Advance Mechanics of Solid
Advance Mechanics of Solid
Advance Mechanics of Solid
Course Code MEC204 Course Category Course Title ADVANCED MECHANICS OF SOLIDS Courses with Numerical focus Course Planner 13412::Aditya Veer Gautam Lectures 4.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 1.0 0.0 5.0
TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Engineering Mechanics of solids Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 Title Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of solids Advanced Mechanics of Materials Advanced Mechanics of Materials Advanced Mechanics of Solid Author R.C. Hibbeler Beer & Johnson Boresi, A.P., and Sidebottom O.M Srinath, L.S Otto T Bruhns Edition 8th 6th 5th 3rd 1st 2008 2012 Year Publisher Name Prentice Hall Tata McGraw Hill John Wiley & Sons Tata McGraw Hill Springer Author E.P. Popov Edition 2nd Year Publisher Name Pearson
LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 6 2
Week 1
Lecture 1
Torsion(Review of Basics)
Week 1
Lecture 2
Torsion(Review of Basics)
T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.16.2 &amp ;amp; 6.8 T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.16.2 &amp ;amp; 6.8 T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.16.2 &amp ;amp; 6.8
Lecture 3
Torsion(Review of Basics)
Lecture 4
Torsion(Review of Basics)
Week 2
Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Torsion(Shearing stress and deformations in inelastic range) Torsion(Thin walled hollow members) Lecture 7 Torsion(Shaft couplings) Torsion(Torsion of non-circular members) Lecture 8 Torsion(Torsion of non-circular members) Pressure Vessel(Thick- Walled Pressure vessels) T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.13 T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.16 T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.12 T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.14
Test 1 Derivation Derivation Derivation Derivation introduction to inelastic Slide Show range introduction to thin Slide Show walled hollow member use of shaft coupling application of torsion to members which are not circular in nature application of torsion to members which are not circular in nature Introduction to pressure Slide Show vessel Introduction to pressure vessel Introduction to pressure vessel Introduction to pressure Slide Show vessel Introduction to pressure vessel stress and strain analysis in rotating disc Slide Show
T-1:Ch- 6/Sec-6.14
Week 3
Lecture 10 Lecture 11
T-1:Ch- 5/Sec-5.11
Derivation Derivation
Pressure Vessel(Thick-Walled T-1:Ch- 5/Sec-5.12 Pressure vessel Solution to General Problem Static Equilibrium) Pressure Vessel(Thick-Walled T-1:Ch- 5/Sec-5.12 Pressure vessel Solution to General Problem Static Equilibrium) Pressure Vessel(Thin walled pressure Vessels) Pressure Vessel(Geometric Compatibility and Properties of Material) Thick Walled Pressure Vessel (Remarks on thin disc problem) Thick Walled Pressure Vessel (Special Cases of thick vessels) T-1:Ch- 5/Sec-5.9 T-1:Ch- 5/Sec-5.13
Lecture 12
Derivation Derivation
Lecture 14 Lecture 15
Week 4
Lecture 16
Thick Walled Pressure Vessel (Thick-Walled Pressure vessel Solution to General Problem (differential equation and its solution)) Bending of Beams(Review)
T-1:Ch- 5/Sec-5.12
Week 5
Lecture 17
revision of concepts of bending of beams revision of concepts of bending of beams revision of concepts of bending of beams
Lecture 18
Bending of Beams(Review)
Lecture 19
Bending of Beams(Review)
Lecture 20 Week 6 Lecture 21 Lecture 22 Lecture 23 Bending of Beams(Elastic strain energy in pure bending) Bending of Beams(Elastic strain energy in pure bending) Bending of Beams(Elastic strain energy in pure bending) Bending of Beams continue (Inelastic bending of beams) Lecture 24 Bending of Beams continue (Inelastic bending of beams) Bending of Beams continue(Beams of two material) Bending of Beams continue(Beams of two material) Bending of Beams continue (Curved Beams) T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.7 T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.7 T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.7 T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.8
use of energy equation in beams use of energy equation in beams use of energy equation in beams application of equation for beams in inelastic region application of equation for beams in inelastic region
T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.8
Week 7
Lecture 25
T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.9
how to solve the Slide Show problem of composites beams how to solve the Slide Show problem of composites beams conceptual Slide Show understanding of curved beams and its comparison with straight beams conceptual Slide Show understanding of curved beams and its comparison with straight beams
Lecture 26
T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.9
Lecture 27
T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.10
Lecture 28
T-1:Ch- 8/Sec-8.10
Week 8 Lecture 29 Shearing Stress in Beam (Introduction) T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.110.2 revision of shear stress in beams
Week 8
Lecture 29 Lecture 30
Slide Show
Shearing Stress in Beam(The T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.4 shearing stress formula for Beams) Shearing Stress in Beam(Warpage of plane sections due to shear) T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.5
Introduction to warpage phenomenon drawbacks of shearing stress formula shearing stress in flanges Concept of shear centre application of direct and indirect stress Derivation Stress in spring Slide Show
Lecture 31
Shearing Stress in Beam T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.6 (Limitations of the shearing stress) Shearing Stress in Beam(Shear stress in beam flanges) T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.7 T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.8 T-1:Ch- 10/Sec-10.9
Lecture 32
Shearing Stress in Beam(Shear centre) Shearing Stress in Beam (Combined direct and torsional shear stress)
Week 9
Lecture 33
Spring(Stresses in closely coiled Helical Springs) Spring(Deflection of Closely Coiled Helical Springs)
T-1:Ch10/Sec-10.10 T-1:Ch10/Sec-10.11
Strain in spring
Lecture 34 Lecture 35 Lecture 36 Week 10 Lecture 37 Spring(Yield and Fracture criteria) T-1:Ch- 12/Sec-12.1 Theories of Failure(Maximum shear stress theory) Theories of Failure(Maximum distortion energy theory) T-1:Ch- 12/Sec-12.2 T-1:Ch- 12/Sec-12.3
Test 3 Derivation Derivation Introduction to failure criteria application of different Slide Show theories of failure application of different Slide Show theories of failure application of different Slide Show theories of failure application of different Slide Show theories of failure Derivation analysis of plates under forces analysis of plates under Slide Show forces Derivation analysis of plates under Slide Show forces analysis of plates under Slide Show forces analysis of plates under forces analysis of plates under forces
Theories of Failure(Comparison of T-1:Ch- 12/Sec-12.4 maximum shear and distortion energy theories for plane stress) Lecture 38 Lecture 39 Lecture 40 Week 11 Lecture 41 Theories of Failure(Maximum normal stress theory) Plate Theory(Bending of thin plates) Plate Theory(Assumptions of plate theory) Plate Theory(GDE for deflection of plates) T-1:Ch- 12/Sec-12.5 R-3:Ch13/Sec-13.1 R-3:Ch13/Sec-13.1 R-3:Ch13/Sec-13.4 R-5:Ch 8/Sec 8.3.1
Lecture 42 Lecture 43
Plate Theory(Boundary conditions) R-3:Ch13/Sec-13.7 Plate Theory(Solutions for rectangular plates) Plate Theory(Navier's and Levy's solutions) R-3:Ch13/Sec-13.8 R-3:Ch13/Sec-13.8
Week 11
Lecture 44
Plate Theory(Navier's and Levy's solutions) Plate Theory(Solutions for rectangular plates)
analysis of plates under forces analysis of plates under forces analysis of plates under forces Introduction to shell theory
Week 12
Lecture 45 Lecture 46
Plate Theory(Circular plates) Plate Theory(Membrane theory of shells of revolution and cylindrical shells)
Lecture 47
energy within the material under different conditions energy within the Slide Show material under different conditions energy within the Slide Show material under different conditions energy within the material under different conditions energy within the material under different conditions use of energy methods to solve problem use of energy methods to solve problem use of energy methods to solve problem use of energy methods to solve problem use of energy methods to solve problem use of energy methods to solve problem use of energy methods to solve problem Slide Show Slide Show Slide Show Slide Show
The Energy Methods(Elastic Strain T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.2 energy for uniaxial stress) The Energy Methods(Elastic Strain T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.2 energy) The Energy Methods(Elastic strain T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.2 energy in pure bending) The Energy Methods(Elastic strain T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.2 energy for Shearing Stresses) Lecture 48 The Energy Methods T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.3 (Displacements by conservation of Energy) The Energy Methods(Virtual work T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.4 Principle) The Energy Methods(Virtual work T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.4 method) Lecture 50 The Energy Methods(Virtual work T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.5 method for deflections) The Energy Methods(Virtual work T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.6 equations for elastic systems) Lecture 51 Lecture 52 The Energy Methods(Virtual displacements for equilibrium) The Energy Methods(Virtual displacements for equilibrium) T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.8 T-1:Ch- 17/Sec-17.8
Week 13
Lecture 49
Week 14 Lecture 53 R-5:Ch8/Sec-8.4 Membrane theory of shells of revolution and cylindrical shells More insight Naviers and Levys solutions revision
Lecture 54
R-3:Ch- 13/Sec-13.8
Test 1
To do the revision of A set of problems are to be given in order to do the revision of Individual basic required for solid mechanics course which is a prerequisite of the course. This Advanced level will almost cover the entire syllabus To test analytical skill To test analytical skill Numerical test based on topic covered so far i.e Torsion,Pressure Individual Vessel,Bending of beams Numerical test based on topic covered so far i.e Spring , Failure Theory , Columns Individual
marks scored
Test 2 Test 3
5/5 9/9
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)
Torsion Thin walled hollow members,Shearing stress and deformations in inelastic range Numerical on Thin- Walled Pressure vessels Numerical on Thin- Walled Pressure vesselscontinue Numerical on Thick- Walled Pressure vessels Numerical on Thick- Walled Pressure vessels continue Bending Of Beams
Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving
After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Shearing Stress in Beam Spring Theories of Failure Plate Theory Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving
Tutorial 12 Tutorial 13