091 Chp4 Case Solutions
091 Chp4 Case Solutions
091 Chp4 Case Solutions
Model Formulation:
wi = new sheets purchased for week i
(i = 1,2,...8)
xi = sheets cleaned at laundry at end of week i
yi = sheets cleaned by Marys friends at end of
week i
minimize Z = 10(w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + w6 +
w7 + w8) + 4(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 +
x6) + 2(y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5)
subject to
w1 = 115
x1 + y1 = 115
w2 = 210
x2 + y2 = 210
w3 + .8x1 = 250
x3 + y3 = 250
w4 + .8x2 + .8y1 = 230
x4 + y4 = 230
w5 + .8x3 + .8y2 = 260
x5 + y5 = 260
w6 + .8x4 + .8y3 = 300
x6 = 300
w7 + .8x5 + .8y4 = 250
w8 + .8x6 +.8y5 190
wi, xi, yi 0
Model Solution:
w1 = 115 x1 = 0 y1 = 115
w2 = 210 x2 = 0 y2 = 210
w3 = 250 x3 = 52.5 y3 = 197.5
w4 = 138 x4 = 177.5 y4 = 52.5
w5 = 50 x5 = 260 y5 = 0
w6 = 0 x6 = 300
w7 = 0
w8 = 0
Z = $11,940
Model Formulation:
Let i = 1 (trowel), 2 (hoe), 3 (rake), 4 (shovel)
Ri = regular production of product i in stage 1
Si = subcontracted production of product i in
stage 1
xi = overtime production of product i in
stage 1
Ai = regular production of product i in stage 2
yi = overtime production of product i in
stage 2
minimize Z = $6R1 + 10R2 + 8R3 + 10R4 + 7.2S1
+ 12S2 + 9.6S3 + 12S4 + 6.2x1 +
10.7x2 +8.5x3 + 10.7x4 + 3A1 + 5A2
+ 4A3 + 5A4 + 3.1y1 + 5.4y2 + 4.3y3
+ 5.4y4
subject to
.04R1 + .17R2 + .06R3 + .12R4 500 hrs.
.04x1 + .17x2 + .06x3 + .12x4 100 hrs.
.05R1 + .14R2 + .14R4 400 hrs.
.05x1 + .14x2 + .14x4 100 hrs.
1.2R1 + 1.6R2 + 2.1R3 + 2.4R4
+ 1.2x1 + 1.6x2 + 2.1x3 + 2.4x4 10,000 ft2
.06A1 + .13A2 + .05A3 + .10A4 600 hrs.
.06y1 + .13y2 + .05y3 + .10y4 100 hrs.
.05A1 + .21A2 + .02A3 + .10A4 550 hrs.
.05y1 + .21y2 + .02y3 + .10y4 100 hrs.
.03A1 + .15A2 + .04A3 + .15A4 500 hrs.
.03y1 + .15y2 + .04y3 + .15y4 100 hrs.
R1 + S1 + x1 = A1 + y1
R2 + S2 + x2 = A2+ y2
R3 + S3 + x3 = A3 + y3
R4 + S4 + x4 = A4 + y4
y1 + A1 = 1,800
y2 + A2 = 1,400
y3 + A3 = 1,600
y4 + A4 = 1,800
Ri, Si, xi, Ai, yi 0
R1 = 1,691.954 s1 = s2 = s3 = 0
R2 = 1,319.54 s2 = 866.6667
R3 = 1,600 y1 = 0 Z = $85,472.60
R4 = 933.33 y2 = 315.1514
A1 = 1,800 y3 = 0
A2 = 1,084.849 y4 = 388.1822
A3 = 1,600 x1 = 108.0457
A4 = 1,461.818 y2 = 80.4599
x3 = x4 = 0
(a) Let xij = amount invested for i months in month
j where i = 1,3 and 7, and j = 1, 2, ..., 12.
subject to
Jan: x11 x31 x71 + 2,450 + 3,800 = 2,750
Feb: x11 x12 x32 x72 + 2,450 = 2,860
Mar: x12 x13 x33 x73 + 2,450 = 2,335
Apr: x13 x14 + x31 x34 x74 + 2,450 = 2,120
May: x14 x15 + x32 x35 x75 + 2,450 = 1,205
June: x15 x16 + x33 x36 x76 + 2,450 = 1,600
July: x16 x17 + x34 x37 x77 + 2,450 = 3,050
Aug: x17 x18 + x35 x38 + x71 x78 + 2,450 = 2,300
Sep: x18 x19 + x36 x39 + x72 x79 + 2,450 = 1,975
Oct: x19 x110 + x37 x310 + x73 x710 + 2,450 = 1,670
Nov: x110 x111 + x38 x311 + x74 x711 + 2,450 = 2,710
Dec: x111 x112 + x39 x312 + x75 x712 + 2,450 = 2,980
Investments (i = 1,3,7)
= + +
= = =
0 005 0 02 0 07
(b)Using sensitivity analysis for the January
constraint, the lower range for the right hand
side is 410. Thus, Susan needs $710 out of her
original $3,800 to make the model feasible
(i.e., avoid an infeasible solution).
xij = tons of unprocessed grape juice transported
from vineyard i to plant j where i = n (New
York), p (Pennsylvania), o (Ohio), and j = v
(Virginia), m (Michigan), t (Tennessee), i
yij = tons of grape juice processed into product i at
plant j where i = j (juice), k (concentrate), l
minimize Z = $850xnv + 720xnm + 910xnt + 750xni
+ 970xpv + 790xpm + 1,050xpt
+ 880xpi + 900xov + 830xom + 780xot
+ 820xoi + 2,100yjv + 2,350yjm
+ 2,200yjt + 1,900yji + 4,100ykv
+ 4,300ykm + 3,950ykt + 3,900yki
+ 2,600ylv + 2,300ylm + 2,500ylt
+ 2,800yli
subject to
xnv + xnm + xnt + xni 1,400
xpv + xpm + xpt + xpi 1,100
xov + xom + xot + xoi 1,700
y3 = 213.2 x3 = 762.3
y4 = 417.6 x4 = 861.1
y5 = 54.3 x5 = 1148.6
y6 = 408.4 x6 = 1030.5
y7 = 147.0 x7 = 1284.3
y8 = 284.9 x8 = 1238.7
y9 = 189.7 x9 = 1336.8
y10 = 222.1 x10 = 1326.0
y11 = 152.4 x11 = 1349.2
y12 = 302.4 x12 = 1299.2
y13 = 279.9 x13 = 1406.7
y14 = 73.1 x14 = 1475.6
y15 = 517.8 x15 = 1327.4
y16 = 0 x16 = 1646.1
x17 = 411.5
x18 = 370.4
x19 = 333.3
x20 = 300.0
Z = 3,532
Note: This would logically be best solved as an integer
programming model, however the model is so large it
exceeds the capabilities of Excel to solve in a
reasonable amount of time.