Celebrate Calm

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Defiance, Yelling and Sibling Fights

Calm Coach Kirk martin and his teenage son Casey

L a ug h- out- loud fun ny, pr a c t i c a l a n d l i fe c ha n gi n g !

Guest Motivational Speakers

9 OCT Two Sessions

0900-1100 melTdownS & ConfliCT: CreaTing a STreSS-free family Call 451-4103 To regiSTer youre noT The boSS of me! Call 451-0176 To regiSTer
Russell Marine & Family Center Auditorium Ball Center

Kirk will show you how to: Stop the yelling and power struggles even with your teen. Eliminate defiance, disrespect, and sibling fights. Improve focus, attention, and behavior in school. Create stress-free mornings, homework time and bedtime.


motivating Strong willed Kids and Teens Attendance is free and open to active duty service members and their family members.
ChildCare informaTion will be Shared upon regiSTraTion.

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