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Description: Tags: 0304Vol1Ch1
Description: Tags: 0304Vol1Ch1
In this chapter, we discuss student eligibility requirements that don’t require information from the
Department’s systems. The school determines on its own whether the student meets these eligibility
requirements. In some cases the financial aid office will need to get information from other school
offices, such as the admissions office or the registrar, or from other organizations, such as high
schools or testing agencies.
▼ Conditional acceptance. Some schools admit students under a Regular student citations and
conditional or provisional acceptance. For example, a student might example
HEA Sec. 484(a)(1), (b)(3), (4);
be conditionally accepted until he provides further documentation,
34 CFR 668.32(a)(1)
such as academic transcripts or test scores, or demonstrates an ability
to succeed in the program (by receiving acceptable grades in program Lem Community College allows anyone
coursework). Typically the school will limit the student’s enrollment, with a high school diploma or the
in terms of number of courses or enrollment status, until the student equivalent to enroll in any course. Many
meets the necessary conditions. of LCC’s students do not intend to
receive a degree or certificate. Lem
Students admitted as conditional are regular students only if they requires students who want to receive a
are officially accepted into the eligible degree program, as determined degree or certificate to complete a form
by the school’s admission policies. The Department does not define stating which degree or certificate they
the meaning of official acceptance or admission. If the student is are studying for and to meet regularly
merely allowed to take some courses before being officially admitted with an academic advisor. LCC
considers them to be regular students,
to the program, she is not considered to be a regular student and is
while others in the same classes are
not eligible until she is officially admitted.
not regular students.
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Conditional acceptance admitted into an eligible degree or certificate program and then
examples enrolls in courses in the continuing education department that apply
Example 1. Guerrero University allows to his degree or certificate program, he would be a regular student
students to take graduate courses be- and eligible for FSA funds.
fore they have taken the GRE, but it limits
them to no more than three courses
and does not admit them into its gradu-
Remedial coursework
ate programs until they have submitted Remedial coursework prepares a student for study at the
acceptable GRE scores. They aren’t postsecondary level. A student enrolled solely in a remedial program
regular students and aren’t eligible for is not considered to be in an eligible program, however, she might be
FSA funds. eligible for Direct Loan or FFEL funds, as described under
“Preparatory coursework” below. If the student’s acceptance into the
Example 2. Park University accepts stu- eligible program is contingent on completing the remedial work, she
dents into its graduate programs on the cannot be considered to be enrolled in the eligible program until she
condition that the students receive no completes the remedial work.
grade lower than a “B” in the first three
courses in their program. During this You cannot count noncredit remedial hours in the student’s
time, Park University considers these
enrollment if the noncredit remedial course is part of a program that
students to be admitted into the gradu-
leads to a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent. A student
ate programs, so they are eligible for
FSA funds. If, however, students receive is never permitted to receive funds for GED training or for coursework
a grade lower than a B in any of the first prior to the completion of high school, even if the GED or high
three classes, their admittance will be school training is offered at postsecondary schools. These remedial
withdrawn, and they then will be ineli- hours must not be counted, even if the course is required for the
gible for FSA funds. postsecondary program.
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
To be eligible under this exception, the student must be taking Preparatory coursework
courses that are a prerequisite for admission. If the student is simply example
taking the courses to raise his or her GPA in order to be admitted, the Eddy has a bachelor’s degree, with a
student would not qualify for loans under this exception. major in mathematics. He wants to
enroll in a graduate computer science
program at Guerrero University. He
Teacher certification coursework needs 12 more semester hours of
A student may receive Perkins Loans, Federal Work Study, computer science coursework to meet
Stafford Loans, and PLUS loans if he or she is enrolled at least half Guerrero’s admission requirements. He
time in a required teacher certification program, even though the enrolls in courses that are part of
teacher certification program does not lead to a degree or certificate Guerrero’s undergraduate degree
awarded by the school. To qualify, the program must be required for program, but because he is not enrolled
initial elementary or secondary teacher certification or recertification for the purpose of receiving an
in the state where the student plans to teach or in the state where the undergraduate degree, he is not a
student is completing the program. Optional courses that the student regular student. However, because the
elects to take for professional recognition or advancement, and coursework is necessary for his
courses recommended by your school but not required for enrollment in the graduate program, he
may receive a FFEL or Direct Loan for this
certification do not qualify. You should document that the courses are
required by the state for teacher certification.
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Academic qualifications ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS
Sec. 484(d), 34 CFR 668.32(e) To receive FSA funds, a student must be qualified to study at the
postsecondary level. A student qualifies if she:
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
Some students finish their home schooling at an age younger Factors for Test Selection
than the age of compulsory school attendance in their state or in When selecting a test, the school should
the state where your school is. Another part of the federal law consider the following:
defines an eligible institution as one that admits as regular students
• Relevance of the test to the
only persons who have a high school diploma or equivalent or
educational program. Are the skills
persons beyond the compulsory attendance age for the institution’s and abilities assessed important for
state. The Department considers a home-schooled student to be successful completion of the program
beyond the age of compulsory attendance if your school’s state of study?
would not require the student to further attend secondary school or
continue to be home-schooled. See also volume 2 on institutional • Level of difficulty of the test. Is the
eligibility. overall level of difficulty appropriate to
the population of prospective students
Ability-To-Benefit (ATB) test being assessed and to the coursework
If the student doesn’t have a diploma or equivalent and was not required in the program?
home-schooled, she can still qualify for aid by passing a Department-
• Native language. If the student’s
approved “ability-to-benefit” test. You don’t have to use the same test
program will be taught in a language
for all students; you can pick the one most suitable for each student.
other than English, the student should
The most recent list of approved tests was published in the be permitted to take the test in the
September 4, 2002 Federal Register. language of the program. (See “Special
▼ Arranging for ATB tests. The regulations also specify testing
procedures that your school must follow. You must make • Tests for students with physical
arrangements with one or more test administrators, who must be disabilities. Students with physical
certified by the test publisher. You should contact the test publisher to disabilities should receive appropriate
locate a certified test administrator. Certified test administrators may assistance in test taking, in accordance
include high school guidance counselors, test and measurement with the guidelines developed by the
experts, human resource development professionals, qualified American Educational Research
Association, the American Psychological
professional educators, or regional Armed Forces Command staff who
Association, and the National Council of
are experts in education, training, and human resource development.
Measurement in Education.
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Approved Ability-to-Benefit Tests | PublishersCh. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
ASSET Program: Basic Skills Tests (Reading, Writing, American College Testing (ACT), Placement Assessment Pro-
and Numerical)—Forms B2, C2, D2, and E2 grams, 2201 North Dodge Street, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, Iowa
Passing Score: Reading (35), Writing (35), and 52243, Contact: Dr. John D. Roth, Telephone: (319) 337–1030,
Numerical (33) Fax: (319) 337–1790
Career Programs Assessment (CPAT) Basic Skills American College Testing (ACT), Placement Assessment Pro-
Subtests (Language Usage, Reading and grams, 2201 North Dodge Street, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, Iowa
Numerical)—Forms B and C 52243, Contact: Dr. John D. Roth, Telephone: (319) 337–1030,
Passing Score: Language Usage (42), Reading (43), Fax: (319) 337–1790
and Numerical (41)
Combined English Language Skills Assessment Association of Classroom Teacher Testers (ACTT), 1187 Coast
(CELSA): Forms 1 and 2. Village Road, PMB 378, Montecito, California 93108-2794,
Passing Score: CELSA Form 1 (90) and CELSA Form 2 Contact: Pablo Buckelew, Telephone: (805) 569-0734, Fax: (805)
(90) 569-0004
COMPASS Subtests: Prealgebra/Numerical Skills American College Testing (ACT), Placement Assessment Pro-
Placement, Reading Placement, and Writing grams, 2201 North Dodge Street, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, Iowa
Placement 52243, Contact: Dr. John D. Roth, Telephone: (319) 337-1030,
Passing Score: Prealgebra/Numerical (25), Reading Fax: (319) 337-1790
(62), and Writing (32)
Computerized Placement Tests (CPTs)/Accuplacer The College Board, 45 Columbus Avenue, New York, New York
(Reading Comprehension, Sentence Skills, and 10023–6992, Contact: Ms. Suzanne Murphy, Telephone: (405)
Arithmetic) 842-9891, Fax: (405) 842-9894
Passing Score: Reading Comprehension (55),
Sentence Skills (60), and Arithmetic (34)
Descriptive Tests of Language Skills (DTLS) (Reading The College Board, 45 Columbus Avenue, New York, New York
Comprehension, Sentence Structure and 10023–6992, Contact: Ms. Suzanne Murphy, Telephone: (405)
Conventions of Written English)—Forms M-K–3KDT 842-9891, Fax: (405) 842-9894
and M-K–3LDT; and Descriptive Tests of
Mathematical Skills (DTMS) (Arithmetic)—Forms M-
K–3KDT and M-K–3LDT
Passing Score: Reading Comprehension (108),
Sentence Structure (9), Conventions of Written
English (309), and Arithmetic (506)
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE): (Reading, Total CTB/McGraw-Hill, 20 Ryan Ranch Road, Monterey, California
Mathematics, Language)—Forms 7 and 8, Level A, 93940–5703, Contact: Ms. Veronika Guerrero, Telephone: (831)
Complete Battery and Survey Versions 393–6416, Fax: (831) 393–7128
Passing Score: Reading (559), Total Mathematics
(562), Language (545)
Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST)—Verbal Forms Wonderlic Personnel Test, Inc., 1795 N. Butterfield Rd.,
VS–1 & VS–2, Quantitative Forms QS–1 & QS–2 Libertyville, IL 60048, Contact: Mr. Victor S. Artese, Telephone:
Passing Score: Verbal (200) and Quantitative (210) (800) 323–3742
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Qualitative standards
The law specifies that by the end of the second academic year
(measured as a period of time, not by the student’s grade level), the
student must have a C average or its equivalent or have an academic
standing consistent with the requirement for graduation from the
program. If your school does not use letter grades, it should define
the equivalent of a C average.
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
maximum time frame into equal evaluation periods called increments. Academic amnesty/renewal
An increment can’t be longer than half the program or one academic Some schools have academic amnesty
year, whichever is less. For example, for a 700-clock-hour program, an or renewal procedures through which
a student can apply to have credits at-
increment must not exceed 350 clock hours. For a 2,000-clock-hour
tempted and grades earned in previ-
program, an increment must not exceed 900 clock hours if the school
ous semesters excluded from the cal-
defines the academic year as 900 clock hours. Increments generally culation of the student’s grade point
coincide with payment periods. average. The FSA program regula-
tions don’t provide for such amnesty.
Your school’s policy must also state the minimum amount or In evaluating a student’s satisfactory
percentage of work a student must successfully complete by the end of academic progress for financial aid
each increment. This amount must be high enough to allow the purposes, a school must always in-
student to complete the program within the maximum time frame. clude courses that apply (whenever
taken) toward his program of study.
You don’t have to set a fixed number of hours or credits that must
be completed in each increment. Instead, you can require the student The school may consider the circum-
stances a student uses to support an
to complete a certain percentage of the hours or credits she attempts.
academic amnesty request as mitigat-
By setting a percentage rather than a fixed number of hours or credits,
ing circumstances in an SAP appeal.
you can easily adjust for differences in enrollment status from student
to student or from one year to the next.
Other elements
A school’s satisfactory progress policy must explain how
withdrawals, grades of “incomplete,” repeated courses, transfer
courses, and noncredit remedial coursework affect the SAP
If a school has a written policy that al-
determination. A school must also establish procedures that enable lows only the highest or most recent
students to appeal a determination that they are not making grade to be counted or both credits
satisfactory progress and procedures that enable students to once and grades from previous attempts to
again meet satisfactory progress standards. In procedures of the be deleted, it may exclude a grade for
latter type, a school may require that a student interrupt her a prior attempt when considering the
attendance or pay for her classes for a specified time, but such qualitative SAP standard, but it must
requirements alone do not make the student eligible again. count the credits attempted when con-
sidering the quantitative SAP standard.
Generally the quantitative and qualitative standards used to judge
academic progress include all periods of the student’s enrollment.
Even periods in which the student did not receive FSA funds should
be counted. However, a school may have a policy that allows a
student who switches degree programs to not count for SAP those
grades earned and credits attempted in the old major, though
minimally any courses that apply to the new program must be
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Graduated Qualitative Standard Examples
Guerrero University requires students to have a 2.0 GPA to graduate. A student
who has completed 30 semester hours or less must have a 1.6 GPA, and a
student who has completed 31 to 60 semester hours must have a 1.8 GPA.
Students who have completed more than 60 semester hours must have a 2.0
GPA. In her first year at Guerrero University, Emma takes 28 semester hours, and
her GPA is 1.9. Because her GPA is higher than 1.6, she meets Guerrero’s
satisfactory progress standards.
Owen is also attending Guerrero, and has been attending part time. At the end of
his second year at Guerrero, he’s taken 24 semester hours, and his GPA is 1.7.
Owen also meets Guerrero’s satisfactory progress standards, because his GPA is
higher than 1.6. Although Owen has less than a C average or equivalent at the
end of his second academic year (Guerrero considers 2.0 to be the equivalent of a
C average), he’s still making satisfactory progress because he meets the
standards required by Guerrero for graduation. However, if his GPA doesn’t
improve by the time he completes 31 semester hours, he’ll no longer be
making satisfactory progress.
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
Quantitative Standard Percentage Example First Year Progress
A school that offers a 4-year program could allow students a maximum time Credits required
frame of 6 years to complete the program. Frisson College decides to allow stu-
completion standard 80%
dents a maximum time frame of 5 years for its 4-year microbiology program.
Frisson uses the semester as the increment for measuring satisfactory progress. x credits 30
In order to allow students to complete the program within the maximum time = completed credits 24hrs.
frame, Frisson requires students to complete 80% of the work attempted by the
end of each increment (4÷5=.8).
Two students, Andrew and Malia, are enrolled in this microbiology program. In
Second Year Progress
the first year, both students enroll in 15 credits per semester. At the end of the first FT student - Malia
semester, Andrew has earned 12 credits and Malia has earned 15 credits. At the
end of the second semester, Andrew has earned a total of 21 credits and Malia previous attempted credits 30
has earned a total of 30 credits. + 2nd year credits 30
x completion standard 80%
To be making satisfactory progress, Andrew and Malia must have completed 80%
= completed credits 48hrs.
of the credits attempted by the end of the increment. For the first semester, they
must complete 12 credits (80% x 15 credit hours attempted = 12 credit hours). Be- HT student - Andrew
cause both students successfully completed at least 12 credit hours in their first se- previous attempted credits 30
mester, they both were making satisfactory progress.
+ 2nd year credits 15
By the end of the second semester, they must have completed 24 credits (80% x x completion standard 80%
30 credit hours attempted = 24 credit hours). Malia is still making satisfactory = completed credits 36hrs.
progress at the end of the second semester, but because he only completed 21
credits, Andrew is not making satisfactory progress. Calendar Time Quantitative
Standard Example
In the second year Malia again enrolls for 30 credits, but Andrew only enrolls for
Lem Community College has a 900-
15 credit hours for the year. Andrew successfully completes all these credit hours,
clock-hour program that normally takes
so he has earned 36 credits of 45 attempted. Malia completes 51 credits by the
8 months to complete. Lem allows a
end of the second year.
maximum time frame of 12 months to
complete the program. Lem divides this
To be making satisfactory progress by the end of the second year, Andrew must
time frame into increments of 4 months
have completed 36 credits (80% x 45 credit hours attempted = 36 credit hours).
(which is half the published length of the
Therefore, he is once again making satisfactory progress at the end of the second
program). In order to complete the
year. After the end of the second year, Malia must have completed 48 credit
entire program within 12 months, the
hours (80% x 60 credit hours attempted = 48 credit hours). Malia was also mak-
student must complete 300 clock hours
ing satisfactory progress at the end of the second year.
in each increment. Lem’s satisfactory
progress standards therefore require
the student to attend 300 clock hours
within the first 4 months (the first
increment), 600 clock hours by the end
of the second increment (after 8
months), and 900 hours by the end of
the 12-month maximum time frame.
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Example: mitigating counted. Similarly, a school must at least count those transfer
circumstances credits that apply toward the current program (though it may count
Brust Conservatory has a policy to set all credits from the previous school). A school cannot set a
aside the satisfactory progress maximum time frame based on hours attempted and then have a
standards under certain mitigating
policy to routinely exclude certain hours attempted, such as hours
circumstances, including serious illness.
taken during a summer session, from the SAP review.
Brust’s policy specifies that if the student
becomes seriously ill during a term and
can’t attend classes for a month or ▼ Appeal due to mitigating circumstances. If you allow students to
more, then the courses for the term appeal because of mitigating circumstances an adverse SAP
aren’t taken into account when the determination, your school’s written policy must explain what those
school determines whether the student circumstances may be. In such cases a school does not eliminate any
is making satisfactory progress. Brust grades earned or credits attempted by the student; it only suspends
requires the student to submit the SAP standards for that student and allows him to continue to
documentation from a doctor or other receive Title IV aid. The law gives some examples where allowances
health care provider stating that the might be made for mitigating circumstances: for instance, if a
student’s illness prevented him from student becomes very ill or is severely injured, or if a student’s relative
attending school for at least a month.
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
Your definition of a full time workload for a program must be used Full time student definition
for all students enrolled in that program and must be the same 34 CFR 668.2
definition for all FSA-related purposes, including loan deferments.
You can’t accommodate a student with a learning disability or other
handicap by allowing the student a full time enrollment status lower Half time enrollment
than the minimum standard. HEA Sec. 428(b)(1)(A),
34 CFR 668.32(a)(2), 668.200
▼ Minimum standards for full time enrollment. You may include any
combination of courses, work, research, or special studies in your
school’s definition of workload. The regulations specify a minimum
standard for undergraduate students, but not for graduate students. Example: mixed credits
For undergraduate students, the school full time status must be at enrollment
least: Stanislaw is enrolled in a program at
Lem Community College. In the first
term, Stanislaw is taking six semester
• 12 semester hours or 12 quarter hours per academic term in an hours and three quarter hours and is
educational program using a semester, trimester, or quarter also taking nine clock hours a week.
system; To determine if Stanislaw is enrolled
full time, Lem divides the amount of
• 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an each type of hour by the minimum
educational program using credit hours but not using a requirement for full time, and then
semester, trimester, or quarter system, or the prorated adds the fractions:
equivalent for a program of less than one academic year;
6/12 + 3/12 + 9/24= .5 + .25 + .375
= 1.125
• 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock
hours; Because the result is greater than
one, Stanislaw is enrolled full time.
• for a student who is taking a combination of courses offered
using different types of hours, prorated percentages of the
minimums for credit- and clock-hour measurements that total at
least one (see margin example);
Counting noncredit or reduced-
• a series of courses or seminars equaling 12 semester or quarter
credit remedial work
hours over a maximum of 18 weeks; or
A student can receive aid for a limited
amount of remedial coursework that is
• the work portion of a cooperative education program in which included as part of a regular program.
the amount of work performed is equivalent to the academic As long as the student qualifies for aid
workload of a full time student. for remedial courses, you must include
the remedial courses in the student’s
You must decide if the work portion of a co-op program is
enrollment status.
equivalent to a full time academic workload. If it is equivalent, the co- Some schools give no credit or re-
op student is considered full time, regardless of how many credits your duced credit for remedial classes. To
school grants for the co-op work. determine enrollment status, credit
hours for the remedial class should be
A student taking only correspondence courses is never considered the same as for the comparable full-
to be enrolled more than half time. See chapter 2 in the Pell volume credit class. If you’re using credit hours,
for more on enrollment status and correspondence courses. you can compare the number of class-
room and homework hours of study
If a student is enrolled in courses that do not count toward his that the remedial course requires with
degree, they cannot be used to determine enrollment status unless the hours required for similar courses
they are noncredit or remedial courses as described in the sidebar. offered for full credit. Clock-hour
schools should use the number of class-
room hours attended in the remedial
34 CFR 668.20
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
HEA Section 484(r) OR SALE OF DRUGS
34 CFR 668.40 A federal or state drug conviction can disqualify a student for FSA
funds. The student self-certifies in applying for aid that he is eligible;
you’re not required to verify this unless you have conflicting
Eligibility for incarcerated
A conviction that was reversed, set aside, or removed from the
students (FSEOG, FWS; student’s record does not count, nor does one received when the
Pell only at non-state, non-fed- student was a juvenile, unless she was tried as an adult.
eral penal institutions)
A student is considered to be incarcer-
The period of ineligibility for FSA funds depends on whether
ated if she is serving a criminal sen-
tence in a federal, state, or local peni-
the conviction was for sale or possession, and whether the student
tentiary, prison, jail, reformatory, work had previous offenses. (A conviction for sale of drugs includes
farm, or similar correctional institution. convictions for conspiring to sell drugs.)
A student is not considered to be incar-
cerated if he is in a half-way house or
home detention or is sentenced to serve Possession Sale
only weekends. of illegal drugs of illegal drugs
Incarcerated students are not eligible for
FSA loans but are eligible for FSEOGs 1st offense 1 year from date of conviction 2 years from date of conviction
and FWS and are also eligible for Pell
grants if not incarcerated in a federal
or state penal institution (see Volume 3:
2nd offense 2 years from date of conviction Indefinite period *
Pell Grants for more information).
You may accept the student’s written
3+ offenses Indefinite period *
self-certification that he is no longer
incarcerated. If the student was convicted of both possessing and selling illegal
HEA Sec. 401(b)(8), drugs, and the periods of ineligibility are different, the student will be
HEA Sec. 484(b)(5), ineligible for the longer period.
34 CFR 668.32(c)(2)
A student regains eligibility the day after the period of
ineligibility ends or when he successfully completes a qualified drug
rehabilitation program. Further drug convictions will make him
ineligible again.
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
based aid may be awarded for the payment period; Direct Loans and Conflicting information
FFEL loans may be awarded for the period of enrollment. 34 CFR 668.16(f)
If you are counseling a student who will need to enter such a Gaining eligibility examples
program, be sure to advise the student of these requirements. If a Allen enrolls in a one-year certificate
student certifies that he or she has completed a drug rehabilitation program at Sarven Technical Institute.
program, but you have reason to believe that the program does not Sarven won’t officially admit Allen before
meet these requirements, you must treat this as conflicting information he provides an academic transcript
and resolve the conflict before paying the student any FSA funds. from his previous school, but it admits
him conditionally so he can start classes
in the fall. Sarven receives Allen’s
transcript after he’s attended for a
CONFLICTING INFORMATION month and officially admits him. He’s
In addition to reviewing information provided by the Department’s still in his first payment period when
application system and NSLDS (as discussed in Chapters 2-6), your admitted and so can receive Pell and
school must have internal systems to share information relevant to the campus-based funds for his entire
student’s eligibility, such as the student’s academic standing. The FSA period of enrollment. The school can
program regulations require a school to develop an adequate system to also use the year as the period of
ensure the consistency of any information related to a student’s enrollment for which Allen can receive
application for federal student aid, regardless of the source of that a loan.
information. Your school is responsible for reconciling all information
that it receives, with one exception: if the student dies during the Chavo is finishing his senior year in
high school; his classes end June 4.
award year, the school isn’t required to resolve conflicting information.
He decides to start classes in the
winter at Sarven Technical Institute on
If your school has conflicting information for a student or you January 11. The second payment
have any reason to believe his or her application information is period begins on May 17. Chavo
incorrect, you must resolve such discrepancies before disbursing FSA isn’t eligible for aid when he first starts
funds. If you discover a discrepancy after disbursing FSA funds, you classes at Sarven. However, when
must reconcile the conflicting information and require the student to he becomes eligible after June 4,
repay any aid for which he wasn’t eligible, unless he is no longer Sarven can disburse campus-based
enrolled for the award year. funds to Chavo retroactively for the
current payment period that started
on May 17 (but not for the payment
CHANGE IN STATUS period that started in January) and a
Stafford loan for the current
In some cases, the student’s eligibility status can change during the
enrollment period, which does
award year. These changes almost always affect whether the student include the payment period that
can be paid. We’ll discuss what happens when the student gains began in January.
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004
Correspondence courses
A correspondence course is one for which the school provides instructional
materials and exams for students who don’t physically attend classes at the school. If the
course uses video cassettes or discs, it is a correspondence course unless it provides the
same video instruction to students who physically attend the school that year. A
telecommunications course is considered a correspondence course if the sum of the
telecommunications and correspondence courses offered by the school is 50 percent or
more than the total number of courses. Finally, if a course is part correspondence and part
residential training, it is considered a correspondence course.
A student enrolled in a correspondence course can only receive FSA funds if the
course is part of a program that leads to an associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate degree; if the
program leads to a certificate, the student is not eligible for aid for that course. There are
also restrictions regarding cost of attendance for correspondence courses; see Chapter 7
for more information.
Telecommunications courses
A telecommunications course is one offered principally through television or audio or
computer transmission. This includes open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave,
satellite, and audio or computer conferencing. It also includes courses delivered on video
cassette or disc as long as the courses are also offered that year to students who physically
attend the school. If a course does not qualify as a telecommunications course then it is
considered a correspondence course.
A student can receive FSA funds for a telecommunications course if it is part of a program
that leads to a certificate for a program of one year or longer, or to an associate’s,
bachelor’s, or graduate degree.
Ch. 1 — School-Determined Requirements
Vol. 1 — Student Eligibility 2003-2004