091 Chp4 Case Solutions

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The document discusses several linear programming problems dealing with operations management.

The summer sports camp sheets problem and spring garden tools problem were formulated as linear programming models and solved to minimize costs subject to various constraints. Optimal solutions were provided.

The optimal solution to Walsh's Juice Company problem involved transporting specific amounts of unprocessed grape juice between vineyards and plants and processing grape juice into different products at various plants to minimize total costs.




Model Formulation:
wi = new sheets purchased for week i
(i = 1,2,...8)
xi = sheets cleaned at laundry at end of week i
yi = sheets cleaned by Marys friends at end of
week i
minimize Z = 10(w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + w6 +
w7 + w8) + 4(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 +
x6) + 2(y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5)
subject to
w1 = 115
x1 + y1 = 115
w2 = 210
x2 + y2 = 210
w3 + .8x1 = 250
x3 + y3 = 250
w4 + .8x2 + .8y1 = 230
x4 + y4 = 230
w5 + .8x3 + .8y2 = 260
x5 + y5 = 260
w6 + .8x4 + .8y3 = 300
x6 = 300
w7 + .8x5 + .8y4 = 250
w8 + .8x6 +.8y5 190
wi, xi, yi 0
Model Solution:
w1 = 115 x1 = 0 y1 = 115
w2 = 210 x2 = 0 y2 = 210
w3 = 250 x3 = 52.5 y3 = 197.5
w4 = 138 x4 = 177.5 y4 = 52.5
w5 = 50 x5 = 260 y5 = 0
w6 = 0 x6 = 300
w7 = 0
w8 = 0
Z = $11,940

Model Formulation:
Let i = 1 (trowel), 2 (hoe), 3 (rake), 4 (shovel)
Ri = regular production of product i in stage 1
Si = subcontracted production of product i in
stage 1
xi = overtime production of product i in
stage 1
Ai = regular production of product i in stage 2
yi = overtime production of product i in
stage 2
minimize Z = $6R1 + 10R2 + 8R3 + 10R4 + 7.2S1
+ 12S2 + 9.6S3 + 12S4 + 6.2x1 +
10.7x2 +8.5x3 + 10.7x4 + 3A1 + 5A2
+ 4A3 + 5A4 + 3.1y1 + 5.4y2 + 4.3y3

+ 5.4y4
subject to
.04R1 + .17R2 + .06R3 + .12R4 500 hrs.
.04x1 + .17x2 + .06x3 + .12x4 100 hrs.
.05R1 + .14R2 + .14R4 400 hrs.
.05x1 + .14x2 + .14x4 100 hrs.
1.2R1 + 1.6R2 + 2.1R3 + 2.4R4
+ 1.2x1 + 1.6x2 + 2.1x3 + 2.4x4 10,000 ft2
.06A1 + .13A2 + .05A3 + .10A4 600 hrs.
.06y1 + .13y2 + .05y3 + .10y4 100 hrs.
.05A1 + .21A2 + .02A3 + .10A4 550 hrs.
.05y1 + .21y2 + .02y3 + .10y4 100 hrs.
.03A1 + .15A2 + .04A3 + .15A4 500 hrs.
.03y1 + .15y2 + .04y3 + .15y4 100 hrs.
R1 + S1 + x1 = A1 + y1
R2 + S2 + x2 = A2+ y2
R3 + S3 + x3 = A3 + y3
R4 + S4 + x4 = A4 + y4
y1 + A1 = 1,800
y2 + A2 = 1,400
y3 + A3 = 1,600
y4 + A4 = 1,800
Ri, Si, xi, Ai, yi 0
R1 = 1,691.954 s1 = s2 = s3 = 0
R2 = 1,319.54 s2 = 866.6667
R3 = 1,600 y1 = 0 Z = $85,472.60
R4 = 933.33 y2 = 315.1514
A1 = 1,800 y3 = 0
A2 = 1,084.849 y4 = 388.1822
A3 = 1,600 x1 = 108.0457
A4 = 1,461.818 y2 = 80.4599
x3 = x4 = 0

(a) Let xij = amount invested for i months in month
j where i = 1,3 and 7, and j = 1, 2, ..., 12.
subject to
Jan: x11 x31 x71 + 2,450 + 3,800 = 2,750
Feb: x11 x12 x32 x72 + 2,450 = 2,860
Mar: x12 x13 x33 x73 + 2,450 = 2,335
Apr: x13 x14 + x31 x34 x74 + 2,450 = 2,120
May: x14 x15 + x32 x35 x75 + 2,450 = 1,205
June: x15 x16 + x33 x36 x76 + 2,450 = 1,600
July: x16 x17 + x34 x37 x77 + 2,450 = 3,050
Aug: x17 x18 + x35 x38 + x71 x78 + 2,450 = 2,300
Sep: x18 x19 + x36 x39 + x72 x79 + 2,450 = 1,975
Oct: x19 x110 + x37 x310 + x73 x710 + 2,450 = 1,670
Nov: x110 x111 + x38 x311 + x74 x711 + 2,450 = 2,710
Dec: x111 x112 + x39 x312 + x75 x712 + 2,450 = 2,980
Investments (i = 1,3,7)

Month ( j) 1-month 3-month 7-month

1. January x11 = 410 x31 = 390
2. February
3. March x13 = 115
4. April x74 = 3535
5. May x75 = 1245
6. June x16 = 600 x36 = 250
7. July
8. August x18 = 150
9. September x39 = 875
10. October x110 = 780
11. November x111 = 4055
12. December x712 = 5645
Z = $844.60 earned in interest payments
Max Z x x x j

= + +
= = =

0 005 0 02 0 07


(b)Using sensitivity analysis for the January
constraint, the lower range for the right hand
side is 410. Thus, Susan needs $710 out of her
original $3,800 to make the model feasible
(i.e., avoid an infeasible solution).

xij = tons of unprocessed grape juice transported
from vineyard i to plant j where i = n (New
York), p (Pennsylvania), o (Ohio), and j = v
(Virginia), m (Michigan), t (Tennessee), i
yij = tons of grape juice processed into product i at
plant j where i = j (juice), k (concentrate), l
minimize Z = $850xnv + 720xnm + 910xnt + 750xni
+ 970xpv + 790xpm + 1,050xpt
+ 880xpi + 900xov + 830xom + 780xot
+ 820xoi + 2,100yjv + 2,350yjm
+ 2,200yjt + 1,900yji + 4,100ykv
+ 4,300ykm + 3,950ykt + 3,900yki
+ 2,600ylv + 2,300ylm + 2,500ylt
+ 2,800yli
subject to
xnv + xnm + xnt + xni 1,400
xpv + xpm + xpt + xpi 1,100
xov + xom + xot + xoi 1,700

xnv + xpv + xov 1,200

xnm + xpm + xom 1,100
xnt + xpt + xot 1,400
xni + xpi + xoi 1,400
yjv + yjm + yjt + yji = 1,200
ykv + ykm + ykt + yki = 900
ylv + ylm + ylt + yli = 700
yjv + 2ykv + 1.5ylv = xnv + xpv + xov
yjm + 2ykm + 1.5ylm = xnm + xpm + xom
yjt + 2ykt + 1.5ylt = xnt + xpt + xot
yji + 2yki + 1.5yli = xni + xpi + xoi
xij, yij 0
xni = 1400 yji = 1200
xpm = 1100 ykv = 75
xov = 150 ykm = 25
xot = 1400 ykt = 700
yki = 100
ylm = 700
Z = $10,606,000


xi = experienced employees in week i
yi = new employees in week i
zi = pool of employees available in week i
minimize z = _yi
subject to:
10yi + 30xi weekly hours needed, where i = 1, . . . , 16
30xi weekly hours needed, where i = 17, 18, 19, 20
x1 = 700
xi = .85xi1 + yi, where i = 2, 3, . . . , 16
x17 = .25x16
xi = .90xi1, where i = 18, 19, . . . , 10
yi zi, where i = 2, 3, . . . , 16
z1 = 1,500
z2 = 1,500 y1 + 200
z3 = z2 y2 + 200
z4 = z3 y3 + 200
z5 = z4 y4 + 200
z6 = z5 y5 + 200
z7 = z6 y6 + 200
z8 = z7 y7 + 200
z9 = z8 y8 + 100
z10 = z9 y9 + 100
z11 = z10 y10 + 100
z12 = z11 y11 + 100
z13 = z12 y12 + 100
z14 = z13 y13 + 100
z14 = z14 y14 + 100
z16 = z15 y15 + 100
y1 = 100 x1 = 700.0
y2 = 171.5 x2 = 695.0

y3 = 213.2 x3 = 762.3
y4 = 417.6 x4 = 861.1
y5 = 54.3 x5 = 1148.6
y6 = 408.4 x6 = 1030.5
y7 = 147.0 x7 = 1284.3
y8 = 284.9 x8 = 1238.7
y9 = 189.7 x9 = 1336.8
y10 = 222.1 x10 = 1326.0
y11 = 152.4 x11 = 1349.2
y12 = 302.4 x12 = 1299.2
y13 = 279.9 x13 = 1406.7
y14 = 73.1 x14 = 1475.6
y15 = 517.8 x15 = 1327.4
y16 = 0 x16 = 1646.1
x17 = 411.5
x18 = 370.4
x19 = 333.3
x20 = 300.0
Z = 3,532
Note: This would logically be best solved as an integer
programming model, however the model is so large it
exceeds the capabilities of Excel to solve in a
reasonable amount of time.

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