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Admissions Requirements

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2.01.01 Admission
Capella University was founded with a commitment to extend era. The university complies with Title IX of the Education
access to high-quality higher education and is dedicated to the Amendments of 1972, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act
success of its learners. As a part of the admission process, the of 1964 and regulations, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
university seeks to assess an applicant’s potential to succeed in of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the
its online environment. Applicants must meet the program- ADA Amendments Act of 2008.
specific admission requirements outlined in the accompanying
table to be offered admission to Capella University. Although PROCEDURES
particular emphasis is placed on the applicant’s academic I. Application Materials
history, non-academic factors may also be considered A. Graduate applicants must complete the admission
when evaluating an application for admission. Therefore, application and submit an official transcript for the
additional information and/or application materials may be highest degree conferred, as well as any post-degree
requested and considered on an individual basis. Exceptions course work.
to admission requirements for graduate programs may
B. An evaluation of work history and achievements as
be granted by the school dean or designee. There are no
demonstrated by a resume, statement of purpose
exceptions to admission requirements for the Doctor of
and—when required by the program—letters of
Psychology program.
recommendation, and/or other relevant material may
International Applicants also be considered for applicants who do not meet
International applicants must have attended an internationally minimum admission standards.
recognized institution. All applicants are expected to read, C. Truth in Information
speak, write, and understand the English language fluently.
If unexplained discrepancies appear between
Those whose language of instruction is not English are
statements or documents provided to Capella
required to take one of the following tests: the Test of English
University as a part of admission materials and
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Michigan English Language
information otherwise obtained, applicants may be
Assessment Battery (MELAB), International English Language
rejected for admission, admission may be revoked, or
Testing System (IELTS), or the Pearson Test of English
learners may be administratively withdrawn.
(PTE). The only exception to this requirement is reserved for
learners who have earned a postsecondary degree from a U.S.- D. Applicants to a joint degree program must meet the
accredited university. The minimum acceptable TOEFL score admission requirements of each of the individual
established by the university for admission into all programs is degree programs that comprise the joint degree
550 for the paper-based test, 213 for the computer-based test program.
with a score of 4.0 or higher on the Test of Written English II. Additional Admission Requirements
(TWE), or a score of 79 for those completing the Internet- The following degree programs and specializations
based examination. The minimum acceptable MELAB score require additional admission requirements due to
established by the university for admission into all programs accreditation, licensing, and other determining factors.
is 80, the minimum acceptable score for the IELTS is 6.5, and
A. Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and
the minimum acceptable PTE score is 59.
Behavioral Sciences’ PhD in Counselor Education and
Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Supervision degree program are required to have a
Capella University prohibits discriminatory practices and minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
pledges to seek out and minimize all forms of discrimination from a master’s degree granting institution.
in all of its activities and programs. The university supports B. Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and
federal and state legislation prohibiting discrimination against Behavioral Sciences’ MS in Addiction Counseling,
any person based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, national MS in Career Counseling, MS in Marriage and Family
origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, Therapy, MS in Mental Health Counseling, and MS in
or status with regard to public assistance. Further, it is the School Counseling degree programs are required to
university’s policy to assure equal opportunity to all persons have a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA from a bachelor’s
with disabilities, disabled veterans, and veterans of the Vietnam degree granting institution.
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C. Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social 3. Learners granted conditional admission have until
and Behavioral Sciences’ MS School Psychology the end of the first full quarter following their
specialization are required to have a minimum 3.0 program start date to submit all official transcripts
cumulative GPA from a bachelor’s degree granting and/or required documentation. Upon acceptance
institution. of their admission offer, learners under conditional
D. Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and admission status will be permitted to enroll in
Behavioral Sciences’ Play Therapy certificate are second quarter courses.
required to have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA from 4. Learners under conditional admission status who
a master’s degree granting institution. Active learners are eligible to receive financial aid will not receive
currently enrolled in a Capella University master’s financial aid until they have been fully admitted.
counseling or psychology degree program must have a Learners are encouraged to contact a financial aid
minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA in their program at the counselor for more information.
time of application. 5. Learners who fail to complete the application,
E. Applicants to a joint degree program must meet the submit all official transcripts and/or other required
admission requirements of each of the individual documentation, or meet admission requirements
degree programs that comprise the joint degree will be administratively withdrawn from the
program. university.
III. Evaluation Process D. The application does not meet admission
The submitted information is reviewed by the Records requirements. Admission is denied.
Processing and Operations department using a specific set IV. Supervised Practica, Internships, or Field Experience
of guidelines. Clinical programs may also require faculty To ensure availability, appropriate supervision, and
interviews of applicants. The review of all application an equivalent experience, practica, internships, or
material produces one of the following recommendations: field experiences in the following degree or certificate
A. Courses meet established transfer equivalency programs or specializations must be completed in the
requirements developed by the appropriate school for United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S.
admission into the desired program; the institution Virgin Islands.
awarding the highest degree to the applicant is A. School of Education
appropriately accredited; and, if applicable, the
1. Leadership in Educational Administration (PhD,
cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirements
EdS, and MS specializations)
are met. The application is referred to the Records
Processing and Operations department for admission. 2. K–12 Studies in Education (MS specialization)

B. The application meets all admission requirements 3. Curriculum and Instruction (PhD, EdS, and MS
except for business rules. The application is referred specializations)
to the school for a decision. If the school approves the 4. Special Education Leadership (PhD specialization)
application, it is referred to the Records Processing 5. Special Education Teaching (MS specialization)
and Operations department for admission.
6. Early Childhood Education (MS specialization)
C. Conditional Admission
7. Reading and Literacy (EdD and MS specializations)
1. Conditional admission is available to applicants in
B. School of Public Service Leadership
selected programs.
1. Doctor of Health Administration
2. Under conditional admission status, applicants who
have not yet submitted all official transcripts and/ 2. Doctor of Nursing Practice
or other required documentation may be granted 3. Doctor of Public Health
permission to matriculate into their program while 4. Master of Health Administration
continuing the application process.
5. Master of Public Health

Continued on page 7
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Admission Components

Undergraduate Business and Public Service Harold Abel School

School Education
Studies Technology Leadership of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Acknowledgement Agreement 3 3 3 3 3
Official Transcript from
Degree Completion 3 3 3 3
Previous Institution*
International Applicants:
Proof of English Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3

PhD General Counselor Education and

Supervision specialization;
PsyD Clinical Psychology
specialization; MS General Addiction
Counseling, General Career
Letters of Recommendation
Counseling, General Marriage and
Family Therapy, General Mental Health
Counseling, and General School
Counseling specializations; MS School
Psychology specialization
PhD General Counselor Education
and Supervision specialization; MS
General Addiction Counseling, General
Curriculum Vitae Career Counseling, General Marriage
and Family Therapy, General Mental
Health Counseling, and General School
Counseling specializations
PhD General Counselor Education and
Supervision specialization;
PsyD Clinical Psychology
Writing Samples
specialization; MS School Psychology
specialization; School Psychology
specialist certificate
MS General Addiction Counseling,
General Career Counseling, General
Marriage and Family Therapy,
Extended Goal Statement General Mental Health Counseling,
and General School Counseling
specializations; School Psychology
specialist certificate
PsyD Clinical Psychology
specialization; MS School Psychology
Faculty Interview
specialization; School Psychology
specialist certificate
MSN Nurse
BSN RN-to-BSN and Nurse
RN License Verification and Work
Degree Completion Educator Bridge
Experience Acknowledgement Form
specialization specializations;
DNP degree
DBA Business
Intelligence, Global
DBA Course Registration Operations and Supply
Acknowledgment Chain Management, and
Strategy and Innovation
Licensure Disclosure &
Responsibilities Acknowledgement 3 3

PhD, EdS, and MS

Leadership in Educational
Certification of Teaching Administration
Experience Form specializations;
PhD Special Education
Leadership specialization
MS Curriculum
and Instruction, Early
Childhood Education,
Certification of Licensed K–12 Studies
Teaching Form in Education, Reading
and Literacy, and Special
Education Teaching
EdD Reading and Literacy
Teaching License Verification Form
EdD Educational DrPH
Leadership and Epidemiology and
DSW General Social Work
Cohort Auto-Registration Form Management and Health Advocacy
Reading and Literacy Leadership
specializations Specializations

* Tennessee residents applying for admission to undergraduate degree programs must submit an official high school transcript as part of their application materials.
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Admission Requirements

Minimum Cumulative
Capella Degree/ Minimum Level of Grade Point Average
Certificate Education Completed (on a 4.0 scale) Additional Requirements
BS High school diploma or equivalent. None Applicants must be at least 24 years old. (This age
requirement may be waived for military applicants, veterans,
and applicants with 90 or more quarter credits of prior
college/university course work.)
Applicants who do not have any credits eligible for
college/university transfer must successfully complete a
university-approved examination.
BSN Associate’s degree in nursing or diploma in 2.00 cumulative GPA from Applicants must be at least 24 years old. (This age
nursing from an institution accredited by the an associate’s degree requirement may be waived for military applicants, veterans,
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education or diploma granting and applicants with 90 or more quarter credits of prior
(CCNE), the National League for Nursing institution. college/university course work.)
Accrediting Commission (NLNAC), or an Applicants who do not have any credits eligible for
internationally recognized institution. college/university transfer must successfully complete a
university-approved examination.
Applicants to the School of Undergraduate Studies’ BSN
degree program must have a current, unrestricted RN
license to practice in the United States (or its equivalent)
and one year of licensed RN work experience or currently be
employed as an RN.
BPA High school diploma or equivalent. None Applicants must be at least 24 years old. (This age
requirement may be waived for military applicants, veterans,
and applicants with 90 or more quarter credits of prior
college/university course work.)
Applicants who do not have any credits eligible for
college/university transfer must successfully complete a
university-approved examination.
Post-Bachelor’s Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited * 2.30 cumulative GPA Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral
Certificate by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree Sciences’ Play Therapy certificate must have a master’s
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. degree in counseling or psychology. Active learners currently
recognized institution. enrolled in a Capella University master’s counseling or
psychology degree program may be admitted to the Play
Therapy certificate upon successful completion of specific,
pre-determined courses within their degree program and/or
MS Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited * 2.30 cumulative GPA Applicants to the School of Education’s MS Leadership in
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree Educational Administration specialization must have three
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. years of licensed teaching experience.
recognized institution. Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and
Behavioral Sciences’ MS in Addiction Counseling, MS in
Career Counseling, MS in Marriage and Family Therapy, MS
in Mental Health Counseling, and MS in School Counseling
degree programs will be assessed on professionalism and
academic fit to the program as determined by the school.
MSN Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited 2.30 cumulative GPA Applicants to the School of Public Service Leadership’s
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree MSN Nurse Educator specialization must have a current,
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. unrestricted RN license to practice in the United States (or
recognized institution. its equivalent), one year of licensed RN work experience or
currently be employed as an RN, and a bachelor’s degree in
Applicants to the School of Public Service Leadership’s MSN
Nurse Educator Bridge specialization must have a current,
unrestricted RN license to practice in the United States (or
its equivalent), one year of licensed RN work experience or
currently be employed as an RN, and a bachelor’s degree in
a field other than nursing.
MBA Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited 2.30 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
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Admission Requirements, continued

Minimum Cumulative
Capella Degree/ Minimum Level of Grade Point Average
Certificate Education Completed (on a 4.0 scale) Additional Requirements
MHA Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited 2.30 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
MPA Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited 2.30 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
MPH Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited 2.30 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a bachelor’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
Post-Master’s Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral
Certificate by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree Sciences’ Specialist Certificate in School Psychology must
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. have a master’s degree with a specialization in School
recognized institution. Psychology from Capella University.
EdS Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the School of Education’s EdS Leadership in
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree Educational Administration specialization must have three
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. years of licensed teaching experience.
recognized institution.
PhD Master’s degree from an institution accredited * 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the School of Education’s PhD Leadership in
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree Educational Administration specialization must have three
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. years of licensed teaching experience.
recognized institution. Applicants to the School of Education’s PhD Nursing
Education specialization must have a current license as a
registered nurse and a master’s degree in nursing.
Applicants to the School of Education’s PhD Special
Education Leadership specialization must have a master’s
degree in education, a certification or license in special
education, and three years of licensed teaching experience.
Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral
Sciences’ PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision
degree program must have completed a CACREP-accredited
or CACREP curriculum equivalent master’s degree program.
Applicants will also be assessed on professionalism and
academic fit to the program as determined by the school.
DBA Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
EdD Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the School of Education’s EdD Reading and
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree Literacy specialization must have a current teaching license
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. and a master’s degree in Reading and Literacy or a related
recognized institution. field.
DHA Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
DNP Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the School of Public Service Leadership’s DNP
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree degree program must have a current, unrestricted RN license
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. to practice in the United States (or its equivalent), one year of
recognized institution. licensed RN work experience or currently be employed as an
RN, and a master’s degree in nursing.
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Admission Requirements, continued

Minimum Cumulative
Capella Degree/ Minimum Level of Grade Point Average
Certificate Education Completed (on a 4.0 scale) Additional Requirements
DPA Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution.
recognized institution.
DrPH Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA from
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized master’s degree granting
accrediting agency or an internationally institution.
recognized institution.
PsyD Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree Sciences’ PsyD Clinical Psychology specialization must have a
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution or a master’s degree in psychology or a related field. Applicants
recognized institution. combined score of 1,000 will also be assessed on professionalism and academic fit to
on the GRE General Exam. the program as determined by the school.
DSW Master’s degree from an institution accredited 3.00 cumulative GPA Applicants to the Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral
by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized from a master’s degree Sciences’ DSW degree program must have a master’s degree
accrediting agency or an internationally granting institution. in social work from an institution accredited by the Council of
recognized institution. Social Work Education (CSWE).
* Selected degree programs have higher GPA and/or additional admission requirements. Refer to the procedures section II of this policy and Capella’s
University Catalog for more information.
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2.01.01 Admission, continued

C. Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Time limits for Capella University degree and certificate
1. PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision programs are as follows:
2. MS in Addiction Counseling Degrees and Maximum Time from Program
3. MS in Career Counseling Certificates Start Date to Completion
Bachelor’s Degree 8 years
4. MS in Marriage and Family Therapy
Master’s Degree* 4 years
5. MS in Mental Health Counseling
Education Specialist Degree 4 years
6. MS in School Counseling Doctoral Degree 7 years
7. Clinical Psychology (PsyD and MS specializations) Graduate Certificate** 3 years

8. Counseling Psychology (MS specialization) * L earners enrolled in the Master of Science in Education with a
9. Specialist Certificate in School Psychology specialization in Special Education Teaching have a maximum of six years
to complete their degree program.
Note: Capella University is not able to offer visas or other types of * L earners enrolled in the Master of Science in Addiction Counseling, Master
work permits; therefore, obtaining any necessary authorization is of Science in Career Counseling, Master of Science in Marriage and Family
Therapy, Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling, or Master of
the sole responsibility of the learner. All individuals admitted to the Science in School Counseling have a maximum of six years to complete
above specializations must be eligible to work within the United States, their degree program.
Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands at the time of the * L earners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing have a maximum of
six years to complete their degree program.
internship or practicum and must agree that this experience will be
* Learners
 enrolled in the Master of Health Administration have a maximum
completed within the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, or of five years to complete their degree program.
the U.S. Virgin Islands. * L earners enrolled in the Master of Public Health have a maximum of five
years to complete their degree program.
V. Readmission
* Learners
 enrolled in a master’s joint degree program have a maximum of
Learners who do not enroll in courses for four seven years to complete their degree program.
consecutive quarters must apply for readmission and be ** Learners enrolled in the Specialist Certificate in School Psychology have a
maximum of four years to complete their certificate program.
readmitted prior to re-enrolling. Readmitted learners
must meet the program-specifc admission requirements PROCEDURES
effective in the catalog current at the time of readmission.
I. Federal Financial Aid Impact
2.01.02 Maximum Time to Degree Completion This is a university policy separate from financial aid
Capella University requires learners to complete all degree or policies. Therefore, the listed time limits may not align
certificate program requirements within specific time limits with financial aid eligibility requirements. For further
in order to be eligible to graduate. Learners who do not information, contact a financial aid counselor or see the
complete their degree or certificate program within required financial aid policies located on iGuide.
time limits, which are based on their degree or certificate II. Advanced Doctoral Learners
level, will be administratively withdrawn from the university. A. Maximum time to completion for advanced doctoral
These time limits are the outside dates for completion and do learners in the comprehensive examination phase
not supersede the obligation to maintain satisfactory academic of their program will be monitored in conjunction
progress throughout the learner’s program of study. Time with the timely and successful completion of the
limits for degree and certificate programs are outlined in this comprehensive examination course.
B. Maximum time to completion for advanced doctoral
learners in the dissertation phase of their program
will be monitored in conjunction with the timely
and successful completion of each of the required
dissertation milestones.
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III. Failure to Meet Maximum Time To Completion C. Extension Approvals

A. Learners will be notified via email one quarter prior 1. The dean’s designee reviews the proposed DEF and
to the last date of eligibility for maximum time to rationale and determines if they meet the criteria
completion that they will be administratively withdrawn for approval.
from the university unless they have a signed Degree 2. If the extension request is approved, the decision
Extension Form (DEF), granting them an exception and rationale are filed in the learner’s official
that extends their maximum time to completion academic record.
3. If the extension request is not approved,
B. Learners will be notified via email that they have the learner is notified that he or she will be
been administratively withdrawn from the university administratively withdrawn from the university
effective as of the last date of their maximum time to when the maximum time to completion deadline
completion. has expired.
IV. Maximum Time to Completion Extensions 4. The decision of the dean’s designee is final.
A. Extension Criteria D. Failure to Meet DEF Terms
1. Extensions requested due to change of Learners who cannot complete their degree or
specialization or extenuating circumstances may certificate program within the time frame of their DEF
be approved by the faculty chair and validated will be administratively withdrawn from the university,
by the Records Processing and Operations with no option to appeal.
department. Extensions are generally limited to
V. Change of Degree or Certificate Program and Maximum
between two and four quarters, unless the learner’s
Time to Completion
circumstance warrants a longer period, as approved
by the dean or dean’s designee. Learners who change their degree or certificate program
are assigned a new program start date and catalog, which
2. Extenuating circumstance
institutes a new maximum time to completion.
a. A leave of absence may qualify as an extenuating
VI. Readmission and Maximum Time to Completion
A. Readmission Eligibility
b. Time spent during a military leave of absence
does not count toward maximum time to 1. Learners who have discontinued from the
completion. university or who have been administratively
withdrawn after four consecutive quarters of
B. Extension Application Process
inactivity may apply for readmission at any time.
Bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, doctoral, and certificate
2. Learners who have been administratively withdrawn
learners may apply for an extension by contacting their
from the university as a result of not completing
academic advisor to discuss their status.
their degree or certificate program within the
1. Learners consult with their academic advisors maximum time to completion deadline may apply
to identify their remaining degree or certificate for readmission after four full quarters.
program requirements, propose a new time frame
B. Readmission Program Start Date
for completion if necessary, and discuss any
potential financial aid impact. Learners who are readmitted are assigned a new
program start date and catalog, which institutes a new
2. Learners complete the Degree Extension Form
maximum time to completion.
(DEF) located on iGuide that reflects the new
completion date based on the proposed extension.
3. Learners and their academic advisors sign the DEF
and submit it to the dean’s designee for review,
along with appropriate academic rationale.


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