a chance to move up the ladder and achieve higher places for more races taken part in, also why should fast runners be penalised for being fast? Use RR10s by giving points to start and remove a point for each race run to reduce total. For simplifies the race workings out as all club members will have points to start with and the reduction in points comes from taking part. Against sounds like a good way to process results, but is not what is initially being proposed and this was a proposal not a discussion. All comments and suggestions were discussed as valid ways of working a club championships and it was suggested that maybe for this year we could go with the proposal as set and review it later to see if any changes need to be made. The proposal as agree for the forthcoming year therefore, was that the club championships would include HRRL (possibly age graded) CC6 (for slower runners) and RR10s for all, with possible reduction for volunteering at events. Mechanics to be confirmed. Who will administer? Copythorne 5k and 10k will continue to be a stand-alone age graded championship race to encourage more people to get involved. Cheques for 2011 Copythorne Championship race were distributed 5k Lady Sylvia Timms, 5k man Andy Dyer, 10k Lady Sonia Cluitt, 10k Man Dave Ransom AOB/Points for discussion for New Committee Committee to discuss role descriptions for committee members to enable clarity of roles and workload sharing. Kit requires someone to take on. Kylie to hold at present Bank Mandate amendments minuted above under Treasurers report to enable Dave Murray to become a signatory and remove Bruce Elkins, also to Add Simon Mason. A mob Match with Lordshill and Hardley has been suggested HRRL race in Ryde request for subsidised transport to get there (Noted that Portsmouth Wightlink already offer 2 for 2 travelling for the race) Consider subsidising kit further Potential to find a regular base to train from, maybe contact with AFC Totton for some sessions of future training. Test Way thanks to all who took part and helped from the club by Graham Bungay Question re Totton 10k and the likelihood of it being resurrected as a race. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9pm Date of Next meeting th th To be 5 September 2012 Venue TBC. With next committee meeting to be held 6 October 2011

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