Etl421ass2 Gibson238545
Etl421ass2 Gibson238545
Etl421ass2 Gibson238545
Introduction ........................................................................................ 2 Part A Reflection and feedback on activities designed as part of Assignment 1 ..................................................... 2 Key improvements to activities .......................................................... 4 Part B Specialised numeracy and mathematics teachers for all primary schools? ....................................................... 6 Appendix 1 Annotated References ....................................................................... 8
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 1
Semester 2 2012
Introduction This report focuses on improving the activities which were outlined as part of my first assignment for this subject, Curriculum Through Numeracy, and to demonstrate my ability to reflect on and enhance my professional knowledge and practice through reflective work. Ewing (2010) argues that to implement the most effective curriculum you need to be a reflective practitioner: one who is constantly taking time to investigate, preferably with other colleagues, you curriculum practice, the curriculum decisions you make and their consequences for and impact on students and their learning. As part of this reflective work I will also explore the idea identified in the first assignment, Specialised Numeracy and Mathematics Teachers in Primary School?. As this idea explores alternatives to current teaching methods and school practices, it is addressed in the second section of this report.
PART A Reflection and feedback on activities designed as part of Assignment 1 Feedback from the marker of Assignment 1 was that the activities are sequential, focused on addressing curriculum requirements. However there was room for improvement in ensuring the activities are cross-curricular, interconnected, designed to meet student needs, and ideally ensuring the activities are mutually supporting, tailored to context (G. Griffin, personal communication via CDU Learnline, August 30, 2012). Donald Schons view (in Ewing, 2010) was that reflection should occur in action, i.e. developing the ability to reflect while a lesson is taking place. It was not possible to test these activities in a class situation. Instead, informal discussions about the lessons were held with my mentor teacher and other primary level teachers. Written accounts such as journals, reflections and essays, as well as visual aids such as mind maps and drawings forces us to commit ideas to paper and therefore think and reflect more deeply (Ewing, 2010). The process of reflection used during the development and of improvement of the original activities is summarized in Figure 1 (below).
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 2
Semester 2 2012
Feedback and suggestions compiled from my reflective journal entries (following discussions with other teachers) and after further reading research include: Activities are interesting and fun but maybe the outdoor maths trail would be more suitable for an older age group a group of Year 2s may need more supervision and direction than is possible in a large outdoor space and could quickly lose focus. If the children are grouped in mixed ability groups sharing one answer sheet would the higher-level students complete the questions too quickly and the lower level students therefore wouldnt contribute/engage? How will assessment be done? Are the two activities too similar? Should there be more of a progression from one to the other? To cater for different levels within the groups you could have 2 or 3 problems at each point on the trail the students could choose one or all to answer/solve in the allocated time. What about a themed maths trail to fit in with a current humanities topic, or even an excursion to a park or playground? Are the curriculum learning outcomes you have chosen too narrow, restricting your options for learning? Some additional mathematics learning areas you could include are estimating measurements; counting; finding patterns; keeping a tally (on a supplied chart); timing (i.e. how long it takes different sized balls to roll down the slide); perspective observe when you look down a path into the distance; if there is a kiosk with a price board, work out what you could buy with (say) $7.50. As stated in Williams (2008), the challenge in planning learning for children is to provide the interlinked bigger picture as well as the detail, to enable children to recognise how their learning fits together rather than appearing to be piecemeal. Further, according to Perso (2006), a taskbased approach to numeracy is more likely to improve numeracy outcomes than just teaching basic mathematics skills. Designing tasks that are fun, interactive and relevant engages students and helps them develop a positive attitude towards mathematics, and hopefully increase students confidence in their ability. Upon review of the original activities it became clear that they could be broader in scope to help the students engage in the task. Other subject areas could be incorporated, and connections between the activities and real life could be made so students can more clearly see the relevance of mathematics in their everyday lives. There could be a clearer progression and development from Activity 1 to Activity 2 as observed while on placement, students could become quickly bored and disengaged if the learning material is repetitive or at a level which is too high or too low. The redesigned/improved activities clearly take a cross-curricular approach and aim to engage students and improve outcomes by incorporating elements from the classs history topic. A comparison between the original activities and the revised, improved activities is made in Table 1 (page 4).
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 3
Semester 2 2012
Original activities (Assignment 1) Context Term 2 a Year 2 class of 22 students in a Melbourne Bayside suburb. Higher socio-economic demographic with a wide range of abilities, including 2 special needs children and four accelerated program students
Improved activities Context Term 2 a Year 3/4 class of 22 students in a Melbourne Bayside suburb. Higher socio-economic demographic with a wide range of abilities, including 2 special needs children and four accelerated program students
Unit of work/learning activity Numeracy: Geometry, counting. Literacy: Interacting with others
Unit of work/learning activity Numeracy: Money and financial mathematics; shape; fractions and decimals; using units of measurement; location and transformation; geometric reasoning; data representation and interpretation; History: Community and Remembrance; Historical Knowledge and Understanding Literacy: Interacting with others
Year 2 Content Descriptions Numeracy (Australian Curriculum) To be able to describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies (ACMMG042). Learn to interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features (ACMMG044).
Year 3 and 4 Content Descriptions Numeracy (Australian Curriculum) There can be a broad range of numeracy content covered during these activities: map interpreting and creation; using scale and directions; using measuring instruments; symmetry and angles; monetary transactions; counting; time; fractions; collecting data, categorising and displaying data (ACMNA059, ACMMG065, ACMMG066, ACMMG064, ACMSP069, ACMNA080, ACMMG090, ACMMG084, ACMMG086, ACMMG087, ACMMG089, ACMSP095) Year 3 and 4 Content Descriptions History The role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community (ACHHK062); Sequence historical people and events (ACHHS081); Locate relevant information from sources provided (ACHHS068) Year 3 and 4 Content Descriptions English Listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations (ACELY1676); Plan and deliver short presentations, providing some key details in logical sequence (ACELY1677) (Continued next page)
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 4
Semester 2 2012
Improved activities
Activity 1 Maths Trail, small group activity finding shapes and counting. The activity is discussed as a class. There is a focus on using correct terminology. The children are divided into groups of 3 or 4 (mixed ability levels to facilitate cooperative learning). The students navigate around the school using a supplied map with clues. Each point on the trail has a tag with a question or problem on it. A worksheet is filled out as the groups move along the trail. When the groups complete a set of questions, they show the teacher/helper. If the answers are correct they get a letter. When all letters are collected they are decoded to form a word.
Activity 1 Introduction to maps, legends, finding coordinates. Students complete a pre-assessment questionnaire to ascertain their current knowledge. Discussion about what a Maths Trail is. There is a focus on using correct terminology. Small groups (mixed ability levels to facilitate cooperative learning) move to desks and work to investigate maps and solve some problems as provided on a worksheet (map). As a group, recap knowledge of Black Rocks history (as covered in Humanities). Introduction to maps which will be used in Maths Trail excursion.
Activity 2 Maths Trail Cards finding shapes, counting Activity 1 is built upon map grids and the use of coordinates are introduced. Again the activity is discussed as a class and the children are divided into groups of 3 or 4. The students have to navigate to various places in the school grounds using map coordinates and answer a question on their worksheet. They receive a card with a letter of the alphabet from the teacher for each correct answer. At the end of the activity students have to decipher a code using all the letters received.
Activity 2 Activity 2: Maths Trail around Black Rock area. Students are divided into groups of 5; each group is allocated a parent or teacher. The trail incorporates historical sites, i.e. Black Rock House, Clock tower, HMVS Cerberus. There are three levels of problems to solve at each point to suit variations in students ability. Students can choose one or try all three. They are encouraged to engage in discussion. Activity sheets are compiled based on a wide range of resources, i.e. bus timetables, historical plaques, shapes in buildings, gravestones (!) clocks, taking tallies of people/cars. On return to class a representative from each group presents findings to the class.
Good opportunity for cooperative learning. Assessment is formative, with informal observations and notes taken by teacher.
Good opportunity for scaffolding and cooperative learning. Clearly cross curricular. Assessment is diagnostic and formative. Summative assessment would take place following adequate review and revision (Westwood, 2008) Activities are clearly linked to real life by associating them with the current enquiry learning topic, History of Black Rock and by incorporating everyday items and tools such as playground equipment, buildings, timetables, clocks, pricelists.
The majority of activities are based on solving equations and counting. Linked to literacy with word puzzle at end.
Extension task: Group Discussion: draw a chart or Venn diagram on the whiteboard comparing the Black Rock neighborhood in the 1880s and in the present.
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 5
Semester 2 2012
PART B Specialised numeracy and mathematics teachers for all primary schools? Following is the question I raised in my first assignment, which I will explore further in this report: Should numeracy be treated as a specialist subject in Primary school with designated times (i.e. 5x1 hour sessions per week, ideally in a classroom designed for the purpose) in primary school? Should a pool of primary teachers be trained specifically in mathematics and numeracy teaching rather than as generalists to ensure students build a solid foundation of basic numeracy before they enter secondary school? Poor quality teaching methods and bad teacher communication skills are a major barrier to learning in mathematics. Lack of teacher confidence and competency in mathematics, and inability to teach interactively results in ineffective teaching in many primary schools. Professional development in teaching mathematics is being increased as a result of this observation, however non-specialist teachers in primary schools lack sufficient understanding of the scope, purposes and nature of mathematical learning (Westwood, xxx). The Ofsted report, Mathematics: understanding the score (2008) acknowledges that in the UK most primary teachers have limited mathematics knowledge, which can lead to mistakes in teaching and confuse students. According to Masters report on his independent review A Shared Challenge: Improving Literacy, Numeracy and Science Learning in Queensland Primary Schools (2010), building teachers expertise in both subject content and teaching techniques can help improve achievement levels in primary level literacy, numeracy and science. In addition, ensuring that all schools have access to specialist advice and support in the teaching of literacy, numeracy and science is likely to be a key to raising achievement levels across a system. The first three of five recommendations Masters made were: 1. That all aspiring primary teachers be required to demonstrate through test performances, as a condition of registration, that they meet threshold levels of knowledge about the teaching of literacy, numeracy and science and have sound levels of content knowledge in these areas. 2. That the Queensland Government introduces a new structure and program of advanced professional learning in literacy, numeracy and science for primary school teachers. 3. That additional funding is made available for the advanced training and employment of a number of specialist literacy, numeracy and science teachers to work in schools (and/or district offices) most in need of support. The Victorian Government has provided funding for 60 mathematics specialists to work with 26 primary schools (9 clusters) in 2012, and an additional 40 maths specialists will be selected in 2013. A media release (24 Nov 2011) from the Victorian Minister for Education states that the specialists will work intensively with other teachers to make maths and science lessons as exciting as possible, aiming to encourage students to do well in maths and science and to continue with these subjects in later school years.
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 6
Semester 2 2012
This could be taken much further. Professional learning programs could be developed to upskill suitable qualified teachers to become specialist numeracy teachers. An issue this draws attention to is the lack of minimum requirement for admission to a B.Ed. or Dip.Ed. course in Australia. Mathematical (and literacy) competence of teacher training course applicants needs to be assessed to make sure they are of a suitable standard before they are granted entry to the course. Some universities in the UK offer Mathematics Pathway or Core Mathematics fourth year options in options within their primary education courses. These are focused on developing academic abilities in mathematics and preparing incumbent teachers for the role of curriculum leader for mathematics within primary schools (Williams, 2008). Initially at least one trained specialist in each primary school would act as mentor and coach to generalist classroom teachers, in the longer term moving towards mathematics being treated as a specialist subject. Mathematics classes would all be taken by the specialist teacher and held in a wellresourced Mathematics/science classroom. There would be a focus on cross curricular learning with a sharing of ideas and resources between all teachers. The Mathematics classroom would not be used exclusively for maths lessons generalist teachers and other specialist teachers (i.e. art, music) would collaborate and make use of the resources to link their topics to numeracy. This would be a particular challenge to small schools and may necessitate the formation of collaborative clusters of small schools, to promote the sharing of resources and expertise and end the isolation of individual teachers (Hargreaves, 1996). In the case of remote schools this may necessitate alternative teaching and learning avenues such as online collaboration and virtual classrooms. Another challenge is overcoming barriers and resistance to change by teachers and administrators, and the limited time and competing priorities in schools, which can limit exploration of new ideas and innovations. While attending planning meetings it becomes clear that fitting in prescribed curriculum outcomes leaves little room for innovation and experimentation. Well trained specialist numeracy teachers in primary schools would be able to focus on improving the mathematics learning experience of students by researching and implementing best practice in numeracy and encouraging a cross curricular approach.
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 7
Semester 2 2012
Appendix 1 Annotated References ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2012). Australian Curriculum online. Retrieved from This resource was used to help develop and revise the activities and to make sure they could be related to appropriate curricula. Ewing, R. (2010). Curriculum & assessment: a narrative approach. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. This resource was used to develop an understanding of why we use reflection, and the processes of reflection. Hargreaves, L. (1996). The national curriculum: Can small schools deliver? Confidence and competence levels of teachers in small rural primary schools. British Educational Research Journal, 22(1), 89. This resource was used in further research about possibility of providing specialist expertise in mathematics to smaller primary schools. Mason, J., & Johnston-Wilder, S. (2006). Designing and Using Mathematical Tasks: Tarquin. This resource was used while reflecting on earlier readings and in developing a rationalization for development and revision of the original activities. Masters, G. N. (2009). A Shared Challenge: Improving Literacy, Numeracy and Science Learning in Queensland Primary Schools. Camberwell VIC: Australian Council for Educational Research Retrieved from This resource was used during research into teacher training and primary level mathematics specialist teachers. Merle, M. (2003). Defining mathematical literacy in France. In B. L. Madison & L. A. Steen (Eds.), Quantitative literacy: Why numeracy matters for schools and colleges (pp. 221-223). Princeton, NJ: National Council on Education and the Disciplines. This resource was reviewed during research into specialist mathematics teachers and maths labs. Perso, T. (2006). Teachers of MATHEMATICS or NUMERACY? Australian Mathematics Teacher, June 2006(2), 36-40. This resource was used during consideration of the positive changes and developments that could be made to the original activities. Westwood, P. S. (2008). What teachers need to know about numeracy. Camberwell, Vic.: ACER Press. This resource was used while reflecting on earlier readings and to help rationalize the development and revision of the original activities. Williams, S. P. (2008). Independent Review of Mathematics Teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary Schools. Retrieved from This resource was used in research into teacher training courses and developing government policy, specifically for mathematics specialist teachers in primary settings. It was also used in developing a rationalization for development and revision of the original activities.
GIBSON Melissa
s238545 8
Semester 2 2012