Review Warrington

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Keith Warrington Discovering Jesus in the New Testament This writing falls under Christology, an aspect in New Testament

theology. It is a publication that calls for attention. Much has gone into this work. Warringtons work shows that he is a good creative thinker. This is demonstrated in this book as he weaves together New Testament accounts on Jesus Christ in a very systematic and dynamic way. Also this writing presents an impressive historical chart of key theological words; a sample of this is found in pp. 47-48 on logos. Chapter 1 examines the unified and individual portrayal of Jesus in the Synoptic gospels (pp. 5-43). Chapter 2 presents Johns portrayal of Jesus as the Eternal Son of God in view of His supremacy and salvation. Chapter 3 traces Lukes account of Jesus Christ in Acts as the One who ascended into heaven yet powerfully presentthis is done by the outpouring of the Holy Spiritas He promised. Chapters 4-14 surveys Pauls portrayals of Jesus Christ in his various writings as the Saviour and also discusses Christs humanity and divinity (especially in Philippians and Colossians) tied with major scholarly debates. In chapter 16, Jesus Christ is presented in Hebrews as the Superior Saviour both in person and His priesthood ministry. The authority of Christs Lordship and the power of His name is brought to the fore in the epistle of James in chapter 17. Chapter 18 has Peterine epistles emphasize the suffering and victory of Jesus Christ. In chapter 19, John presents Jesus Christ as the author and dispenser of eternal life, in the Johannine epistles. Chapter discusses Jesus Christ as the just judge and merciful master in the book of Jude. Chapter 21 unfolds Johns presentation of Jesus as the victorious Lamb of God. DJNT makes its readers to be Christologically informed as portrayed in each New Testament book. Also, a proper and excellent perspective is given to Christs role [God the Son] in the Triune body (p. 135) and God the Father (p. 148). Nonetheless the following observations and comments should be put into consideration: 1. Failure to state clearly the reasons for the difference in Synoptic accounts of Jesus temptations in pp. 12-13, 20. 2. The title Unique Mentor for Jesus (p. 23) a designation used in relation to Christs relationship with the disciples. I think it is best to state it this way: Unique Master. 3. If we should view the book of Acts as not strictly a history in the modern sense (p. 58) then how should we view it or refer to it? If on the basis of Lukes selectivity that Acts is judged not to be a history, then that is a wrong judgment.

Selectivity of historical data was a common convention in Lukes day and still present with us today. DJNT provides a gold mine of information to anybody who is interested in the New Testament Christology. As such the book would be an excellent resource for an adult Sunday school class. Also I recommend this book for the use of the laity, for sermon preparation for pastors, or even for supplementary reading for theological students.. DJNT has much to commend it. Michael Olajide ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Warrington has rightly pointed out in the introductory chapter that books have been written on Jesus Christ can be grouped in three major categories:

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