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The Aorist

Indicativo attivo Congiuntivo attivo

Ottativo attivo
Imperativo attivo Indicativo medio
Congiuntivo medio
Ottativo medio Imperativo medio
1 sing.

2 sing.
3 sing.

2 duale

3 duale

1 plur.

2 plur.

3 plur.

In this period my favourite subject

is Greek. I like it because the letters
of this language are different and I
love writing them.
There isn't a topic that I prefer, but
there is a topic that I hate: The

The aorist is a verbal tense where the

verbal theme changes from the
original one.
It indicates a past action and we have
three types of aorist:
-Aorist I
-Aorist II
-Aorist III
we have two types of aorist I:
-Aorist I sigmatico
-Aorist I asigmatico

The aorist is formed with

the verbal theme + -sa- (thematic
feature) + thematic vowel + active
and passive endings

There is another aorist, well

known as ''cappatico'', because
in the first three persons of the
indicative aorist there is -k- .
only three verbs have this aorist:

n the aorist there are phonetic


I hate the aorist because it is

difficult and because of the
verbal changes.

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